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Chapter 8
Mohsin’s Pov

All the candidates are hereby informed that they are supposed to report to gate no.21 for their departure. All these were being heard. I look around and found crying and gloomy faces all around.

Children are crying bitterly for their vanished parents, some parents are weeping for their loss of their child, some lost its arm. Some lost their legs.

All these situations shows me a dreadful nightmare which I wanted to leave it early. As the announcement was made I moved myself to the given gate number. I was so lost in myself that I reached near the edge of the staircase, I didn’t realised. Suddenly I felt someone is biting me neer my leg. My eyes move towards a small puppy, probably looking like a Labrador. It was biting my boots.

Then I noticed the staircase below me. Gosh, another more step and I would have landed in the arms of my mom.

Thanks to this little devil who nowhere popped in front of me and saved my life. But wait how did it came here. Looking over its dog collar, a name was engraved in the collar, Jelly, wait What, Jelly, seriously!. I guess now I have to arrange jellies for this little chick. But wait what its doing here. I guess it belongs from a renowned family. His dog collar itself seems made of platinum, with the name being engraved in rose gold colour. But how it came here, where are its owners. I guess the owners might be finding it. Let me keep it with me for sometime.

Some time passed, the announcement has been already made, two flights had already departed and the last one will be in a few minutes. I guess, the puppy had hidden itself in one of the bunkers while the rescue mission is going. Like me I guess, now it is also an orphan. Let me take this with me then.

With special permission, I took my puppy for a new adventure to set in. 

Isla Sorna, the island.

Isla Sorna, an island full of mountains. Barely people reside in it. Once it was an area ruled my Aztec population, dated 1400 CE. It was carved with many historical monuments and scribing. Now it was covered with dense jungle.

However, few houses can be spot near the hill top indicating that some officers are living in this city. All these things are captured from the helicopter in which I was flying in. At last my helicopter landed near a waterfall, the scenary was divine. Seriously, no one can beat nature’s beauty.

When we stepped down several cars approached near us to take us to the main office. We were crossing the dense jungle, then I found the electric border in which the zombies are being kept.

They are released in a big park containing water resources, trees etc. It was guarded by electric fences all around. Nearing them can give them high electric shocks, burning them alive. It was decided that they should be kept freely in this guarded area so as to know their behaviour and find a proper solution for this. But of course they are all monitored under night vision cameras.

I and Jelly, with other engineers had reached the main office. It has a large door welcoming us and while entering we saw that it has a big hall accommodating around 2000 people. It was four storeyed building but it was not less than a castle. 

Welcome my dear doctors, engineers and technicians. You are gladly welcomed to create history for making a solution for the virus which was known in fictions but it turned into real. This place has the world’s best technology and it will be guided by you so that is why this place will be a safer place to create history. Well, I forgot to introduce myself; my name is Stuart Mike, the head of this project. We will be joining your talents to fight this deadly disease and hope the services provided will not disappoint you. Well speaking about me, see I am a young man but still able to manage a well- known company all around. I have a strong personality. People fear me and always abide by my sayings. Well, you guys can see my handsome feature made me look 25s but one secret I am actually 60 years old.

Holy crap, now from where this self praising man came from. Wait this man resemble the feature of that girl. I guess there might be any connection between them. Both of them if given a chance will start singing their praise in front of anybody. I was seriously having a jet lag due to constant running an now I have to listen to this old mad crow. Oh wait my mistake a 60 year young man’s talk. I was getting insane with time. This man kept on ranting his praise when suddenly Jelly started screaming out his lungs. The whole hall’s attention diverted to me. I was trying to stop this little devil in my hands but it was not stopping. Atlast I asked Mr. Stuart if I can move to my room and by getting a positive response I started to move to my room by scolding Jelly. As soon as I entered in my room, I started dancing like a maniac. I kissed the freaking puppy numerous times due to happiness. And interestingly, Jelly also stopped barking. I guess we are having same problem dude.

The next morning I was roaming in the labrotary with Jelly in my hand. Suddenly my eyes divereted towards a group who were sought of teasing some one.

Ohh miss, weirdo, polish my shoes buddy, I will pay for you sure, said one girl.

Hey why are you telling about payment, she will give us whatever we want, said a man lustfully looking towards her.

See, ashes are stuck on her face, poor girl she didn’t have money to buy a soap also.
They all laughed and the girl ran towards the hall.

I went to the open basement to have a walk. I and Jelly were strolling suddenly it was announced that the fog machine got hit by mistake and the fog from the cylinder started emerging. And in no time the whole area was covered with fog. Jelly got released from me by mistake and it started running and it got disappeared in the fog.

I started searching him like a maniac. Don’t know but I got attached to it very deeply. Many people came to me. They started consoling me like I have lost something or someone so dear in my life. People are sometimes too weird, isn’t it! I focused on finding Jelly but got no response from it. Defeated I sat down on my knees blaming my fate which snatched each and every one who creates a place in my heart.

Suddenly my heart beats started to rise; the sun seems to shine bright. Dismissing the fog a bit I can see someone was carrying Jelly in his or her arms. Slowly when the figure started to come closer, I don’t know my heart leaped in joy like found someone. I felt the cold air violently kissing my cheeks and telling my heart to calm down. I was having a peaceful feeling which I hadn’t had in so many year. Wait the person is a girl.

Natasha on recognising the person, laughed loudly by screaming, Ohh her comes, Ms, Weirdo, Miss Shivangi. The entire crowd started laughing except me.

Don’t know I was feeling peace in her presence out of those many people standing right behind me. Lastly when her face was revealed, the laughter was stopped. Silence was heard. Everyone was gawking her like if she belonged to a different world.

When I saw her face, time stopped for me. I was studying the God’s gift standing right in front of me. She is indeed a queen of beauty. Without wasting time, she moved towards the laboratory treating an unconscious Jelly who got into that state due to too much of fog. I regained my sense and then I moved towards her. She was playing with Jelly and that sight was worth melting for. Slowly I chanted one word which almost took my breathe, SHIVANGI.

Precap-Go with the flow.

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