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I am very very sorry guys, my exams were there so I was totally busy in that.

Now coming to the story.

The Zombies started invading in the area with disbalanced steps. They attacked the first bus as the screams were louder first. Due to the fear, all the people started closing the door. The buses were AC buses that is why it was whole covered in glasses. Mohsin and Shivangi were outside, when they tried to enter the bus, they were pushed aside and closed the door on their faces. Shivangi was screaming to open the door but Mohsin grabbed her and asked her to run. They both with Jelly started to run to the main office. The zombies were more focused on the buses as they can witness movements in the bus. But some of them witness Shivin running, so, they followed them.

Shivin were running at cheetah’s pace with Jelly with them who chose to be a silent spectator witnessing the scenario in front of him. After a run of 10 minutes, they reached the main office and both of them went to the control room. In the control room, they can see the live activites in the park. There were several monitors in the control room showing different areas of the park. The view horrified them as almost every area of the park is covered with zombies. They look for the footage near the gate where they witnessed that one bus was fully destroyed. They concluded that the zombies might have dug in somehow killing all the people in the bus. Other two buses were moving towards the exit point at a full speed. But suddenly the second bus was moving on different path and it moved in a zigzag way.

Shivin were confused. Mohsin zoomed the video. They saw on zombie was clinging to driver’s seat from outside. It showed that the zombie was successful in biting the driver and the driver was getting infected. And due to all of this the bus directly hit several zombies in their way and hit a tree. The glasses of the bus broke down injuring the people inside. Many got deep cut and the collision with the tree made a great sound. The driver and people in the front died on spot. But this commotion and the smell of blood attracted thousands of zombies from outside. And they started moving towards the bus. No sooner they reached the bus and started attacking the injured people. The people inside were wailing heavily and in a matter of seconds some were torn into pieces and some started to change into zombies themselves. The scene was such that a bus was crashed and thousands of zombies were pondering over them. But fortunately, there was leak in fuel and out of nowhere fire broke out. And with a blink of an eye, the bus exploded killing all the creatures in and around it. The explosion was big that both Shivangi and Mohsin could hear sitting in the control room. The 3rd bus in which Shivin were present moved out of the way without any hurdle.

Both Shivin were horrified but Shivnagi’s condition was worse. She was scared to death. She was literally shivering out of fear and Jelly was consoling her by licking her hands. Mohsin saw this and asked her to be prepared for more worse. He suggested that they have to move immediately as the zombies were reaching near the office. They were mostly covered with zombies from all the sides. However, they found an area in the backyard where they can escape. But the exit point is far-far away from the office building. They have to travel to the farthest helipad which is on the bottom of the hill whereas the main office was situated on the top of the hill. They can’t travel to the nearest helipad as it is covered with zombies fully.

Both decided that they will go through a mini-bus which was fortunately present in the garage. But before that they have to arrange some necessities like food medicines, weapons etc. Till then Shivangi’s condition was better as she made up her mind to fight the world. But who says that a person who is strong from outside is strong from inside. She has no one to support if she falls, she has no one to cry if she dies. Jelly was a small puppy. He might wail for one or two month but will get along with his new guardian. But will she be missed by someone in this world? She thought she might have a crush on her Mohsin, but latter don’t have any feelings for her; if he does that is hatred. Her condition was worse as she has no parents, no siblings, and no friends and at last she was not able to get her first crush. One cannot force himself or herself to love someone, isn’t it? With all these thoughts she has made up her mind that she has nothing to lose in this world and could die happily without any hesitation.

Both took one walkie-talkie with them to stay connected. Shivangi went to the medical section in the lab as she was a virologist; she got better information about medicines and drugs. She started to put all the necessary medicines and injection, bandages, tools, soluble liquids, hand gloves, chloroform, and also one antidote which she prepared during this period. This antidote was still not being put to experiment and was unknown to others. She packed all the necessities in to a big bag and proceeded towards the kitchen to pack the food. She mostly packed canned foods as they stay longer and make less noises bin comparison to the packet foods. She carried lots of drinking water with them and started proceeding towards garage.

On the other hand, Mohsin went to his room and packed his hacking devices with him. He doesn’t know when it might need sometime. Then he packed some of his clothes with him as he can’t carry the whole bag during this escape journey. He went outside his room and was passing by Shivangi’s room. He halted and went inside to take some of her clothes too. He saw on the study table one pendent was lying there and it contains the picture of Shivangi. She was looking so pretty in it. He smiled a little and took it inside his pocket and left the room. He then went to weapons department and took enough ammunition like hand grenades, guns, knives for murdering etc. with him as he knew they would badly need them in their journey. He was carrying them when he saw Shivangi was moving towards garage but one of the zombie was following her.

Mohsin’s POV

Holy shit!!!!!!!! They got into the building. And she, God knows in which land she belong to, she should be alarmed but she is busy in cooing Jelly. I as a smart person, shooted the Zombies head. My gun didn’t make any sound as a silencer was fitted inside it. When its body fell, then madam got aware of the surroundings. Aghhh stop thinking all these, I need to move fast rather than killing myself.
And within seconds, I got myself into the mini-bus and started it. Shivangi also joined me into the bus and we started our journey towards the head control room which is near the zombie park, through which we can call for a helicopter.

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