Bloody November - Chapter 4

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"What?" Rajeev exclaimed, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"What do you mean, Anika?" Omkara's voice was tinged with uncertainty.

"Is Shivaay alive?" Sayani's words hung in the air, her eyes searching Anika's face for any hint of truth.

Anika couldn't contain her laughter as she watched the expressions on their faces. Her amusement bubbled over, echoing through the room as she struggled to compose herself.

After a few moments, she managed to regain her composure, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. With a playful grin, she reassured them, "I was just joking, my dear friends."

Their collective sighs of relief filled the room, mingling with the lingering echoes of laughter. Anika's eyes twinkled mischievously as she continued, "I was actually in the room I've dedicated to Shivaay, surrounded by memories captured in countless photographs."

Anika's explanation brought a sense of clarity to the situation, dispelling the tension that had momentarily clouded their interactions.

"You scared us, Anika," Omkara admitted a hint of reproach in his voice.

Anika chuckled softly, shaking her head in amusement. "Scared? Why, Omkara?" she teased, her tone playful as she addressed his earlier question.

Their laughter filled the room, a testament to the bond they shared and the lighthearted moments that punctuated their journey together.

"Mrs. Oberoi, if a dead person came alive… it's worth being scared,” intervened Rajeev, his tone serious and contemplative.

Anika nodded in understanding, the notion of the deceased returning to life was indeed a chilling prospect, one that stirred a sense of unease among them all.

With impeccable timing, the commissioner of police had made an unexpected visit to the mansion.

Anika wasted no time in extending her renowned hospitality to the esteemed guest. She welcomed the commissioner with warmth and grace, ensuring that he lacked nothing during his visit.

Seated around the table, they delved into a discussion about the case that had brought them together. Anika listened intently as the commissioner outlined his plans, promising to dedicate his best resources to the investigation.

“And yes, Mrs. Oberoi, you and your family will be under the protection of the police,” the commissioner added, his words carrying a reassurance that was met with a collective sigh of relief from those present.

"Thank you so much, sir,” Anika expressed her gratitude as the commissioner prepared to depart.

“I’ll take your leave,” the commissioner replied, acknowledging Anika's appreciation before excusing himself.

Anika's keen observation caught Omkara lost in his thoughts, his mind preoccupied with something pressing. She approached him, concern etched on her features as she sought to understand the cause of his distraction.

As evening settled in, they sat around the dining table, their meal consumed in silence. After dinner, Anika tasked Sayani with ensuring that the reopening of the case would dominate the headlines of the following day's newspapers and television channels.

“Make sure that it's the top story in all media outlets,” Anika instructed firmly.

Observing Omkara's distant demeanor since noon, Anika approached him, sensing his inner turmoil.

“What's on your mind, Omkara?” she inquired gently.

“I've been pondering your plan to leverage the police in our investigation,” Omkara confessed, his expression troubled.

Anika clarified the strategy behind involving the police.

"The plan is for the police to handle protection duties, allowing us to conduct our research without interference," she explained.

Rajeev expressed. "I'm finding it hard to accept, Mrs. Oberoi."

Sayani seemed to grasp the idea. "I think I understand your reasoning, Mrs. Oberoi," she chimed in.

Before Sayani could elaborate further, one of the guards arrived, delivering an envelope to Anika.

"Not again," Anika sighed, recognizing the sender as J.W.

Omkara unfolded the envelope and began to read the letter aloud.

As Omkara read the message,
[Dear All,

I trust this missive finds you well amidst your investigations. I must admit, Mrs. Oberoi, your strategic maneuvers have not escaped my notice. It's heartening to see Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife taking an active role in the pursuit of truth.

Now, onto the matter at hand. Allow me to impart some clues regarding the case. Mr. Siddhartha, do revisit the wall once more. You may find something of interest lurking there. Oh, I can already sense the skepticism in your minds. Do you truly believe a mere wall could hold such significance? Ah, but I caution you against dismissing this notion too hastily.

I understand if you question my methods of communication in this age of technology. Yet, there's a certain charm in the written word, don't you think? Mrs. Oberoi, you may recall Mr. Oberoi's musings on the significance of letters. But I digress. Let's cut to the chase.

The crux of this letter lies in my name - Jennifer Winget. Yes, that's all I shall divulge for now. My identity remains shrouded in mystery, tantalizing your curiosity. Until our paths cross again, I bid you goodnight and sweet dreams.

Yours intriguingly,
Miss Winget]

- the room fell silent, each word sinking in with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Anika's brows furrowed as she listened intently to the contents of the letter.

As the letter concluded, Rajeev repeated in surprise, "OH! She is Miss Winget."

Anika shook her head, puzzled. "You know her, Anika?"

Anika's expression turned to one of confusion. "No… I had never heard this name before, and if she knew Shivaay, he would have told me about her," she replied, her tone tinged with uncertainty.

Rajeev's mind churned with thoughts as he delved into the mystery surrounding Miss Winget. They continued their discussion, but Rajeev seemed preoccupied, lost in a world of his own. Anika, noticing his distraction, called out to him repeatedly until he finally snapped back to reality.

“Yes, Mrs. Oberoi… Any problem?” Rajeev responded, shaking off his reverie.

“No, where are you lost, Mr. Siddhartha?” Anika inquired, concerned by his distant demeanor.

“I just got a clue, Mrs. Oberoi…” Rajeev's voice trailed off as a spark of revelation ignited within him.

Without hesitation, Rajeev led the group to Shivaay's room, his newfound determination driving him forward. As they entered, he began searching every nook and cranny, his movements frantic and purposeful. The room soon descended into chaos as Rajeev overturned furniture and rummaged through drawers in pursuit of his discovery.

Anika implored Rajeev to halt his frenzied search, but he pressed on with unwavering resolve. The rest of the group attempted to intervene, their voices drowned out by the intensity of Rajeev's quest. Amidst the chaos, Rajeev's unwavering focus remained fixed on his objective.

Finally, amid the upheaval, Rajeev's efforts bore fruit as he unearthed a key hidden amidst the clutter. With a triumphant expression, he held up the key for all to see, a tangible symbol of his determination and perseverance in the face of adversity.

"Key," Rajeev exclaimed, holding up the small object in his hand, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Maybe a remote," he added, his mind racing with possibilities.

Curious about Rajeev's sudden interest, Anika inquired about his intentions. Rajeev cryptically responded, urging them to assist him in his search. Gauri exchanged a knowing glance with Anika, silently communicating their readiness to lend a hand. With a shared nod, they joined Rajeev in his quest, scouring every inch of the room for the elusive item.

As time passed, fatigue began to set in for the others, but Rajeev remained resolute, his determination unwavering. Anika whispered a reminder to the group that they were searching for something unknown, her words echoing the uncertainty that hung in the air. Gauri offered a reassuring smile, a beacon of encouragement amidst the uncertainty, as Rajeev's unwavering focus remained fixed on the task at hand.

As the room grew warmer, Omkara suggested turning on the fan to alleviate the discomfort. Anika reached for the switch, but instead of activating the fan, she inadvertently triggered a jolt of electricity, eliciting a startled cry of pain.

"Ouch!" Anika exclaimed, clutching her hand in discomfort.

Concerned, Sayani rushed to her side, inquiring about her well-being as Anika grimaced in discomfort.

"I just got electrocuted," Anika admitted, her voice tinged with discomfort.

Realization dawned on Anika as she recalled a past conversation with Shivaay about the faulty switch. Despite being replaced by an electrician due to reported issues, the switch continued to pose a hazard, its faulty wiring was left unaddressed.

Anika's frustration mounted as the electrician seemed baffled by her inquiry, his confusion only serving to exacerbate the situation. With a sigh of exasperation, she passed the phone to Rajeev, hoping for a more productive outcome.

"Hey mister, answer what you're being asked for," Rajeev asserted firmly, his tone commanding attention. "Listen, answer my question straight as you don’t know who I am."

The electrician's response was abrupt as he disconnected the call, leaving Rajeev shaking his head in disbelief. Sensing the tension, Sayani erupted into laughter at the unexpected turn of events.

"Not fishy! The guy got scared of your hard voice," Sayani teased, her laughter echoing through the room.

Gauri intervened, offering to make another attempt at contacting the electrician, her diplomatic approach contrasting with Rajeev's assertiveness. With a nod of agreement from the group, Gauri dialed the number once more, her patience unwavering as she awaited a response.

Gauri engaged the electrician in a polite and friendly conversation, her soothing tone coaxing out the information they needed. After gathering all the necessary details, she relayed the conversation to the group, her recounting shedding light on the situation. Rajeev concluded that the switch had not been changed at all, prompting a realization that it was somehow linked to the Shivaay case.

"Right, buddy," affirmed Omkara, recognizing the significance of their discovery.

With determination, Rajeev reached out to press the switch, only to be met with a sudden jolt of electricity. A strange sound emanated from the wall, prompting Rajeev to signal the others to investigate. However, before they could react, Rajeev collapsed, urging them not to let the wall close.

Omkara swiftly attended to Rajeev as the rest of the group stood frozen, unsure of what to do. Moments later, Gauri sprang into action, pushing the nearby bed towards the wall with urgency. Anika and Sayani joined in, their combined efforts preventing the wall from closing completely.

With Rajeev safely in his room, Anika wasted no time in calling the Oberoi family doctor to check on him, ensuring that he received the medical attention he needed.

After the doctor's checkup, it became evident that Rajeev needed careful attention due to the shock he experienced from the electricity. Omkara was tasked with obtaining the prescribed medicines, ensuring Rajeev's comfort and recovery. Anika, despite Rajeev's directive not to go, felt compelled to investigate further, driven by her determination to unravel the mysteries surrounding Shivaay's room.

Entering Shivaay's room, Anika couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that permeated the air. Ignoring the discomfort, she made her way to the room of memories, a place filled with the echoes of happier times shared with Shivaay. Meanwhile, upstairs, Omkara stumbled upon Gauri and Sayani, engaged in a discussion that seemed more intense than casual.

"What's going on?" Omkara inquired, noting the unusual atmosphere.

Gauri exchanged a glance with Sayani before offering a vague response. Sensing the need for privacy, Omkara gently urged them to let Rajeev rest, adding an air of mystery to the unfolding events.

As he descended the stairs, Omkara couldn't help but ponder the series of events that had unfolded, wondering about the secrets hidden within the walls of the Oberoi mansion and the true nature of the discussions taking place behind closed doors.


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