chapter 9

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Author POV

The car crossed many traffic signals from Ishita's apartment and finally entered the studio.

" Madam… we reached…." The driver informed Ishita. Immediately, he stepped down to open the door.

" Let's go inside…." She informed Maansi who was beside her. Meanwhile, the driver opened the door for them to get down from the car. 

" Ramu Uncle…. Bring the bags from the car …" she informed the driver. Both of them started walking inside the main entrance.

Ishita walked to the desk at the corner inside the main entrance and Manasi followed her.

" How can I help you? " The young woman inquired professionally.

" My name is Ishita Malhotra. We are here to meet the custom head, Mr. Javed khan."  She replied.

" Yeah…. He already informed me about your arrival. Please go inside" the young woman said.

Ishita turned towards the driver and said, " Uncle… give me the bag…." 

Immediately he handed her the bag and informed, " Bitya… I will wait in the parking lot …". Then he walked out of the place.

" Miss. Malhotra … go straight and take left. In the third hall, you can find Mr. Khan"

Ishita gave a small nod and walked inside along with Maansi. While looking around the interiors both of them find the hall which the receptionist told them about.

When both entered inside, they found three men and a beautiful young lady. 

" Who allowed you inside? " The young lady asked them rudely.

Ishita didn't like the way she talked but remained quiet.  As she knew it's common to face different behavioural people in the  workplace.

" I am Ishita Malhotra, a fashion designer from Rainbow designs. I am here to give this traditional bridal designer suite…" she replied.

Instantly one of the men stood up from the chair and walked to them with a bright smile.

" I am glad to meet you, Miss. Ishita Malhotra. I am impressed with your designs. By the way, my name is  Javed Khan…" he extended his hand to Ishita with a bright smile. Then he looked at Maansi who was standing beside her.

Ishita gave a small smile and shook her hand. 

" And she is ? " He asked Ishita, looking at Maansi.

" My friend, Maansi Varma…." She introduced her to Javed Khan. 

"I thought …. She was a model. Anyways , nice to meet you…." Javed said and extended his hand to Maansi.

" You are so beautiful, Miss. Varma. If you have interest in modelling, I can help you as we are in search of new models…" he said.

Maansi looked at Ishita as she did not expect someone to offer her like that.

" She is here for vacation from Australia. And she has no interest in this industry…" Ishita denied his offer politely.

" It's just my offer as she is your friend…" Javed khan said, still keeping his eyes on Maansi. Whereas Maansi felt uncomfortable with his gaze. Ishita realised her state and said, " Manu…go and wait in the car for me, I will be back in a few minutes…."

Instantly, Maansi nodded her head and said, " come soon …". She walked out of the cabin without looking at that man. 

" Yeah… why don't you sit with us and spend some time as it's your first time working with us? " Mr. Javed khan asked Ishita.

"Well… Some other time… Mr. Khan. I have some other important work…" she told and handed him the bag.

The model who was with them took out the bridal designer suit which Ishita designed. She was surprised to see the excellent designer wear.

" It's so beautiful…Miss. Malhotra. I need to appreciate your talent. I am sorry for my behaviour earlier…" Kaira, the model apologised to Ishita.

" It's fine…" Ishita replied.

" Well… do you design for others apart from the company work? " The model asked Ishita.

" Until… now... I did it for my passion but I didn't take it as a profession. This is the first time…" she informed the model.

" Unbelievable…. Miss. Malhotra. I thought you were experienced. " The person beside Mr.Khan stated.

Ishita gave a small smile at him.

" By the way, My name is Rajeev Kapoor, casting director. And also I have production house…." He introduced himself to Ishita.

" Nice to meet you, Mr. Kapoor…" she respond to him professionally.

" We work in future together…." He said.

" Yeah… sure…" Ishita replied with a smile , feeling happy that they liked her designs.

" Okay then… I will leave now…" Ishita informed and walked out of the cabin. She was in hurry as Maansi was waiting for her.

As soon as she walked out, Mr.Kapoor said, " Miss. Kaira …. Be in touch with her. We need a new and innovative fashion designer like her…" 

" Yes…sir…" she replied. 

" Miss. Kaira …. Go and inform the helper to prepare tea for me. She nodded her head and left them alone.

" Both of them looked hot. I think we should offer them in our project. It will be fun .. " Mr.Khan suggested while smirking.

"You are true but I don't want to give the offer to someone who has no interest working  for us…. "Rajeev Kapoor dismissed Mr.Khan's suggestion.


After Maansi came outside the cabin, was exploring the place in the office. Suddenly she heard a familiar  voice from outside. She turned her head and looked through the glass wall of the office. She could not believe her own eyes. She was excited to see the person and quickly ran out of the office. 

"Tony …."

" Tony…. Please wait….." by calling his name, she reached the main gate of the studios.

To her bad luck, before she stopped him, he left the place on his bike. 

" I could have ran fast to stop him. I could have found my brother. I could have known where he was and how he was…." Thinking Maansi's eyes welled up with tears.

" Tony …How could you help my brother with this idea? I thought you were my brother's best friend. But you are not …. " She thought to herself.

" Hey…. Maansi…. What are you doing here? " Ishita asked her while walking to her.

" I was searching for you in another place…." She added.

" I came here in search of someone who looked like my old friend…" she lied, controlling her emotions. She doesn't want Ishita to know about Tony. She doesn't want to upset her by mentioning Tony or Rishab.

" Did you meet your friend? " Ishita asked, unaware of the person whom Maansi was talking about.

" No …. I missed meeting him…." She replied.

" It's difficult to find a person in Mumbai. But don't be upset, you can meet your friend when time comes…." She said.

Maansi looked blankly at the main door and nodded her head helplessly.

" Let's…go …. Aarushi might be waiting for us …" Ishita reminded her. Then both of them walked to their car and started to Ishita's apartment.

After one hour, they reached the place and went inside the apartment. Once they stepped inside the bedroom, they found Aarushi packing the clothes.

 " What happened ? Why are packing the bags suddenly? We thought to stay here for one week. Isn't it? " Maansi asked Aarushi.

" Actually … I got a call from my mother's hospital. My mom is not feeling well and was admitted in the hospital because of her health issues. I need to go …." Aarushi replied.

" How is she now? " Ishita asked aarushi.

" I don't know. Actually I stopped talking with her since two weeks. " She replied.

" Why? " Ishita asked with shock.

" She came to the hospital to visit Jhanu Aunty a few days back. But I stopped her to see Jhanu Aunty and told her not to come again as they were suffering a lot because of her mistake" Aarushi said while crying.

"Aaru… stop crying….it's not good for your health…." Maansi hugged while consoling her.

" It's all because of that idiot… Rishab. He entered our lives and ruined our peace…." Ishita yelled.

Maansi felt bad hearing her words but remained quiet as she knew how everyone was suffering.

" Okay…. Guys….bye …." Aarushi said while taking her luggage.

"Wait …. I will tell the helper to take your luggage and also inform the driver to drop you at the airport safely …." Ishita said.

A few minutes later, Aarushi went to the airport bidding bye to them.


In the evening, Maansi made a call to her brother, Rithwik.

"Manu …. I am going to attend a meeting as it was postponed in the afternoon. I will call you back…." He was informed over the call and supposed to end call.

" Anna …. Wait. It's about Rishab….Anna." she replied.

" Rishab…." Calling his name Rithwik held his mobile tighter.

" I saw Tony…." She replied.

Dear readers

The next update is after two days. Pakka promise....

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