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(edited - 4k words added = 8k words)

The next few days that go by happen without anymore disturbances taking place in the coffee shop, which isn't a bad thing, it gives me time to really get used to everything without feeling bad about my mistakes, which become fewer and fewer, much to Seokjin's delight and pride.

Taehyung and Jimin haven't come by and there's still no sign of Namjoon, it lets me know that he probably only said what he did to be nice, which is fine, he's allowed to continue on with his life without me being in it, it just disappoints me a little, I'm not sure why though.

"Good morning Y/N- Goodness, was that your stomach? I can hear it grumbling louder than the chiming of the bells, please go eat something before we start the day" Seokjin exclaims as I make not even five steps inside the large room to head to the break room.

I pause and stare at him as he quirks a brow at me, a finger pointing at his own stomach before pointing at mine. "Food, now".

I purse my lips, mind begging for me to refuse the offer as much as it's begging for me to accept it, my eyes sheepishly meet his as he keeps staring at me before I finally decide to flee to the back to get out of sight.

"Y/N! You're going to get food, right? You won't be allowed to work unless you've eaten something!" he shouts from the front, my gasp his only answer as I change my trajectory to head to the fridge instead of my locker, he can't keep me from working just because of that!

That's not fair!

With a pout, I open the fridge, something that Seokjin has forced me to do every day only to freeze when I see it filled with too many containers to count, did he add more this morning? It was almost empty yesterday!

I spot an easy to eat bowl of a variety of cut fruits and grab it before making my way to the table just as Seokjin enters the room, his eyes falling on what I chose with a nod of the head before going to the fridge to grab something for himself, after which he comes to sit in front of me, a familiar sight now.

I point at the fridge after taking a bite of a fresh and sweet strawberry. "Do you intend to feed an army today? Why is it so full of food and prepped meals?" I ask before taking another piece, this time an pineapple, it has me cringing a little with how acid it is and Seokjin chuckles before sliding a bottle of water my way.

"I am indeed feeding an army today, as I have for the past days" he answers simply while pointing at the two of us, something that has me confused, he means the two of us... for all this food?

"But I don't eat that much, Seokjin" I mumble, feeling guilty about it, how long must it have taken for him to make everything?

He sighs and stares at me with a light smile. "That's exactly what I intend to change, dear, you don't eat nearly enough and I can't bear watching you starve yourself, that won't happen while you're under my care".

Unsure of what to say to that, how he could see through me that easily a little shocking to me - because is my hunger really that obvious? - I decide to simply continue eating in silence, the fruits' weight settling in my stomach and making me feel better even though his words weigh heavy on my mind.

Is this what I was doing? Starving myself? Or was I simply continuing what my mom already started?

Habits are hard to break after all, I've been eating more often this week only because Seokjin, who I have to remind myself is my boss at times, doesn't give me any other choice. It's either eating food or eating food with him supervising me and he won't have things any other way.

At this pace I won't be able to skip meals anymore and that's worrying, food is expensive and I don't feel comfortable spending a lot on that, eating is already a lot to adjust to for me.

All my life was spent having the strict minimum and all of a sudden, this man appears and forces me to eat more than I can handle, how am I supposed to deal with that?

"Thank you Seokjin" I eventually mumble, because while it's making me uncomfortable to depend on him that way, I can't deny that it feels great to have a filled stomach, that's not something I got to experience often before and I can see that I have a lot more energy than I used to have, which is more than needed for working here.

The man smiles and reaches out over the table to pat my hand and just like that, we continue to eat in comfortable silence, smiles shared and bites traded until we're both done eating, after which he then grabs the empty containers to wash in the sink.

"No need to thank me for that, dear, it's the least I can do and it's a pleasure. Now, I need to use the bathroom so could you please open up in the meantime? I won't be long" he asks and I nod, walk to my locker to wear my apron neatly and then suddenly go off running out of the room, which makes him chuckle and shake his head.

With today being Friday, there's definitely an ease that has taken place as I walk around the shop to make sure everything is perfect and ready to welcome customers before I head to the door to flip the sign to open, a routine that always makes me happy, I love doing that step.

It's sure going to feel weird tomorrow when I wake up with nothing to do, my first weekend off work almost feeling wrong since I'm so used to always being busy once I get started, but Seokjin was firm on that one, he's not going to have me work seven days a week, oh no.

Would it be weird if I ended up coming back here to talk with him anyway? I have nothing to do at home, no one to talk to and it's really boring, I'm not a big fan of the silence as it only reminds me of what I've lost.

I've grown used to Seokjin's presence during the week, there's something soothing and comforting about him that I wish I could have at home as well, he reminds me of my siblings sometimes and that's a feeling very dear to me.

It takes barely a minute before the door finally opens, bell chiming and echoing in the room as a body enters inside and when I look at them, ready to welcome and serve as I have for the past days, it's to freeze when a dimple smile graces my eyes.

"Namjoon! You came!" I chirp, unable to hide my excitement when I see the tall man towering over the counter in front of me, his elbows propped on it as he gazes at me with a pretty eye smile that makes my heart tingle.

"You remember my name" he muses with a pleased chuckle before sighing softly. "I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner, this week has been busier than I expected and kept taking me all over the place. Today's a day off so I figured I would come here to keep my promise" he explains and I hum, eyes looking down at his outfit to see that indeed, he's not dressed the same as last time.

Not quite casual but far from sporty, he looks very elegant right now and I have to force my eyes back to his own to avoid blushing at the sight of his covered biceps, did I see wrong or is his shirt stretching a bit too much around his arms?

"It's okay, I was wondering if maybe you wouldn't come after all but that gave me enough time to get better at making coffee, Seokjin says I'm getting really good now so I think I'll be able to handle it if you ask for a special kind" I muse with pride, I can't help it when I look up at him eager for a praise.

He grins, a chuckle leaving him that sounds like a soft melody, it wraps around my heart tightly and keeps a hold onto my very soul. "Really now? That's great, that means I won't be poisoned by mistake, right?" he asks and I shrug lightly, head tilting softly with a giggle.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that but I'll do my best so it doesn't happen" I respond jokingly, cheeks blushing when his eyes crease into a smile as he hums, chin resting on one hand causing my heart to fail me, he looks so handsome like this.

"I'm ready to take the risk, my fate is left to your capable hands. What would you recommend I get?" he asks next and my smile drops a little, my heartbeat getting faster as I suddenly feel the pressure of performance, can I really recommend something that he would enjoy? I don't even know what he likes, coffee has such a wide range! Why did I act so confident?!

Namjoon smiles widely at me, amusement flashing all over his face. "I'm just kidding, I wanted to tease you a little but you really didn't disappoint with your reaction. I don't expect you to know what I would like, especially not when you're still learning" he assures me after a moment and I heave a sigh of relief, oh thank goodness!

"How about... a cappuccino? Have you learned to make this one?" he asks with a tilt of the head and I nod with determination, I'll show him that this week has served well, I learned a lot.

"I can make it! You won't be disappointed, I promise" I chirp before turning around to use one of the coffee machines under his endeared gaze, he could get used to this if he were to come more often.

I grab a cup and get started on my very important task, this will be the best coffee he'll ever have in his life, I feel that urge to impress him for some reason and while tensed at the prospect of maybe failing right in front of him, I also feel quite comfortable because I did make cappuccinos often during the past few days so I know that I can do well if I take my time.

I finish up the order with attentive care just as Seokjin joins my side with curious eyes and I smile at him before turning towards Namjoon to hand him the cup that reveals a perfectly well made cappuccino, just as he wanted.

"Be careful, it's very hot" I warn him with a blush crawling over my cheeks when his fingers brush over mine as he accepts the drink from me, a weird feeling taking place in my stomach as I blink quickly, why does it feel like I have living creatures fluttering in there?

Unaware of the eyes burning a hole in the side of my face, I observe intently as Namjoon takes a sip of the drink, eyes closed to better enjoy it before he hums in satisfaction, this is even better than he expected.

"Wow, this is very good, Y/N, probably the best cappuccino I've had so far, you have no reason to be nervous if this is the kind of coffee you can make" he muses with a happy glint in his eyes, dimples poking out when my blush deepens at the praise that I was unconsciously waiting for.

But that dimple smile is short-lived when an arm wraps over my shoulders to pull me into a body. I look up in surprise to find Seokjin staring at me with a wide smile that has my heart stuttering in my chest.

"I've trained my Y/N well, she has a natural talent for this. With enough patience and guidance, she'll become even better than I am" he gives me an even greater praise and I feel my whole face light up with joy under his warm eyes, does he really believe that?

He chuckles at my expression and ruffles my hair without messing it up too much before releasing me when the front door opens to a woman coming in while talking on the phone for what seems to be an important call, she slides a note for her order on the counter and he gets started on it with expert hands, how could I ever become better than him?

I bring my attention back to Namjoon as he continues sipping the drink while looking around him to take in the shop, the calm music in the background really easing the mind into relaxing.

Sometimes I'm left to wonder why this place isn't more popular but then again, maybe it's for the best if there's only two of us to serve the customers, I don't think we could handle an endless stream of customers without any breaks, the pressure would be too big for me.

"This place looks great, I love the ambiance, it's very relaxing. I guess I'll have to come here from now on because I won't be able to forget your coffee, there would be no point in me going anywhere else and just to see you, it's worth the detour" he eventually says with a grin as his eyes land on me again and I look down to hide my blushing cheeks.

"That sounds good to me, I'll make your coffee whenever you come here" I murmur back and he lets out an appreciative hum, body lingering at the counter for a few more seconds before he grabs his cup to walk to a nearby table to give space to the next customers walking inside.

I stare at him as he opens a bag to take out a book and when he makes himself comfortable to start reading, I'm left speechless, because how can a man look so perfect?

I shake my head and focus on work to receive the next orders from the customers waiting to be served and proceed to grab the food along with the simple coffee order to which I add milk and sugar as requested.

While Seokjin makes them pay since he was already working the cash register when I bring over the orders, I turn around the clean the machines and counter surrounding them, eyes falling on Namjoon to see if he's still reading, the pull he has on me stronger than I would admit but when our eyes meet, I startle and focus back on the coffee machine with heated cheeks.

I hear him chuckle while I try to act normal, I can already tell that he's going to be the death of me if this continues, he keeps making me shy and I'm not used to that, I was only ever exposed to my brothers during most of my life so I don't know how to behave now.

An arm brush against mine softly and I look up to find Seokjin staring at me with a glint in his eyes that I can't recognize. "Who was that guy? You seemed to know each other pretty well" he asks, voice oddly sweet and scary at the same time, it makes me gulp a little, is he mad?

"You mean Namjoon? He's the man who brought me to work on Monday, the bike courier I told you about, remember?" I tell him with a hushed voice, he looks a little intimidating right now but he simply hums before getting started with making a smoothie.

"I see" is all he says and he doesn't ask anymore after that, mind focused on his task, I can tell that he has more questions on the tip of his tongue but he seems intent on not going through with asking them aloud and it makes me a little concerned, is he okay?

Why do I get the feeling that he's bothered by Namjoon's arrival? He's not usually like that, even when I entertain small conversations with customers coming in, but maybe it's just him feeling protective since I work for him and we've spent a lot of time together this week, my brothers would probably react the same were they here.

The door opens again and when I turn around to greet whoever just came in, it's to find Jimin, the pink haired man giving me a brief look before walking around Namjoon to sit at a table a little further away to start working.

Already feeling a cold sweat running down my back at what is coming for me if I take too long once more, I get started immediately with an espresso americano, something I practiced doing until I would know the recipe by heart just to avoid getting screamed at again.

Once sure that it's well done so that he won't have anything negative to say about it, I carefully but quickly make my way past Namjoon's table and to Jimin, the former's perfume following me for the few steps separating them before dissipating just as I set the cup down in front of the man before I'm quickly turning around to leave him but a hand grabs my wrist and I pause, a shiver traveling through my body at the sudden contact.

I slowly turn my gaze to Jimin and find him looking down, teeth biting on his bottom lip before he releases me with a deep and nervous inhale. I anxiously wait for him to do or say something, aware of Seokjin staring with a worried frown on his face, something Namjoon notices that in turn worries him too.

Jimin eventually looks up to look me in the eyes and what I can see in his orbs has me a little taken aback, is that... regret?

He scratches the back of his head bashfully before opening his mouth. "I'm really sorry about last time. I reflected on my behaviour during the last few days and came to the conclusion that I was an absolute ass. I was having a really stressful time and I shouldn't have taken it out on you like I did".

I can't do anything else but gape at the man who looks down upon seeing my reaction, that's... not what I was expecting from this, not at all.

Reaching out to his bag at my silence, he grabs what appears to be two tickets and hesitantly hands them to me.

"It's for an event I'm organizing for a friend... Equine-assisted therapy, it holds many forms of treatments depending on the needs but in each of them, the therapists will use horses to help people with physical and mental health and that sort of thing... It's not very well-known so they do this once in a while to share the word about what they do and they even allow you to ride a little if you want to. I received two extra entries to participate but... I won't have the time then so you can have them as my way of apologizing, if you would accept" he mumbles and after a moment of being unable to move, I eventually accept the two pieces of paper with a confused mind.

Equine-assisted therapy? It's the first time I hear about that but it sounds really interesting, I've never seen horses in person so I guess it could be fun? And he said he's organizing the event? Is his friend one of the therapists then?

"You don't have to keep them if you don't want to, you can just give them to someone else if you'd rather not go but please don't throw them in the trash, my friend is working really hard so I would hate for two possibilities to help people to go to waste".

"I... won't get rid of them, this actually looks pretty fun" I let him know in a whisper and he relaxes a little with a nod of the head, he looks relieved that I accepted, a soft exhale leaving him before he tries a tight smile.

"I'm glad. Again, I'm sorry for my behaviour last time, it won't happen again, thank you for the drink" he ends our conversation on that note, his gaze falling back on his laptop as he sips the coffee, it's enough to send me back to the counter where Seokjin waits for me nervously.

I reach his side and take in a shaky breath, I feel as if I just survived a natural disaster that should've buried me underground and my heart is still beating so fast, that was really nerve-wracking.

Namjoon can't help himself when he stands up to join us by the counter, his gaze falling on the strange man who has now fallen focused into his work before staring at me again just as Seokjin asks the questions he's been wanting to ask ever since he saw Jimin stop me.

"What did he say? He wasn't mean to you again, was he? He didn't insult you?".

I shake my head and glance at the pink-haired man. "He apologized for last time and gave me these, in an attempt to be forgiven I guess? Apparently, they're for an event about equine-assisted therapy, he said he helped organize it for a friend but he can't go, hence why he let me have them" I explain, watch as Seokjin's eyes widen while Namjoon purses his lips in unease.

"Did something happen with him?" he asks, he doesn't like being left in the dark about this and it shows on his face so I decide to tell him even though Seokjin makes a face not to.

"Well, on Tuesday, he said he was really stressed about something, I was new so I didn't serve him his coffee fast enough because I didn't recognize him as it was my first time seeing him and I guess it kind of threw him off because he usually gets it right away with Seokjin. He got mad and yelled a lot and I did end up burning myself but... well I guess it's all behind us now, he did apologize and gave me these tickets, he seemed really regretful and said he wouldn't behave like that again".

Namjoon frowns and bites on the inside of his cheek before nodding his head. "At least he did the right thing and apologized, I hope he'll take that as a lesson and not let his emotions get the better of him again, it wasn't your fault".

"You can say that again... he went all hulk on me and said that I should've reconsidered hiring her, all of that because he didn't get his coffee fast enough! I was just about ready to kick him out if he didn't stop sputtering all this nonsense" Seokjin mumbles before sighing when I rub his arm to comfort him, it's all over now, there's no need to get angry again at Jimin, I think he scolded himself enough for months to come.

Namjoon makes a move for one of the tickets to have a look and Seokjin does the same so I hand one to each so they can read the text on it, maybe one of them would like to come with me?

"So there's equine-assisted psychotherapy, hippotherapy and therapeutic riding... that's interesting, I remember hearing briefly about hippotherapy but I didn't know it was one out of different treatments, do they allow you to ride the horses there?" Seokjin asks and I nod my head, that's something that I'm really curious about even if I don't know if I would be brave enough, aren't horses really tall?

"Jimin said that it's possible, yes. There will be drinks, food and activities happening, I guess it's going to be a bit like a small festival? I really want to go but... well I don't want to go alone, I've never been around a lot of people all by myself, it makes me a little nervous" I let out with a sigh.

"When does it happen?" Namjoon asks while turning the paper around to try and see if the information is written somewhere but Seokjin finds it first.

"It's a two days event, on Saturday and Sunday... in two weeks" he reads aloud before sighing sadly at the end. "I was going to offer to go with you but I can't during that weekend, I have to go see my mother" he apologizes with a frown, he looks really disappointed about it.

I try to force a smile to not show that I too am upset that he can't, I don't want him to feel bad about it, he should enjoy seeing his mother, not worry about me.

"It's fine, Seokjin, I can go by myself... it can't be that bad, right?" I say, a little hesitant about the whole thing but my wish to go is stronger than my nerves, I really want to see those horses and see what the event is like, I've never gone to something like that before.

"In two weeks? I happen to be free during that weekend, would you like me to accompany you?" Namjoon offers all of a sudden and I turn to stare at him with wide, hopeful eyes.

"Would you really? It wouldn't bother you to go with me?" I ask, watch as he shakes his head with a pleased grin.

"I would love going with you, I was hoping to ask if you were willing to see me outside someday anyway, this seems like a great place to meet up and spend time together" he admits sheepishly, words that paint my cheeks with a deep pink once more, he really has a way with colouring my face.

Seokjin ticks his tongue and sets the ticket on the counter before walking away without so much as a word and I observe with concern as he walks into the kitchen with long strides. He's really been weird ever since Namjoon got here, does he not like him?

"So, what do you think? Shall I go with you?" Namjoon asks to get my attention back on him and I nod, a smile forming on my lips despite my concern for my boss who has been a warm comfort to me throughout the week. "I'd love that, please".

Satisfied with my answer, he hums and takes his phone out of his pocket before handing it to me. "Might I have your phone number then? So we can stay in contact without having to rely on me coming here while you're working" he asks and I get to see the cutest smile on his face when I nod my head while taking the device form him.

Seeing as he already brought me to the new contact page, I fill in my information easily and then give it back when I'm done. I watch as he taps on the screen for a moment with a shy smile on his face and then feel my phone in my back pocket vibrate as he puts his own away.

I don't normally keep it on me during work but I forgot to put it in my locker this morning, I'm kind of glad I did, Seokjin doesn't mind anyway since he knows that I never get distracted from work so it's not like I have to hide it from sight.

I'm about to take it out so I can see what I got, most likely a message from Namjoon but he stops me with an awkward scratch to the back of his neck, a shy pink to his cheeks that has me raising an eyebrow.

"You can read it once I'm gone, I need to go anyway" he tells me before taking out his wallet, something that has me frowning at him. "Namjoon, this was on me, remember? I won't let you pay for the coffee" I warn him but he simply smiles and shakes his head.

"It's fine, you can always treat me another time, I want to pay for the first coffee you made me" he says, eyes smiling as he tries to give me an opportunity to see him again.

I roll my eyes with a smile before reaching the cash register to make him pay and after a long and slow walk to the front door to extend the goodbyes that has me giggling and him chuckling, he finally walks out of the building and away from the shop on his bicycle.

Knowing that now I can look at my phone, I unlock the screen to find a message coming from an unknown number that can only be him.

Hello Y/N, this is Namjoon! Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything, be it when you need to talk or if you want to do something together, I'll always be happy to hear from you :)
PS. I also wanted to let you know that I find you very beautiful, have a good day at work!

My breath hitches strongly at the last sentence, a blush crawling over my neck and cheeks as my body heat increases and I quickly hide my phone in my pocket, heart fluttering and shy, did I read this right? Did he really write that?

That's why he didn't want me to read it in front of him... was that... is he flirting with me? Is what I always saw in the movies with my sisters happening to me in real life? It's never happened to me in all of my life, how am I supposed to react to this?

Remembering Seokjin's earlier reaction that still doesn't make much sense, I shake my head to clear my mind and walk to the kitchen to see him smashing some flour over the counter, the white particles creating a cloud before settling down, he looks angry.

I clear my throat to make myself known and bite on my lips when he pauses without looking up at me. "Seokjin... is everything okay?" I ask him softly as I step inside the room to stand in front of him on the other side of the large counter, senses still attentive in case someone comes in the shop.

Still without giving me any attention, he resumes moving his hands to make what appears to be bread, still in the uncooked stage. "Yeah, I just forgot to make a new batch of bread for the display baskets" he mumbles quietly, nothing like his usual behaviour towards me.

I hum lightly and look at the way he moves his fingers to knead the dough, there's visibly a lot of strength that goes into the action, his muscles are not just for show.

"Can I help? I know that you've never seen me in the kitchen but I'm not too bad when given a task" I offer, not liking at all the perpetual frown I can see on his face but he simply sighs and shakes his head in a clear rejection.

"No, it's fine, you should stay at the front in case someone needs you, I'll be okay on my own" he answers and I stay still a few seconds, just staring at him as he keeps working in silence, am I actually hoping for him to change his mind?

"Okay, well... do tell me if you need help, or anything at all... you know where to find me" I make sure to let him know before leaving the room sheepishly, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth, he's usually so bright and attentive but this... I'm not used to this Seokjin.

I thankfully don't have time to focus on this weird situation when as soon as I reach the display cases to remove finger prints from the glass, new customers walk in to get their lunch time dose of coffee.

I put aside my concerns with Seokjin to focus on the endless flow that starts coming in, the time indicating that people are now hungry for food and in need of liquid energy.

I do become a little overwhelmed because I have no time to breathe in between each customers but I do my best anyway, I want to handle this to the best of my abilities to allow Seokjin to continue with his own tasks.

And I'm also a little unsure about bothering him, I know I shouldn't let that keep me from seeking his help but I want to give him some space.

I do notice Jimin staring at me with a frown from time to time, it doesn't help my current nervousness because is this all bothering him? Am I doing something bad again? Can he see that I'm slower than Seokjin?

My nerves start getting increasingly overwhelming as I try to follow the pace that has taken place, five more orders given to me when a group walks in to have a lunch here making me sweat a little because I'm still not done with the previous customer's orders which is quite literally a list for a group at their work most likely, this is starting to not go so well for me.

It's when that thought settles in the pit of my stomach that a shadow quickly walks past me and to the kitchen, so fast that I wonder if it was only my imagination.

I make the customer pay once all the food and drinks ready and then get ready to serve the five customers who've already been waiting for a moment, which they assure me is fine but I can't help but feel like I should already have started on their orders by now, I know Seokjin would've.

I get started with their drinks after putting the sandwiches in the counter oven, head spinning the more I turn to find what I'm looking for, every orders mixing together in my mind and making me turn confused.

It's while I grab some ice that I notice Jimin walking out of the kitchen with a angry look on his face, a guilty looking Seokjin walking behind him and past me to ask the orders that are left to be taken care of to get started on them.

While seeing Jimin there has me turning confused because - did he fetch Seokjin for me? - watching said man here is a huge relief for me and as he organizes each orders to be complete, it also brings order in my mind so I can finish properly what I started, it's amazing how quickly things become easier when he's here with me, it lets me know that I still have much to learn.

We get through the rush in silence if not for the occasional little requests and once no more customers walk in, I slump against the counter behind me, a hand to my slightly pounding head, that was a lot.

I hear him come over before stopping in front of me and when I look up to meet his gaze, I feel so shameful, I wish I could've had things under control when he came to join me, I just wanted to make him proud but it was a failure, wasn't it?

"Why didn't you come and get me when the rush started, Y/N? Me not needing your help in the kitchen doesn't mean that you don't need mine here, what were you thinking?".

I look back down in shame, eyes burning with tears that I don't want to release, he's scolding me with good reason, I tried to do more than I could handle.

"I'm sorry, Seokjin... I didn't want to bother you, I really thought I could handle this by myself at first but then I got pulled into the pace and couldn't find a way out anymore, I'm sorry" I mumble weakly, hear his sigh echo in response, a sound that breaks my heart because I know that sound, I know it by heart.

"No, it's... it's okay, I should've paid more attention, I'm sorry that you had to take care of most of it all by yourself" he apologizes too, his voice tired, I can't do anything else but wait for his verdict as we stay in an awkward silence.

He eventually sighs before walking away to have a round in the seating area and I purse my lips, he's mad at me, isn't he? I must have messed up badly this time, I feel really bad about it.

I follow him with my gaze until it falls on Jimin who has resumed working on his laptop, did he really head to the kitchen to get Seokjin for me or was it only because the noise and my inexperience were bothering him?

He suddenly looks up to see me staring at him and I hurry to hide behind a wall separating the area behind the counter from sight from the seating area, head hitting against it silently as I inwardly swear, I didn't realize I was still staring at him!

As if to make things worse, it is a few seconds later that I hear the sound of feet coming over until they stop nearby and when I look up again, it's to see Jimin standing in front of the cash register with an eyebrow quirking at me.

I sheepishly make my way to him, I guess I didn't really show him my best either, I must be disappointing everyone today. He settles his belongings on the empty counter and gets his card out to pay, I guess he's leaving for the day.

"You know, this week is your first here, don't try to do more than you're able, that rush earlier was too much, you're not Kim Seokjin, you don't have his experience. Ask for help, if I know one thing about him, it's that he wouldn't get mad at you for doing so" he tells me as I select what he got here on the machine, card swiped before I hand it back to him without daring to meet his gaze.

To hear that from a customer... I sigh and nod my head, he's right, I could've done better and that included letting Seokjin know that I needed his help, which I didn't do. I'll learn from this mistake, I won't do it again, I don't want to worry everyone like this, it makes me feel awful.

He leaves soon after that, a small smile given to me before he gathers his things and I turn to Seokjin when he comes back with a few dirty dishes, dishwasher filled before he washes his hands and then he's glancing at me.

"You can go to the break room and get something to eat there, I'll take over in the meantime" he demands and I nod before doing as told without a word, I don't dare say anything that could make things worse.

I enter the room and close the door behind me and then make my way to the fridge that I open to grab the kimbap that he now makes regularly after I shared my love for it and once I'm sat at the table, I start eating slowly, my appetite weak despite today's hard work.

It just feels so wrong to see Seokjin looking like this, he's always all smiles and laughter, he lights up a room and makes everyone feel good, so having him so quiet and almost avoiding me feels like a dark cloud is covering my head to hide me from the sun.

I exhale for many long seconds, a slice of food between my fingers that I can't find the will to bring to my mouth. I can't keep acting like this all day, I disappointed Seokjin so I need to do better to show him that I'm not giving up but it just feels like all my willpower left me.

The sound of the door opening but not closing fills the empty room and I hear him take a seat in front of me, I look up to find him gazing at me with a serious look on his face that worries me.

"You can go back home earlier today, I'll stay here and close alone" he informs me, words that have my breath hitching in my throat, a quick glance at the clock showing that it's barely one in the afternoon.

"But... it's so early, Seokjin, I can't do that" I tell him, confused and afraid of the reason why he would tell me to go in these circumstances, did I really mess up that badly? Is he that mad?

"I know, Y/N, it's okay. I won't need your help so just go back home, leave when you're done eating, I'll handle the rest here" he replies simply and I freeze, his sentence bringing me back to when mom decided to kick me out of home and away from my siblings.

I won't need your help anymore, nor do I want to see you ever again. Get out of here before I get back home after work, leave and never come back.

Feeling panic surge within me at the connections that my mind can make, I grab the hem of my apron tightly to fight back the tears threatening to spill. "Is it because of earlier?" I ask with a trembling voice.

"Because I wasn't good enough? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so careless, I know I'm not as good as you, I won't do it again, I promise... please don't kick me out, I'll work hard, I really will" I plead, tears finally managing to roll down my cheeks, a sight that has his eyes widening, my words not the response he had expected from me.

"Kick you out? Y/N, I'm not- you've done nothing wrong, dear, nothing. If anything, I'm the one who did bad today, I'm just ashamed of myself, nothing that happened was your fault, I promise. I'm only allowing you back home now so you can rest sooner, you look exhausted" he hurries to assure me with a soft voice, eyes worried as they follow my fingers as they wipe my face.

Did I get it all wrong then? He's not getting rid of me? I allow my mind to slowly differentiate the two situations, the one with my mother not the same one as here. Seokjin isn't kicking me out like she did, he's just concerned about me, I breathe in and out slowly to calm down under his careful eyes.

"Okay... I-I'm sorry for panicking, I'll take my leave like you asked then, I'm not hungry so I'll just go now" I mumble before standing up from my chair with a bow to then head to my locker, heart in shambles as I try to recover from the shock his words gave me, I would've been destroyed if I couldn't come back here next week.

I clumsily try to remove my apron, fingers fidgeting with the knot that won't come undone, it's stupid at this point when I start crying silently, fabric pulled in whichever way hoping for it to magically work until Seokjin sighs, the emotions that clash within me obvious in my posture and behaviour.

He stands up and grabs my hands to make me let go before undoing it himself, after which he moves me by the shoulders before pulling me into a hug, arms warm as they close around me to keep me close and safe.

I tense for a moment at the unexpected action but when he starts rubbing soothing circles on my back, I allow myself to relax, fingers letting go of the fabric of my apron to fall by my sides.

"You're okay, Y/N. You have a place here for as long as you want, you hear me? You've been doing a fantastic job this week and you've been a very good help to me, I'm not letting you go so easily" his whispers against my hair as I sniffle softly into his chest.

His words help settle the last of my worries and I nod, soul enjoying his touch for a little bit longer before he steps back to smile down at me, his thumbs serving to take the tears still rolling on my skin gently.

"Now, you head back home, you take it easy for the rest of the day, okay?" he asks, his voice finally shining some light on me again, dark clouds dispersing to lighten the burden over my heart. I make a noise to let him know I will listen to him and he nods before ruffling my hair softly the way he likes to do to praise me.

"Ah, before you leave, let me just get something for you" he suddenly mumbles before grabbing the kimbap I barely ate on the table and to the fridge and I watch his back from my locker, mind confused as I set my apron inside before grabbing my bag.

When I turn around, it's to find him lifting a grocery bag with a pensive hum before nodding to himself, as if to make sure that it's not too heavy, and when he sees me ready to go, he gives it to me.

Confused, I take it from him and have a look inside to see many different types of food, a few meals piled up on top of each other, the bag is pretty heavy but it's also surprising that it's not heavier than that.

"You bring that with you and eat well during the weekend, okay? They'll spoil if I leave them here, I'll bring a bit of what needs to be eaten soon back home too but I need your help, I can't eat everything all on my own" he says with a wink that has me gaping at him, he can't be serious, he's giving me all this?

"If you're worried about not finishing it all this weekend, put some meals in the freezer, they can last for longer that way and you can have them whenever you feel like it" he adds at my hesitation, it's clear as day that he really wants me to accept the food but part of me feels selfish for accepting so easily.

I turn to gaze at his own fridge which also has a freezer and I'm just about to point at it when he chuckles and turns me around and towards the doorway instead.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Y/N, take them and eat well, I don't want you looking sick when you come back on Monday. Do that for me, okay?".

Mouth into a thankful pout, I bow lowly at him, unable to believe that someone can be this nice to me. "Thank you, Seokjin, that's very kind of you" I let out, he has no idea that this is going to last me for days, I didn't have that much food left at home so he's doing me a huge favour.

He steps closer and hooks a finger under my chin to straighten me up with an eye crease. "I take care of my people, Y/N, you are my people so it's only natural that I do this, don't worry so much" he muses before leading me to the front of the shop and towards the exit door.

"Now get going! The longer you stay here, the later you get to rest and that would go against the reason why I'm letting you go so early" he teases me and I purse my lips before smiling at him bashfully, I'm really glad that we get to part in a better mood than earlier.

I get going and wave at him, feeling much better about this coming weekend that will have me alone for the first time in days, it's surely going to feel weird, but at least I won't go hungry, all thanks to this amazing man.

I start walking on the sidewalk, thankful for this miracle that I was given that is to work with Seokjin, I can't see myself going anywhere else, not when he's quickly starting to feel like family.

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