3.) Lost and Found

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Yukio was running down the street by the supermarket when he got a call from Mephisto.

"This better be important," he muttered. "Yes, what is it?"

"Why, I'm simply calling to see how your search for our dear brother is going."

"W-what? Who told you that-"

"As it turns out, the search should be put to and end as soon as possible. I have just received a call from a distressed city resident. She found Rin's body in an alley ten minutes ago." Yukio paled. His heart sank into the souls of his shoes.

"Body? You mean... He's..."

"Dead? No. Simply unconscious. He just arrived at True Cross Hospital. He does appear to be in fairly rough condition, however. I would recommend you visit him. Well, now that I think of it, you must visit him. I have already informed Ms. Kirigakure. She will meet you at the hospital." With that, Mephisto hung up. Yukio ran a hand through his hair, and made his way towards the hospital.

When Yukio got to there, the waiting room was empty except for the woman standing at the front desk. She was an older woman, in her late fifties. Her brown hair was graying, and she stared emotionlessly at her phone. He ran up to her, Shura not far behind him.

"My brother was just brought to the hospital."

"What's his name?" The woman said lazily, setting down her phone.

"Okumura Rin." Yukio said. He wanted to shake the woman, to make her move faster.

"M'kay. Sit down somewhere. Doctor Kasumi is with him. I'll tell you when you can see him."

"I can't see him now?"

Obviously irritated, the woman said, "Sir, when someone is brought into the ER, they are seriously injured. It takes a fair amount of time to get 'em fixed up. So please, sit down and be patient." Reluctantly, Yukio walked to one of the waiting chairs. After what seemed like forever, he drifted into a fitful sleep.


"Sir, you wanted to see your brother? Sir?" The nurse stood above Yukio, shaking him lightly, trying to wake him up.

"I've got this," Shura said. Slapping him across the face, she yelled, "Oi, Chicken! Get your ass out of that damn chair!"

Yukio jumped awake, his eyes wide. When he saw that it was Shura who had hit him, he looked at her hopefully.

"Rin? Can we see him?"

"The doctor wants to talk to us first." Yukio paled. He knew that it was probably not going to be very good news.

"Well, come with me." The nurse led them down a hallway and into a cheery blue room. Inside, a somber-looking woman with jet black hair waited for them. Shura and Yukio walked inside, and sat in the chairs across from her.

"Hello. I am Doctor Kasumi, the neurologist treating your brother." She pulled out a sheaf of papers, and began ruffling through them. "Your brother, Okumura Rin, as you know, is currently unconscious. He has suffered two serious blows to the head, resulting in a severe concussion and equally serious craniocerebral trauma to his temporal lobe. While we cannot be certain what his symptoms will be until he awakes, possible symptoms are difficulty in processing speech, memory and hearing loss, increased aggressive behavior, apathy, seizures, and changes in sexual behavior. Now, I can bring you to his room. As I said before, he is unconscious. When he awakes, we will test him for any signs of serious permanent damage. Follow me. He is in room B284."

With that, she walked briskly out the door, through a maze of hallways, and finally stopping at Rin's room. Opening the door, Doctor Kasumi let Yukio and Shura in. She closed the door quietly behind them. Shura's eyes widened when she saw Rin on the hospital bed; Yukio, always one for hiding his emotions, showed no sign of distress. He, however, was just as upset as Shura.

Rin was motionless on the bed, bandages wrapped around his head. He was breathing shallowly, and the steady beep of a heart monitor was the only noise.

"Seeing that he is a... demon, we did not know how to treat him. We simply wrapped his wounds, and monitored his heartbeat and breathing. We are hoping that his demonic powers will help his wounds heal faster. If all goes perfectly, he could wake up even later today. We will make sure to contact you if anything happens. Now, visiting hours are almost over. Please, have a safe trip home." With that, she ushered both Shura and Yukio out of the room. As they left the hospital, Yukio sighed and ran a hand through his hair, and muttered something under his breath.

"Oi, what'd you say, Chicken?"

"None of your damn business," Yukio snarled, giving her a nasty glare. Shura rolled her eyes.

"Hey, yer brother is gonna be fine. So don't take it out on everyone else. Now, get yer ass home. You've gotta teach tomorrow, an' I can't have you dead on yer feet." She turned briskly on her heels, and walked away. It started to rain as Yukio stood there alone, watching as Shura marched off into the city. After a few minutes, he started to walk back to his dorm. He knew as he walked away that it would be a long night.

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