Bloody November - Chapter 3

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Tuesday, 5th November 2019, Morning

Once again, they convened around the dining table, their faces drawn with determination as they delved into the case. An atmosphere of focused intensity permeated the room as they exchanged theories and brainstormed possible leads.

Suddenly, their discussion was interrupted by the arrival of a servant, who quietly handed Anika an envelope. The room fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned expectantly towards her.

"It's from J.W.," Anika announced, her voice betraying a hint of curiosity as she carefully tore open the envelope.

Inside, the words inscribed on the page causing a ripple of intrigue to sweep through the group.

"Hello, everybody," Anika read aloud, her brow furrowing with confusion.

"Hope the holidays are going great. How are you going to do the investigation, Mrs. Oberoi? Any assistance!

Okay! Let me help you, Mrs. Oberoi... NO, first you do your analysis and until then wait for my next..."

The room fell into a perplexed silence as they mulled over the enigmatic message. Gauri broke the tension with a question that mirrored the confusion etched on everyone's faces.

"Who is this person and what do they want?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

"I think we should start our task and then we'll handle that person later," Rajeev suggested, his voice carrying a sense of urgency and determination.

Anika nodded in agreement, her features set in a determined expression. "Let's focus on the task at hand," she replied, her tone resolute as she led Rajeev and Sayani towards Shivaay's room, where they hoped to uncover vital clues.

As they approached the door, Anika paused, her gaze lingering on the imposing latch that sealed the room shut. "Such a big latch, Mrs. Anika," Rajeev remarked, his grin tinged with a hint of amusement.

Anika's smile faltered momentarily, her eyes clouded with a flicker of pain. "After Shivaay's demise, I couldn't bring myself to enter this room," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It serves as a constant reminder of that dreadful scene."

With a deep breath, Anika steeled herself and reached for the latch, her hand trembling slightly as she pushed open the door, steeling herself for what lay beyond.

As Anika pushed open the door, the others instinctively covered their mouths, their expressions a mix of shock and apprehension. Anika noticed their reaction and furrowed her brow, puzzled by their sudden silence. Despite the room appearing clean and orderly, their muted response hinted at something amiss.

"Wow! Is this the room where Mr. Shivaay breathed his last?" Rajeev exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice.

Anika nodded solemnly. "Yes, Rajeev," she confirmed, her tone tinged with a hint of sadness.

Sayani's eyes widened in disbelief as she took in the pristine condition of the room. "Who tidied it up, and why?" she exclaimed, her confusion mirrored by the others.

"I did," Anika replied simply, her voice soft but resolute.

Rajeev shook his head in dismay, his concern evident in his tone. "You shouldn't have done this, ma'am," he blurted out, his gaze pleading with her to understand the gravity of her actions.

Anika met his gaze with unwavering determination. "I can't bear to see messiness, and Shivaay always preferred a neat room," she explained, her voice tinged with a mixture of fondness and grief.

Rajeev sighed softly, realizing the difficulty of their task in such meticulously arranged surroundings. "I hope we find something useful in this room. I don't have much faith in our chances without solid leads," he admitted, his tone tinged with frustration.

Anika turned to him, her expression unreadable. "Did you say something, Mr. Rajeev?" she inquired, her eyes searching his face for any sign of doubt.

"No, ma'am," Rajeev replied quickly, shaking his head in dismissal.

With renewed determination, they began to scrutinize every corner of the room, their movements methodical and purposeful.

Despite their efforts, they found nothing of significance until Rajeev spotted something suspicious near the bookshelf. With a sense of anticipation, he approached the shelf and knocked on it twice, his gesture prompting Anika to investigate further.

As Rajeev fervently tapped on the wall, Anika's confusion grew. "What are you trying to open, Mr. Rajeev?" she asked, her tone laced with bewilderment. "The wall?"

Rajeev's eyes flashed with determination. "Are you insane, Mr. Rajeev?" Sayani exclaimed, her concern evident in her voice.

"I'm not, Miss Gupta," Rajeev replied tersely, his focus unwavering as he continued to pound on the wall with his fist.

Anika and Sayani exchanged worried glances, their attempts to reason with Rajeev falling on deaf ears as he persisted, seemingly driven by an unseen force. With each forceful blow, Rajeev's hand began to bleed profusely, the crimson droplets staining the pristine walls of the room.

Anika's heart clenched with concern as she watched Rajeev's escalating desperation. "We need to stop him before he injures himself further," she insisted, her voice tinged with urgency.

Anika realized that she had no choice but to seek assistance. "I'll call Omkara," she murmured, reaching for her phone.

Omkara arrived swiftly, his eyes widening in alarm as he took in the scene before him. "Are you mad, Rajeev?" he shouted, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and frustration.

Rajeev reluctantly ceased his relentless assault on the wall, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he attempted to regain his composure. Without a word, he stormed out of the room, his injured hand cradled against his chest.

Gauri, who had been waiting anxiously outside, rushed forward to intercept Rajeev. "What happened?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Rajeev brushed past her without a word, his expression hardened with resolve as he made his way out of the mansion. Anika's heart sank as she watched him go, her worry for his well-being overshadowing her own frustration.

"Omkara, go after him," Anika ordered, her voice tinged with urgency. "Make sure he gets the medical attention he needs."

As Omkara and Rajeev returned in the afternoon, Gauri caught sight of them and eagerly beckoned them to join her for lunch. However, to her surprise, both men declined, prompting her to threaten them with a call to Anika.

"No need for that, Gauri. We'll just have a bit of whatever you've prepared," Rajeev replied casually, making his way towards the dining room with Omkara in tow.

Gauri, still puzzled by their refusal, served them their lunch and couldn't help but wonder about Anika's whereabouts. Turning to Sayani, she inquired about Anika, but no one seemed to have any clue as to her location.

"She must be around somewhere, Gauri. Don't worry too much," Omkara reassured her with a reassuring smile. "She'll turn up soon."

Lost in their lighthearted banter, neither Omkara nor Rajeev noticed Anika's sudden appearance in front of them.

"Did you two have your lunch?" Anika's voice broke through their conversation, drawing their attention.

"Anika!" Gauri exclaimed, surprised by her sudden appearance.

Anika turned her attention to Rajeev, her concern evident in her eyes. "How are you, Mr. Rajeev? I hope your hand isn't hurting too badly," she inquired, her tone gentle yet filled with genuine concern.

"I'm doing great, Mrs. Oberoi. Thank you for asking," Rajeev replied with a grateful smile, appreciating her thoughtfulness.

Gauri, still skeptical about Anika's whereabouts, couldn't help but voice her concern. "Where were you, Anika?" she asked, her tone tinged with skepticism.

Anika's expression softened as she met Gauri's gaze. "I was with Shivaay," she replied simply, her words carrying a sense of solemnity and peace.

|What secrets is Anika shielding from the prying eyes of society?|


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