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"Stephen?!" I said surprised to see him.

Shit! Ever since this "stuff" with Jake I totally forgot about the new guy, Stephen. Wait he's not really new again.. I'm the one that gave him his tour...

"Hey Blue" he said smiling, gesturing for a hug.

That's when I figured out that my hand was entwined with Jake's own and I let go of it and hugged him slowly.

"Yeah good to ...ermm..see you?" It sounded more of a question.

"Yeah... You too? You've been busy lately,I couldn't catch you yesterday and the day before. I was supposed to drive you home. Remember?"

"Yeah yeah! Ooo I forgot I'm so sorry I haven't really been good this's been stressful so I just decided to have a break today"

"Ooh alright see you in school" he said giving silent Jake, the 'eye'.

And Jake returned the gesture with 'the eye, the eye'...if you know what I mean.

I almost laughed at his expression. It was really funny though but anyone would squirm under those eyes.

So, Jake drove me home and told me he'd invite me to meet the J's and see how they really were. Cool... I think I felt okay... Happy with my day with him... Felt natural... But no? I don't want this...

I'm home alone cuz mom had this thing she had to do at work and I found myself, thinking of​ dad and ways to get him back.

The Cameron's! The Cameron's!!!

I didn't know what to feel! Dad! Damn!!! I can't be normal now! I need to concentrate on finding dad... I need help..

My mind thought of telling Jake but I decided not to! Family secret! Mom won't want us moving again!

Dad... I promise! I'd get you back! Hathaways won't be afraid of Camerons no more!

I slept off thinking bout the million things I could do if I found any of them...


The next day, after school Jake decided to introduce Justin and Jordan to me... Stephen decided to wait for me cuz it was his his turn to take me home. I guess..

"Yo! Jake?! Guy! Where have you been! Since that shitty argument you've not been coming around"

"Guys, guys!" He said, shaking each of them in a way I guess they were all familiar with.. They had gathered at the parking lot beside Jake's car.

"Oooh! I see you've got a hot chic here" Justin said.

I rolled my eyes at his statement...

"Shut up Jus. This is Blue, she's errm... she's..." He said looking for the right words to say. "Oh yeah! She my soon to be girlfriend" he said with a large smile on his face.

I didn't know if I should laugh or slap him for the statement, but I found myself really loud.

Soon they all joined me, clasping their stomachs and laughing with me. I swear I could see tears forming in Jordan's eyes.... It was that funny.

"What???! I mean it though". he said.

I looked at his face again, and yeah, he did mean it. I mean...his face was really serious and he wasn't laughing with us... What?!

His friends still thought it was a joke and continued their laughter.

"You see why I don't tell you guys things" he mumbled, gesturing for me to leave them.

"Jakey? C'mon! We were just surprised! Come! Come, talk to us baby" Jordan said, trying to mimick a girl's tone.

Jake ran back to the car and smacked Jordan on the head and​ they all laughed at his gesture. I couldn't help my laughter as well...

It was so damn funny, the way he jumped over the car ND smacked his head was like a mother who caught her child stealing meat from the pot.

"You're laughing too?" He asked when he reached me.

"Nope" I said holding my laughter instead.

We were bout to reach where Stephen was but Jake pulled me to the wall just beside the entrance, close to the car.

He was....close...

"What?" I asked, almost breathless...

And he gave me​ a kiss on my lips....

It took me by surprise so I didn't kiss back. Yah, I didn't but then I did, then I wanted to kiss more as his tongue almost... Then I stopped and closed my mouth shut.

He shifted and looked at me...his green eyes were....

"I'm sorry".

"That's what you always say".

"Blue... I mean.. I".

" You always kiss me and run off... What do you want Jake? You can tell me..."

"I... I ... Damn I don't know... Blue I'm so confused".

"With what? You've got to be quick you know Stephen is really waiting".

"Must he drop you home?!" He groaned, rubbing his face with his hands.

I think.... I just think I have feelings for this guy... His gestures alone are just worth dying to look at.

"I don't know? Jake?"


"Why did you tell them that?"

"What? Ooh.... I... I erm... Jeez..? Why is this hard?" He said looking so confused.

"Don't worry, fink bout' it" I said tapping his cheeks then pecking him on it before saying bye.

"Bye" I think he said, shyly.

I ran over to Stephen and apologized for making him wait and all but he shrugged it off and didn't mind at all.

"So are you and Jake now a thing?" I heard him ask.

"What? No ... I mean.. I don't really know... Soon maybe? I don't know".

"Ooh" he said, "you guys look cute".

I didn't know what to say... I thought Stephen also had feelings for me that's why he's been around me lately but, wow! alright..

I kept quiet all through the ride home till he dropped me at my house which I had to show the way to since he didn't know it.

I reached home, dropped my bags and things and took a shower before I heard my room door burst open.

"Hey bitch, ignoring me much?" Lisa said with a smile on her face as she jumped on my bed to lay with me.

Claire came in too, and so did Dennison. Mom wasn't around so I could have company... It's been long since I had time with my friends, like my real friends but, will I be happy around them?

"Lisa!!!!!!!! Noooo don't leave me!! My heart is already in pain and only your love can mend it so". Dennis was saying.

I don't know how we started acting a drama scene in my room.. we just acted bout anything and this was getting so interesting.

"Young Dennis, I'm so sorry I'm leaving thee tis thy time hadth doth come. But my love for everlasting. I'm always here, right there" she said, pointing at his chest, " call unto my name and you'd see your beautiful love once more."

"Nooo! But Lisa!! You raise me up when I so I can't stand no mountain! You raise me up to walk on stormy seas... " He began to sing.

We couldn't hold our laughter any longer. We all burst out, laughing at his actions and his voice.. it was fun having people over and spending time... This was fun..

"Guys, guys we need to do this often!" I said still laughing loudly.

"Yo! I still think my voice is good though..? You gurls are just jealous" Dennis said smirking.

"Alright, alright, my turn " Claire said. It's true, I haven't really had time for my friends lately, mostly Claire and Dennis and I need to make out time soon!

"All the shines of a thousand spotlight
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough.
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands would hold the world but it'll
Never....." She sang and all of us were dumbfounded! My mouth was wide open like damn! Her voice was just so unique and firm, no cracks or anything.

We all started clapping as she blushed at our gesture.

"Marry me!" Dennis declared, more like a joke.

Claire was as red as a tomato when she heard Dennis's words. But she shrugged it off and laughed at the statement.

Later, Lisa and Dennis left and Claire decided to hang around for those times we've missed each other's company.

"So???" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.


"Are you guys dating now?!!" She asked, more like screamed.

"Me? No I don't date".

"What? You're lying Blue, I can't forget the way you guys gave each other eye contact that day at the table".

"Me? No! I...ha!"

"Aww she's blushing!!!"

"I'm not! I'm so not!" I said, getting up from my bed to chase her around my room. This girl and her wild thoughts.

"Have you guys.... You know what I mean? You know,babe? Huh?" She said, laughing and wiggling her brows so much.

I didn't know what to do bout her again so I left her as she laughed at my angry but yet amused face. I missed friendly time! I wished I was a normal person, with a normal life... I couldn't help but start thinking of the Camerons and I think my face went pale... Dad.

I felt someone beside me , "Hey hey, Blue I was only joking. I didn't mean it I promise... What's wrong? Did he do anything?"

"No, no, it's not that. Ha!" I tried to lighten the mood.

"What's wrong? You can tell me you know? Or I can call Lisa to come back? Look, we're here for you".

"Dad" I said almost in tears. I don't know what I was doing. I couldn't think straight. I just felt the need to let it out.

"What?! What happened to your dad?"

"He wa-"

"Blue?!" I heard my mom's voice. Thank you mom! I said in my mind. She saved me the explanation I had to give to Claire. I almost told the family secret!

"Mom?" I called when she entered my room. She looked at the view infront of her and had a confused expression on her face. Claire was kneeling beside me, her hand on my cheek and the other on my lap and I was leaning into her touch.

"Blue? I know I'm your mother and all but if you were a lesbian all along you'd have just told me I won't have to walk on you doing things..." She said half amused.

Claire and I got up from our positions immediately and I could see Claire's cheeks turn red again. Do they always do that?!

I looked over at mom and she looked a little bit stressed than usual but a smile was on her face. Was that a good thing?

"No.. no ma'm". She said, still shy, "Blue, I guess I'd see you later" she said, smiling as she hugged me and left.

"What was all that?" My mom asked after she left.

"Nothing... She's also a friend".

"Blue... Yo-".

"Mom, I know,I know! I won't spill!", But you almost did my subconscious told me.

"Alright I believe you" she said smiling softly.

"What's with the happy mood?" I asked curious.

"I talked to Victor" she said smiling again.

Dad? She talked to him?!

"You did?! How??!! I nee to talk to him too, mom! How? How is he?"

"He says he's okay but I don't believe. He said he found a way to escape and told me some plans... We're getting him soon!"

"Yes! But mom seriously, we need to stop running! We need to stop! It's now too much! We're human beings! We have our rights!"


"Mom, next time, I'm not moving with you! I'm staying right here! It's's not fair! I want a normal life! I don't want to keep... running away".

"We'll get there soon" she said, sitting beside me to comfort me.

"I hope..." Was all I could say... I really do hope...

Sooooooooo I updated after months of fake promises which I'm sorry was made 💔

I didn't know how everything got kinda mixed up and I totally forgot bout my book... Shish! That's awful right?

Though, I think I've planned on updating weekly. Since I have a book I'm updating daily, "COME BACK HOME", which you need to see, I decided to be updating both but "Blue" would be published weekly.

Munaloves y'all ❤

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