Chapter 10: Blue Flames

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Yza woke up suddenly, his body feeling heavy, eyes lifeless. The edges of his vision blurred.
"Its... Nothing..." He mumbled as he fell asleep again.

Yza yawned as he got up early, 5am in the morning, something unusual for him. He grabbed his blaster and sword as he walked to Rin and Yukio's room, Shika watching from a behind a wall.

The floor creaked softly as Yza grunted and trudged his way to their room, as he kicked down the door suddenly and pointed a gun at the empty room.
"Where the hell is that bastard?!" He snarled.

On the rooftop, Rin and Kiko were sleeping next to each other, as the golden sun rose up, annoying Rin as he opened his eyes as the blinding ray of light entered his eyes.
"Man..." He snorted, looking at his surrondings. "What the hell happened last night?"

Yza's eyes trailed around the room lifeless as his mouth was open slightly as he looked. His skin was cold and pale; same colour as snow. His eyes were pitch black like usual, yet zombie like. He wobbled slightly as he gripped the wall.

Rin looked around and noticed he forgot his sword.
"Crap!!" Rin shouted, kicking off the sheets and running into the dorm.

Shika noticed Rin running in and whistled, as Yza regained his normal skin and his eyes regained some life as Rin looked at Yza as he noticed the gun and sword in hand.
"Hey Yza, whats with the weapons?" Rin asked.
"..." Yza stayed silent. "..."
"Whats wrong?" Rin asked.
"..." Yza looked at Rin in disgust and left.
"That was strange..." Rin said as he entered his room and rook his sword. "Thank God its still here."

Yza walked down the hall. "... I'll take your blood. Son of Satan!" He smirked, his teeth more sharp and ears slightly elonged as he walked through the wall.

Shika looked at Rin and fled as quick as he could, bumping into Kiko on the way.
"What the hell are you doing here Akia?" She asked.
"I wanted to see Mr. Okumura but he wasnt here." Shika said as he left. Kiko looked at Shika, something not right about him.

In class, Yza and Kiko sat next to each other, and Yza was writing down notes silently instead of being a fool.
"What the hell happened to him?" Kiko wondered. "Oh well, jts for the better." She sighed in her head as Shika kepted looking at Yza every so often.
"Good... Very good... Soon enough Blade, you'll be killing that damned Okumura." Shika thought.
"....." Yza stayed silent.
"Blade, could you recite us the aria for killing Goblins?" The teacher asked. Yza stood up.
"In all honesty miss, I never tried to remember it." Yza declared as he sat down again.
"Ok then... Kamiki?" She asked. Izumk sighed and started to recite as Yza took down what she said as the rest of the class had their eyes on her.

After a couple of lessons, at lunch Yza sat alone, eating food he bought. Kiko sat across her cousin as Yza snarled by showing his teeth at her.
"What, you dont want me sitting with you?" Kiko asked.
"..." Yza looked at her with hate and continued to eat.

After a long day of classes and homework, Yza went into his bed as Kiko prepared to sleep. Shika snuck around and whistled quietly as Yza's eyes struck open lifeless, skin pale. He got out of the bed and took his sword as he left the room and trecked through the corridors as he went towards Rin's and Yukio's room. He knocked on the door as Rin blinked, grumbled and opened it.
"Yza?" He asked sleepily.
"Can I talk with you privately?..." Yza asked.
"Sure.." Rin blinked as he followed Yza to the roof of the school.

"Why are we here?" Rin asked, holding his sword close to him.
"..." Yza smirked, as he drew his sword that was on fire. Shika watched from afar as Yza's thoughts be changed and twisted to Rin killing his friends and family. "Your the son of Satan, amirite?" He asked. Rin eyes widened the narrowed.
"What makes you think-" Rin asked as Yza slashed through his with his sword, blood spewing out of the hole Yza's sword pierced through him. "That?"
"Kurikara." Yza replied as he looked at his sword.
"So what?" Rin asked.
"You'll eventually kill everyone... So I must kill you!!" Yza exclaimed.
"It looks like I have no choice..." Rin said as he drew his sword. Blue flames engulfed his body.
"I KNEW IT!!" Yza screamed as he pulled out the sword and attacked him again. Rin clashed his blade with Yza's and they swordfighted.
"DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!!!" Yza screamed as he attacked Rin repeatedly.
"The Yza I know wouldn't do this! He must be controlled by a demon..." Rin thought as memories of his father being controlled by Satan rushed through his mind. "Yza! I know your in there!!"
"What crap are you saying? I AM Yza!!" He laughed maliciously.
"A demon is controlling you, I KNOW IT!!" Rin cried as he struck one deadly blow into Yza as he flew back. He coughed up blood as he held his stomach, blood rushing out there. Yza snarled at Rin as he looked at him.
"I wont hurt you anymore." Rin said as Yza screamed and snarled at him, intense pain flowing through his body. Shika grunted as he whistled and fled the scene, knowing that Yza was a lost cause and ripped the paper that connected the demon as it faded away from him. Rin put away his sword as his blue flames faded away. Yza layed on the ground as Rin picked him up and they went to see Yukio.


Sinister plots are happening!! Well I'll leave what happens to Yza and Shika's evil plot to kill... <message was not found> to OreElle. Until then, Fox out!

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