Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Next morning, I was sleeping without clothes but I was sore in bottom. He was rough yesterday and was definitely better than all the ones I have spent night. I need to have his number, He was indeed different. But my left side was blank. Some noises were coming from the private laboratory and when I peeped in I saw he was engaged in mixing some chemicals. I watched him for sometime and slowly his stern face smirked evilly. When I enquired about the same, he told that he had kept his promise. He has made one chemical which will mix in the air and the zombies will now recognise human scents, identify any object whether it has blood or not, can recognise voices from 2km radius and will turn much more heinous and the most important thing even after they are hit with anything they will not stop until and unless they are shot or hit with sharp objects in their head. And also if they bit others the transformation will hardly takes 5 minutes. After mixing this potion in the air in the Zombies park, you can put the blame on Shivangi. Both the humans laughed evilly with their eyes showing different emotions of revenge. Soon Natasha secretly visited the park which the zombies are kept and mixed the potion in the air using a pump. She could see the zombies were wriggling and becoming more aggressive. The blood game has begun now.
Writers View
On the other hand in the same night, Mr Stuart was having a conversation with one of the billionaires of the world, Mr Hary Grady. He wanted to purchase this island and experiment it in their labs and rule the whole world as by turning his enemies into zombies he could make terror in the world. But since this project was handeled by the government he though to bribe Mr Stuart as he was in this incharge. And Stuart being a money minded person agreed to it immediately. Hary ordered his men to capture only 10 zombies out of the park and take them in a secured helicopter. The process would take place in the early dawn before the whole staff wakes up. But before that Natasha has done her part which was unknown to Stuart. Stuart was unknown to the consequences which his daughter did. He was unknown to everything that is why they planned the trapping of the zombies on a simpler way. They would simply open the park’s main gate by turning the main switch off which provides power supply to rest of the park. The power cut will shut the entire system and the electric wires will remain neutral with no high voltage electricity. And the alarms will not ring when the main gate will be opened. According to their plan, they will open the gates and few of his men will go inside with a goat which will attract the zombies and when the zombies will be busy feeding on the goat they will trap the zombies and take them with them in a secured container and the gates will be closed manually.

As planned, Hary’s men reached the power unit and cut off the power. In this way the whole island’s electricity went off. On the other side as the power went off, then as a cue, the opened the gate manually and gradually they entered the park. They tied the goat to a nearby tree which was making constant noises. The men were ready the guns and trapping equipment and night vision cameras. Soon the snarling noises started to come indicating the zombies are arriving. The men became alarmed. Soon the goat’s sound vanished. Peeping towards the goat’s direction only the goats head was lying in the ground. All were horrified as the zombies were nowhere found. They decided to search around. While suddenly, from behind one zombie hovered on one of the men and started to bite him mercilessly. The man’s scream grew louder and the rest of the members were busy shooting the body of the zombie but still the zombie remain unaffected and continued to tear the man. The men fail to shoot on its head and were horrified with the fact that it was not stopping as they got the information that with a single bullet they could be knocked down. Being horrified they started to proceed towards the main gate and slowly most of the men were grabbed by the zombies and they themselves turned into one. The last one which moved out of the main gate decided to close the gate immediately. He was closing the gate but unfortunately his hand was bitten by the zombies who managed to reach the gate. Alas, the gate didn’t shut and the zombies started to move in different directions. The scene ends showing some zombies were moving towards the main office (where all scientists and others were staying) bringing death to innocents in their way.
Next morning, everyone woke up and gathered the meeting hall. They were supposed to have survey on the zombie park. But the power was off till then. So one of the members went to turn the generator on. But he was taking time. So, all of the members decided to go for the survey in  secured buses. Natasha was constantly smirking seeing Shivangi but the latter remain confused. In the bus Natasha kept a seat for Mohsin but he ignored her and sit on the seat behind Shivangi. The journey started and there were 3 buses moving. Mohsin was admiring Shivangi from the window glass having Jelly on her lap. On reaching the last door the drivers decided to open the gate as it was very big and need more people to open it. But Jelly suddenly started to bark and Shivangi went down from the bus with Jelly in her hands and his barks were disturbing others. Mohsin also moved forward behind Shivangi, feeling uneasy. But when the drivers went down to open the large gate by themselves, they opened a saw the guy who was standing showing his back towards the drivers. From his jacket they recognised it was the same guy who went to turn on the generator. They called him but when he turned all of the members gasped. Seeing the figure, Jelly started to bark loudly and Shivangi when moved towards the direction was horrified to see it. She stumbled behind but was balanced by Mohsin. Both of them uttered: ZOMBIES……

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