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(edited - 7k words)

"The car's doors are unlocked so you can get in while I lock this one, Y/N, and at the front, don't treat me like some taxi, I don't want you at the back like a stranger" Seokjin states as he grabs his set of keys to find the right one for the shop, an eye on me to make sure I have understood.

I freeze where I am before giving him a sheepish smile, is it really that bad to sit at the back? It feels like the better choice for me because sitting at the front... can I really?

Seokjin sighs and points his chin towards his vehicle parked at the side of the building, he doesn't look surprised that this appears to have been my initial plan and we can both see it, he's getting a bit too good at reading me and I don't know what to think of it.

Has anyone ever paid that much attention to me to the point of being able to guess my next steps like this before? I don't think so, my baby siblings were good at knowing how to use my weak points to get their desired snacks before dinner while mom would use them against me to keep me within her grasp but that's as far as my personal experiences go, everything Seokjin does always appears to be for my own sake and I'm not used to that.

"I won't, Seokjin, I wouldn't dare do that to you" I let out bashfully before quickly making my way to his car to save face and I hear him chuckle followed with a pleased hum. He definitely knows me too well, he must be a mind reader or something, maybe I should be scared of him.

"I sure hope so, I would have gotten you out of that seat myself to put you at the front if that was needed, back seats are only for when the front is already occupied. And anyway, I'm too handsome to be a taxi driver, people wouldn't be able to handle it, do you imagine them all passing out from shock once sat at the back? How would I make money?".

I giggle and roll my eyes at his comment and turn around once at the car to see him done with locking the front door, the coffee shop's name above his head truly fitting, he's the owner without a doubt.

I get inside the clean vehicle - at the front of course - and once seated, the scent of vanilla eventually reaches my nose, which makes me notice the little scent stick hanging from the rear-view mirror in the middle, there's a warm creamy tone to it that makes me feel more comfortable, it smells very good.

Seokjin quickly walks over while I wear my seatbelt and after smiling at me from the window, he opens his door to sit inside, a content sigh leaving him after he closes it, he looks excited about the sudden change of plans for today and I can't deny that I am too.

It's amazing how much talking with him earlier helped me feel better and so I can only smile as he hums while pressing on a button to turn on the radio, air conditioner switched off to instead slide down the windows a little, everything he does, he does with grace and it's fascinating to watch.

His eyes fall on me when he's buckled in and I startle before looking away, a few quick blinks of the eyes as my cheeks heat up because I know that wasn't a smooth recovery, I was very obvious but I can't help it, he's so interesting to watch.

Him being extremely handsome does nothing to keep the eyes away, I would be blind if I couldn't admit that he's incredibly attractive.

Unaware of the proud grin that takes place on his face, Seokjin's posture relaxed and delighted, I keep my gaze locked on the outside as he begins driving us away from the shop and towards his home, something that sounds weird to my mind considering I never had any friends to visit until now.

I'm really seeing the impact of mom's isolating me now that she's not around to control me anymore and it's scary to witness just how much she took from me, they do say that you need to give up on your previous life to start anew, I only wish that my siblings weren't the price to pay to get this freedom.

With the wind in my hair and the soft music that plays from the speakers to keep us company, I think back to what happened earlier with Eunwoo and to the way I left Namjoon alone, a light pinch to my heart when I see both of their faces filled with sadness, it wasn't fun for any of us, in different ways.

Namjoon made sure I would get back home safe and stayed behind without complaining, he let me know that he was available to help me should I ever need it, at any moment and I can't help but feel really bad about leaving him like that, especially since I didn't go back home but went to Seokjin instead, would he be mad about it?

I decide to grab my phone to at least apologize and let him know that I'm alright, he deserves to know that much, he did so much for me today and I would hate for him to continue worrying about me when I truly feel better already.

Hey Namjoon... I'm sorry about how I left earlier, I didn't mean to end things the way I did and I feel really bad now that I have a clear mind, you even paid for the drive... I wanted to thank you for the way you handled things and helped me, I would have been very lost if not for you so I mean it, thank you. I hope you got back home safely as well? I had time to process what happened and feel much better now so please do not worry about me.

I bite on my bottom lip before writing more, I don't want things to become awkward when we really had such a good day before finding Eunwoo, it would break my heart to have Namjoon keep a distance with me because of today and I think he deserves to know that this is how I feel, I want him to know how much I cherish our time together.

If you're alright with that... if today didn't make you feel too uncomfortable about spending time with me again, I wish we could do something together soon, without all the family drama. I want you to know that I truly enjoyed my day with you and will forever remember it as my first time spending time with a friend, so thank you for allowing me such a beautiful memory, today meant a lot to me despite the way it ended.

I stare anxiously at the screen for a moment in the hopes that he would reply soon, but when it becomes clear that I won't be getting anything anytime soon, I sigh and put my phone away before leaning my head against my seat to glance out of the window.

Eunwoo looked so torn before leaving at the park, it was like he knew that if he'd stayed behind, he would have wavered and it must have scared him. I'm sure he wanted to believe me, but mom's words have always had such an impact on them, which I don't blame them for, it was the same for me, until she kicked me out that is.

I always did my best so she would approve of me, from as far as I can remember, but it never worked, obviously. She would give them the world though, Eunwoo and the others have no reasons to dislike her.

The problem has always been me, only me.

It breaks my heart to know that I have absolutely no way to contact them for now, not without their new phone numbers and it hurts me much more than I can describe with words.

I would call them in a heartbeat if I could, I would let them know how much I love them, how much I miss them, I want to hear their voices so badly, I want to see them and hug them and it kills me that I can't.

Eunwoo was so close, I had him right in front of me and yet I failed him so badly. Would he have melted in my embrace if I had dared hug him the way I always do? If I had held onto him with all of my strength, would things have ended the same way? Would he have given me a chance to explain?

New tears rise to my tired eyes and I take in a deep breath to keep them from flowing freely, eyes blinking quickly as I try to focus on what I see outside, cars, people, clouds, birds, the little plane that appears small as an ant, anything I can grab onto to keep the self-pity away. Now's not the time for regret, crying won't change anything.

My siblings have it much worse than me, they have to deal with the belief that they were betrayed and abandoned by me, they have to deal with the belief that I didn't want them anymore, that I ran away from them. My pain is nothing compared to their own.

I swallow thickly and eventually need to wipe my eyes to remove any proof that my heart is still struggling, it doesn't help that I can feel Seokjin's gaze burning my skin, I know that he's not blind to my pain, but I'm glad that he doesn't say anything about it, it wouldn't fix this nightmare.

I'll get through it, I've gotten over a lot of things in my life, and although this is the hardest problem I've ever had to face, this pain one that I will never be able to forget, if I can at least adapt around it, then living might not be so awful. Just until I manage to get them back in my life.

"We're almost there" Seokjin says softly, his voice gently pulls me out of my thoughts and I look ahead to see that he just turned into a warm looking street filled with pretty houses, there's a family vibe to it that screams comfort, parks, flowers and tall trees everywhere the eye can see.

Everything about this place clashes greatly with the more industrial and cold district that mom had chosen for the family, the kids weren't thrilled at all the first time we'd reached the new house but at least there was the possibility of walking through the neighboring district to get to the nice parks, it helped, though it's not something I miss much.

The trees make me feel calm, peaceful, much more alive than any amounts of brick walls and cement could ever do. My siblings were my warmth in the middle of the cold, they helped me through so much without knowing.

Seokjin pulls into the driveway of a pretty home, a house that looks simply adorable. It's decorated with a beautiful garden filled with a wide variety of colours still in full blooms and there are even a few small trees spread over the lawn with a white fence surrounding it to make the space more private, it looks just as welcoming as he was to me.

"Your place looks beautiful, Seokjin" I admit quietly while turning my gaze his way and he smiles at me, his eyes bright and relieved as he stops the car and turns off the engine, which also puts an end to the music from the radio.

"Thank you, dear, that's sweet of you to say. I put in a lot of efforts to get this result so it makes me happy that you like it" he muses back softly before undoing his seatbelt, after which he steps out of the car before running around towards my side to open my door while I unbuckle myself, his gentlemanly manners a breeze of warm tingles to my weary heart.

When I make a move to step out as well, he raises a hand to protect my head and I offer him a shy smile in response that makes his heart melt into a puddle, and once I'm safely up to my feet, he closes the door behind me before guiding me to the house with a gentle hand between my shoulder blades that makes my stomach flutter.

Once at the door, he finds the right key, a bright pink one and proceeds to unlock it before allowing me in first, himself not far behind to close the door once the two of us inside.

Right away, what greets my eyes is a nicely decorated entrance that opens to a large and open living room that lets in a lot of natural light from the tall windows, it's cozy and warm and added to that is the smell of perfumed candles, so potent in the air that it shows he must use them often, but it doesn't bother my senses, it instead makes my body settle with comfortable inner peace.

"You can put your shoes in the closet and if you need slippers, I have some in the basket so don't be shy, take what you need" he informs me and I nod my head before following his directives, the closet's sliding door opened slowly to reveal a cleanly organized space.

I put my shoes down where I can see his other pairs and then take a look at the mentioned basket that is filled to the brim with various colourful slippers, do people living alone need so many? Does he wear all of them or do they go forgotten most of the time?

I need to search for a little bit, but I eventually find a pair that looks slightly smaller than the others, but considering how Seokjin's feet are much bigger than my own, I can't say for certain that these would fit me well, maybe I should give up the plan and remain slipper-less after all.

I show the chosen slippers to him and he chuckles at my questioning eyes before moving closer to have a look at the basket too, another pair taken for himself without seeming to care that he got close so suddenly that our shoulders are literally brushing together, something that makes my breath hitch in my throat with embarrassment.

"They are rather big for you, aren't they? There's another pair in there, I got it because I found them cute but there weren't any feet to fit them yet, I think they'll be perfect for you" he lets me know as he rummages through the lot until he hums in satisfaction when he finds two identical slippers.

He hands them to me and my eyes light up at the pretty purple colour, they look so soft and snug for the feet too, I almost hesitate to accept them, as if I'm unworthy of such comfort but when he insists with a smile, I can only take them from him with wonder.

We both stand up and proceed to wear the slippers at the same time and when my feet fit in perfectly, I gaze at them with amazement, they're the most comfortable slippers I've ever been allowed to wear, I've been saying that way too often recently but there's just so many things that I get to experience with him and Namjoon that were never within reach before.

"They're great, right? Seems like they were made for you, buying them has finally been explained, you were meant to come here today it seems" Seokjin teases me, though he looks pretty convinced of what he's saying when I look up to meet his pleased eyes.

"They're so soft on my feet, I love them" I let out with an amazed look on my face and he laughs before nodding his head. "They'll be yours and yours only then, I'll even have your name sewed on them to make sure everyone knows who they belong to, how's that?" he offers and my eyes widen in happy surprise.

"Really? Just like you did with my apron?" I ask him, unable to hide my excitement at the prospect of having something like this just for me, his kind eyes crinkle at the sides and he hums softly before nudging me further into his home.

"Just like I did for your apron, it's a promise. I'll give you a quick tour around my house since it's your first time here but you'll see, it's not too big so you can't get lost" he muses before starting with the open living room at our right.

He shows me the dining room and the kitchen that are connected together, though there is a warm-coloured wooden wall divider to conceal the kitchen a little, Seokjin must like to have his space when he's cooking at home too, just like at the coffee shop.

"I have three bedrooms, but I obviously use only this one for myself. The second door here is the guest room, though it's barely ever used and the third one is my office, it's there for when I need to take care of things related to the shop, it's a bit boring because there are only files in there so I usually keep the door closed unless I need it for something.

The bathroom is right there on the opposite wall but there's a smaller one accessible from the guest room that you can use if needed" he concludes the tour with a smile as I keep looking around me with interest, he has such a pretty home, it's much warmer than the houses I grew up in before.

He keeps the space very clean and it makes me curious to see what his bedroom looks like, is it just as clean or does he allow himself to be messier in there? I really want to know, but I don't dare voice that out in the open, he can show me if he wants to, doors are always closed for a reason.

"It's a nice home you have, Seokjin, and it smells really good, that's the first thing I thought as soon as I got in earlier" I tell him sincerely and he preens instantly, a quick nod of the head before he motions for his set of candles on a nearby commode.

"It smells good, doesn't it? I do enjoy candles a little bit too much but I can't help it, I love coming back to this smell after a long day at work. My mother believes I'm addicted to them and I'm starting to wonder the same, but what can I say? I enjoy nice smells, it makes getting back home sweeter" he muses with a chuckle, his eyes light up when he mentions his mother and the sight makes me smile.

"Are you close to her? Your mother?" I can't resist asking, I'm curious about how he is when he's with his family but my question has him freezing, eyes turning guilty as if him mentioning her when my relationship with my own is in such a bad condition would hurt me, I give him a reassuring smile and he relaxes slightly.

"You don't have to stop talking about your family on my account, mine is a mess but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear about yours" I make sure to let him know and he nods softly, back leaning against the wall behind him as he looks up to the ceiling with a pensive look before gazing down at me.

"My mother and I, we're all we have in terms of family so yes, you could say we're pretty close. I try to go see her once in a while when I have the time, it's either that or she comes here to stay for the weekend when she misses me. My father had an accident when I was younger and didn't survive the impact so it's always been just the two of us, their parents both died young so yeah, small family" he explains before motioning for us to sit in the living room where we'll be more comfortable.

He sits down and pats the space next to him to invite me to sit and I do with a light bite of the lips, I wasn't expecting for him to have lost so many people already. I glance at him as he sighs softly, a despaired look on his face as he stares at his knees.

"Lately though, she's been trying to make me go on blind dates with anyone that catches her attention, she doesn't like that I'm still single at my age, as if that would change just because she wants it. I think she just really wants a daughter she can spend her time with to do girly things but... I won't lie, it really bothers me, it's definitely put a strain on our relationship recently, which she doesn't seem to notice at all".

My body turns cold at his words, soul falling to my feet at the mention of him having to go on blind dates, it makes me swallow thickly and I keep my gaze locked on the floor, mouth turning dry as a desert.

"And... do you go? To the blind dates she organizes" I find myself asking before I can stop, voice as neutral as I can manage, I don't know why this is bothering me so much but it's not a nice feeling, simply imagining him with someone... I get shivers just thinking about it.

"No! Goodness, no, and I don't intend to go anytime soon, I think she'll get the message eventually but she's persistent" he hurries to assure me, his eyes widened on my form as I dare a glance at him, I nod and relax a little, why do I feel relieved?

He's about to say something else but his phone takes that moment to start ringing and he grabs it with a sigh when he sees who it is. "Speaking of the wolf... it's her, can you give me a few minutes Y/N? I'll be back soon, you can make yourself comfortable in the meantime" he asks and I quickly let him know that I'll be fine so he can take the call.

He smiles tiredly and stands up from the couch to reach his office where he closes the door behind him, which ultimately leaves me in complete silence with an uneasy feeling rising within me.

I lick my lips as I try to process this strange feeling. Could it be because we're only just getting close?

What if one day he meets a wonderful woman who doesn't want him to have a close girl friend? I'm not important enough that he would decide to keep me in his life at all cost so he would definitely start distancing himself from me if his other half asked it of him, right?

I really enjoy being with him but I don't want to get in the way of his romantic life and cause problems, I should be careful and remain open to the possibility, I don't wish for this to happen but he can't remain single forever. A time will come when I will have to step back.

I sink into the couch with a deep unsettled sensation in my heart and decide to grab my own phone to see if maybe Namjoon responded to my messages from earlier, which I realize he did a while ago, I hadn't noticed.

I smile, though a little bitterly, because while I feel relief that he's there by my side, I can't help but be reminded of what happened with Eunwoo. Life and the bonds it creates can be so complicated, emotions are not always easy to understand and deal with.

Don't apologize for that, it's really okay Y/N, it wasn't your fault. Don't worry about what happened and take care of yourself, I'm always nearby if you ever need to talk, even if it's just on the phone, I'll always make time for you. I got back home safe and am also relieved to know that you're feeling better, I'll rest easy now.
As for spending time together, I would love to see you again, of course! There's no discomfort so please don't worry, we all have problems and I'm not going to drop you because of yours, I promise. Let's do something soon, we don't have to go so far next time, I'll see if I can think of something, okay? Take it easy and eat well even if it's hard, it's important.

He's so sweet, my heart feels warmer already just by reading his messages. I reply with a small happy/blushing emoji and decide to leave it at that since Seokjin walks out of the room at that time. I put my phone away and observe from over my shoulder as he comes back looking dejected, a heavy weight over his shoulders as he drops on the couch once more.

Worry gnaws at my stomach at the expression on his face and he attempts a smile in my direction before running a hand through his hair, it looks like it didn't go so well. "Sorry about that, she doesn't normally call around that time" he says but I shake my head.

"It's fine. Did she... did she ask again?" I ask him, unsure if it's within my right but he nods and exhales deeply.

"Yeah, she's getting impatient the more time goes by. She got mad when I refused after she told me to head to this restaurant to meet someone and dropped the call all of a sudden without even saying goodbye. It's okay though, she'll come around eventually, it's not the kind of thing that she can just... force, she'll understand one day".

I make a small noise in response and he smiles at me, a more genuine one as he leans over to ruffle my hair softly, as if I'm the one that needs comfort. "Let's not dwell on my situation any longer, I didn't bring you here so we could talk about my problems. It's a bit of an odd time for a meal but I can make us a snack if you're hungry, did you eat lunch earlier with Namjoon?".

"Oh... no, we didn't, it was a bit early then and there weren't anywhere we could go, we wanted to take a break from walking before finding a place we could eat at" I answer bashfully and he hums before standing up with a smile.

"It's fine, Y/N, I didn't eat anything either, I'll make us something, alright? I'll make it filling so we can last until dinner, I was going to make something anyway, I'm starving. All this stressing over things is bound to make you hungry and I don't do well with ignoring my hunger" he states and I giggle a little, which makes him cheer up as well as he makes his way to the kitchen.

I follow behind him and end up standing by the counter as he searches through the fridge with a pensive frown. "Are you open to something new or would you rather stick to classics?" he asks after a while and I give him an unsure glance when he turns his gaze my way.

"What... are you thinking of when you say new? How much different are we talking about?" I ask, mind filled with uncertainty because... really, what does he have in mind to ask me such a question? Are we going to eat a squirrel?

He chuckles at my question, eyes creasing with amusement. "Well, considering that kimbap was new for you, I'm going to take for granted that pretty much everything would be new so shall I impress you today?".

To see the wide smile on his face, hopeful and filled with excitement... how could I tell him no?

"You make a good point... go ahead then, Seokjin, as long as it's food you make, it's bound to be good so I'll just trust you" I let out with a silent sigh, there's no point in stopping him, I've gotten to learn enough during the last week to know that when he has something in mind, he makes it happen, no matter what others might have to say about it.

He seems to come to the same conclusion when he lets out a pleased laugh before nodding his head happily, my praise doing miracles to his heart. If only I knew the effect my words have on him, Seokjin would surely die from an overdose.

"You can take a seat at the table in the meantime if you want, Y/N, the preparations won't take too long but it's going to take a while in the oven, we can head back to the living room when I'm done to see what we could watch together while we wait" he offers while pointing at one of the nearby chairs and I hesitate, though my wish to remain close eventually wins over when I shake my head.

"I'm fine, I want to watch what you do, I might steal your recipe if I like it and I want to know how to make it at home" I explain my decision and he grins, a light hum leaving him as he settles avocados and bacon on the countertop before turning around to preheat the oven at the right temperature.

"I don't mind that, it's always a pleasure to share knowledge with someone who's willing to learn. It's going to sound like a stupid question but have you ever had bacon or avocado in the past?" he asks when he turns back to face me and I nod my head, it might not have happened often but I do know what they taste like. That's luxury food to me.

He doesn't reply once sure that I'm fine with his selection and proceeds to prepare everything with skilled hands, avocados cut in half so he can remove the seed before removing the skin, after which he cuts a few thin slices that he settles in front of me, a grin on his face when I eat them quickly.

Having food in my face like this only serves to awaken my hunger, he must have heard my stomach grumbling.

He cuts the avocados in slightly thicker slices after having had a few for himself and once done, he grabs the bacon and then proceeds to wrap them around the avocados before settling them on a tray ready for the oven.

I should've seen that step come from a mile away but my inexperienced brain did not imagine avocado to go well with bacon to that point and I end up frowning as I lean closer over the counter to see the way he wraps them so they stay in place.

"Curious, aren't you?" he says with a chuckle, eyes on my blushing cheeks before he focuses back on his task. "You'll see, they'll get that crunchy texture that potato fries have in the oven, I tried that one day when I was bored and it ended up being delicious. It's a little sad to eat alone though so I've been eager to share that snack with someone, that's why I thought of it for now".

There are things that feel boring to eat alone? "I can be your eating buddy then, so you don't feel lonely eating good food anymore" I blurt out, eyes very serious when I await his reaction, maybe it's me becoming greedy but once you get a taste of his food, anyone would become just like me, I would have a depression if I couldn't eat what he makes anymore.

Seokjin bursts into laughter at my sudden statement, eyes creasing so much I doubt he can see much anymore, goodness, now he wasn't expecting that one but he would be lying if he said it doesn't make him feel proud.

He releases the last piece of food onto the tray and then wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his shoulder to avoid putting grease in his eyes before giggling again some more, was what I said that funny? I was very serious though...

Seokjin sighs deeply with a wide smile on his face before nodding his head, his soul relishing in the smile that appears on my face at his approval, I guess I'm fine after all, thank goodness.

"That sounds absolutely lovely, dear, we'll do things that way from now on. I'll make all the food so all you need to do is make sure you have space in that stomach of yours to eat with me" he muses before grabbing the tray to put in the oven, after which he sets the timer to fifteen minutes with a satisfied hum.

"So, ready for a movie?" he asks once done cleaning up the counter and when I nod my head quickly, he points at the shelves in the living room that support thousands of what appear to be physical CD boxes. I thought maybe they were music albums, but it seems Seokjin enjoys movies a lot more than I thought.

Can we find something to watch among all of them?

Just like earlier, Seokjin leads the way and I follow close behind until we reach the wall filled with endless hours of moving images to try and find something that could entertain us, has he seen all of those already?

"It's still early so maybe we could go for a story that's stretched over multiple movies? We could watch them one after the other, like a... what do you call that..." he mumbles the end, the word suddenly fleeing him and I pinch my chin as I start thinking too, I know what he wants to say but what's the word?

"Do you mean... a marathon?" I attempt, that's what they call it, no? The answer appears to be yes when his eyes light up with his hands clapping briefly. "Yes, that! A marathon, let's do one, what do you think?" he exclaims, eyes wide on me as he awaits my answer.

I for one am all for it since I used to have one with Yuki and Chaein often, they both love watching movies so much that it would be a recurring event when they'd have a day off school, be it for a holiday or because they'd be sick, it's some familiarity that I crave.

"That sounds good to me, Seokjin, let's do a marathon" I muse softly and he chirps happily, body jumping up and down like a child, he makes me laugh so easily with this out of character reaction and he feeds on the sound with a beautiful smile before heading to one shelf in particular where he starts sorting them out to offer me a selection, which I greatly appreciate, I would've been overwhelmed otherwise.

Once he starts putting different piles on the coffee table, I step closer to have a look and indeed, I'm not disappointed when I see movies such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hobbit, Narnia and a few more, those are all movies I loved and enjoyed greatly so it's nice to see them here.

"You said I have to choose one, right?" I ask him after a while of seeing the pile climb, I'm wondering now if it's even possible to choose one only, those are all so good and I would watch all of them if I could.

"Oh, do you not like any of these? We can do something else if you'd rather not watch a movie" he offers, uncertainty now flashing across his face but I shake my hands in front of me to deny his guess. "Quite the opposite actually" I admit before looking down to look at the options once more.

"The more I look at them and the less I know which one to choose, they're all movies I love so it's really hard to find only one" I explain myself and he chuckles with a relieved sigh, he got scared for a moment.

"I might have gotten a bit too carried away, it's not everyday that I get to share my love of movies with someone else. Maybe we should remove the very long ones for now, I'm not sure you'd want to stay over for the whole weekend just to watch movies" he lets out with a grin but I shrug as I watch him take away a few of the selections.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind, that sounds kind of fun actually".

Seokjin pauses what he's doing to stare up at me and I feel myself blush crimson, I blurted that out real easily, didn't I? "I mean- I just feel c-comfortable with you?" I let out before cringing because that sounded kind of weird, have we known each other long enough for me to say something like this?

I avoid his gaze and start fidgeting where I am, awkwardness filling me, I'm going to make things turn really weird, that's not what I wanted but that's what I'm about to do, I-

Seokjin comes to my rescue with a gentle pat to my head that brings an instant end to my inner turmoil, a smile on his lips when I look up sheepishly to meet his kind and warm orbs. "Relax, it's okay, Y/N, I feel comfortable with you too" he coos softly, he looks endeared but his red ears let me know that he's also embarrassed about what was said.

"We'll settle with a smaller amount of movies for now and one day in the near future, you come back for the bigger ones and we organize a marathon sleepover, okay? I'll make sure it happens" he assures me, his voice confident and proud, it's not a matter of 'if 'but rather of 'when'.

My lips stretch into a content smile and I nod my head, my heart warm and tingly. "I'd love that".

His hand lingers on my head for a few seconds longer with a look in his eyes that I've never seen before, and then he pulls back to grab other movies from another shelf instead, Guardians of the Galaxy, Kung Fu Panda, How to train your dragon and some others, he has them all, his home is like a movie haven.

He grabs the first of each ones and then settles them on the table in front of me before motioning for me to sit down at the couch while bending over to push the furniture closer to me. "Since choosing seems hard to do, we'll do things differently. Close your eyes while I mix them up and then point at one of the movies without looking, we'll watch whatever comes out winner".

"Oh, that's a good idea!" I chirp before closing my eyes instantly and he lets out a cute chuckle before proceeding with the next step, the sound of the boxes shuffling lasting for a little while before silence takes over again, which means it's time for me to decide our fate.

"Is it my turn?" I ask him just to make sure and when he hums out a yes, I push the tip of my tongue out slightly in focus while I stretch my fingers, this isn't to be taken lightly, my random selection will dictate what we'll be watching for the next hours, the pressure I feel is in no way scary but I still really want us to have a fun time, which seems to depend on me.

I can almost feel the grin on Seokjin's face as his eyes burn into my skin, he chose movies that he wants to watch, right? I hope I don't let my finger fall on the one that interests him the least, it's with that in mind that I raise my hand before letting fate guide my finger in a direction.

"Is this your final decision? There will be no turning back once you confirm" Seokjin asks me with a deep voice that makes me giggle from how official it makes things feel and I nod my head, eyes peeking open to see what it is that I pointed at.

He grabs the box under my finger and hums happily before showing it to me. "Well, today will be fun, what do you think?".

My eyes widen with delight and I quickly chirp out a yes, it will be fun indeed!


So! What series would you hope to watch if you were allowed to spend that time with Seokjin or any other member? What would be your first choice and why?

I for one am not too sure, I love Disney movies and the likes, so it would probably be a bit of everything, Kung Fu Panda and Shrek are simply a classic to me as well and I've seen them too many times, yet I still love them just as much lmao. Something to make us laugh and smile, a few tears here and there but I would be too stubborn to allow my tears out in the open so I'd just have a constipated face when it'd happen lmao. THAT, or horror movies with Jungkook since I think he's pretty much the only one able to watch them lmao!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I love you all!

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