6.) Sickly Sweet

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I felt as if I was losing my mind by the second day. I paced, occasionally stopping to respond to Izumo, who had been texting the whole day. I did some homework that Yukio had brought back, but quickly gave up on it. Most of all, I thought about what the  woman had told me when I had been captured. 'It causes your demonic instincts to go into overdrive, activating the bloodlust that was tamed during your times as a human. It will kick in in a few days.' Well, nothing had happened so far. I hoped that the serum wouldn't work. I sighed, and sat down in my chair. What I going to do now? I glanced at my alarm clock. Three o'clock exactly.

"Ugh, what now..?" I leaned back in my chair, tapping a beat on my leg.

'What are you doing, Rin?' Kuro asked, startling me. I jumped, and the chair fell backwards. I cursed loudly when my head connected with the floor. Sitting up, I rubbed my temples. My vision had doubled for a second, and I sat there until it cleared.

"Ugh, nothing. Yukio told me not to do anything, so there isn't much I can do. He even hid my manga! I searched the whole building, and still can't find a single one of them." I stood, pulling my phone out of my pocket as it buzzed. It was Izumo again.

'Hey. I'm bored in science. What're you doing?' It read.

'Nothing major. Staring at the wall, committing occasional second degree murder... Just another day in Hell.'

'Yukio still hasn't let you do anything, has he? Still has you cooped up in that dorm?'


'That sucks. Well, I gotta go. My teacher is coming o-' The message cut off abruptly. Her phone was most likely confiscated by the teacher. I turned my phone off, and stuck it back in my pocket. I then picked my chair up off the floor, and set it back upright. Sitting down, I closed my eyes. Maybe sleeping would pass the time. I quickly drifted off into unconsciousness.


I was woken by the sound of the dorm room door opening. Blinking tiredly, I looked at my clock. Six thirty. I had been asleep for a while. Yukio, who had been the one walking in, sat down at his desk, and pushed his glasses up his nose. He glanced at me, and handed me a flyer.

"True Cross's twenty-one hundredth anniversary dance. Everyone from the cram school, along with exorcists from around the world are attending. You are to dress formally, and bring a date. It is on Saturday at eight. Be there on time, please?" Bring a date? Dress formally? What was I supposed to do? Shiemi had officially friend zoned me, and Shura? No way. She was ten years older than me, according to Yukio.

"W-who are you going with?" Yukio smiled slightly.

"Shiemi asked me earlier. As a friend, of course. Me being a teacher, it would look bad if I was involved with one of my students."

"Man, you're a dumbass. She drools all over you. It can hardly be considered going with a friend." At that comment, Yukio's cheeks filled with color.

"I told you, i-it isn't... It isn't like that. Anyways, who are you going to go with?"

"I don't know. If worst comes to worst, I'll have to put a tie on Kuro and say we're going together because we couldn't find anyone. The Vatican already knows I'm an idiot. It's not like it's that unbelievable that I would be forced to go with a cat." Yukio shook his head in disbelief.

"You really can't think of anyone? Not a single person?" When I didn't respond, he went back to his homework. "You have to go back to school tomorrow. I would work on some homework."

"Only if you give my manga back."

Yukio sighed, digging through his work bag. Eventually, he pulled out a few manga volumes. I started to walk towards him when I froze. A sickly sweet smell was coming from Yukio. It was so familiar, yet implacable. Whatever it was smelled good, and made my mouth water. Yukio looked at me strangely.

"What's wrong?" With a start I realized that I was staring at him.

"Uh? Nothing. It's nothing. Do you have food on you or something? You smell strange." That question caught him off guard. He gave me a fairly confused and surprised look.

"No... What are you talking about?"

"Huh. Whatever." I walked forwards, and grabbed the manga from him. "Thanks." I walked back to my bed, and opened one of them. After a minute or so, I realized Yukio was still looking at me strangely. "What?" He was really starting to irritate me.

"Nothing... It's just strange that you would bring up that I smell strange. And the only thing that would cause a strange smell like that would be the fact that I got blood on my jacket. I didn't think even your demon senses would be able to pick up a few drops of my blood." His blood? That was the strange scent? I put the manga volume aside, panic building in my chest. It smelled good, as good as if it were freshly cooked sukiyaki. I wanted whatever it was, and now that I knew it was blood it sounded better. I could get a lot of it if I just- no. I shook my head. What was I thinking? I would never do that to someone... Would I? I must have shown the horror and distress on my face, because in second Yukio was at my side.

"What's wrong? What-"

"I-It's nothing," I said shakily. "I'm going to go get some fresh air. It isn't good to stay cooped up in here, after all." I gave him a pathetic attempt at a smile, and ran out the door.

"Rin. Rin!" I heard Yukio running after me. I was driven on by my anger and disgust for myself. I had considered killing Yukio. I ran and ran, losing him a while back. I still didn't stop. Eventually, I reached a small plaza. There were benches, and I sat down. The sickly smell here was much heavier than before, radiating from the crowd surrounding me. It smelled so good... I put my head in my hands. Why was I thinking these things? 'It causes your demonic instincts to go into overdrive, activating the bloodlust that was tamed during your times as a human. It will kick in in a few days.' My eyes widened, and tears started streaming down my face. What had that woman done to me? And what had I become?

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