The Shadow reaper.

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In Metropolis we see Dimitri and Jessica sleeping together as Piper then comes in and jumps onto the bed but then realizes that Jessica was with him in the bed.

Piper: Aah! Gross! *gets off the bed and covers her eyes* Cover up you guys! I'm too young for this.

Dimitri: Calm down sis, everything's fine. We were only, uh doing our homework yeah that's it doing our homework.

Jessica: Yeah it was a real "all-nighter" homework.

Piper: What kind of homework was it?

Dimiri: Uh Science, and it was about uh... thermal transfer.

Jessica: Yeah what Dimitri said.

Piper: Oh but why are you both under the covers?

Dimiri: Well that's part of the experiment and it involves a blanket.

Piper: Oh. Sorry for the confusion, see you in the kitchen.

Then she left as Dimitri and Jessica sighed in relief.

Dimitri: That was close.

Jessica: Yeah, also thermal transfer?

Dimitri: You have a better idea?

Jessica: Fair enough. We should get dress before-

Dimitri: anyone else comes in here.

Heather: What is going on here?

Then they looked to see Dimitri's mother was at the door.

Jessica: We're in trouble aren't we?

Dimitri: Yup. *To mom* Hi mom how's it going?

Heather: I should be asking you that.

Dimitri: Well me and Jessica were just cuddling in bed right Jess.

Jessica: Yeah, we were cuddling honest.

Heather: Then where did this mess come from?

Dimitri: I can explain that see... *Can't think of an explanation* Actually we can't explain

Jessica: Uh What dimitri is trying to say is we were fighting a villian in our sleep.

Heather: A dream villain?

Dimitri: Uh yeah him, we were fighting him in our dreams and that led to the mess.

Heather: Hmmm. If you say so, I'll be downstairs to let you two get dressed.

Dimitri: Thanks mom. *Sees his mom leave as he sighs* Thanks for the dream villain excuse, otherwise we would have told mom what we really did.

Jessica: Your welcome now let's get dressed, it's starting to feel a bit chilly.

Dimitri: Agreed. *Closes the door* And I can't believe that we're gonna see Elliotte today.

Jessica: Yeah, at least I'll get to meet the rest of your family. *Looks around* Have you seen my thong?

Dimitri: I think it's under the bed.

Jessica: Ok. *looks under the bed*

Andruw: *behind the door and knocks* Dimitri you up yet?

Dimitri: Uh yeah I'll be out in a minute.

Jessica: *finds her thong* Found it.

As Dimitri was dressed he saw the door slowly open as he then pushed Jessica under the bed as she was now under the bed as Andruw came in.

Dimitri: Hey Bro. What did you need me for? *smiles nervously*

Andruw: Just wondering when you'll be ready to head to the park to meet Elliotte. Say where's Jessica?

Dimitri: Oh uh Jessica just went to the bathroom. That's right.

Andruw: You look like you got a dirty little secret. *Sees Dimitri looking worried* Ha, I'm just messing with ya. We'll see ya downstairs.

Then he left as dimitri closed the door as he sighed.

Jessica: Can I come out now?

Dimitri: Yeah. *Gets Jessica out from under the bed* Sorry for pushing you under the bed. I just didn't want Andruw to see you in your... current look.

Jessica: It's ok. And look *pulls out her thong* I found it.

Dimitri: Good for you, so mind getting dressed before anyone else sees you.

Jessica: Right.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Later we see Dimitri and Jessica dressed as they were now at the park with the others as they were as Dimitri and Jessica were on a bench sitting together as Jessica was sitting on Dimitri's lap.

Kara: Remind me why we're here again?

Zee: Cause Elliotte will be here.

Dimitri: Yeah. And I can't wait to meet my brother. It's been a long time.

Jessica: Well I hope he minds me dating you Dimitri.

Dimitri: I'm sure he'll find it ok that you're dating me.

Then we see a boy about Andruw's age but a year younger with brown hair like Dimitri but with hazel eyes as he came to the park and saw the others and saw Dimitri.

Elliotte: Brother.

Dimitri: Elliotte, I can't believe that you're here. There is a lot that you have missed.

Piper: Yeah me and Rowan are Blue lanterns now like Dimitri.

Elliotte: So your a blue lantern now?

Dimitri: Yeah

Rowan: And Dimitri has a girlfriend now.

Jessica: Yeah I'm Jessica, I'm dating your brother.

Elliotte: so dimitri found a girlfriend first.

Dimitri: Yeah, plus you're gonna love metropolis, I mean you know aside from the criminals and hex hunting us down you're gonna love it here and guess what mom's back.

Elliotte: How?

Dimitri: She became a black lantern. Anyways these are my friends Kara, Babs, Zee, Diana and Karen.

With Karen we see her as she was blushing a little.

Kara: You ok there kid?

Karen: Yeah, I'm fine.

Elliotte: Wait Hex?

Dimitri: Yeah, turns out he found out that I'm still alive and is gonna try to get me and so far he only sent one of his guys.

Elliotte: What happened to one of his men?

Dimitri: We beat him with a little help from Andruw. So what do you want to do?

Karen: Maybe we can see a movie?

Elliotte: A movie sounds lovely.

Karen: *blushes* Thanks.

Dimitri: Awesome we can all go together.

We then see them at the movie theater as we see Karen was sitting next to Elliotte as she was blushing more than usual

Diana: Karen are you ill?

Karen: Why would you say that?

Diana: Your face is now red.

Karen: *realizes and covers her face* No I'm fine really.

We then see her as she looks at Elliotte and then blushes again.

Dimitri: Karen are you sure you're okay?

Karen: I'm fine really.

Dimitri: Just tell me the truth.

Karen: Ok. I may *whispers quietly* have a crush on elliotte.

Dimitri: You like him?

Karen: Yes, but I don't know if he likes me back.

Dimitri: Just give it some time, I'm sure that he likes you.

Karen: Thanks.

Dimitri: Besides he may need some time to realize that he likes you, just like with me and Jessica.

Later after the movie we then see Elliotte walk off as the others walked to sweet justice.

Kara: Your brother is nice.

Dimitri: Yeah I can't believe that I got to see him again.

Then an alarm was heard as Kara's super hearing detected it.

Kara: Guys we need to go now.

Dimiri: What's up?

Kara: There's a robbery.

Then we see them head to a jewelry store.

Kara: You picked the wrong day to *sees catwoman on the ground* fall asleep in mid-robbery?

Then Dimitri turned her around as he saw that her skin was grey and her eyes were pitch black.

Dimitri: Guys I'm pretty sure that this is not normal.

Grayson: What happened to her.

Zee: Yromem. *uses a memory spell* This is bad, really bad. Someone used dark magic, the really icky stuff to take her soul.

Karen: Now what?

We then see them going out of the store as Kara was carrying Catwoman.

Kara: Can't we just take her to the cops?

Dimitri: They wouldn't know what to do with her.

Babs: So we gotta hide a soulless body, we did this before.

Dimitri: You have?

Babs: Yeah. It's only one body.

Then Babs tripped on what appeared to be Harley Quinn as we see that her soul was taken as well.

Dimitri: Make that two soulless bodies.

Karen: Now, now what?

We then see Jessica come with her mom's minivan.

Jessica: I don't know about this last time my mom's car got wrecked.

Babs: No worries it won't happen again.

Dimitri: And I won't let it happen.

Babs: Besides there's no more soulless bodies around here.

Then we see a big person about to fall on the van as you then made a net and caught the person as you saw she had on Leppard clinic clothes and red hair as she had her soul taken as well.

Dimitri: got ya.

Jessica: Thanks sweetie.

Dimitri: Anything for you Jess.

Karen: Now, now, now what?

We then see them driving as they had the three villains in the van.

Everette: At least it can't get any worse.

Dimiri: Don't say that man!

Then they stopped to see three more villains on the street as two were poison ivy and star Sapphire as the third had blue skin and electric themed punk rock outfit.

Dimitri: Way to go bro.

Karen: Now, now, now, now, what?

We then see them going to what appeared to be Bab's house as she saw that her dad had fallen asleep while watching TV as they all went to her room as they put the Villainesses together in the room.

Karen: Wait we're missing one, where's poison ivy?

Jessica: *looks and gasps* We left her on the roof rack.

Then she ran to get Pam as she then grabbed her and ran not before locking the car as she ran back inside and tossed her into the pile. Then she bumped into Dimitri as they both were on the ground as she sat up she saw you.

Jessica: Sorry I didn't see you.

Dimitri: It's ok.

Kara: Dude really?

The others looked to see the position Dimitri and Jessica were in as Jessica was sitting on Dimitri's lap.

Zee: Really?

Jessica: It's not what you think we weren't doing anything we just fell.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Then they both got up as they were both blushing.

Karen: Now, now, now, now, now, what?

Dimitri: We find out who's doing this.

We then see them all going through the roofs as they were trying to find the suspect.

Piper: Do you think we'll find him?

Dimitri: I'm sure but we have to stop him before this person takes anyone else's souls.

Karen: but how are we gonna find more-

????(Elliotte): Halt.

Then they saw was a person wearing clothes looking like the from reaper as his hood was keeping his face hidden in darkness as glowing red eyes were seen as he was holding a scythe

Elliotte: Your souls have been tainted by darkness, and now they will be mine

Kara: Sorry dude but I like my soul right where it should be

Then she flew at him and was about to punch him as he then slashed the air with his scythe as it sent a black slash at Kara as it hit her as her soul was then taken and brought into the scythe as the others saw it.

Everette: At least we know where the souls are.

Dimitri: Don't let the slashes hit you

Then we see Zee as she then made a magic cage to trap him as he then slashed it to bits with his scythe as he then sent a slash at Zee as her soul was taken as the others saw it.

Karen: Now, now, now, now, now, now, what?!

Dimitri: Run!

Then they ran as he then sent a slash at them as it hit Diana and Babs as they others jumped off the roof as the person looked to the town and saw they were gone.

Elliotte: Fools, you cannot escape soul harvester.

Then he left as Dimitri, Karen and Jessica, and his brothers were hiding as they got up and saw their soulless friends.

Everette: Now, now, now, now, now, now, now what?

We see them leaving with a blue platform construct carrying their friends as they headed off home. The next day we see Dimitri, Karen, and Jessica at the library as they were going through a book about mystical weapons.

Dimitri: We need to find out which weapon that was.

Then he saw a picture of the same scythe they saw before.

Dimitri: Here it is. Soul Harvester, it says here that this weapon was created by the soul collector himself, the grim reaper. It has the ability to steal souls from anyone it slashes. To release the souls one has to say these words.

He looks at the words as they were all in Latin.

Dimitri: It's in Latin.

Karen: Maybe Elliotte can help, I'll call him.

Elliotte: Call who?

They looked to see Elliotte was in the Library.

Dimitri: Elliotte what are you doing here?

Elliotte: I come in here to think to myself, why were you three trying to call me.

Jessica: We thought you could help us with this.

He then saw the book and then saw soul harvester on it.

Elliotte: Why are you interested in Soul Harvester?

Dimitri: Wait? How do you know... *realizes* Wait it was you. Your the one from the rooftops.

Elliotte: And you three are the villains who got away.

Dimitri: I thought we were brothers.

Elliotte: So did I.

Then he charged at them as Dimitri then kicked him back as he hits the wall as the librarian shushed at them and pointed at a sign reading "no loud fighting."

Elliotte: Sorry.

Dimitri: Does that say- *Gets shushed by the librarian and whispers* Sorry. Does that say no loud fighting?

Librarian: It's Metropolis, it's the best we can hope for.

The two brothers smiled as they both fought quietly.

Dimitri: You stoke the souls of our friends.

Elliotte: they were interfering with my mission.

Dimitri then saw him throw books at him as he blocked them as he was pushed and hit the shelf making others knock each other down. Then the two were kicked out as Jessica and Karen came and watched.

Elliotte: I will reveal myself now.

He then grabbed Soul Harvester and was covered in shadows and was in his reaper outfit.

Elliotte: I am Shadow reaper.

Then a construct of a blue hand grabbed Elliote as it was revealed to be Piper and Rowan.

Piper: Your not taking anyone else's soul you meanie!

Dimitri: Piper that's elliotte.

Piper: Elliotte?

Elliotte: Yes, as I was saying my mission is to hunt down villains and criminals and punish them for their crimes that is what a hero does.

Karen: Why does that sound familiar?

Dimitri: Elliotte your wrong, heroes don't punish they protect the innocent. Now we need to let out our friends.

Elliotte: You can't, to free your friends is to free all of the souls. And I can't let you do that.

Then he slashes the construct as he landed to the ground but piper then took it from him.

Elliotte: I met heroes like you, your methods are pathetic, my method actually works.

Then he sees a man with a crowbar trying to break into his car.

Elliotte: Take that lawbreaker for example, one strike from me and he will never steal anything again.

He then tried to get his scythe back from Piper but then she flew up out range from Elliotte but the scythe was glowing and flew out of her hands and returned to Elliotte.

Elliotte: Why are you all sparring this criminal's soul?

Dimitri: Not his, yours you dummy! If you keep acting this way then you're no better than any villain you punished.

He then looked at the scythe and then looked at the man as he then sent a slash at him as Dimitri and Jessica saw it.

Dimitri and Jessica: NO!

Then they both got in the way as the slash hit them as their souls were taken and went to the scythe as the man looked at Elliotte.

Man: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just locked my keys in the car.

Elliotte: This car is yours? Then your not a thief?

Man: No! You can have it ok?! Just don't do that to me!

Elliotte: Go. NOW!

Then the man ran off as we see Elliotte go to Jessica and Dimitri as he got to his knees as he then took his hood off to show his face as it showed regret.

Elliotte: What have I done?

We then see Elliotte, Piper and Karen at a hill as Dimitri and Jessica's bodies were seen as Elliotte looked at the moon and then looked at his brother as he then pulled out Soul Harvester.

Elliotte: Mors, orcus, nox, obitus, gladius, strages, decessus, obasus.

Then the scythe began to glow as he raises it up.

Elliotte: By the name of the grim reaper, I command you all, vacate the scythe and return to the realm of life!

Then a beam on black light was seen as millions of souls were released and then went to their rightful bodies as two souls came out and went to Dimitri and Jessica as they both woke up.

Jessica: We're alive.

Dimitri: *sees Elliotte* brother, you released the souls, but what changed your mind?

Elliotte: What you and Jessica did for that man made me realize and inspired me. You both didn't punish, you protected. You were right that is true heroism, and Dimitri, I'm... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't know there was another way.

Dimitri: It's ok, you were misguided. So what are you gonna do now?

Elliotte: Well I did free millions of criminals so I should start recapturing them. But I'll do it right this time, not as an executioner. But as a hero. soul harvester is one of the sources of my powers. How can I show responsibility without it?

Dimitri : you do not have to, Soul Harvester can be used for good.

Elliotte: But how? I don't know the true meaning of being a hero.

Dimitri: We'll teach you, and I can help you. We're brothers.

Piper: But you need to put the scythe away until you can properly use it.

Karen: Um elliotte can I tell you something?

Elliotte: What is it?

Karen: It's just I.... I.... Love you.

Elliotte: You love me? Even when I tried to take your soul?

Karen: Yes but you only thought what you were doing was right. And I have liked you since I first met you.

Elliotte: Oh, well if you're going to be honest then I should too. I loved you too Karen it took me a while to figure it out.

Karen: So your saying you want to be more than just friends?

Elliotte: Yes, I would love to be with you Karen

Then Karen then came to Elliotte and kissed him on the lips as Elliotte then kissed back as dimitri saw it.

Dimitri: I can see that Elliotte has a girlfriend now.

Grayson: Yeah, maybe me and Andruw will have girlfriends too someday.

Dimitri: Probably, we should head home.

Jessica: I'm coming with you too.

Karen: I'm coming too, you know, to spend some time with Elliotte.

Dimitri: I guess that's ok.

We later see the others at Dimitri's house as Dimitri and Jessica were in his room.

Dimitri: Well that went well. Sort of.

Jessica: Well at least you have your whole family again.

Dimitri: Yeah, though Hex is gonna be after my whole family when he hears that they're alive.

Jessica: But you will be ready when he does come for you.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Jessica: and since it's just the two of us, why don't we spend our time while we can.

Dimitri: Sure.

Then Jessica came and kissed Dimitri as they both came to the bed. After a while we see the others coming as they pass Dimitri's room and hear him.

Dimitri: Stop it! No more stop!

Then they were about to open it until they heard Jessica.

Jessica: *giggles* No you stop it, your gonna make me pee!

Then they open the door to see that Dimitri and Jessica were ticking each other.

Jessica: *gets her sides tickled* Ah! *Laughs* no not my sides!

Dimitri: *tickles her* Sorry but I just wanted to see how ticklish they are.

As they were tickling each other they heard elliotte clear his throat as they turned to see the others.

Jessica: Uh, hi guys.

Dimitri: What's up?

They just looked at them as they looked at the mess.

Dimitri: We can totally explain the mess.

Jessica: Yeah, you see we were just uh fighting a villian yeah that's it.

Dimitri: Exactly and she messed up our room in the battle.

Elliotte: A villain huh?

Dimitri: Yeah it must have been uh...

Jessica: Catwoman! Yeah that's it, it was catwoman you know how she can be all sneaky and what not.

Dimitri: Yeah what Jess said.

Babs: Wasn't she with the other villains in my room when we woke up?

Jessica: Well maybe her soul back and- *sees that the others we looking at her* you're not buying this are you?

Elliotte: Nope.

Dimitri: But you guys could have at least knocked first.

Jessica: Yeah, ever heard of knocking?

Kara: Ever heard of locking the door?

Dimitri: How did we not notice that?

Then the others looked at him

Dimitri: Like none of you ever made out with a green lantern. So could you all do us a favor and... GET OUT OF MY ROOM!

The others were startled at his outburst and left the room immediately as the door was closed.

Jessica: Well that was... awkward.

Dimitri: Yeah. *sighs* Note to us: Lock the door.

Jessica: Agreed.

Dimitri: So...

Jessica: Want to pick up what we left off?

Dimitri: Fine by me.

Then we see Dimitri and Jessica in the bed together as the lights are off. As morning passed we see them get up as we see Dimitri walking to Elliotte's room and he knocked on the door.

Dimitro: Uh are you up?

Then he saw that the door was unlocked as he opened the door to see Elliotte and Karen asleep as Jessica came and saw it.

Jessica: *whispers* We should probably leave them be.

Dimitri: *Whispers* Yeah your right. But first. *brings his phone and takes a picture* ok now we can go.

Then they both left as Elliotte woke up and saw Karen asleep.

Elliotte: Wake up Karen.

Karen: *gets up and sees him* What is it?

Elliotte: We should probably get dressed before others come in. *sees the door open*

Karen: Uh, how long was that door open?

Elliotte: Don't know.

Jessica: A few minutes ago.

Then they looked to see Dimitri and Jessica looking at them.

Dimitri: I can see you two had fun.

Karen: It's not what you think.

Elliotte: Yeah, we were just sleeping together.

Jessica: *sees the mess on the floor* Just sleeping?

Karen: We may or may not have done more than sleeping.

Elliotte: Yeah. Look we don't judge anything you both would do at night, so don't judge us.

Dimitri: ok we'll be down stairs make sure you both get dressed.

Then they both left as Elliotte and Karen got up and got dressed. We see Dimitri and Elliotte in the living room.

Dimitri: So...

Elliotte: So... what have you been doing in Metropolis?

Dimiri: Well you know, going to school, taking care of our sisters, getting a girlfriend, fighting one of Hex's men.

Elliotte: Good. So how many times have you and Jess been close?

Dimitri: We only been that close for at least 2 times. *Sees Elliotte looking at him* 3? *Sees that elliotte was still not buying it * 4 times. Anyway how did Everett and Grayson get their rings?

Elliotte: Well they got their rings a few days after that fire incident.

Dimitri: Oh ok. So you think Grayson and Andruw will be able to find girlfriends?

Elliotte: Probably. Depends on who you think they'll be with.

Dimitri: Hmm, you think Grayson likes Kara?

Elliotte: Probably, Think Zee likes Andruw?

Dimitri: Maybe. Well it's glad to have you back bro.

Elliotte: Yeah, and I'm sorry for taking your souls.

Dimiri: It's cool. So you think you can be able to use Soul harvester without taking a person's soul?

Elliotte: Yeah. So what now.

Dimitri: Spend time together as a family, like old times.

Meanwhile at Hex's lair we see Hex as he was looking at photos of Dimitri and his siblings as their hero selves as he looked at them.

Hex: So there's more of them out there? But I will find you, blue lantern.

Then he looked at the photo of Dimitri as the blue Lantern.

Hex: You can't hide from me forever.

Then the scene faded to black as the blue lantern symbol was seen as Hex's voice was heard.

Hex: I will find you and I will finish what I started.

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