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(edited - nearly 5k words added = 10k)

"I'm so bored" I mumble quietly in the emptiness of my apartment as I spread on the floor like a star in the middle of the living room.

I just had breakfast, a real breakfast and it was simply delicious.

Honestly, I wish I could eat Seokjin's food everyday for the rest of my life because his cooking skills are to die for, which he knows. He may show off a lot, but he's allowed to do that, he deserves to have his talent shouted to the world.

I think about the week coming my way and excitement fills me instantly. I can't believe I'll be getting my first paycheck so soon! I'll be able to buy food, not for anyone else but myself, I'll be able to buy food that I like, food that I want to eat.

Was there ever a time in my life where I was allowed that much? I don't think so, whenever I'd head out to the grocery store, it was to buy my siblings' favorite food, their favorite drinks, their favorite snacks.

Mom would keep an eye on the money and would always demand the receipt when I'd be back home, I couldn't sneak anything in there for my own person, never.

So that's exciting for me, the thought of getting that freedom, of finally living a life that I know I should've been allowed long ago enough to put a smile on my face.

But it doesn't last for long, because I'm still bored. Today is Saturday and I have no idea what to do with myself. I used to always spend it with my brothers and sisters, they'd make it fun, but now I'm all alone.

Part of me just wants to go through the food Seokjin gave me to cope with this reality of mine, but if I do that, I'll gain weight, then what next? What will I wear? Can I buy a whole new wardrobe just yet? Then what will I eat?

I'll want to eat more and more and that's expensive, I can't afford such a luxurious life, not yet.

I need to be good and eat the food only when I'm really hungry, that's my best solution for now. If I ration what he gave me, then I can last for a while without having to worry about buying groceries.

I sit up and grab my phone from the charger to have a look at the screen, and when I see nothing, I sigh before letting myself fall down on my back again.

Should I take a walk outside? Does Namjoon work today? Should I ask him if he wants to meet up? Is that too straightforward? I don't have friends and he's the only one who's ever shown me any attention without having a specific reason, I don't know what's the right thing to do here.

I'm about to sit up for the tenth time to stare at my phone again in the hopes that something would be different this time when I hear it ding, the sound bouncing on the walls a few times before falling silent.

I pause, unsure of what I just heard. Did I imagine that? Did someone really just text me?

With a gasp as it has now finally processed in my mind, I quickly sit up and unplug my phone before rolling to my stomach to have a look at who it could be, my heart skips a beat when I see who the message is from.

Kim Namjoon.

Quickly before I lose the right timing, I tap on the notification and wait as the messenger app opens to allow me to read what he sent me, a smile on my face that must make me look stupid but I don't care, he thought of me on a Saturday!

Hey Y/N! I'm free for the weekend and was wondering if you'd like to spend some time with me today? I don't really have anything in particular to do in mind but if you don't mind wandering around and just talk about random things, then I could come by and wait nearby until you're ready, what do you think?

I read the message once, twice then thrice, boredom out of my system as I stare at the words like they're melted gold pouring out of a forgotten gold mine, I can't believe that he's really asking me to spend time with him during his day off!

I stare at the screen once more, but when I realize that I need to reply if I want something to happen, my breath hitches in my throat while my smile hides behind shut lips, crap. That's the part I suck at doing.

How do I reply? What do I say? Do I just go with a simple answer? That should be safe, I'll do that.


Wait, that's not right, that's too boring! And I can't delete it!? He'll think I'm not interested!

The chat bubbles appear a few seconds later - was he waiting for my answer? - and I hold my breath again, I must have messed up, he'll think that I just agreed without really wanting it and he'll cancel on me-

Great! When would you like to go? I'm already near the bus stop where we met the first time so I can wait for you there!

Oh thank goodness. But wait... was he expecting a positive response on my part? Or was he maybe planning to kidnap me were I to refuse? He doesn't know where I live exactly, does he?

A ding pulls my eyes back to the screen and I let out a giggle.

I mean, I don't want you to think that I was like... spying on you or anything of the kind, I was just taking a walk around and thought of you when I ended up in your area, that's all! I'm not a creep, I promise.

I smile to myself and proceed to send him a message saying that I'll be ready in fifteen minutes before sprinting to my bedroom to get dressed properly with my best clothes, my hair done and then a little bit of makeup, just to make sure that I don't look too bad, Namjoon is very handsome and I don't want to look like I don't belong next to him.

I look at myself in the mirror with a satisfied nod before glancing at the time on my phone and I gasp before running back to the living room to grab my bag before running to the entrance to wear my shoes, I'm going to be late!

I leave the building in a rush and make my way to the bus stop where he said he would wait for me, another look at the time letting me know that if I keep running like this, I should be fine, mom always said that it's fashionable to be late five minutes!

I eventually start seeing him in the distance once I turn the corner and I slow down when he notices me, body out of breath, I'm so out of shape, it's pitiful. I hear him chuckle before walking the last distance separating us and then I get a good look at him and oh goodness.

If I thought Namjoon was handsome yesterday at the coffee shop, then today, he is ready to steal hearts like they all belong to him.

He's wearing fancy clothes, a gorgeous green t-shirt that does him justice with grey-blue jeans that have zero intentions to hide the thickness of his thighs, his hair is swooped back to expose his forehead and all in all, what I see is boyfriend material right there, he looks breathtaking.

I feel myself blush when I realize that I just ogled him openly, the shame, this is terrible, especially when I'm suddenly overly aware that my clothes don't fit the quality of his own.

What I own are all second-hand clothes, clothes that barely cost anything because I couldn't afford more, they're normally fine for such a situation, I would've thought so, but this man is making me look like I just searched in the trash to find something to wear, that's how good he looks.

I fear the moment he notices that what I'm wearing is passable at most, but when we finally face each other at a close proximity, he takes a moment to gaze at me with eyes that brighten up like suns, a cute dimple smile plastered over his face and it suddenly feels like I was worrying over nothing, maybe I'm alright after all.

"Y/N, I'm glad you could come, thank you for agreeing to spend time with me even if it was sudden and very last minute" he muses with his gentle voice and I smile before shrugging a little, his eyes look like those of a puppy, they make me feel like I could say anything and he would still look at me the same happy way.

"It's fine Namjoon, I was actually thinking about asking you if you wanted to do something today since I was so bored, but I've never really done that before so I wasn't sure how to go at it... you took me out of a miserable day, I thank you for that" I tell him and the sight of his widening smile makes my heart flutter endlessly.

"That's good to hear, I wasn't sure if I would have gotten in the way of something important when I messaged you but I thought giving it a try was better than not at all. Shall we go then?" he chirps softly, eyes kind as he stretches an arm towards me, something that has me completely out of known territory.

I stare at it, mind trying to search in every single memories that I own what he could possibly want me to do with it, but I'm so nervous that no matter how hard I try, no dramas, no movies come to the surface to give me guidance and so I continue staring without moving an inch, confusion spreading thickly over my face, what do I do?

Namjoon grins upon sensing my lack of knowledge over the matter, something that seems to endear him more than I can understand and when he steps forward before turning around so we're right side by side, he gently hooks his arm with mine, and then it makes sense, that's what he wanted!

My face lights up with recognition and he chuckles warmly before starting to walk, hence leading me along with him at a slow pace, my heart stutters shyly but I otherwise feel very happy, I never knew such a thing could make me feel so warm inside.

"How about we go get something to drink for our walk? It's hot outside today so something cold would be great, right? It's my treat" he offers easily and while the mention of him spending money on me makes me feel a little bad, it being a drink does ease some of my concern, it's not overly expensive.

"That would be nice, please" I murmur, words that please him greatly when he hums happily before leading the way to a place that I know well - Seokjin's shop.

The thought of seeing him today brings a smile to my face, it doesn't matter that I spent the week working with him, I've loved every minutes that I've been in his presence, he's fun and caring and I've been enjoying that a lot.

He kind of reminds me of a big brother because the way he cares for me is something I've never experienced before but I do hope that I don't abuse of his kindness. I want to care for him too, I just don't really know how since he seems to be able to handle everything just fine.

"So tell me, Y/N, how was your first week at work? Is it going well? You seem close with your boss, Seokjin, right?" Namjoon asks suddenly to make conversation and I smile at his thoughtfulness, it's nice of him to ask me about it.

"It's been great! Seokjin is a really good person, he's been helping me a lot, he's very patient with me and has been a good guide through all this learning experience. He makes me feel like I'm working with a big brother, I'm really lucky to have been hired by him" I muse with a smile, watch as his eyes crease, lips curving up with satisfaction.

"That's great, I'm happy for you, Y/N, it's important to be comfortable where you work" he replies before making us cross the street safely, our arms always linked together for extra safety, I feel like nothing could happen to me with him like this.

"What about you? Are you comfortable where you work?" I ask him next, also curious about his job, he grins at my question and nods his head.

"Yeah, it's nice. It's not always easy but there's something special to being able to ride across the city on my bicycle that I wouldn't dare give up on. The wind in my hair that keeps me fresh, the smiles and relieved faces I get when I bring the elders their medicine, when I bring to people things that they need or have been waiting for impatiently, it makes me really happy, it's satisfying" he explains and I make a soft sound as we resume walking on the sidewalk together.

"So do you deliver mainly medicine then?" I ask curiously, he chuckles and shakes his head while looking down at me with his beautiful eyes.

"No, that's only an example, though it happens a lot. I've delivered legal and financial documents at times, random parcels, medical samples for hospitals and clinics have happened a few times as well, those usually happen when they need something during rush hours, they call for us instead of waiting for a car that might be stuck for hours, it's a lot faster that way. Every day is different and that's part of why I like my job so much".

I look up at him with impressed eyes that make him beam with pride, he must be very good at his job to be allowed to do such important things!

"You must be so tired at the end of the day then, it sounds like you're all over the place all the time" I let out with a concerned frown, to which he tilts his head pensively with a hum.

"Well... I was at first, naturally, but as you go, as you keep going, your body gets used to it. It's not really hard for me now, I could ride my bike all day without breaking a sweat anymore, as long as the day's weather is good, of course. There are days that are harder but that's part of the work, it doesn't feel so bad after a few years".

"That's very impressive, Namjoon, I don't think I could do your job" I mumble sheepishly, he reaches out to pat my head softly with his other hand with a chuckle before motioning for the shop that's right besides us.

"We all have a job meant for us, you have one that you like, right? That's all that matters. Let's go in" he muses wise words before opening the door for me, hence putting an end to our linked arms, which feels like a shame, I enjoyed feeling his warmth from so close.

I thank him and walk inside first before squinting my eyes at the dimmed light that requires some time for my orbs to adjust to, but once they start relaxing when the sight becomes clearer, it's to be blinded by Seokjin's smile when he notices me.

"Y/N!" he exclaims while putting a towel down, he looks surprised to see me here, which is understandable, today's my free day after all.

"Hi Seokjin" I greet him shyly, watch as he excitedly walks away from behind the counter to come greet me personally only for his smile to waver when Namjoon enters as well to stand behind me.

"I see you're not alone... what can I do for you two? Are you out on a date?" he asks us with a hint of venom in his tone of voice that takes me a little aback, and I quickly shake my head out of embarrassment, a date?

"Of course not, we barely know each other... we're just going to walk around and get better acquainted" I explain sheepishly, and to that, Seokjin's eyes light up in amusement as he straightens up while gazing at the man behind me.

"I see, are you going to order anything then? For your friendly day out?" he asks again while heading back behind the counter and I nod as I walk towards the cash register to see the menu better, Namjoon following closely behind in silence, he hasn't said anything since we came in here.

I look behind me to see him pursing his lips in disappointment, a sight I was not expecting to see. Did I say something wrong? I hope not, I didn't mean to hurt him. Having a friend already seems hard and I just started, I hope it gets easier with time.

"Are you okay?" I ask to him in a murmur while Seokjin wipes the surfaces behind him to give us some time to choose, his eyes go down to meet mine at my question and a smile comes back to his face with a nod of the head, eyes softening at my concern.

"I'm fine, don't worry, I was just thinking" he assures me and I decide to believe him, he knows better, I just hope that whatever was bothering him is over.

I hum and turn back to the counter to gaze over the cold drinks menu with an indecisive pout, I've made most of them but I have no idea which one I could like better, I've never been allowed such a treat before so what do I like? It's a mystery.

Namjoon steps forward to stand by me and gazes up at the menu as well. "You can take anything you like so please don't worry about anything other than which one you'd enjoy, I'll take care of the rest" he reminds me gently and I nod, a little out of my comfort zone at being given the opportunity to choose freely again.

That's something him and Seokjin have given me without it seeming like a big deal and I'm not used to that, it's a new experience for me.

With his help, I eventually make my selection and after giving Seokjin our order, we watch as he works with expert hands to make the drinks that ought to be delicious, I can't wait to try mine!

Seokjin takes a little longer on mine but when he hands it to me personally while Namjoon needs to pick his own from the counter, I don't waste time in taking a sip of the beautiful ruby red that rests in the cup and when a richness of flavours hits my tongue, I hum in delight, eyes rising up to meet the man who smiles proudly at me.

"You like it?" he asks with a smile, warm eyes set on my face as I quickly nod my head, this is the best thing I've ever had in all of my life!

"Oh, this is very good" Namjoon chimes in as well as he drinks his more yellow-ish drink, "You're very skilled, this tastes totally different from what I'm used to, in a good way. This coffee shop is definitely underrated, it shows that you've come up with your own recipes".

I glance at Seokjin again and grin at the surprised expression on his face, like he wasn't expecting such praise and to see him straighten up, chest pushed out and face glowing with pride, it's a beautiful sight that makes me happy for him.

Namjoon chuckles and turns to me with a content smile. "Can you wait outside for me? I'll be there shortly" he asks of me softly and I nod slowly, eyes darting between both men a few times before I wave my boss goodbye, and then I'm out of the building to wait by the door.

Seokjin's POV

I sigh as I watch Y/N leave the shop as the man requested and then turn my gaze to his form.

There's no denying how handsome he is, he's tall and well-built, and the way he dresses? I can understand why Y/N's cheeks turn an adorable pink whenever he talks to her or simply gazes at her.

Her denying the date earlier is sure making me feel better about everything because that means she doesn't see him that way - yet - but I know that he doesn't feel the same way.

I saw the disappointment flash across his face, so he's most definitely interested in her.

He turns to properly face me once he's gotten his wallet and walks to the counter to pay for the drinks, at least he didn't make her pay for hers, I would've given hers for free otherwise, I can't complain about this one thing.

"I trust you to make sure she has a good day today, keep her safe" I tell him seriously as I find the right drinks on the screen before allowing him to pay for the full amount, my ego set aside because as long as she's having fun with him, then how I feel doesn't matter right now.

He puts his wallet away once done settling the cheap bill and nods his head with assurance. "Of course, that's a given. And I want you to know, I heard her loud and clear earlier, I'm not going to push her into something she's not ready for. If she sees today as a friendly day out, then that's what today will be about, I can tell that she doesn't have much experience in... the social department. She's got a lot to learn first" he replies with a light smile and I chuckle, if that isn't the truth.

"She's very pure, naive. Sometimes I get the feeling that she has been locked up all her life, it's like she doesn't know the simplest things, most of her knowledge comes from series and movies, it's like it's the only place where she could learn about the outside world" I let out, heart churning as I remember what happened yesterday.

I might have allowed my jealousy to get the best of me and talked pretty harshly to her in response, but I sure didn't expect her to panic the way she did. It makes me wonder what exactly led her to need the job when she did.

Namjoon hums at my words, a pensive look on his face as he leans onto the counter. "She does seem like she's been pretty sheltered from the world, but that's what's so endearing about her. Those honest and bright eyes of hers when she looks at you, her confused face when she doesn't understand, it makes my heart melt every time. You can be sure that I'll watch over her today, I won't let anything bad happen" he promises before grabbing his drink to make his way towards the door.

"Thank you... for seeing her that way, and for being gentle with her" I find myself saying before he pushes the door open and he turns around to stare at me, a smile stretching his lips softly before he nods his head, and then he's out.

I observe from the window as they both start walking away and I sigh before grabbing my cloth from earlier to finish cleaning my work station.

Being her boss has its advantage since I can see her almost everyday, but the downside it brings makes me feel like I already lost the fight before I could even start. Who would like to get close to their boss like that?

I shake my head at the thought and decide to focus on work when new customers walk in with loud chatter and happy smiles, I can always worry about the future later, and anyway, who knows what will happen tomorrow?

Maybe I'll have a chance someday.

Your POV

Once Namjoon comes back outside, I take in how he looks like a weight has been taken off his shoulders and it makes me wonder what exactly happened in there.

"Sorry for making you wait, shall we go?" he asks with a bright smile that has his dimples peeking out, my heart stutters a little before I nod at him, face warmer than I would like, which I blame on the strong sun, at least for my peace of mind.

He makes a soft noise and offers me his arm again, and this time, I react the right way by hooking my own with his with a proud smile, heart happy that I get to have this contact with him once more.

From there, he leads us on a comfortable pace through the streets and once he learns that I don't know much about the area since I'm new around these parts, my knowledge of what is where, the parks, the activities and shops, he takes it personally and proceeds to tell me all about the great places that surround us confidently.

He tells me about the parks, the museums, places where you can rent rooms to play certain sportive activities with friends like tennis, badminton, even baseball, he shows me a library when we walk by one and tells me about a bookstore a little further away, the grocery stores and which ones have a good middle ground of price and quality, he even recommends me some restaurants that he enjoys going to from time to time, he knows so much that I struggle remembering everything.

But no matter that I can't remember every little details he mentions, having a better understanding of what is offered to me now that I live on my own is very great and it gives me more confidence that this can be good for me, as long as I start making money soon, my bank account won't last me for much longer like this but I know Seokjin will pay me on time, that doesn't worry me.

Namjoon answers my questions when I have them and as we talk about random things, it reveals a lot of things about him, something I enjoy, it's nice to learn more about the man who's stepped into my life with a warm smile and a grounding presence.

We find out that we have quite a bit in common, such as our interest in reading and arts. I've never been to a museum before, but I've always enjoyed watching arts on the internet, so he promises to take me to his favourite place one day, something that makes me excited for the future, for probably the first time in my life.

"They'll have a special exhibition in a few weeks if I'm right, they announced something without revealing too much a while ago so I'll wait and see until they release more information but if it looks interesting, we could go together, they always have original things there, I'm sure you would like it" he offers, already excited about it as his eyes light up with interest.

"I would like that, please" I muse and he nods in contentment while I sip the last of my drink, the empty cup leaving me pouting for a brief moment, it was really good.

After walking for another bit, we spot a recycling bin by a park and we make our way to it so we can get rid of our cups properly instead of carrying them everywhere, and then Namjoon offers that we take a break by sitting on a bench under the shade of a tree so we can get a break from the sun, which I easily agree to.

We sit down and a fresh breeze welcomes us with a gentle caress, which feels nice, it was getting pretty hot in the sun. Namjoon leans back to take in the calm environment around us and then lets his gaze fall on me.

"So what brings you here? You seem new to this town, what made you choose to live here in particular?" he asks with curiosity, though his question has me sighing softly, I look down at my knees before shrugging lightly.

"I actually used to live not so far from here, in the rich district over there, I can recognize some of the buildings, I think I used to bring my siblings to this park, though it's been many years ago, it's changed a lot since then. As for my moving to where I now live, I... I wanted a place of my own and... my landlord had a really good offer and the apartment is great so I took it" I explain in a slightly evasive manner, he hums as he takes me in before looking forward.

"So you lived nearby... well I can see why you moved near the coffee shop, you're closer to most of what you need to live on your own and I feel like the people are friendlier over there, you chose well" he settles with saying, it makes me smile in relief and I nod at him, that's true, the people really are nicer there.

We remain in silence for many long minutes, just the two of us resting in the shade as we observe the birds and squirrels that make noises around us, but then I notice a tall figure from a distance that I recognize instantly and I jump to my feet with a gasp, could it be?!

"Eunwoo!" I shout while running in his direction, it has to be him, I could never mistake him for someone else, he turns around at my call with a confused frown, and then his eyes settle on me before hardening.

"Don't get any closer" he spits out, words that make me freeze a few feet away from him in shock, what?

The scowl on his face is unexpected to me and it makes my heart crack a little, where's that smile he usually gives me whenever he sees me? "Eunwoo-" I start but he raises a hand to stop me, eyes closed to take a sharp inhale before he glares at me.

"You don't have the right to come to me as if nothing happened, noona. You abandoned us and dropped everything on me, you just... you just left us and disappeared right after you said that you would never leave us behind, you're a liar and I don't want to see you now, leave me alone".

My heart squeezes in panic at his words and when he turns around to leave, I rush forward to take a hold of his arm, I can't let him go like that, what is he saying? His eyes meet mine again and it hurts to see the hate in his orbs, it hurts so badly.

"Eunwoo, that's not what happened at all, I swear, I tried to reach you once I left but the phone numbers didn't work, I-" he pulls his arm out of my hold and takes a step back with an angry quiver of the chin.

"Don't give me such a stupid excuse! Mom said that you ran away because you couldn't handle us anymore! She said that she offered you our new phone numbers before leaving and you refused them! She told you to reconsider moving but you didn't even try to hear her out" he shouts with tears of anger gathering at his eyes.

I pause at what I just heard and shake my head in disbelief, she said what now?

"That's not true, Eunwoo, mom lied, you know me, don't you? I would never abandon y-" I try to explain myself as I walk closer to him again but my words come to a stop when he pushes me away with a harsh shove and I fall down on my back with a pained gasp at the impact.

"Y/N!" I hear Namjoon's voice exclaim from closer than I expected to hear him and one look behind me reveals him running over the last feet separating us, it looks like he was already getting closer before this happened.

He helps me sit up slowly and carefully and I wince briefly, I'm lucky that I didn't hit my head on the ground, at least the grass softened the fall but Eunwoo is strong, more than he realizes. I look up to where my little brother still stands, heart breaking at the look on his face.

His eyes are wide with shock, hands risen and trembling as he seems unable to process what it is that he just did but the rest of his body remains immobile like he's torn between whether he should help me or not before he ultimately chooses the second option and hurries away with long strides that take him away from me.

Hands settle on my arms but I can't look away from his shrinking form, the emotions that the sight brings me acting like a tsunami, a mix of pain and sadness merging together to swallow everything else deep underwater.

"Eunwoo, please... don't go" I plead in a whisper, throat squeezing before I feel my chin start to shake, tears climbing into my eyes where they remain prisoners, it hurts to see so much hate in the eyes of one of the persons I love the most, this can't be real, right?

"Let's get you up, Y/N... do you hurt anywhere?" Namjoon's worried voice pierces through my daze and I slowly shake my head before trying to stand up with his help, my soul empty of all thoughts, it feels like I was just pushed off a cliff and was made to lose everything upon landing at its feet.

Namjoon's touch is very gentle as he slowly leads me to a bench closer to where we are and once I've sat down, he takes place besides me before softly rubbing my back with a hand meant to soothe, his eyes not blind to my own that gloss over with a visible and thick layer of tears that threaten to fall anytime now.

"Was... was that your brother?" he asks with a careful voice, lips pursing sadly when what he gets for an answer is a sob and a nod of the head. The tears flow down and I look down in shame, never in all of my life did I ever expect such a thing to tear my relationship with my siblings apart.

"Eunwoo's the oldest of my four younger siblings" I answer weakly with a trembling voice before looking up to meet his gaze, another sob on the verge of pushing through as I realize that he must have heard everything.

"I swear I didn't abandon them, Namjoon, I'd never do that, I love them too much to do such a thing, mom didn't give me their new phone numbers, she never offered- she- she kicked me out, why would she want me to stay? She lied to them and now he hates me, I didn't abandon them" I murmur the end before breaking into tears, trembling hands to my face to hide.

I could never do that to them, never, don't they know that? Did I just lose them all at once without any chance to get them back in my life? I had meant to go see them once my situation would be stable but it seems like I failed before I could even try.

Namjoon keeps rubbing my back slowly and swallows thickly at my cries before nodding his head, his eyes empathetic to my pain. "I believe you, Y/N, I believe you".

It's all he says, but it brings me reassurance and the slightest bit of comfort, he won't think I'm a bad sister, I nod my head while wiping my face with the back of my hands before bringing my gaze back to where Eunwoo disappeared.

Sanha, Yuki and Chaein must believe the same too, mom really made sure that I wouldn't be part of the family anymore, she used my biggest weakness against me and ruined the most important thing that I thought I had left.

I sniffle and bring my gaze back to Namjoon, and then to my knees where I clench my hands into loose fists. "I... I'm very thankful about today, Namjoon, it was very fun but I don't think I can continue our walk in this state... I want to go home" I whisper in a breath, eyes burning with more tears that I don't want to release, I don't want to lose control here, he doesn't need to see that from me.

"I understand, Y/N, it's fine, let's get you a taxi back home, okay?" he responds softly without an ounce of disappointment in his voice and I nod gratefully, Namjoon is a good person, I'm glad he was here with me when this happened.

He helps me up again, an arm around my shoulders that helps ground me, and together we walk towards the busier street that corners the park just as a taxi drives by. He motions for the driver to stop and when they park in front of us, Namjoon opens the back door and helps me sit inside before buckling me in as if knowing that I would have forgotten.

Once done, he steps back a little, though he remains crouching with a pursed smile awaiting me when I look up to meet his gaze. "If you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to let me know, I'll be there before you even have the time to blink, even if it's in the middle of the night" he says with a light smile in an attempt at a soft goodbye.

I try to smile, I really do, but to have his support like this only serves to have me nearly in tears again, chin wobbling as I nod my head. He squeezes my shoulder, pained eyes staring at me one last time before he closes the door, after which he knocks on the passenger door's window until it lowers to hand some bills to the driver for the ride.

"Please drive safely, that should be enough for twice the trajectory needed so don't speed up unnecessarily, just keep the change once she's there" he demands and the driver bows lightly while accepting the money, a promise given before rising the window back up, and when I give my address, we depart slow enough that I get to see Namjoon waving at me until he goes out of sight.

I sink into my seat as I wipe my cheeks again, the ride effectively slow and gentle, but it does nothing to ease the storm within me, every expressions on my brother's face flashing back to mind in a loop, his words so painful that it takes me everything to not burst into tears right here and now.

The radio in the background plays songs that keep my mind as busy as possible while I gaze outside in a daze, and when I notice the familiar street where Seokjin's shop is, the building within sight from here, it brings back the memories of yesterday when he hugged me and I suddenly find myself longing for the same comforting feeling again.

I shake my head and allow the car to move past the street with a squeezing heart. I can't bother him like this, he's busy with work, I need to handle this myself, I've always done it that way, so why would now be different?

But Eunwoo's hurt and angered eyes stare back at me so clearly behind my closed lids and in an instant, I can't bear the thought of being alone anymore.

I tap on the driver's seat to get their attention and point towards the previous street with what I imagine is a terrible face when their gaze softens with pity. "Can you please turn back and drop me off at the coffee shop? Please" I mumble, to which they nod before doing as told, car doing a u-turn in the middle of the road before taking the street needed.

It barely takes a minute and once we've reached the shop, I thank them and step out of the car before making my way up the stairs leading to the front door, and when my gaze falls on the closed sign, I hesitate one last time, the sight of the lights still on enough to let me know that he's still here, and I open the door to enter inside.

The bell jingles to notify him of my arrival as I stand in the entrance, and as I take in the familiar smells that wrap around me, the warmth that this place brings my heart strong and overwhelming, it confirms to me that here really is becoming such a precious safe space.

Seokjin's head peeks out of the kitchen with a frown, he obviously wasn't expecting anyone to come in when the shop is obviously closed but then his eyes fall on me and he pauses, orbs clearly taking in my state before he comes running.

At the sight of this man who has quickly become my comfort zone in the middle of all the changes I have had to face recently, I can't help it when all my walls come crashing down to leave me in a vulnerable state and I fall to my knees before bursting into tears, loud, ugly crying leaving me as I let the pain of having lost my siblings out all at once.

I barely hear his gasp as he nears me, the sound of his feet loud as they resonate in the empty room until he reaches my side where he kneels down to pull me into his arms, a hand to the back of my head to push it into his neck in a safe hold.

My fingers automatically grip onto him as I cry like I've never been allowed before and he rocks me softly as he continues to hug me tightly to him, his soft voice murmured to my ear as he tries to make sense of what could have possibly happened, I left so happy earlier.

"You're okay, I'm here, you're okay" he murmurs as he strokes my hair gently, eyes closed to keep his calm, a mix of anger and pure sadness clashing within him because hearing me cry like this feels like a burning knife twisting into his guts over and over again, who did this? He wants to know and he can't help but jump to conclusions, is this Namjoon's doing?

It takes many long minutes of his soothing, but slowly, I manage to calm down, crying becoming sniffles and hiccups, and then simple soft sniffles, all the while he keeps holding me to him, his presence helpful in making me feel taken care of like only him knows how.

"Alright... let's get you seated for now and I'll make you something comforting to drink, I'm thinking hot chocolate with whipped cream, how does that sound?" he muses kindly while easing me softly into leaving his warmth so he can have a look at me, I feel embarrassed that he has to see me like this but the lack of judgment in his gaze as he smiles at me makes me feel better and I nod my head, that really sounds good.

"Good, I'll help you stand up, sweet bun, hold onto me... there you go" he guides me to my feet with careful attention, my heavy crying stole all of my strength from me and he can feel it, I'm almost shaking and it really worries him.

Together, we make it to the break room where he makes me sit down at the table, a warm blanket thrown over my shoulders for extra comfort and when he's sure that I can handle being on my own for a short moment, he leaves the room to get working on the sweet drink.

In the meantime, I take this time to reflect on my situation now that I got the worst out of my system, mind clearer after I could dissipate some of the bottled up pain.

Mom obviously lied to my siblings about my leaving so she wouldn't be seen as the bad one, and her lying about me not wanting their phone number after she apparently changed them, she really had everything planned out, which explains why none of my messages and calls reached through ever since I left.

She made me the evil out of this all so she would enjoy the life without me that she always wanted, not a care in the world about how this would affect my sisters and brothers in the end, is this something I can fix or is it entirely out of my control?

Am I going to have to give up on them and let them believe that I don't want to be part of their life anymore? Am I willing to let them be? Should I let them live their life without me weighing them down? That would kill me inside but is it what they need?

A steaming cup of hot chocolate with a mountain of whipped cream over it appears in front of me and upon closer observation, I can even see some colourful tiny marshmallows underneath the cloud, it makes me feel like a children that's being calmed down with a huge dose of sugar but it works and I smile at the realization, it smells good.

I look up to find Seokjin sitting down in front of me and when he finds me staring at him, his eyes crease lightly before he's motioning for me to taste it. I grab the cup with both hands and take a bite of the whipped fluffiness before getting a sip of the liquid, creamy and full of flavours, it's easily the best hot chocolate I've ever had.

I sigh as I take another sip, body relaxing on my seat while the sweetness spreads over my tongue, it's like receiving a warm hug for my soul, it makes me feel better already.

Seokjin keeps an eye on my body language in silence, and when he sees that my posture is opening up and relaxing, he decides to go ahead with the questions, he can't bear not knowing any longer.

"So... do you want to tell me what happened out there? Did something happen with Namjoon?" he asks softly, his voice careful as he knows that he's walking on a thorny path blindly at the moment, he doesn't like jumping to conclusions but he doesn't have much else to base his guess on.

I set the cup down on the table, blanket readjusted over my shoulders before I wrap my fingers around the cup to keep its warmth near, my gaze locked on the marshmallows that are slowly melting into the liquid in different colours.

"No, Namjoon didn't do anything wrong, I actually met one of my siblings earlier. Eunwoo... he wasn't happy about seeing me, I thought... I tried to contact him ever since I was made to leave home but it wouldn't work, I learned that mom fed them lies to make sure I wouldn't stay in their life any longer, she changed their phone numbers and told the four of them that I didn't want them before leaving so obviously he was hurt and angry, he didn't listen to me before leaving" I explain slowly, eyes unable to look up to meet his own.

Telling Seokjin scares me, opening up like this is terrifying, this part of my life that has always remained a secret now being laid out openly over the table with him, this is but the surface of a much bigger problem and I don't know how he would react to it, would he be disgusted by me upon learning more about me? I don't want to lose him too.

The air around us stills at my words, it becomes heavy and when I briefly glance at him, it's to see his angry eyes glaring at the table. "Why the heck would she do that? Why would she want to keep you away from your siblings? That doesn't make any sense".

I bite on my bottom lip, unsure of if I really want to tell him, if I want that out in the open, but for some reason, I want him to know, I want to allow him inside my messed up life, I hope he would stay even after knowing the worst part of my existence.

I breathe in and out deeply before smiling lightly to myself. "Because mom doesn't like me, or would hate be a better word?" I let out plainly, watch as his hands clench into fists in confusion. "What? Why would she hate you-"

"Because I'm the result of rape".

It's blurted out of my lips before I can even process it and I take in as he freezes in shock, eyes wide on my form before I look down again, a sip of the drink taken to calm my nerves, there's no going back anymore.

"I heard her talk about it with her ex-husband once when I was younger. She'd gone to a night club by herself one night when she was bored, she was having the time of her life there, unaware that the drinks she was given by her 'new friends' were drugged. She wasn't really conscious of the decisions she would make after that, she didn't really care, she just wanted to have fun. She was raped that night, got dumped in a dark alley once they were done with her and two weeks later, she was pregnant with me" I start, it makes me feel disgusted with myself, yet I keep going anyway because if I stop now, I fear that I'll never be able to open up quite the same ever again.

"My mother... her appearance was very important to her, she had to remain strong and proud for the people around her, she couldn't be seen weak and so, she decided to play the sweet future mother who would give birth and take care of the child she was forced to bear no matter how hard it would be, the single mother willing to love the child that came to be in a terrible way.

Obviously, she had never planned to love me, it was all for the sake of how others would see her, but behind the scenes, I was to her a nightmare that she had to look at everyday, and one day came when she simply stopped looking at me. I was there to be used as she would see fit, as if it was the least I could do for her, as if it was my fault that she was abused this way.

She never thought to give me away to a loving family, it never crossed her mind to allow me a normal life, she preferred the idea of keeping me around so I would hear her say in the middle of the night that I'm a disgusting mistake, she wanted me to know that I wasn't loved, that I never would be loved by her, or anyone for that matter.

It must have been her way of getting vengeance on life, she showed all the love I ever wanted to my siblings as they came to life one after the other, her husband at the time didn't really care much about me, I was background decoration that kept the house clean and made them food, and then I became the nanny that would keep an eye on the kids while they would work.

I took care of every single one of them, to a point that they grew up seeing me as a mother figure more than mom ever was, she loved them but never really took the time to be a mother to them so that fell on me, but I didn't mind. They loved me, they hugged me and they smiled at me, they treated me like a human being that had worth and they became my everything.

They were never really aware of how I was treated at home, I did my best so they wouldn't see it, they didn't need to know that... I guess that part worked well because now they truly believe that I left of my own free will because I was tired of them when in reality, it's her who kicked me out. Part of me believes she was jealous of the love they have for me so she manipulated them and broke their heart to feel better about herself".

I press my lips tightly when I'm done talking, a huge monologue blurted out to him about my whole life, did he even want to hear that much? But he's the second person I'm feeling comfortable enough telling all of this to because I feel safe and I want to believe that it'll be welcomed just like it did with my landlord.

"Y/N, look at me, please" I hear Seokjin say, his voice dripping with sadness and pain, and when I look up slowly to meet his gaze, it's to find his eyes filled with tears. He reaches out over the table with both of his hands to settle them over my own around the cup and I feel my lips tremble slightly, this isn't rejection, Seokjin isn't rejecting me.

"Y/N, my dear Y/N... I want to start with saying this because it's the biggest truth you need to always remember - you are not a mistake. Whatever happened to your mother, you are not responsible for that, nor are you responsible of what went through your progenitor's mind, your mother has made her own decisions and used you as her scapegoat, which is not okay.

What you had to endure shouldn't happen to anyone, no matter the circumstances, what you went through was abuse and I'm so sorry that you had to experience such pain for so long all by yourself, and for the way she lied about you, I'm sorry that it led to you losing your siblings. They don't understand how they suddenly came to lose you, you're all hurting deeply and I think your brother handled it the only way he knew how to at the time, I'm sure he still loves you very much.

Don't give up on him, Y/N, it can be fixed, okay? I for one am very happy that you were born into this world, I'm incredibly thankful to have gotten to know you and I say that with the knowledge that we've only known each other for a week, but I hope that you'll stay around in my life for a very long time, no matter where it leads you in the future. Thank you for opening up to me the way you did, it's a big proof of trust and it means a lot to me".

To hear those words... I never thought such an understanding possible to this extent one day and it lifts a terribly heavy weight off my whole existence.

I close my eyes and take a moment to get my anxiousness out through a long shaky breath while I process what he told me, about me not being a mistake, about me not being responsible of a past that isn't mine, but also about how I shouldn't give up on Eunwoo, that it's not too late to make things better.

Seokjin gives me hope that I really needed and I'm so thankful to him, for the way he handles everything, how much I wish I could've met him when I was much younger, when I was alone and hurting the most.

His thumbs caress my hands softly and when I open my eyes, it's to find him smiling at me with his warm brown orbs. I feel myself melt under his gaze, so protected he makes me feel, Seokjin was the best thing to ever happen to me after my siblings.

"How about you stay here and finish that hot chocolate while I clean up the shop? I was supposed to open up again soon since I just finished a load of baking but I'll just stock the pastries before ending the day early" he offers easily like it's no big deal but upon learning that he didn't close shop because he was done for the day, my eyes widen in guilt, I just took precious time from him after all, didn't I?

"I'm sorry, Seokjin, I didn't know, I thought- you don't have to do that, really, I can walk home by myself so you can continue with what you were doing, I wouldn't want to get in the way, isn't today normally a busy day for you? I wouldn't want to cause you problems" I counter softly, but as I try to move away to stand up and leave, his hands remain firm around mine and he motions with his eyes for me to sit down again.

"Y/N, you seem to be forgetting who owns this shop. If I decide to close early on a Saturday afternoon, then I close early on a Saturday afternoon, what can others do? Complain? To me? The worldwide handsome bistro chef?" he laughs exaggeratedly as if the idea alone amuses him and I pinch my lips as a small giggle leaves me, I guess he's right.

He slowly stops his laughing when he hears my own, which seems to bring him much relief, and then he starts humming pensively before nodding to himself with a glint of delight in his orbs as they fall on me again.

"I have an even better proposition for you. How about we both head to my house once I'm done here so I can make you good food while we watch movies of your choice? Doesn't that sound better than spending the rest of the day alone?".


That's what fills me in an instant at his offer and it seems I'm not fast enough to hide it on my face because he quickly nods in satisfaction before standing up after patting my hands softly.

"Alright, that's decided then. I should have at most twenty minutes of tasks to do before I'm done so you stay right here, you don't do anything, it's an order from your boss. I know where you live so don't force me to kidnap you" he states and my eyes widen in shock.

"You- how?" I let out with a gaping mouth, soul slightly panicking, how does he know where I live? I never told him!

Seokjin sighs and shakes his head at me like he's disappointed. "Y/N, did you already forget that you gave me your CV for the sake of being hired? It was all written in there, your full name, your phone number, your address, your email. Don't make me into a stalker now, dear, don't do that to the man feeding you, that's not polite".

With that said, he leaves the break room to get back in the kitchen with light feet and I hide my face under my hands when I feel my skin burn with embarrassment, I'm so stupid.

Of course he would know, I gave them to him myself, it's so easy to forget that he's my boss when he acts that way... my eyes widen in shock once more. I'm going to my boss' house? I'm going to watch movies in his home?

Is that legal? Is that allowed? Oh my gosh, is it really okay for me to go?

I shake my head quickly, it's fine, we're friends, aren't we? Or are we not? I don't know anymore, can an employee be friends with their boss?

"I can smell your brain overheating from where I am, dear, please calm down before you burn it to a crisp".

I purse my lips before taking a big gulp of the hot chocolate that's getting cold to calm my nerves, it ought to be fine, right? I don't see why I wouldn't be allowed to spend time with Seokjin outside of work if it's something he wants, I like being with him so... yeah, it should be fine.

"Do you want more marshmallows? I can bring you the bag if you want, there's only a handful left in here so it's not worth keeping in the kitchen".

... more marshmallows? Just for me?

"Yeah okay, I'll bring it over in a moment, I could hear your fluttering heart as if it was my own, just give me a second, dear".

My soul fills with happy flutters and I dance a little on my seat, Seokjin really is the best.

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