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Mohsin’s pov

I could hear many people talking around me in a firm tone. I could hear weeping voices all over the area. Ohh Gosh Where am I? Am I dead? Am I in the hell right now? My eyes are betraying me to do some work. I am whole around covered with darkness.

Suddenly I heard someone calling my name. The sounds seems to be familiar. With some power I opened my eyes only to feel my boss present in front of me. Oh hell no, my boss again. Now what he wants don’t know.

B: Mohsin, Glad you are awake. I was feared to death you know to see you in this condition. I thought you will left me like all the other collegeuas.

M: So, kind of you, Sir. Now, tell me the work boss. Don’t beat around the bush.

B: Well you know that all the other collegueas had died. And now you are the only hope. All the other companies had broken the link with us. But only solution can save the future of the company is you. You have to go off shore in order to save the company. I know Mohsin you are eligible enough to get a better job but please I beg you to work for us the last time. I will not ask you anymore.

M: I will think about it. Do let me spend some alone time.

Alas, this time also the world is becoming selfish with him. What will he do is decided by some another who is just thinking about his own benefit. What if something happens to him? Who will take care of him if he is injured?

Rubbing the unshed tear from his eyes he moved to another side of the room. Loneliness is one of the pain which unless is not felt cant be understand though. He just few seconds back was fighting with death and when he opened his eye he wished that someone would be concern for him but alas, there was concern but there was a motive behind that concern. He didn’t know but he felt to die rather than survive in this selfish world. He had everything that a man desires in terms of resources but  alas he didn’t feel them. He that moment needed a hand who could wipe his tears, a hand which will be on his back assuring him that the, hand will always be there in any situation.

Moving towards another room, he started hearing some noises. Some dreadful noises which seemed that will burst his ears. Who the Hell is shouting like a maniac man! He thought, moving closer to the source of sound. At last he found two figures standing in front of them. One of them has a long silky multicolour hair, wearing a pencil heal and most revealing dress.

Oh wait man, when she turned, I felt that she is very much rich. Do you know why? Cause I think she had bought the entire make up showroom. Her face colour was very much different from her body colour. She was looking like she was wearing a white mask on her face and the eyeliner covered her face indeed. Wait is it the time for Halloween!

No, but why she was wearing a Halloween makeup. God knows how much she loves Halloween. But why she is shouting, oh there is another girl, ahh with a normal figure but short heighted than this girl. But her face is covered with mask and face shield. I could not see her face but only her eyes. Her eyes were something which no words can explain. Her eyes shown loneliness, pain, tiredness just like mine.  Ignore the blood stain and hair.

Mohsin’s Pov

I was being brought out of my trance with that filthy voice again. Hi I am Natasha Mike. The most hottier girl in the world. You know I am a beauty with brains. I am the top viriologist in Canada.

My father is the head of the Zombie evacuation project. Moreover, you should thank me. Moving closer to him and moving her fingers on his face, I have saved you, you are lucky to get me. And now we will meet every time. If you want we can spend time tonight mr. handsome, she winks, You know what I mean. Oh God! What a crap she is. And moreover, beauty where is beauty? I cant find any beauty infront of me! And she has brains. Means wow. She doesn’t even know that it is Hottest not most hottier.

Gosh, having brains with a low grammer IQ, interesting. I don’t know but I feel disugusted from her presence and she was asking me to spend time with her. Gosh but now she has saved my life so logically I have to say thank you to her. Interesting, Who made these polite rules, God knows. It would have been better if Natasha would have appeared in front of the rule maker.

Aaghh, stop this nonsense and speak thank you Mohsin, Ok concentrate. Come on mouth, its only two words, why aren’t you opening? I know I am helpless but don’t at least you betray me. But alas the mouth betrayed me and I passed a weirdest smile which no one can decipher.

Natasha was confused over my actions. My gaze moved towards the other woman standing there. I don’t know why I felt to say some words to her. Hi, I am Mohsin. Natasha frowned as neither I introduced myself not even given her any drop of attention. Oh leave her, she is the dumbest girl, she even don’t have a dressing sense. See her she is wearing an Indian suit and see her plazo of one side is torn. She even cant present herself properly. Ignoring her words, the girl tried to came towards me to introduce herself but suddenly her heel got broken and she fell down. Seeing that Natasha started laughing loudly. I don’t know but I also started laughing. Gosh this girl is really crazy. Natasha has indeed better dressing sense than her, I said audibly. Natasha while laughing said, Baby why are you comparing me with her, she is not comparable to my nail even. And don’t know why my head nodded in positive while laughing.

But my laughing came to a halt when I saw water in her eyes. I don’t know but I felt tremendously sad and guilt for my actions. I am not born to get sad because of others, his mind roared. I followed my mind but my heart stopped my laughs and hurted me with guilt. Don’t know why I was feeling guilty. Without speaking anything, she tried to run away with naked feet. She ran away stumbling which increased the laughter of Natasha.

Soon, my guilt started changing into anger and the point when Natasha tried to grab my face, I roared like anything. I myself don’t know why. Excuse me miss whatever, I guess you are hitting the wrong guy. I am thankful that you saved my life but listen miss, I am not habituated with carrying ghost by my side all the time. And also I am not that type of guy, whom you stuck around. So please watch your steps before you leap. With that I roared out of the room.

Natasha’s POV

Ughh, he is freaking hot. I never came across such a Greek God never ever in my life. I guess I can date him over a year. I cant resist myself to spend nights with him. But wait, he rejected me. Means no boys can reject me and he did. I will make him mine by hook or crook. Wait mr handsome.

Mohsin came outside to grab a meal and then he saw the same girl was feeding some food to some children whose parents are not there. Gosh, he can’t see her face, her face was covered with a big mask. She was consoling them. After sometime he discovered that those children’s parents couldn’t survive. This made the children more devasted and they were crying badly. And the girl was consoling them. Mohsin face stiffened. He remembered his childhood, when his parents left him, he was crying like this only. No one came to console him. No one came to assure him that the person will stay with him forever. No one became his guardian angel.

Capturing these thoughts he looked towards the girl who was busy consoling the children, forgetting her food whereas her colleagues and Ms, Ghost was busy gossiping with their colleagues. Soon it was announced that they would be taken to a safer where the scientist, engineers and technicians would be going to a separate island along with the zombies so that they can get a cure for the zombies. Soon, helicopters arrived and they departed to the island. Wait that girl was also heading with them.
Tell me who was the girl?

The Zombies are being set free on the island having electric boundaries. Nearing them will give severe shock.
Mohsin you have to go near the fences and you will be accompanied by…..

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