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These are the ranks in this game.

Leader, always has the star suffix. Can make new rules but not abolish old ones. They can force mates as well. Don't have to participate in the Deadly Battle. They have 4 energy.

Deputy, they can force mates like leaders and force lazy cats to go on patrols. The don't have to participate in the Deadly Battle. They have 3 energy.

Medicine Cat, they heal cats. They can have mates mainly because of the Deadly Battles killing half of the cats in the clan each time. They don't have to participate in the Deadly Battles and have 4 energy.

Medicine Cat Apprentice, they are the apprentice of the medicine cat. They get there names before they become a full medicine cat and become a full medicine cat either at 30 moons or when there mentor dies. They have 3 energy.

Warriors, they hunt and patrol for the clan. They have to participate in the Deadly Battle when chosen to. They have 3 energy.

Warrior apprentices, they are cats training to be warriors. They have to participate in the Deadly Battle when chosen. They have 2 energy.

Queens, they are cats expecting or taking care or kits. They don't participate in the Deadly Battles while they are a queen. They have 1-4 energy depending on rank and how long ago they had there kits.

Kits, they are cats from 0-6 moons old. They do not participate in the Deadly Battle. They have 1 energy.

Elders, the cats 100 moons or older in the clan or cats that had to retire early. They do not participate in the Deadly Battles. They have 1-2 energy depending on age.

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