chapter 25

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Ishita POV

" The worst feeling in the world is when you can't love anyone else, and the heart still belongs to the same person who broke it very brutally …."

I felt the same feeling when I could not see Rishab in pain when he was hugging Jhanu Aunty. I tried to be strong and bold to show him that I moved on in my life. I tried my best to show my hatred. But my weak heart didn't tell me to stay quiet. So I allowed him to stay back in my place. I don't want to hurt Aunty and Uncle between us even though it was a tough task to face him.


Once I came back to my bedroom after talking to Rishab. I felt so restless. And all of sudden, I have pain due to stomach cramps. Then I realised it was my monthly cycle. Immediately I went to take a bath as we needed to go to the hospital.

Once I came out wrapping my body with a towel, I was startled to find Rishab's presence in my bedroom. As I was already frustrated because of my stomach cramp and weakness. I turned away from him and shouted at him.  Maybe it was because of hormonal issues during this time, I could not control my anger.

And before I completed taking out my frustration, he held my arm and turned me towards him. My body shivered with his touch and proximity as it had been a long time being close to him. As he spoke to me, I felt so embarrassed. I wanted to die in shame as every word is true. I knew very well about his behaviour even though he cheated me. It was the main reason I admired him in my heart for not crossing his limit when we were together. And he never took advantage of my love and claimed his right  as my husband. I didn't realise when the tear flowed over my cheeks. 

When he noticed my tears, immediately he apologised to me and left the bedroom. The way he left made me more ashamed to talk with him like that. 

I don't know what is happening to me. Until now, I thought it was so easy to show my anger, my hatred and my frustration for hurting my feelings. But then I realised it was so hard to hate and hurt the person whom we love so much. I stayed back in the room and let out my pain through my tears and came out of the bedroom. 

Once I came out, I found he was having his breakfast whereas Aunty and Uncle were in a hurry to go to hospital. I didn't want to make any delay to go to the hospital as everyone was waiting for him. As I was not in a mood to have breakfast, I lied to them that I had my breakfast. 


By the time I locked my apartment Aunty and Uncle were already left for the parking area. I felt so helpless to enter alone inside the elevator with him. I wanted to avoid him and turn away from him as soon as the door closed. Then he came close to him and gave me the apple, saying I need to eat.

I thought to ignore him as I didn't want his care or attention now. But the next second, I turned to him when he mumbled, " You should not skip food during ladies' days …"

I was beyond shocked to know how he knew my personal details. I got conscious about my appearance and leaned my back to the lift.

" How?? " I inquired, feeling so nervous.

" Yeah…. Don't be embarrassed. It's nothing with your dress…" he said. Still I was confused thinking how he knew about it.

" I knew every single and personal detail of yours. Don't forget that we used to stay in one room…" he explained as if he understood my thoughts.

" I might have married you by hiding my identity. But my care for you during that time is true…" He added.

Meanwhile, the door opened wide  at the ground level. And  I found someone waiting to enter. I silently walked out of it without turning my head. I felt so embarrassed to stay with him as I never let my father know about pain during the monthly cycle. 

" Ishu …. " calling my name he followed me, taking long strides. 

He stopped me and said, " If you have these apples… I won't disturb you …" 

I took it from his hand to end the conversation with him. I hurriedly walked towards the car where Aunty and Uncle were waiting for us. As we were tired, I arranged for the driver to drive the Ertiga . I don't want anyone to stress in this situation. 


Once we reached the hospital, Jhanu Aunty stepped out of the car and rushed inside as she was dying to see Maanasi. We also followed her as our feelings were similar to her.

When we reached that floor, I noticed Tony, Rithwik and Aarushi were sitting in the waiting area of the corridor.

As soon as Rithwik noticed Rishab, he came to Rithwik and instantly took him into embrace. 

" I didn't expect that you would have made such a stupid decision. You would have talked to me before leaving us" he said in an audible voice.

Meanwhile, Jhanu Aunty and Uncle went inside Maanasi's room to visit. I stood beside them silently looking at those twin brothers. 

Just then Aarushi came to them and asked," How are you, Rishab! " 

" I am fine. " he replied and then asked immediately, " How is your health? When is your due date? " 

" Next month…." She replied. While we were talking, he went to visit Maanasi in the sick room.


After a few minutes, my mobile rang. Rithwik and Aarushi stopped talking and looked at me.  I took it out from my handbag and saw the caller's name. Immediately, I attended the call as it was from my dad.

" Good morning , Princess…." He greeted me in an energetic tone. 

" How was the meeting with him last night? What is your answer! " he inquired.

" Yesterday, his parents made a call to me to know your answer …" he continued without giving me a chance to talk.

" Actually…. Dad… I am in the hospital. Maanasi met with an accident last night…" I replied.

" What are you talking about? How is she? " my dad asked me. There was a sudden change in his voice.

" She is out of danger. But her right arm was fractured and had a slight injury to her head…." I answered.

" Oh my god!!! " he exclaimed.

" Why didn't you call me yesterday itself? Huh?  I could have come over there…." My dad questioned me.

" Don't worry.  Aunty and Uncle are here…" I replied in a low voice.

" I am worried about Jhanu's health now…." My father said in a weak tone.

" I will be there by evening. I can't leave Abhi alone in this situation …" My dad informed me and ended the call before I told him about Rishab.

" I don't want Rishab and my dad to meet in this situation. Still I remember how angry my dad was when Rishab left the hospital without informing anyone …" 

" What happened! You are looking lost " Rithwik asked me.

" My father will be here by this evening …" I informed Rithwik who was standing close to me. 

I felt more restless thinking of my father's reaction on seeing Rishab. At the same, I found Rishab coming out of the sick room along with Uncle. I walked away silently from the place.


Rishab POV:

After talking with Aarushi, I went inside to talk with Maanasi. When  I entered the room, mom was crying holding Manasi's hand whereas dad was standing beside the bed talking to her.

As soon as dad noticed me, " See.. the brother whom you were searching came…." He said, looking at me.

Manasi looked in my direction with a small smile. There was joy and happiness in her eyes while looking at me.

" Rishab ….Anna …. " she called in a low voice.

I went to her and said," I am sorry. It happened because of me…"

" leave it.  …."

" I am happy to see you finally, " She said.

A few minutes later, the nurse told us to leave the room as Manaasi needed to take some rest. But Mom was stubborn that she didn't agree to nurse and stayed back with Manu. Whereas Dad and I came out of the sick room. Then I noticed Ishita walking away with my presence.

" Is she embarrassed because of that discussion!! Or she is more irritated with my care?? " I doubted in my mind.

Just then, I heard someone calling my name. I turned back and found Preetham walking in the direction of Rithwik.

" yeah…. How is your sister now? Are your family issues sorted now? " he asked Rithwik, thinking it was me.

Before I informed him it was not me but my twin brother, Rithik.

" Yeah… who are you? " Rithwik questioned Preetham.

" Yeah… Rithwik… he is my friend, Preetham. I think he thought you were me…" I intervened. Instantly I observed a shocked expression on Preetham's face as he realised it was not me but another person similar to me.

" Preetham…. He is my twin brother, Rithwik Varma. And she is my sister in law, Aarushi…" I introduced them to him.

" He is my friend, Preetham. And I am working along with him in his production studio…" I introduced Preetham to them.

" nice to meet you…" Rithwik extended his hand. Both of them shook their hands with a polite smile. 

" By the way, where is Ishita? " Preetham asked me all of a sudden.

My eyes searched for her immediately as soon as he mentioned her name. I didn't find her around us. 

" You stay here with Tony. I will be back…" I informed Preetham and walked away in search of her.

As I walked to the other side of the lobby, I found Ishita, sitting alone looking out through the glass pane.

" What are you doing? Are you not feeling well? " I asked her with concern.

" I was already told to stay away from me. Can't you understand? " she questioned me.

" Sorry… Ishita. As I didn't find you around us, I was worried about you…" I apologised to her sincerely. 

She looked at me for a few seconds and said, " Please leave me… alone… Mr. Rishab. I am not interested in talking with you…" 

But I didn't find anger in her voice or her eyes but some feelings in her eyes.  Just then Preetham came to us.

" On seeing yesterday's situation, I thought both of you would never see each other's faces. But now…." Ishita cutoff Preetham's words.

" I am not interested in talking with him or seeing his face. He was the one who came here…." She said, looking at me.

" Ishita… I never imagined that someone would hate a person like Rishab…." Preetham stated.

" Because… You don't know what kind of a person he really is…." She replied, glaring at me.

" What he did to you! Huh! " Preetham asked.

" If you want to know, then ask a so-called certified good person…" she said before walking away from us.

" Atleast, tell me… what is going on between you and Ishita. I never saw Ishita this furious!! " Preetham questioned me.

" I will tell you everything. But not now…" I reasoned.

He nodded his head, placing his hand on shoulder.

" Only I can suggest that you erase  the gap between both of you," he suggested.

" I could see your love for her in your eyes. Life is so short, just don't waste it…." He added.

Hearing his words, I felt so emotional and hugged him.

" Thanks….Preetham. You didn't judge me like everyone with my past…" he mumbled.

He giggled and said, " Of course, you are my friend…"

Later, we joined back with my family whereas Ishita tried her best to avoid me. Apart from anger and hatred in her eyes, I could feel restless in her expression. I didn't understand what was going on in her mind. 

I knew if I asked her, she will not open up with me. 


It's evening….

Rithwik took Aarushi outside as she was hungry. Preetham also left for the studio. Ishita, Tony and I were waiting in the lounge. 

" Tony …. Take her to the canteen. She didn't eat anything in the afternoon…" I mumbled.

He glared at me and said, " if you love her. Just go and ask her directly…" 

" please… yaar…" I requested.

" Fine. But don't think….I am helping you. I don't want my sister to starve because of you …" saying he went to Ishita. And finally he convinced her to eat something. I felt relief and sat on the chair leaning back. I closed my eyes, being tired.


" Yeah … Rithwik …. " I heard someone calling. I opened my eyes and looked at Nanadan Uncle. He came to me and asked, " How is Maanasi now? "

" Fine… " I replied in a low voice. 

Now I understood why Ishita was restless.

Hi readers

Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Let me know with your precious comment. Motivate me with your valuable votes. Hope for 60+ votes this time

With love


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