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This story is being edited and I hope you guys will enjoy it even more than before! I'm very proud of this new version!

(edited - 3k words added for a total of 6.2k!)

"Come on, come on" I groan when I see that the bus is still nowhere to be seen, one look at my phone showing that I don't have much time to waste if I want to get to work on time.

It's going to be my first day, I can't afford being late!

It should have gotten here by now, yet as time keeps advancing with it still nowhere to be seen, I eventually have to come to the conclusion that it's not going to show up, I just wasted so much time and now I'll be late to the only job that accepted me, I'm so screwed.

Lost in a semi-state of panic as I try to determine the fastest way to get there, should I run or do I try calling a taxi? But then that would cost money, which I cannot afford, the sound of a bicycle coming to a stop next to me pulls me out of my thoughts.

I quickly look up from my phone, startled when my eyes fall on a handsome man already staring at me with what seems to be concern, does it show that much that I'm panicking?

"Are you possibly waiting for the bus?" he asks, his already deep voice hinting for an even deeper tone which captivates my ears, I haven't heard anything like it before, it's soothing, or it would be if I wasn't so nervous at the moment.

When I nod my head quickly, he shoots me a sympathetic look. "There's some construction around here so the trajectory changed, it won't come by this stop for a week or two" the man explains softly and my eyes widen, the news not ones I like hearing, it's such a bad timing!

"It can't be right, why today of all days..." I mumble anxiously, knowing full well that the man has no reason to lie, it's nice enough that he took the time to let me know instead of going on with his day without caring, I just would've preferred something along the lines of... it's always a couple minutes late, it should get here soon, that would have definitely been better.

I look at my phone again to see that I have only twenty minutes left if I want to be on time at work, I sigh and kick a nearby rock nervously, what do I do?

"Are you possibly... late for something?" he asks with a hint of concern in his voice and I nod, a dejected look on my face when I meet his gaze once more.

"It's my first day at my new job, to think that I wanted to get there early... Now I'm going to have to run, I can only hope he won't be mad if I do get there late" I mumble as I look around me to see if I can cross the street safely.

The man looks behind him and removes the bag from over his rear bike rack before settling it in front of him in a way that it won't fall. "Hop on, I'll bring you there so fast you'll be more than on time, you'll be early" he says with a grin, two huge dimples greeting my eyes as I gape at him in disbelief.

"I can't possibly ask that of you" I counter with a shake of the head, he must be busy already but he pats the space behind him once more with a kind smile, his eyes devoid of hesitation.

"I'm done with my first round of deliveries so I can drop you off before getting back to the office, I don't mind at all. If you worry about wasting my time, don't, I wouldn't offer if it was an issue" he assures me but I don't know... why is he being so nice?

When he sees my reluctance, he gently offers me a hand for what appears to be a handshake with a smile.

"I should introduce myself, maybe that'll put you more at ease" he chuckles with warm and bright eyes. "My name is Kim Namjoon. I'm a bike courier and my legs are made of steel" he says with a teasing tone, his jovial mood finally managing to put a smile on my face, he relaxes a little at the sight.

I stare at his hand for a moment, should I shake it? Is this what people do when they meet?

I'm about to because making him wait any longer would be rude but then he reaches forward to take my hand in his soft hold and leads me to the back of his bicycle to make me sit, he keeps the bike steady while I sit sideways on the rack before gripping awkwardly onto the back of his uniform to avoid falling.

This interaction is making me so nervous, I don't have much experience to help me through it but at the same time, I'm so thankful that he came to my rescue, being new to this part of the city is a little scary, he really saved me.

"Thank you, Namjoon, you're very kind" I murmur before realizing that I have yet to introduce myself to him.

"Also, you can call me Y/N, Seo Y/N. I'm going to be a barista in training starting today, it's my first day so I'm really nervous about it, it's the only job that accepted me and I don't want to lose it before I could even begin" I tell him, to which he hums softly before getting into position to start cycling.

The bike tilts to the other side as he does so and I cling onto his back with a tighter hold, an anxious yelp leaving me that makes him laugh out with a reach tone of voice.

"It's going to be fine, Y/N, you'll get to keep your job just fine, I guess I'll go to your shop from now on when I need a good drink. Hang on tight, we'll start flying!" he reassures me happily and indeed, when he starts cycling in the direction I point at, when I feel the wind wrap around me like a comforting hug, I barely resist a pleased chirp, I didn't know riding a bicycle could be so fun!

Still, every turns he makes to avoid holes and rocks have me afraid to fall so I rest my side fully against his back, unaware that it makes his heart skip a beat more than once, it feels awfully safe with him like this despite the strange situation and I can't believe the luck I had to be offered this help when I needed it the most.

I'll have to be more careful of any information concerning the buses though, I can't always rely on luck to get out of sticky situations, I'll have to leave earlier for the next few weeks until the one I need starts coming by again, I won't be caught by surprise a second time!

As he said, it doesn't take long at all with the speed he brings us to destination, how his legs can do that with my weight added to his a completely mystery to me, does he really have legs of steel? Can steel bend like that?

He stop the bike slowly so that it doesn't throw me off to the ground and when he's got a foot down, he turns around to help me down with the opposite hand from earlier, his fingers even warmer now from rubbing against the leather, it helps to melt away the first layer of cold from my skin.

Once by his side, he releases me and looks up at the building with curious eyes, I follow his gaze and stare at it with pride, it's a special feeling that fills my heart as I gaze at the place where I will now work.

It's only my second time here and it looks just as pretty as the first time, the front porch decorated with lovely flowers and a pink coffee sign that hangs from the little roof over the door, the windows are large and clear to give sight to a beautiful interior that was designed with taste, it feels amazing to know that I'll be here often from now on.

"Worldwide Handsome's Café?" he reads out loud and I giggle with a nod of the head, yeah, that's what caught my attention the most the first time I stopped here.

"The owner named it after himself and I have to say, it suits him a lot, he is very handsome" I tell him with a smile before turning to face him properly, after which I bow as lowly as I can to thank him for his help, I can't believe he got me here early just as he said he would, he didn't lie.

"Thank you so much for bringing me here, Namjoon, this morning would've been terrible if not for you. Whenever you have the time, please come by, I owe you one... no, two coffees, it'll be on me" I state, hoping he would accept my offer, I would feel bad otherwise.

"Please, don't bow so lowly, it's nothing worth going so low for" I suddenly hear before hands on my shoulders straighten me up and when I look at his face, it's to see his eyes large and slightly taken aback as he makes sure I won't do it again, his hands hovering over my skin before he straightens his bike to be more comfortable.

He runs a hand through his messy hair before letting out a small amused huff and a nod of the head. "Alright, I'll hold you to that promise then. I have to get going but I wish you a first good day at your new workplace, Y/N, I'll see you soon" he tells me with a wink before leaving without looking back, he seems to be going even faster than earlier!

Already feeling better about my day thanks to him, I enter the building without wasting any more time to find the man who so easily hired me humming as he cleans a table, a soft tune leaving his lips as he scrubs one last time before stretching with a contented sigh.

At the jingles that ring at my arrival, he turns back to stare at me with curious eyes before breaking into a huge smile when he sees that it's me.

"My new worker! I was starting to believe that you wouldn't show up when I saw the bus go straight without stopping" he says with a chuckle as he grabs the damp cloth from the table before coming to stand in front of me, his tallness towering over me, it's a little intimidating.

I bow in apology. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know there was construction in my area and the bus changed its trajectory, someone very kind brought me here instead after informing me of the problem" I explain, notice how his eyes crease in worry at my explanation.

"You got into a stranger's car? That's very dangerous, Y/N" he chides softly, something almost paternal about the way he looks at me and I pause, it wasn't a car, it should be fine... right?

"It was actually a bicycle. He's a bike courier so I sat on the rack behind his seat" I counter, watch as his eyebrows quirk up in light surprise. "Huh... that's unconventional".

I nod. "It is, but he was very nice and he brought me here just as he said he would so I know he's not a bad person" I say to reassure him but he gently boops my nose with a pretty smile that makes my heart stutter.

"Never be sure of anything, dear. Some people play nice before revealing their true intentions" he says wisely before stepping back, apparently satisfied with his warning even though I don't reply, I don't really know what to say to that but he must be right.

"Anyway, the important is that you're here safe and sound, let's focus on getting you ready for the job that you're going to start today. I got an apron ready just for you with your name on it and just like you chose, I had a little purple heart added underneath, it's pretty cute. You can find it in the break room in the locker that has your name".

I gasp at his words and he chuckles proudly. "I thought it was only a trick question!" I exclaim as I rush to the back with his laughter echoing in the large empty room.

To my joy, I effectively spot a locker with my name on the door, a purple heart drawn right next to it, it's a sight that makes me beam, this is really mine? My very own locker?

With my heart drumming in my chest in anticipation, I open it to find a light coffee-colored apron hanging on the hook with my name beautifully written on the top corner, the little purple heart decorating the underside of the letters just as he said.

Oh my gosh! "This is so cute!" I squeal with a small jump, I can't believe it, this all feels like a dream! I never thought I would be welcomed in such a heartwarming way, just being greeted by my boss' warm smile feels like rainbows are currently filling my soul.

Knowing that there's no time to be lost here, I grab it and carefully put it on before settling my belongings in the locker, bag and phone neatly stored away before I close the door and as I make a move to head back to the front of the shop, I notice the locker besides mine, the only one with a name on it, just like mine.

"Kim Seokjin... and is that... did he draw his face? It's cute" I muse in a murmur when I step closer to see that it kind of does look like him, if he was a cartoon. The stars around his face do bring that handsomeness that he has so I guess it's well-done!

I continue on my way and stop in front of the mirror leaning against the wall to adjust my apron correctly, and seeing myself in the uniform, I can't help but feel incredibly proud, I can't believe I managed to get a job here! I'm going to work my hardest so that he won't regret it!

I walk back to the front with a happy pep to my step, find the tall man still scrubbing the more than clean tables to keep himself busy and at the sound of my feet getting near him, he stops what he's doing to gaze at me once more, his eyes bright with delight when he sees me proudly standing in front of him, my soul eager for a small praise, I hope it looks good on me!

"Just like I thought, it looks perfect on you, Y/N, you look adorable" he says with a chuckle and I preen at the compliment, I do? He thought it would look perfect on me?

He leaves the seating area and motions for me to follow him towards the counter where are the cash register as well as the different machines that I will need to learn to use if I want to be a proper employee here.

"Now, before we open, I want to show you the basics of a coffee machine but don't stress too much over the different steps, it can seem complicated at first but I'll be there to help you until you get used to them so don't worry, the learning process shouldn't be hurried more than what you can handle. For this week, your main task will be to pay attention to what I do and to observe, alright? Just to familiarize yourself with the environment".

As he speaks, he walks us to a fancy looking coffee machine and when he starts pointing at the buttons to explain what they do, where the cups are and the likes, I can't help but stare at his face, his eyes easily showing me that he loves his job, something refreshing to me.

I let my eyes wander to his golden skin that looks smooth with no imperfection, his lips thick and pretty, everything about him is just so...

"Y/N? Are you listening?" his voice jolts me out of my thoughts and I look up to his eyes to find him grinning at me, a glint of amusement in his orbs that has me blushing wildly before I robotically bring my attention back to the coffee machine that currently fills a cup.

I can't believe I stared at him so openly while he was showing me the ropes, it's even worse that he noticed it! It's so embarrassing!

"I guess I'll have to show you a second time" he lets out with a squeaky laugh before proceeding to go over the steps once more, this time with me listening and taking notes, something I should've done the first time instead of staring at him.

Once done, we clean up the area together and he shows me some hidden corners that are important to keep clean to avoid weird smells coming alive, he's very patient and it's comforting, he doesn't make me feel bad about the things that I'm not knowledgeable about and that's new for me.

"Like I said, don't be too nervous and observe, if there are things you're unsure about, ask me and I'll guide you through the steps again, okay? I'm sure you'll do well. Now would you be a dear and have a walk around to make sure everything is in order, please? We'll be opening in a couple of minutes" he asks me, to which I nod quickly before leaving his side to accomplish my first mission, his reassurance tightly wrapped around my heart.

As he wipes the display cases containing the pastries, drinks and different meals and salads, glasses needing to be sparkling with not a dust in sight, I walk through the seating area with eyes ready to notice anything that could possibly be out of place, but this Seokjin seems to be very organized because there's nothing, literally nothing that seems out of the ordinary.

And now that I think about it, I have a feeling he already knows that there's nothing to adjust, he probably just asked that of me so I could take in how he usually does things so that I can do the same in the future.

After one slow glance over the area another time just to make sure I'm not missing anything, I walk back to the counter where the display cases are and take a look at all that is offered to familiarize myself with what he offers here.

Cakes, sandwiches, salads, yogurt, juice, water, almost everything looks carefully made with love, Seokjin is a man who seems to have his whole life under control, it feels nice to be under his care, even if it's only at work, it brings a sense of safety that I've been lacking all my life.

"Y/N, come here please" he eventually calls out to me and I walk around the counter to see that he's currently writing something on a piece of paper, although I can't see what exactly, he seems to be doodling?

"What are you doing, boss?" I ask him, curious to find out why he called me over but he instead sighs as if I said something bad, it has me pursing my lips in nervousness.

"Call me boss one more time and I'll start crying, it makes me feel old and it's such a cold term to use. I'm thirty-one, not sixty, Seokjin is fine, Jin is even better" he informs me like this is a matter of life and death before bringing his gaze back to the paper to complete what he was doing.

I see his point but... "Jin just feels a bit too... personal" I mumble sheepishly, it feels like a name I would use if we were close friends but... we're not, are we? We just met and he is my boss, even if he doesn't like the term.

He finishes writing a word and puts the pen by the cash register before humming lightly. "Then call me Seokjin, please. I'll be awaiting impatiently for the day you slip up and call me Jin, in the meantime, here is a little helping note for two regulars who come here a few times a week.

They're... particular. They don't really like to be bothered, one will tell you, the other won't, but don't mistake a smile for a happy one, they'll both spit on you if you stay around for too long, I almost got caught once and let me tell you, it was scary" he explains as he shows me the paper that reveals... little faces drawn on it along with different notes.

He points at the little face that looks like it's pouting. "This here is Jimin, Park Jimin. He comes to work here from time to time on his laptop, he's easily recognizable by the eternal frown on his face. If you see him, don't talk to him first, he's a real grump. If he goes straight to a table, make him an Espresso americano, I'll show you how it's made if he comes over".

I gulp at his words, that guy sounds scary... Seokjin pats my shoulder before pointing at the second face, one that sports a rectangle for a mouth.

"This one is Kim Taehyung, he's not as scary as Jimin so don't worry. He'll smile at you if you meet his gaze but don't take that as an invitation to converse with him, it's just because he's polite. When he comes by, he usually stays for a few hours to work on his laptop, just like Jimin.

His orders can vary from one day to another, just let him come to the counter before making anything, he's easier to serve because of that since most of the time, he'll ask for a bottle from the counter, he's not really a coffee person.

He usually asks for a juice or a smoothie, if the weather allows it, and he does enjoy a hot chocolate from time to time, although that's more likely to happen when he's in a good mood and I've seen a handful of it so far. If he asks for water, no ice, he doesn't like cold water".

I nod as he describes everything in detail, he sounds like someone I could handle better than that Jimin, but I guess I'll really know when I see them in person myself, who knows when they might get here? It is only Monday morning after all.

Seokjin notices my expression and chuckles before ruffling my hair softly. "I just made you anxious with this, didn't I? Don't worry, they're not that bad, you'll get used to them, I just want you to know about these two in particular because they come by often" he tells me before heading to the front door to flip the door sign to open.

"Here begins your first week at work, Y/N, let's get along well".

I beam and nod my head at him and just like that, my first job indeed begins.


The doorbell jingles, stating the arrival of a new customer and I turn my head to find a beautiful man enter the shop with a serious face, a laptop bag hanging off his shoulder as he makes his way over to the counter to order.

His eyes fall on me before lowering to my name tag, a little quirk to his eyebrows before he turns his gaze to Seokjin with a light smile that goes away as soon as it appeared. "I'll start with some water please. And maybe a sandwich, any is fine, just no ham" he says before walking away to a nearby table where he settles down with his laptop.

Seokjin leans his face towards me and talks in a low hush to avoid being heard. "That's Kim Taehyung, one of the two men I told you about earlier. He's not really difficult when it comes to food, but if he says he doesn't want something, make sure he doesn't get it".

I nod and stare at the man who seems already concentrated on his work, not one glance spared our way as he starts clicking his mouse quickly. He's very handsome, he has a charm like I haven't seen often in my life and he doesn't look like a bad person, this should be fine, right?

"Make him a glass of water first, remember, no ice and not too cold, I'll get the sandwich he usually enjoys, you can bring them to him when you're ready. Just set the stuff besides him at a distance so he doesn't knock them over his laptop and come back here".

I nod and get started, the task one easy to accomplish as I spot the sparkling clean glasses, one grabbed and filled just as Seokjin requested and once done, I turn around to find him settling the sandwich on a plate and on the counter for me before he takes care of a customer awaiting his attention.

With an anxious heart, I grab the plate with my free hand and make my way towards Taehyung's table. As simple as the whole thing is, I'm afraid of making a mistake, because what if I knock the water over his laptop by mistake? That would be terrible!

I stop by the busy man and set everything down as carefully as humanly possible, a good distance away but not too far away from him that he would have to stretch uncomfortably to reach them and once reassured that I have not ruined his day, I quickly walk back to the counter under Seokjin's amused eyes, the coffee he's currently making not keeping him from observing me with a light grin.

The hours pass by at a comfortable pace as Seokjin shows me how to make some basic coffee orders when they come and he even asks me if I want to try them myself after many successful attempts, his voice always ready to guide me when I hesitate, little hints given to help me remember the most important steps before he joins my side to physically help when he sees that my nervousness has made me forget, all with a gentleness that I'm not used to receive, he never gets mad or complains at me.

It's such a special feeling, to be guided not with anger and disappointment but with a smile and a gentle squeeze to the shoulder, as if me failing a customer's order is not ruining his shop's flawless image, his reassurance often and sincere, he makes customers laugh and makes it so that even they end up encouraging me before walking away with the right drink in hand.

The handsome man is the kind of person I wish I could've had in my life a long time ago, but the fact that now I do, although not as a friend but as a boss, it makes me feel very good about my current situation, he's someone I can depend on and I've been lacking that all my life.

It's a few hours before the shop closes when Taehyung comes by the counter, his belongings back in his laptop bag and over his shoulder as he holds in one hand his wallet, clearly looking like he's ready to leave after a hard day of work, he barely moved at all if not for the one bathroom break he allowed himself.

I look around me to find that Seokjin is currently not in the room, he did say he had something to do in the kitchen and to fetch him if I needed anything, but to bother him when all I need to do is make someone pay... that would go against the reason why he hired me, right? I'm here so that he can take care of his other tasks while I watch the shop.

So with an anxious smile sent to the serious looking man who stares at me curiously, I make my way to the cash register, eyes fixated on the machine as I do not dare meet his gaze, brain working hard to remember how the steps go but I keep forgetting everything today, my hands are so sweaty and no matter how many times I wipe them, they remain slippery and uncomfortable.

I sigh deeply to myself as I try to remember how Seokjin did it, he made people pay all day, I watched him do it all day, he explained everything many times and supervised me whenever I'd give it a go myself, I can do this, just look at the buttons, it should be obvious what you have to do.

While I analyze everything in silence, the eyes staring at me not giving me a break even for a second, his sudden voice speaking up has me looking up to meet his gaze sheepishly.

"Seo Y/N, you're new right?" he asks softly, no malice in his tone, he looks interested about my being here more than he seems annoyed by my lack of action as I stand like a fool on the other side of the counter facing him.

I slowly nod my head, watch as he hums deeply before he leans over the counter separating us to instead point at the screen with all the options that have me in a state of slight panic.

"When you press the food section, you have to select the type of food that was ordered and then select the right thing. In my case, it was a sandwich, so you press this one, and then you should find the grilled caprese sandwich among the available choices, that's what I had" he starts explaining gently and I follow the steps he gives me one by one until I get the hang of it again, Seokjin's instructions coming back to mind for the last part, thank goodness.

After confirming the method of payment he wants to use, he settles his tab and I let out a relieved sigh as the receipt prints out, one he refuses as he tucks his wallet in his pocket with a light smile.

I squeeze my fingers together nervously before bowing. "I'm really sorry that I took so much of your time, thank you for being patient with me and showing me how to do the steps, it was so easy and yet I... I'll do better next time, I'll make sure it won't happen again" I apologize to him, what would Seokjin say if he knew that I had a customer help me do something so simple?

"It's nothing bad, it didn't bother me so don't worry about it. Don't give up, Y/N, I'll see you again soon".

I raise my head to observe as he walks out of the shop, the jingles of the door's bells echoing in the following silence, he's really not as scary as I had anticipated, I'm thankful that he was so nice about it, he didn't get mad at me either.

"Oh, did someone leave? Did they pay?" Seokjin asks all of a sudden as he joins me behind the counter, a quick look at the most recent receipt to see that indeed, I made someone pay for what they ordered before letting them go, he recognizes the order as Taehyung's, his eyes looking over the room showing that he's nowhere to be seen anymore.

He whistles, impressed before he smiles at me. "You did this yourself? That's pretty good, Y/N, that's exactly how it should be done, you're starting to get the hang of it" he praises me but for this one, I feel undeserving of it because I didn't really do it by myself.

I look down and bite on my bottom lip before shaking my head slowly. "I... Taehyung actually guided me through the steps because I was too nervous to remember, I'm sorry" I apologize to him with a light bow, take in the way his eyes widen at my words.

"Did he now? That's strange... but very nice of him. Maybe he just doesn't like me then?" he mumbles as his gaze falls on the door but I shake my head, that can't be it, he doesn't look like that kind of person. "I don't think that's quite it, he's just... quiet? I don't know, but I don't think he really dislikes anyone".

He shrugs lightly with a smile. "Maybe you're right, he did help you after all so he can't be a bad kid. I guess I'll let you handle him from now on since you seem to get along well, perhaps you'll have some luck with Jimin too, who knows?".

I hold my breath in shock as I stare at him with panicked eyes. Jimin's the real scary guy, isn't he?

"Me alone?" I ask in a murmur, to which he nods his head with a chuckle. "I'll be right behind you, don't worry".

With that said and done, we work the remaining few hours together and it goes pretty well, or so he makes me believe, until he eventually heads to the front door to flip the sign to closed so that no more customers will step inside.

"For a first day, dear, you did amazing, I have no worries about you, you'll get used to working here quickly" he states as he starts gathering the last dirty dishes found on the tables that have yet to be cleaned up, I perk up at his words, proud that he thinks so.

With a happy smile, I quickly walk towards the sink to grab a wet cloth before heading to wash the now empty tables while he goes to where I was just a moment ago to put the dishes in the dishwasher to start a load before leaving.

"I like it here, it's fun. I was really nervous though and did many mistakes so I hope I get used to it quickly, I don't want to be a dead weight to you, you were nice enough to be patient with me but I still need to do better, customers shouldn't have to help me do my job" I let out with a small pout, he makes a soft noise as he leans on the counter to gaze at me.

"You're new, Y/N, today is your very first day of work, don't be so hard on yourself. We all start somewhere and I'm really happy that for you, it happens here. If being patient is what it takes to make you comfortable, then that's exactly what I'll be, give yourself the time to learn, you're already very good, you just need to be more confident in your capabilities".

I turn my head to meet his gaze, my soul warm and ticklish, he's so nice to me. "Thank you, Seokjin, truly" I muse, watch as he smiles prettily before standing up with a stretch that makes him grunt in satisfaction.

"Don't worry about it. Now, before leaving, if I could ask of you to please clean the floor, that would be very sweet. I need to clean the kitchen and check the inventory so you can leave once you're done, I'll finish things up here before doing the same".

I give my approval and watch as he leaves the room before quickly getting to work with my last task of the day, one that is just as important as any other because it wouldn't do to have the floor dirty and sticky tomorrow, I make it a point to do it well, no traces of any dirt left before I put the tools away in the break room where I found them in the first place.

Once done with that, I peek my head into the kitchen where I can find Seokjin cleaning the surfaces and I wait until he notices me in the doorway before speaking up.

"I'm done with the floor, is there anything else you would like me to do? I don't mind helping you some more" I offer but he simply smiles and shakes his head. "You're very kind Y/N, you've done enough for today, I'll handle the rest. Go back home and rest well, you deserve it".

"Alright, thank you for today Seokjin, I'll see you tomorrow?" I let out, to which he chuckles softly. "Of course, see you tomorrow, dear, get back home safely".

Not willing to bother him any longer when I see him itching to get back to cleaning, I bow one last time before heading to my locker to put my apron away, bag and phone grabbed and after making sure that I haven't left a mess behind me, I say a loud goodbye, leave only when I hear him say it back.

I push the door open and sigh happily when the fresh air greets me, it feels good to be outside after working so hard today, it's such a satisfying feeling and to know that this is what awaits me from today onwards, it makes me beam with joy.

And as I make my way back home, I can't help but wonder what tomorrow might hold for me?

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