Chapter 8: The Fight

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"Shiemi...." Yza snored. "I'll..." He continued. "Damn you..." Yza snorted. Kiko looked at her snoring brother and poked him.
"Yza?" She asked.
"There..." Yza snorted. Kiko looked at her brother and opened the mini fridge, grabbed some ice and slid it down his back.
"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Yza screamed as the whole dorm could hear it, birds flying away.

"What the hell?!" Yza moaned.
"For you not waking up. Now get ready, we have school." Kiko said. Yza nodded as he got up. He could feel something sticky down there as his thing twitched. He looked at it and screamed again.
"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Yza screamed again. Rin got up sleepily annoyed.
"Who the hell keeps screaming?" He muttered.
"Crap..." Yza sighed.
Kiko walked in. "Whats wrong?"
"N-nothing!!" Yza turned around. "Goddamn puberty!!" He screamed in his head.

After getting ready for school, Yza opened a key and walked into thr Cram School, going to his seat next to Kiko and sitting down. His eyes wondered off and looked at Shiemi, who was sitting next to Rin. "Now shes in the Cram School?! My luck is either godly or just bad..." He cried in his head. Yza tried to calm down and breathed.
"Whats up with you today?" Kiko asked.
"Nothings up." Yza replied.
"You acted strange this morning." Kiko yawned.
"Well maybe it was because you poured ice down my back!!" Yza exclaimed.
"So what?" Kiko asked.
"YOU MADE ME SCREAM!!" Yza shouted. Shika couldn't stand the breaking voice of Yza and walked over to him, grabbed him by the collar and pinned to a wall.
"Grr... What the hell Akia?!" Yza choked.
"Quit whining and start acting serious. Your voice makes me wanna throw up and your attitude to exorcism is like bullshit! Get serious or get outta my face!" Shika said, throwing him down. Yza wiped the blood off his face as Shiemi came to help him.
"Are you alright?" She asked, getting him up.
"I'm fine." Yza dryly laughed. Shika grumbled.
"LOVE BIRDS!!" And with that, he brushed the silver bangs that covered his face. Yza looked at him with hate.
"To Hell I do!!" Yza screamed. Shika sighed.
"See what I mean? You can't take an insult, let alone a fight. Your gonna die out there, so resign and get a life." Shika grunted.
"Why you!!" Yza gritted his teeth.
"Heh, you wanna have a brawl?" Shika asked.
"Hell to the yeah I do!" Yza gritted his teeth in rage.
"Meet me by the Reapers after this lesson." Shika laughed.
"You little..." Yza mumbled in pure rage.

Soon, Yza and Shika looked across the arena.
"Are they seriously gonna do this?!" Rin exclaimed.
"Seems like it." Yukio said.
"Yuki, please stop them!!" Shiemi pleaded.
"No, let them be. If they want to get into trouble, its their choice." He replied.
"We're all gonna get into trouble cause we broke in here!!" Kiko sweatdropped.
"Blade, start us off." Shika smirked.
"You twat, I'll start with me killing you!!" Yza screamed. He drew his sword and ran up.
"Look, Blade is holding a blade. How cute." Shika said, before Yza slashed the palm of his hand. Shika smirked.
"Did you forget?" He asked in a malicious voice. "I'm a tamer." Blood ran down his arm as his sleeve rolled down, revealing more magic circles on his arm. "Mr. Nehaus gave me this idea. Your scared of ghosts right? How about a harem of them that love you?" The blood touched the circles as a flurry of ghosts shot out and surronded Yza.
"Holy crap... I'll slay you all!!" Yza cried. Fire swallowed up his blade as it became hot to the touch. "BURN IN HELL!!" He sliced through them.
"Don't try!!" They hissed at him.
"Damn, the blade just goes through them and does nothing..." Yza thought, gritting his teeth.
"How about I give you more to deal with?" Shika sinisterly laughed, blood dripping on the paper magic circle as he familiar shot out and attacked the group that was watching, going straight for Shiemi.

Shiemi covered herself for anything as Yukio drew his blaster and fired at the ghost.
"Akia, stop immediately!!" Yukio warned him. The ghost shot its chain at Yukio and stole his gun.
"Beautiful weapon, don't you agree?" He sinsterly laughed, as he crushed the gun in his hands as the bits fell down. Yukio gritted his teeth and brought out his other blaster and started shooting immediately as Yza jumped up and attacked Shika.
"Stop it now!!" Yza screeched.
"Thats what I was gonna say!!" Shika shouted back, showing another magic circle and blood trickled down there, as a ghost shot out and crushed through Yza's body. All he could do was gasp.
"How do like that? Take control of his body..." He smirked maliciously. Yza felt his body feel heavy, the edges of his vision blurred, before his body was control by the ghost. Shika let go of the boy. "You shall do my bidding."
"Yes master..." Yza nodded zombie like. Yukio gun pointed at Shika.
"No need to shoot me, fights over." Shika said, walking away. Kiko gave a death glare at Shika as Yza was on his knees.

At night, Shika walked into a Satanic looking room as a familiar pink haired boy sat there aswell.
"Renzo." Shika muttered, taking a seat as he had a blood red cloak on him.
"Shika." He smirked. He looked at the black sky. "You know what we gotta do." He smirked. Shika laughed and nodded.
"Of course."


Ok, I left it on a creepy ending! OreElle, you dont need to continue the creepy ending cause thats just a foreshadow. Ok, next chapter on her book. Bye!

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