Hex's scout and a shocking discovery.

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As the morning came we see them in bed asleep as Dimitri woke up and saw Jess sleeping

Dimitri: Wakie wakie Jess.

Jessica: *wakes up* Yes?

Dimitri: We should probably get ready for the day and take a shower.

Jessica: Yeah, but we might be able to save some time if we shower together.

Dimitri: I guess you're right, how long can it take?

Then a flash card that said twenty minutes later appeared.

Voice: Twenty minutes later.

Then we see the two come out as they had towels on as they dried off as knocking was heard at the door.

Kara: Dimitri? You up?

Then he came to the door and opened it a bit and blocked the rest of the door as he saw Kara and the other girls along with his sisters and Pam.

Dimitri: Hey Kara what's up?

Kara: Me and the girls were wondering if you saw Jessica?

Then he saw the other girls and his sisters there as he got nervous.

Dimitri: *in his head* Just play dumb Dimitri. *to Kara* Jessica? Uh, Jessica who? *In his head* Not that dumb you idiot!

Kara: Jessica Cruz, your girlfriend.

Dimitri: Oh yeah, she... went to the woods to pick out some berries for breakfast.

Jessica: Dimitri who are you talking to?

Zee: Was that Jess?

Dimitri: No... that's my...alarm clock.

Jessica: Dimitri seriously, who is it?

Then she opened the door as she then saw the others as they saw the two wearing only towels

Piper: Jess what are you doing in his room? And why are you both wet? And why do you both look like you got out of the shower? And why-

Dimitri: We were out swimming and we showered together to save water earlier this morning.

Piper: But why were you-

Then Pam then came and whispered in her ear.

Piper: But I thought they were out swimming

Then Pam whispered in her ear again.

Piper: Yeah I remember that movie I watched with Karen. Why does that have anything to do with it?

Then she whispered in her ear again

Piper: They wouldn't do that, would they?

Then Pam whispered in her ear again as Piper's eyes widened as she gasped as she then slapped Dimitri in the face.

Dimitri: Ow! What was that for Piper?

Piper: That's my friend Dimitri!

Then she turned and slapped Jessica in the face.

Piper: That's my brother Jessica! How can I look at you two ever again after knowing what you both did?

Dimitri: Look let me explain it was-

Piper: No! You both are filth! FILTH!

Then Piper ran screaming as she went to her room and slammed her door as Dimitri and Jessica angrly turned to Pam.

Jessica: Pam what is wrong with you? Piper is at least nine years old, she didn't need to know that me and Dimitri got intimate.

Pam: I didn't tell her you both got intimate.

Jessica: You didn't?

Dimitri: Then why did she...

Pam: I just told her you both stayed up all night kissing.

Dimitri and Jessica: Oh, phew.

Dimitri: Well we should really get ready for today you know getting dressed, brush our teeth, eat breakfast.

Pam: Do you have any meat?

Dimitri: Yeah it's in the fridge. See you all later.

Then he closed the door as he then let out a sigh.

Dimitri: Well that was... awkward

Jessica: Yeah.

Dimiri: I gotta ask since when did you start wearing a thong? 

Jessica: It just feels nice to wear one, you mind if I wear some of your clothes I didn't bring a fresh pair of clothes.

Dimitri: I think I might have some.

Then he handed Jess some clothes as they got dressed Jess was wearing a blue tank top and blue shorts as they both looked out to see no one was around.

Dimitri: All clear.

Then they both walked through the hall as they went to the room Jess was supposed to be in as they were about to make it, they heard a voice.

???(Hal): Dimitri.

Then he turned to see Hal and the other boys as Jess was hiding behind Dimitri.

Dimitri: Oh Uh hey guys, what's up?

Hal: Just wondering what you're doing?

Dimitri: Oh just uh... heading to the kitchen.

Hal: Ok.

Barry: Is that Jessica?

Jessica: *hiding behind Dimitri* Hi Barry.

Hal: What are you doing?

Jessica: Oh nothing just uh *hugs dimiri from behind* Just having dimiri giving me a piggyback ride.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Hal: But why are you hiding?

Then he tried to look to see Jess as Dimitri was shifting around to keep him from seeing but Carter and Oliver held him as Hal then Saw Jess wearing Dimitri's clothes.

Hal: Uh why is Jess wearing your clothes.

Dimitri: Look we can explain really, see we were out in the woods and Jess fell in some mud and she didn't bring any back up clothing so I loaned her some of my clothes.

Oliver: Are you sure?

Dimitri: Positive. and besides if you were in a play and your costume rips would you improvise with another.

Oliver: Hmm fair point.

Then Pam walked by as she saw the others

Pam: Hey guys.

Dimitri: Hey Pam.

Jessica: Well I better get dressed, see you in the kitchen.

She went to her room to change, then we see Dimitri as Kara, Zee, Karen, Babs and Diana were looking at him as he looked nervous.

Dimitri: Soo, how's it going?

Kara: Good.

Zee: But why did you and Jess get intimate last night?

Dimitri: *blushes* you all don't wanna know

Then we see Jessica come to the kitchen as she saw her friends looking at her as she was wearing something different as she had on a short green skirt and a green and blue striped T-shirt.

Jessica: Oh hey girls what's going on?

Zee: Gonna ask you the same thing but with last night.

Jessica: We were cuddling and kissing, a little. *sees Zee with a serious look* for 5 minutes *sees Zee was not buying it* 10. *sees her looking at her with the same look* 30 minutes we- *sees Zee was still glaring at her* All night.

Kara: All night? Okay who are you and what have you done with Jessica.

Jessica: I am Jessica.

Babs: So what did you both do with our power thingies?

Jessica: It's... in the sac... outside hanging in the tree behind my mom's minivan.

Dimitri: Yeah. Wait doesn't Kara already have her powers, and Diana has...what does she have?

Jessica: A golden lasso that makes people tell the truth when bound to it.

Dimiri: Oh yeah, and I'm guessing that all the other stuff must be Bab's I still can't believe she hid all of that tech.

Babs: But I can't believe you two slept in the same bed last night.

Dimitri: Can we not stroll down to that road please.

Jessica: Yeah, it's best you don't tell anyone else about it.

Then we see Piper and Rowan come into the room.

Piper: Why were you both kissing all night last night? Mommy once told me that kissing is a step to making a baby.

Dimiri: *face palms* Mom what did you tell Piper?

Heather: I only told her the appropriate version of what she needed to know.

Dimitri: *deadpans* Of course you did.

Jessica: Um piper, making a baby is far more complicated. I'll explain when you're older.

Piper: Ok.

Heather: But please tell me. *makes earmuffs and puts them on Piper and Rowan* Please tell me you both were safe last night.

Jessica: Yeah we were Mrs...

Dimitri: She goes by Curry now.

Jessica: Thanks. And we were Mrs Curry, I was just cuddling with dimiri.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Then we then see Piper and Rowan pulling on a doll as they were fighting over it.

Piper: It's mine!

Rowan: No! Mine!

Dimitri: Hey hey hey, break it up you two.

Piper: Rowan started it.

Dimitri: I don't care who started it, you two shake hands.

Rowan: Shake hands?

Dimitri: It's a way to show that there's no hard feelings. Come on, shake hands.

But rather than shaking their hand the two had their hands in fists and shook them in the air as Dimitri grabbed them.

Dimitri: Not like that. You both grab each other's hands and shake them and you both tell each other that you're sorry.

Piper and Rowan then shook each other's hands and shook them.

Piper and Rowan: Sorry.

Dimitri: Much better.

Jessica: You two sit down and wait at the table.

Piper: Ok.

Dimitri: Well that went well

Jessica: Yeah.

Dimitri: So Jess any plans for today?

Jessica: No why?

Dimitri: Just wondering if you wanna take a stroll to the path in the woods I showed you. *winks*

Jessica: Oh, yeah that would be lovely Dimitri *hugs his arm*

Kara: *sees Jessica's new outfit* Woah Jess since when do you wear...that?

Jessica: Oh well my dress is in the laundry so I had to wear these until it's clean, although it does feel pretty good wearing this, I feel less stuffy

Zee: *sees Jessica's tushy* woah I didn't know Jess had a butt like that.

Jessica: Yeah, well we better get going, see you later.

Then they both left the door but not before Jessica flashing her tushy to the girls making them blush as they then left.

Kara: Ok what was that?

Babs: I have no idea.

We then see Dimitri and Jess at the hot spring as they were together.

Jessica: This is nice.

Dimitri: yeah it is.

Then he heard a voice as he then looked through a bush to see a man in a black suit looking through the woods with a phone in his hands.

Man: Yeah, I heard that two beings came to this area and I might have a hunch that the blue lantern is here.

Then his eyes widened as he hid along with Jessica

Jessica: Who was that?

Dimitri: Must be one of Hex's men, he must have followed my parents if he finds me he'll tell Hex where I am.

Jessica: Then let's stop him before he does.

Dimitri: Yeah, let's get our rings and get the others help and stop him.

Jessica: Good plan.

Then they left and went to the house as they then saw the others.

Dimitri: Guys get your power thingies we found some trouble.

Babs: What kind of trouble?

Dimitri: One of Hex's men. Somehow he followed my parents here and if He finds me he'll tell Hex where I am.

Jessica: So we need to stop him before he finds Dimitri and tells Hex.

Kara: So if you two hadn't gone to the woods then...

Zee: The rest of Hex's men would make their way here right now.

Babs: Then we need to stop him.

Dimitri: Mom, dad I'm gonna need you two to stay out of sight, it would be bad if Hex finds out that you two are alive again.

Then we see the others getting their hero stuff on as they were going through woods

Kara: So how did you and Jess find that guy?

Dimitri: Oh, uh we were walking through the woods and we heard him.

Jessica: And we overheard him talking on his phone.

Dimitri: Yeah. We saw him that way. *points at a direction*

Zee: Ok we need to find him before he finds you.

Dimiri: Yeah.

Then they walked in the woods and noticed the man that Dimitri and Jessica saw was there as they hid in the bushes.

Dimitri: It's him.

Zee: So how do we stop him?

Dimitri: Well we need to get the phone from him without it he can't call Hex. See if you guys can distract him.

Jessica: We'll try. Just be careful. *kisses Dimitri's cheek*

Dimitri: I will.

Then we see them going around back as Dimitri was seen hiding as he saw the phone in his back pocket.

Dimitri: I just need to get it.

Then he made a long arm construct as it reaches to the phone and slowly gets it out avoiding getting the man's attention.

Dimitri: Almost got it. *Gets the phone out* Yes.

He then brings it to him as the girls then come out as they face him.

Kara: Hey punk why don't you go back to where you came?

Jacque: I'm afraid not, my name is Jacque and I've been given a job to find the blue Lantern and report his location to Hex.

Jessica: Just leave him alone he doesn't want to see Hex.

Jaque: It's not his choice to make.

Dimitri: It is.

Then he turned to see Dimitri in his Blue Lantern outfit as he was glaring at him.

Jaque: There you are. *Reaches in his pocket but couldn't find his phone* Where's my phone?

Dimitri: *holds up his phone* Is this what you're looking for?

Jacque: My phone. Give it to me!

Dimitri: Yeah I don't think so. *makes a gauntlet construct and crushes the phone* you won't be needing it.

Jessica: He's not going anywhere.

Dimiri: Yeah so leave me alone.

As they were focused at each other in the bushes we see a tail that appears to be a jaguar's was in the bushes as it was watching them.

Jacque: I will bring you to Hex one way or another.

But before he could make his way to Dimitri a roar was heard.

Kara: Huh? What was that?

Then something passed the girls as it then leapt on Jacque's back as it looked like a werejaguar as it was on him and scratched him as it then jumped off of him and was near Dimitri.

Kara: Is it on our side?

Dimitri: Guess so.

Then they both ran to Jacque as Dimitri began to punch him as the werejaguar jumped on him again and scratched him as Dimitri then made a brass knuckle construct and punched him in the face as he then kicked Jacque as he was about to make his move a branch then hit his head as he was then knocked out cold. Then we see the werejaguar walk to Dimitri as he then changed to a boy almost Dimitri's age as he had blonde hair and hazel eyes as he had on ripped up shorts.

Dimitri: Uh do I know you?

Andruw: Don't you recognize your brother?

Then Dimitri's eyes widened as he saw his brother was alive.

Dimitri: A-Andruw?

Kara: That jaguar thing is your brother?

Dimitri: Yeah, Andruw I can't believe you're alive.

Andruw: Yeah and I can't believe you have our mom's ring.

Dimiri: Well mom is already alive.

Andruw: She is? How?

Dimiri: Black Lantern ring.

Jessica then came to Dimitri and hugged her as Andruw saw it as Dimitri noticed.

Dimitri: Oh yeah you were gone for awhile and now this is a thing.

Kara: He means he's dating Jessica now.

Andruw: Oh so you got yourself a girlfriend now.

Dimitri: Yeah and our sisters are blue lanterns now.

Andruw: Oh like Grayson and Everette?

Dimitri: Wait they're alive too?

Andruw: Yeah Everette is a green lantern and Grayson's a Indigo Lantern.

Jessica: A Indigo what?

Andruw: A Indigo Lantern. You know how Everette's ring uses willpower, Grayson's uses compassion.

Dimitri: So are they pacifist like jessica? Uh no offense honey.

Jessica: None taken sweetie.

Andruw: Well they're kinda like pacifists but they only use violence if they have no choice.

Kara: Kinda like Jess. No offense.

Jessica: Again none taken.

Dimitri: What are you doing here?

Andruw: I came here to find Hex's men but I ended up finding you.

Dimitri: Ok but we should probably head back to Metropolis early before Jacque wakes up.

Jessica: Good call.

Then we see the others are back in the lake house as they were packing up and ready to head home.

Dimitri: Well this has been an interesting weekend, so what are we gonna do with him? *Points at Jaques all tied up*

Andruw: Leave him here, I have a feeling his friends will be coming to get him.

Then Jacque was waking up but ended up getting knocked out again by Andruw.

Kara: How did you turn into that thing?

Andruw: It's called a werejaguar and it happened when I got attacked by a strange jaguar and I ended up getting these powers.

Dimitri: Well I think you'll make a great hero.

Andruw: Thanks.

Jessica: *finished packing all their stuff* That's all of it.

Then they headed to the minivan as they then drove off to Metropolis as Jessica looked at Dimitri.

Jessica: I don't know about you but I had fun here.

Dimitri: Me too.

Piper: You two are planning on having a baby after you graduate and get married right?

Dimitri: Yes.

Then dimitri and the others looked back at the lake house as they wondered what was gonna happen to Jacque.

Meanwhile at Hex's lair we see Jacque being brought to Hex by two of his men.

Jacque: Sir I can explain.

Hex: I don't want excuses, I want the blue lantern.

Jacque: I found him I swear, he was in the woods at a lake house and-

Hex: Get to the point!

Jacque: He got... away.

Then hex began to laugh as he did a finger to the throat signal to his men as they took Jaque away

Jacque: No please. I won't fail you again.

Hex: No one fails me again. *to his men* Find the blue lantern. *to himself* sooner or later I'll have to find the blue lantern myself.

Then we go back to the others as they were back at Metropolis as Dimitri and Jessica were in Dimitri's home.

Dimitri: I can't believe My brothers are alive.

Jessica: But we don't know where they are.

Dimitri: Maybe Andruw will give them a call and tell them to come and move here.

Jessica: Maybe.

Dimitri: I can't believe that Grayson and Everette are lanterns.

Jessica: It's a bit of a shocker for us too.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Meanwhile we see two lights flying in the air one green and the other indigo as they were heading to metropolis as we see two boys one was almost the same age as Dimitri but a couple years younger and the other was younger than them as they had on lantern outfits.

Everette: Are we there yet?

Grayson: Almost.

Everette: Are we there yet now?

Grayson: No.

Everette: How about now?

Grayson: No.

Everette: Now?

Grayson: No.

Everette: Now?

Grayson: No.

Then they saw metropolis.

Everette: Now?

Grayson: Yes.

Everette: You think our bro is gonna be here?

Grayson: Yeah and he's a blue lantern now.

Everette: Cool. Uh you think he's gonna recognize us?

Grayson: Probably.

Everette: Why do you always carry that staff with you all the time?

Grayson: I told you before this staff is also my ring's charger and mimics any lantern powers from the emotional spectrum.

Everette: So it's like a battery?

Grayson: Yeah. A battery

Then they landed at Dimitri's house as they looked at the address.

Everette: this is the place right?

Grayson: Yup

Then they knocked on the door as Dimitri answered it and saw the two as his eyes widened.

Dimitri: Grayson? Everette?

Everette: Dimitri!

Then he came in and hugged him.

Dimitri: Wow you sure grew the last time I saw you.

Then Piper and Rowan came as they saw them.

Piper and Rowan: Brothers!

Jessica then came in the room as she saw Dimiri's brothers

Jessica: Oh you two must be Grayson and Everette.

Everette: Yeah and you are.

Jessica: Jessica Cruz, I'm a green lantern.

Dimitri: And she's also my girlfriend.

Everette: Girlfriend?

Dimitri: Yeah. You both weren't around so me and Jessica are boyfriend and girlfriend.

Grayson: Oh that's cool.

Dimitri: So what have you both been doing, I thought you both didn't make it when the fire happened.

Grayson: We managed to get out along with Andruw and Elliotte and we had to lay low until Hex thought we were gone.

Dimitri: Oh, well you guys will love being in Metropolis it'll be the perfect place to call home.

Everette: Wow and we also heard that you got our mom's ring now.

Dimiri: Yeah and Mom's alive now.

Grayson: She is?

Dimitri: Yeah, she's a black lantern now.

Everette: Cool so what did you do here in Metropolis?

Dimitri: You know, went to school, fought some villains, went camping, got a girlfriend, and one of hex's men tried to ambush us.

Everette: Oh.

Piper: And Dimitri and Jessica stayed up all night kissing while we were camping.

Grayson: What?

Dimiri: Long story short Pam told Piper about what me and Jessica did last night and she took it the wrong way.

Grayson: Oh that makes sense.

Dimitri: Yeah piper even gave us a slap in the face.

Everette: Ouch.

Jessica: Yeah all because me and dimiri were making out.

Dimitri: Yeah. So what did you two do?

Grayson: You know, helping people.

Everette: And Grayson, Elliotte and Andruw are trying to get girlfriends.

Dimiri: Wait what?

Grayson: What Everette is trying to say is that we are trying to find girls that like us for who we are.

Dimitri: Oh that makes sense.

Jessica: Well I think you'll find someone you'll like someday. Like I found Dimitri.

Dimiri: Aw thanks Jess.

Jessica: Anything for you.

Everette: So Jess you're a green lantern?

Jessica: Yeah, but I don't believe in violence.

Dimitri: What Jessica means is that she's a pacifist.

Everette: Oh.

Grayson: So Dimitri how was it in Metropolis?

Dimitri: great, pretty tough when raising our sisters by myself but otherwise fine.

Grayson: Sorry you had to go through that, I wish we would have been there for you.

Dimitri: It's ok, you didn't know I was here.

Heather: Dimitri is right you both don't have to blame yourselves.

Grayson: Mom?

Then they saw their mom as they then came to her and hugged her.

Dimitri: I am wondering where's Elliotte?

Jessica: Yeah where is he?

Andruw: He's got a few things to do but he'll be here tomorrow.

Dimiri: Awesome, the family is back together.

Jessica: Um Heather is it ok if I stayed here for tonight? If that's ok with you

Heather: Sure sweetie after all you are part of the family.

Jessica: Thanks.

As night has come we see Dimitri and Jessica in his room as they were seen in their night clothes as Dimiri sees Jessica in the same green thong she wore at the camp.

Dimitri: You're still wearing that thong from last night?

Jessica: Yeah, I just think it's so comfy.

Dimitri: Oh well it looks cute on you, green is your color.

Jessica: *giggles* Thank you, and it shows off my tushy so well.

Dimitri: It certainly does.

Then Jessica came to him as they both laid on the bed together.

Dimitri: You know what the best part of this is?

Jessica: What?

Dimitri: When I wake up in the morning I get to see the most beautiful girl that I fell in love with.

Jessica: Aw thank you and you get to see my lovely tushy and it's for your eyes only.

Dimitri: I love you Jessica Cruz. *kisses her*

Jessica: And I love you too Dimitri Chernov. You know we can make the most of this night.

Dimitri: And I bet you know what to do.

Jessica: Yup. *turns off the lights* and it's just you and me tonight.

Dimitri: Though I am wondering what will Elliotte be like?

Jessica: Well I'm sure he'll be a hero like us.

Dimitri: Yeah. Tomorrow the whole family will be together.

Jessica: Yup. So ready to start our fun?

Dimitri: Hope and willpower are important for each other.

Jessica: I'll take that as a yes.

Then we see Jessica kiss Dimitri as they both kissed each other. Meanwhile we see a person wearing clothes that look like the grim reaper as the hood was covering his face with darkness as his eyes could only be seen from the hood as he walks to Metropolis.

???: I will return to my family.

The screen faded to black as his eyes were seen.

???: I'm coming home.

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