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Surprise!! Surprise!!
Hope you enjoy it.Eagerly awaiting for your review.Do votes and comments.

The person who saved Mohsin was his colleague Shane. Well they were cigarette buddies.😁

S: Bro we need to get out of here soon and report to the main office. Hopefully it’s safe there.

M: What is this bro? Why the normal people are turned into this? What happened to them suddenly within a night? Everything was so normal yesterday.

But suddenly! Today I lost my best friend I have and now everyone has become the murderer of another one. Is this some kind of civil war going on?, He kept on ranting questions after questions. Till then they moved towards his car and started driving towards their office.

S: Calm down Bro, I also didn’t know anything. But I called the boss. He told me to come to the office immediately with you. When I started the car everyone like them just started banging my car door. Without thinking anything I moved my car at a high speed crushing some of them under the tires. But before that I killed Emily.

Shane said calmly as if nothing happened.It's not a big deal.Mohsin gets a shocked and expressionlessly looked at shane face.

M: What! How could you do this? You killed her! Bro she was your girlfriend and you killed her! I know this concept of love is just worthless but you could have thought before killing a human. Did she try to harm you?

S: No bro, she tried to save me from those biters and she got herself bit but then luckily escaped from getting torn. And do you know why she did that because she could not see me dying in front of her eyes. She loved me dearly.


M: Listen, I don’t understand this shit. You love her, she loved you then why you killed her!

S, with tears: Before dying, she asked me to kill her. She would not want to live like these monsters. But she died on spot and sometime after she got changed into one of those. That’s why I had to shoot her.Shane broken down.

M: Why did you do that? We could have taken her to hospital and get her treated. At least she could have survived.

S: There is no point in killing a dead!

M: What! Dead, you mean all of these are dead?

S: Yes, none of them have life inside them. Only a virus has made them working like these. They have no feelings, no ambitions but only thing they have is the sense of human smell. They are the innocent but heinous monsters in human form. I know you are not fan of all these but this has become the fiction come true. These are the zombies.

Mohsin was hell shocked with the information he got. He was dumbstruck. All those which happened in horror films are happening in front of his eyes.He jerked off his head.Mohsin looked him in disbelief.

M-Are you crazy shane??I think you need a proper rest.

He can't but laugh in this serious situation.But little did he knows its true.

Suddenly he received a call from their office. When they picked up they heard screams and the speaker spoke, Don’t come here! Go! Go Away, Save yourselves and the call got cut. They understood that their office also got captured with these creepy creatures.

Now what! We have to move ourselves from the city. They were about to when they saw fighter planes and helicopters flying above them. Suddenly, their car stopped. Shane tried to start it but can’t. You wait, I will check what’s happened said Shane. Before Mohsin could refuse, Shane left. Mohsin also came out but unfortunately their door got locked. They were trying to open it but suddenly they heard some growling noises. Shane heard it but not Mohsin. Shane immediately pushed Mohsin into the dark bushes and the biters attacked Shane.

Mohsin tried to come out but that when Shane grabbed the pistol and shooted those creatures and they fell down the road. Then Mohsin went near Shane but he shouted, No! Go away, just save yourself. I have got bitten and soon I will be changed into them. Mohsin was feeling guilty that if didn’t come out of the car in haste then it could not have got locked and they could have get saved. Shane understood what was going on in Mohsin’s mind so he told, Don’t think it’s your fault. I am in fact happy indeed that I will die just like my love. I am coming Emily!

Turning towards Mohsin he said please just fulfil my one wish when I would get myself turned shoot me immediately! Mohsin nodded in guilt. He then saw Shane died and gradually started changing (like the same process which the small boy died and changed in hospital). Mohsin was horrified and with shaking hands fired the bullet and Shane fell down once again leaving the world finally.

Mohsin was too much sad with the occurring. He was on an urgent need of puffs. If possible he could finish the whole packet in one minute. Again he heard the growling sounds, but now coming from the bushes the place where he was supposed to hide and there were no place around where he could hide. He understood it was the biters approaching him due to the sound of the bullets. Without thinking anything he hid himself under the car. But he remembered about the human smell idea which Shane told.Unknowingly he started belief shene's words.

He hid himself without being seen and heard but how could he hid his smell. Suddenly he found the petrol tube under the car. He cut the tube with a knife and get himself wet with petrol smell. The biters came there and were there for some time but were unable to locate him as he was unseen and also his human scent was replaced with petroleum scent.

After the biters went away Mohsin ran from there and just reached the park. The sun was setting and the whole city was echoing screams. Unable to hear those screams anymore he closed his ears tightly. He was too tired of all these. He was drained out. After these scenarios, he felt that he was the only person living in this world. He wanted to cry aloud but his body was not helping him.And sleep engulfed him.

He felt a little drowsy and suddenly when he was about to fall two soft hands hold him firmly. His whole body perfectly fitted with her body just like two adjacent puzzle piece. He thought that it might be those biters and he accepted death but his heart was telling him something else

Precap-Go with the flow.
Target-30 votes.


So, the story is going on a high transition now. The leads may or may not be meeting soon. Also don’t forget there is a negative character. Now tell who caught Mohsin? Whose were the soft arms?

Do you like the present flow of the student?Is there any suggestion or criticism??

And plz consider mistakes.
Stay blessed.
1208 words.

N.B-Thanks @soumi521 for this surprise.

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