7.) Monster

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I don't know how long I sat there, head in my hands, tears tapping the ground. Eventually, however, I stood and started walking. I didn't know quite where I was going, but it wasn't back to the dorm. As I walked, the heavy crowds of people thinned, and eventually disappeared. Soon enough, I was in an abandoned portion of town. I occasionally heard laughing, smelled cigarette smoke, but otherwise, it was dead silent. No one else was around.

Walking past all of the buildings, empty shells of who used to live there, I realized that it was getting late. I had promised Yukio that I would be back... But could I even face him after considering killing him? 'Now, I am going to ruin her only sons. I will destroy the lives of the Okumura brothers.' My eyes widened, and I decided that I couldn't let her win. I wouldn't. I would fight my newfound bloodlust, and wouldn't let it affect my life. I turned around, and ran as fast as I could through the streets. I got back to the dorm room pretty quickly, where Yukio was waiting for me. He stood in front of the door, arms crossed.

"Why did you just run off?" He demanded, giving me a glare. "I don't care what you were upset by, don't just run off like that." He sighed, and went to sit at his desk. "I'm calling Doctor Kasumi tomorrow. You've been acting strangely ever since you came home."

"What, do you think I'm messed up in the head? I'm not acting fucking different. You would be upset too!"

"Well, maybe I would know what you were talking about if you actually told me what happened! So far, all you've done is brush off my questions. So would you mind telling me what happened, or are you going to put it off again?"

"Well, sorry for not wanting to talk about it! I was attacked in an alley! That's all you need to know!" I scoffed, walked out the door. Slamming it behind me, I made my way to the roof. I sat on the edge of the building, my legs dangling off the edge. Kuro scrambled after me, having followed me from the dorm where he had been sleeping.

"Hey, Kuro." I smiled at him. He sat next to me, his big green eyes staring up at me.

'Hey, Rin. I heard your argument with Yukio... What did happen when you were attacked?'

"Don't tell Yukio, okay? I don't want him worrying about me." Kuro nodded solemnly. I explained what happened. When I had finished, he looked like he was going to cry.

'Rin... Oh my God! Does it... Does it really feel that bad to be around people?' I nodded, and saw tears fill his eyes. Oh, no... I upset Kuro... 'D-does it feel bad to be around me?'

"No. It's probably because you're a demon, so I'm fine around you. I promise, I'll be fine. Don't you worry." That wasn't necessarily the truth, but I didn't want to upset him further. I did feel fine around Kuro, but being around people... It made me want to do things that I would never have even considered a possibility before. It had required so much restraint in the plaza, and I wasn't sure how I could handle school. So many people for such a long period of time would be a bad idea. I supposed that I could tell Yukio that I wasn't feeling very well, but that would give him even more reason to call the doctor. I sighed laid down, folding my hands beneath my head. I closed my eyes, and Kuro curled up next to me. After a while, I drifted into a deep sleep.


I was woken up by Yukio shaking my shoulders.

"Hey, Rin! Get up. You've got to get ready for school." He looked fairly irritated. When he saw my eyes crack open, he turned away and quickly want down the stairs from the roof. "You'd better be ready on time."

Sighing and rolling my eyes, I stood and jogged down the stairs after him. I went into the dorm room, and quickly changed into my uniform. Kuro, having followed me from the roof, pattered after me, and, as I went to get my lunch out of the fridge, the small feline jumped on to my shoulder and plopped down on my head. Smiling slightly, I grabbed my books and walked out the door, thinking that I was ready for the day ahead of me. Little did I know, it was going to be one of the worst days of my life.

Nevertheless, I walked to school calmly, whistling a tune that I had heard Yukio listening to. I walked around crowds of people rather than through them, the smell of their blood making my mouth water. I had my hands in tight fists, and could feel my nails digging small crescent-moons into my hands. Even then, with less than a hundred people around me, I was struggling to restrain myself. I was tempted to simply turn around; in fact, every sensible part of me was screaming to run, go back home before I hurt someone. However, I still trudged on, my pace slowing to almost a stop as the crowds of people became thicker. I stood at the edge of a huge crowd, my nails digging deeper into my palms. I felt the sting of my skin breaking, and small trickles of blood trailed down my hands and dripped onto the ground at my feet. Taking a deep breath, I walked quickly through people, my whole body as tense as the string of a bow. As I pushed through, Bon spotted me through the crowd and fell in line next to me. He had the same homeroom class that I had, so we sometimes walked together. Ever since the incident with the Impure King a year prior, our friendship had grown greatly.  We had texted a lot before his phone was smashed while on a mission, and I occasionally met up with him near his dorm room to walk to school with him.

"Oi, Rin, what's up? You look pretty tense..." He set his hand on my should, and my eyes flicked to the side. The smell was so strong that I could almost taste the blood. I unconciously bared my teeth at him. When I saw his confused and startled expression, I quickly realized my mistake and sighed.

"Sorry... In a bad mood." I spoke through gritted teeth, and Bon took his hand off of my shoulder. "Just leave me alone." I started to push ahead of him in the crowd, and I don't doubt that his shocked expression stayed plastered onto his face as he watched me go.

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