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“What happens when you wake up in middle of the night after having a deadly nightmare and suddenly in front of you, you see an unknown figure standing before you with a murder weapon in his hand and you are being alone in a dark room and the lights are not working. Same happened with Mohsin.

Just he came out of the trance of his friend’s death and he saw a figure with a weird structure and looking at him like he is its prey. He didn’t know what to do because for the first time he is clueless of whatever happening in his surroundings.

Who are you?” What you need? said a worried Mohsin. But the figure started moving towards him with having misbalanced in his steps.Mohsin was stepping backwards as the figure started moving towards him.

The figure was having an awful smell. His clothes were covered with blood and wet with unknown liquid and was smelling so awful. It had his mouth opened revealing a black view of his mouth. He was moving with growling sounds.

Mohsin attempted to fight with him by punching it in his body. The figure fell down making awful noises but few seconds later he again woke up and this time it fiercely pounded upon Mohsin pressing its finger into his biceps causing pain to his arms. Mohsin found a glass piece which was lying in front of the table. He grabbed it and just pierced it inside the neck of the zombie and it fell down on the growling.But suddenly due to the glass piece Mohsin saw that black blue fluid was flowing from the figure’s body.

He was not able to understand what it was. It was a human figure but its body was totally changed to like of a monster. When it stopped moving Mohsin went near him and started finding any clue from its clothes. Then he found one id card, Ebuke Dorwin, Holy Shit! He was the creepy gate keeper who didn’t share a good relationship with anyone.

Mohsin was terrified to find Dorwin in such state he was wondering how a good looking guy suddenly turned into demon from face and actions. Removing these thoughts he tried to sneak out of the room but only to meet same figures standing in the lobby moving towards nothing.

Suddenly, he saw that one of his neighbours older than him tried to pass on these creatures but one of the zombies identified his human smell and immediately attacked him accompanied by the other zombies. And slowly the person’s limbs were torn off and he was eaten alive but his screams echoed the whole building.

Mohsin was getting terrified now. No matter how much brave you are but when you are facing death in front of you, you are bound to get some Goosebumps inside you. Mohsin was not understanding how to approach outside and call for help. Later he decided that he should move outside through the kitchen window and he did so without making any sound.

He went outside and started screaming for help. But instead of seeing helping figures, he saw more of those kind of creatures started coming towards him. One of them he recognized was the old lady who once came in front of his car when he was driving home being drunk, however later she forgave him when he offered 2 million dollars as compensation. Money can buy everything!

Precap-Tell me who saved Mohsin?
Target-15.Plz complete the limits of previous chapter too.

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Stay blessed.

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