Blue lantern and the shapshifter

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We see Dimitri at the school as he was walking through class as he then saw a girl trying to pick up her things as he went to her and helped her.

Dimitri: Here let me help you. Name's Dimitri.

Casey: Casey. Casey Krinsky.

Dimitri: good name. Well uh here you go *hands her the rest of her things*

Casey: Thanks.

Dimitri: I'll see you later.

Then Dimitri walked off as he went to class as he sat at his desk.

Dimitri: Well she seemed nice.

Later we see him eating at a table in the cafeteria as Jessica was sitting next to him.

Dimitri: So Jessica, how does it feel that there's now a third green lantern here in Metropolis?

Jessica: Well to be honest I didn't expect your little brother to be a green lantern.

Dimitri: Ok, uh quick question, do you know someone by the name Casey Krinsky?

Jessica: Wait did you say Casey Krinsky?

Dimitri: Yeah why?

Jessica: Well we met her before Zee met her and she became her friend but she found out that Casey can change into anyone she sees and takes their powers.

Dimitri: Wait what?!

Jessica: Yeah she did with Zee and swapped bodies and she even took all our powers and tried to destroy Zee but when Zee went through to her she tried to get back at her by telling the school who we really are.

Dimitri: But I'm guessing no one believed her did they?

Jessica: Yeah, but you need to be careful you can't let Casey know who you are.

Dimitri: Your right. *Gasps* oh I got what if we swapped rings.

Jessica: Switch rings? Why

Dimitri: So Casey doesn't know who blue Lantern is and she won't suspect you being a blue lantern.

Jessica: You do make a good point. *Takes off her green lantern ring and gives it to Dimitri* here you go.

Dimiri: *takes Jessica's green lantern ring* thanks and here you go *gives Jessica the blue lantern ring*

Jessica: *puts the blue Lantern ring on her finger* Hmm not bad.

Dimitri: Hopefully Casey won't think that there will be anything suspicious.

Jessica: Yeah.

Zee: Hey you two what's going on?

Dimitri: Just giving each other our rings.

Zee: Why?

Jessica: Dim had a run in with Casey.

Dimitri: So we're switching rings so Casey won't suspect that I'm the blue lantern.

Zee: Are you sure that will work?

Dimitri: I'm sure. But just to be on the safe side you know any spells that can repel another person's power back at them.

Zee: I might know one.

Dimitri: Good.

Casey: Dimitri.

Then he looked to see Casey.

Dimitri: Oh hey, what ya doing?

Casey: *sees zee* Zee. *back to you* I was wondering what you're doing with her. *points at Jess*

Dimitri: Oh uh you see Jess is my girlfriend.

Jessica: And Dimitri is my boyfriend.

Casey: You two are... dating?

Dimiri: Um yes, and I know you have powers Casey.

Casey: How?

Dimitri: Let's just say that a little birdie told me. Also how did you get your powers?

Casey: It's... complicated.

Dimitri: But why would you try to take their powers and try to get rid of Zee.

Casey: I... just wanted to be popular like Zee.

Dimitri: Well if you wanted to be noticed and have friends you should at least be yourself, not try to change. You're perfect just the way you are.

Casey: I... I am?

Dimitri: Yeah powers or no powers you are who you are. and you need to also let go of what happened between you and Zee because it doesn't matter, what does matter is what you choose.

Casey: Oh.

Dimitri: So what do you say friends?

Casey: Friends.

Dimitri: Awesome. I mean with your powers you could be a superhero. Well I know that my girlfriend Jess is a hero along with her friends and how she was shown to be a hero was that she did what's right.

Casey: Oh so are you... super too? I'm just asking? I'm not gonna take your powers.

Dimitri: Yeah I'm a lantern like Jess, Well blue lantern to be exact.

Casey: A... Blue lantern?

Jessica: You know how my ring uses willpower? Dimitri's ring uses hope.

Casey: But you two are wearing different colored rings.

Dimitri: Oh that well we swapped rings in case you were gonna take my powers, uh sorry if I offended you.

Casey: It's okay. But why did you even come here in the first place?

Dimitri: It's kinda complicated but let's just say that my family is being hunted down by a guy named-

Casey: Hex.

Dimitri: How did you know that?

Casey: It was in the news and it showed he burned down a house, *realizes* Wait, that was your home?

Dimitri: Yeah it was but my parents and my brothers are alive. And my ring was originally my mom's ring. She was a blue lantern before me.

Jessica: And he told me that incident led to where his mom's ring chose Dimitri. *takes his ring off and hands it to Dimitri* you can have your ring back.

Dimitri: Thanks and here's yours Jess. *hands Jessica her ring as he takes his* After that incident I had to take care of my little sisters by myself. And it was not an easy job.

Casey: Oh.

Jessica: Yeah and while being here his sisters were chosen as blue lanterns and we found out two of his brothers are lanterns too.

Dimitro: Yeah Everette is a green lantern and Grayson is an indigo lantern.

Casey: Oh.

Dimitri: Yeah and long story short Hex found out that me and my sisters are blue lanterns and now he's after me and my family.

Jessica: Yeah he sent one of his men to find him.

Dimitri: But Andruw then came and helped us stop him.

Casey: Wait won't that mean Hex will send his men here to look for you?

Dimitri: Yeah, but so far we haven't seen any of his men here.

Casey: Oh.

Dimitri: Yeah. So I need to be careful if anyone is looking for me.

At an alleyway in Metropolis we see a man in a black suit as he noticed a citizen and then he shapeshifted into that same person.

???:I will be able to blend in.

Then he walked off as we went to Dimitri and the others.

Dimitri: Well for info on Hex's men I looked up files about people with powers and I found this file.

He showed a file of a man.

Dimitri: He goes by a codename "Chameleon" he's one of the sneakiest spies.

Kara: So why is he called Chameleon? Can he turn invisible?

Dimitri: No, he's a shifter he can change his appearance to look like anyone

Kara: So why don't he just turn into a bomb and get you.

Dimitro: He actually can't do that. I read his files and guns and explosives have chemicals and moving parts. So we need to be careful if he is around.

Babs: Wait your saying chameleon can be anyone? Even us?

Dimitri: Yes. So we need to find him before he finds me and tells hex.

Kara: But how do we know who's who if he changes into one of us?

Dimitri: Then you can ask the person something only the real one would know.

Jessica: That sounds like a good idea.

We then see them in the city in their hero outfits.

Dimitri: Ok guys we need to look around in the city.

Diana: Indeed we have territory to cover, let us split ourselves.

Elliotte: What?

Kara: Split up.

Diana: Yes, that.

While they didn't know that Chameleon was in the shadows watching them.

Chameleon: I'm not going down that easy.

Then he went into the shadows as he hid out of sight. Later we see everyone coming back to the same spot.

Dimitri: Any luck?

Jessica: No.

Dimitri: Then we'll double check again- wait. *He looked to see that there was two Graysons* Two Indigo lanterns?

Grayson: I'm the real one.

Dimitri: Well let's test something to be sure. Indigo lanterns make a construct.

Then we see the first one made a construct of the indigo lantern corps symbol while the other raised his hand and a construct didn't come out.

Elliotte: Wait he can't use constructs get him!

Then Chameleon ran as the others went offer him as they went through the alleyway as Kara looked to see Jessica running and then punched Kara knocking her down as it was Chameleon as he then changed into Kara as the real Jessica came to Kara as she got up.

Kara: Why did you punch me for? *punches Jessica*

Jessica: Ow! It wasn't me, I'm a pacifist. It was Chameleon.

Kara: Oh. That makes sense, sorry.

With Chameleon as he was running he then noticed a window as he saw his reflection as he screamed and changed back to his real self as he smashed the window.

Dimitri: I heard something, this way.

Then the others ran as Dimitri looked at the broken window.

Dimitri: he must have been here and he must have broken it cause it showed his reflection.

Kara: Maybe he thought it was one of us?

Dimitri: But I heard him scream, he must lose control of his form if he sees his own reflection. Hmm how about I make some mirrors that are less fragile.

Then we see the others as they all came to see Dimitri.

Dimitri: Hi guys.

Dimitri 1: that's not me I'm the real one.

Dimitri 2: No! That's not me, I'm the real Dimitri!

Zee: Now what?

Jessica: We'll ask them something only the real Dimitri knows

Dimitris: Uh oh.

Jessica: What is my favorite food place to go to?

Dimitri 1: I know that, the Vegan cafe.

Jessica: That's Right

Then the others looked at the other as he tried to run but was blocked by a blue construct of a mirror.

Dimitri: You're not me, you're just a cheap knock-off.

Then Chameleon tried to run the other way but dimitri surrounded him with more mirrors.

Dimitri: It's think it's time you looked in the mirror.

Then we see Chameleon screaming as he then changed to different people as he then changed back to his real self as he then saw a fist punch him as he was knocked out.

Dimitri: I hate cheap knockoffs.

Kara: So now what?

Dimitri: Call the authorities?

Jessica: Hmm zee you know any mind reading spells?

Zee: I do. *Uses her spell and reads Chameleon's mind* Hex sent him alright.

Dimitri: *sees something in his pocket and pulls out a device.* Play me?

He pressed the button as the device showed a hologram of Hex as Dimitri saw him.

Dimitri: You.

Hex: Hello it's glad to finally see you again and I must say you do look good in blue. I see you already met one of my men Though Chameleon was the weakest of them.

Dimitri: What do you want from me?

Hex: I planned to have you exterminated but seeing you take down my men you show potential. I will have to face you myself soon.

Dimitri: Well if you're trying to offer me to work for you, then you can forget it. I'm not joining you.

Hex: Very well then I will see you again and I intend to finish what I started. Good bye.

Then the device shut off as dimitri dropped it.

Dimitri: Guess Hex knows where I am now.

Kara: But if he tries to take you then he'll have to get through us first.

Dimitri: Your right. We can take hex down

Grayson: And we'll do it together.

Elliotte: And Grayson I do want to ask is there any girl that you like?

Grayson: *blushes* Um maybe? *sees Elliotte and Dimitri both have serious faces as he then sighs* okay I do.

Elliotte: Who is it?

Grayson: It's.... Kara Danvers.

Kara: Me?

Grayson: Yeah I wasn't sure if you...loved me back.

Andruw: If Grayson is confessing, then I should get something off my chest too. *inhales* I like Zee Zatara.

Zee: Wait Andruw likes me?

Andruw: Yeah but I don't like you because you're the daughter of a famous magician, I like you because you're a unique, talented and beautiful girl. And like Grayson I wasn't sure if you loved me back.

Kara: So you both had crushes on me and Zee?

Grayson: Yeah.

Andruw: Yes.

Zee: Well to be honest I like you too.

Kara: And I may have had a crush on Grayson too.

Andruw: Oh so your saying you want to be my girlfriend?

Zee: Yes.

Kara: And I guess it won't hurt to date Grayson.

Grayson: thank you Kara Danvers *kisses Kara's cheek*

Dimitri: Well we should head home.

Jessica: Well I'm coming too.

Zee: I'll come to your home too, it maybe nice to see you close.

Kara: I'll go too.

Karen: I guess I'll go too.

Dimitri: Ok.

We then later see them at their house as they had their night clothes on as we see Kara had her night clothes on.

Kara: This is pretty nice.

Grayson looked to see Kara was wearing a blue tank top and red pants.

Grayson: oh those are cute.

Kara: Thanks. So your brothers are cool.

Grayson: Yeah.

Kara: So, you want to get to bed. Oh and if you hear me talking in my sleep, just tell me to go back to bed.

Grayson: Ok.

We then go to Andruw's room as Zee was seen wearing a purple night dress.

Zee: Well glad that chameleon is gone. There's only one Zee Zatara

Andruw: Your one of a kind.

Zee: Yup so ready for bed.

Andruw: Yup.

Then we went to Elliotte's room as Karen was wearing black and yellow shirt and pants.

Karen: So you think you're ready to use soul harvester again.

Elliotte: Yeah, and sorry for trying to take your soul Karen.

Karen: It's ok. Well I know that we may have done our thing once you think we could do it again?

Elliotte: I love that.

Then we go to Dimitri's room as he sees Jess in her tank top and thong as he sees her.

Dimiri: Well I still think you look beautiful in your night clothes.

Jessica: Thank you. So ready for bed?

Dimitri: Yeah.

Jessica: And plus you know my thong does show my tushy~.

Dimitri: Yeah it does.

Jessica: And no one can see this butt except for you.

Dimitri: Thanks. And Jessica, you're my special green lantern.

Jessica: And you're my special blue lantern.

Then they both got to the bed as they both kissed and turned the lights off. But then a crash was heard as Dimitri and Jessica looked out the window to see Kara was flying into town and she was asleep.

Dimitri: Kara?

Jessica: Is she... Sleep flying?

Dimiri: Should we...get her?

Jessica: Well as much as I want to, we are already in bed so~.

Dimiri: Fair point.

Jessica: But why can't Kara just go back to bed.

Then Kara heard Jessica While she Was sleeping.

Kara: *talking in her sleep* Go back to bed.

Then she flew back to the room As she was seen Sleeping with Grayson. In the morning we see dimitri get up as he saw Jessica sleeping as her back was seen.

Dimitri: You know Jess Is cute when she's sleeping. And she does have a cute tushy.

Then he sees Jessica scratching her large tushy.

Dimitri: I guess I can make the most of it.

Then he placed his hand on Jessica's butt as he felt how soft it was.

Dimitri: Woah never thought Jess had a tushy this soft.

Jessica: It is pretty soft.

Then he looked to see that Jess was now awake as he then took his hand off.

Dimitri: Oh Jess sorry, I didn't know you were awake.

Jessica: That's ok and there's nothing to be embarrassed of, it's ok for you to touch my butt like that, we are dating. *shakes her tushy a little*

Dimitri: Oh I guess you're right. so you want to head to the kitchen.

Jessica: Yeah, I could use a bite.

Then they both got up and got dressed as they headed to the kitchen.

Jessica: You know, I actually liked you touching my tushy.

Dimitri: Really?

Jessica: Yeah, anytime you want to, you can touch my tushy. *places her finger on dimitri's chest*

Then piper came as she saw them

Piper: Jess why are you touching Dimitri's chest.

Jessica: oh, he had a speck of dust on his chest and I was getting it off for him. Wait, what are you doing here?

Piper: I just came down for breakfast.

Dimitri: Oh okay.

Jessica: we were just grabbing a bite to eat. Is anything you want?

Piper: scrambled eggs please.

Dimiri: Okay Scrambled eggs it is. And Jess what would you like?

Jessica: Same for me but a vegan version of it.

Dimitri: Okay.

In Andruw's room we see him waking up as he sees Zee is asleep as her back was seen.

Andruw: I'll admit Zee is pretty cute

Zee: I am pretty cute, and talented with magic.

Andruw: Oh I didn't know you were up.

Zee: It's ok. So you think the others are up yet?

Andruw: Maybe, let's get dressed and see.

As they both got up they went down to the kitchen to see Dimitri making breakfast.

Dimitri: Morning guys.

Andruw: Morning Bro, and you and Jess look like you both had fun last night.

Dimitri: That's because we didn't uh, uh, uh brush our hair right Jess?

Jessica: Yeah, but I'm sure that others might have had fun last night too.

Zee: Uh no no not really we're not really ready for that kinda stuff yet.

Jessica: I'm just kidding Zee.

Zee: Oh phew that's a relief

Dimitri: Yeah and speaking of relief, zee how are you at summoning up some breakfast?

Zee: I've been practicing but I'll give it a shot. * uses a spell and summons plates of food*

Dimitri: You think the others are up yet?

In Grayson's room we see him waking up as he looked to see he was hugging Kara.

Kara: *Yawns* Hmm man that was a good sleep.

Grayson: Yeah, so you think the others are up?

Kara: Yeah Probably.

Kara and Grayson then went to the kitchen where they saw the others having breakfast.

Dimitri: Hey Gray.

Grayson: Sup.

Kara: So you and Jess had fun?

Jessica: Hmm a little we saw you flying in your sleep.

Andruw: Wait, she was... sleep-flying?

Dimitri: Yeah she was sleep-flying.

Jessica: But she came back when Dimitri said "go back to bed"

Dimitri: Yeah that part I don't understand how that worked I mean everyone knows that you're not supposed to wake a sleep walker but how did Kara hear me.

Jessica: Not sure. Guess it was her super hearing.

Kara: maybe, but why do you always like spending time with Dimitri so much.

Jessica: I just like being with my blue boo *hugs Dimitri*

Dimitri: And we don't judge any couple stuff you guys would do, *crosses his arms* so don't judge us.

Elliotte: Judge you two for what?

They all looked to see Elliotte and Karen as they were up and in the kitchen.

Dimitri: Hey guys.

Karen: Hey, Um what were you talking about?

Dimitri: Well I was saying that you guys shouldn't judge me and Jess for any kind of couple stuff we would do.

Jessica: Yeah besides what we do in our room stays in our room.

Dimitri: Yeah. Although me and Jess have been talking about getting our own place to settle down.

Jessica: Yeah but don't get me wrong, I like being here but it does get a bit rowdy.

Heather: And I accept it, you two are old enough to live on your own.

Dimitri: Thanks mom and don't worry me and Jess chose a great place to live.

Piper: really? What is it?

Jessica: Across the street from here, a couple blocks down.

Dimitri: Yeah, it's not that far from here.

Jessica: So we'll be able to come visit you guys whenever we want.

Dimitri: Yeah and it'll be a good place for us to start our own family.

Piper: Yay I'm gonna be an aunt.

Dimitri: Piper, let's not get ahead of ourselves, I told you that we'll only have a baby when we graduate and get married.

Piper: okay.

Then Dimitri looked at Jessica as he smiled and Jessica smiled back.

Jessica: A green lantern and blue lantern can be teammates but I guess they can also be lovers.

Dimitri: Yeah. They sure can.

Then we see the screen fade to black as Dimitri and Jessica's rings were seen glowing.

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