Weekend at the lakehouse

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Hey everyone I'm here to let you know that some of the things in this chapter was made by a friend of mine. Anyway have fun reading this story.

At the Forest we see Dimitri and the others at a lake house by the woods

the others were bringing their stuff in as the boys were with them as well.

Babs: WOW. Dimitri, your parents lake house is amazing.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Garth: Forget the Lake house. Check out the lake, all that water.

Then Babs came by and pushed Garth.

Babs: And no worries for tonight's entertainment, cause I got it covered. Nothing goes good with nature and fresh air than.

Then she threw a few items in the air as they became speakers and a big tv along with other modern stuff.

Babs: Cabin massacre trilogy weekend, on a theater screen tv with 2.2 surround that is powered by this.

She then held up a little device.

Babs: A nano pocket generator that will power our electronics the whole time we're roughing it!

Then Dimitri and Jessica took the device from Babs.

Dimitri: Sorry Babs, but you do realize that "roughing it" means no tech.

Babs: What?

Karen: What?

Hal: You heard him. *makes a construct of a football* No tech.

Jessica: That also means no powers Hal.

Hal: What?

Kara: What?

Garth: What? But... lake.

Dimitri: *holds up a sack as he puts his ring in it* Hand them over everyone.

Then we see Garth putting his phone in the bag as Hal places his ring in it along with piper and Rowan as they put their rings in too as Karen put her bag in it as everyone else put their things in it as well as Babs put her things in it but Jessica gives her a 'really' look as Babs put the rest of her things in it as Jessica put her ring in it as well as the others looked at Dimitri and Jessica.

Jessica: Don't give us that look.

Dimitri: Seriously Babs where did you keep all that stuff?

Kara: But what's the point of being here if we can't use our powers.

Dimitri: Cause for this weekend, I prefer the old fashion way.

Jessica: And besides we can't use our powers even if we want to. Aren't you forgetting about her?

They looked to see a girl with baggy clothes and red hair and pale skin as we see a crow land on her head.

Dimitri: Uh Jess honey, who's that?

Jessica: That's Pam Isley my friend.

Piper: Why is she here?

Then Pam came to the others.

Pam: Why am I here?

Jessica: Because I thought it would be best to spend here with plants and nature and who else would enjoy it than nature lover Pam Isley. And I thought Dimitri could come here since this was the place he used to come here with his parents.

Dimiri: Yeah me and my parents used to come here before...if they were still around.

Pam: Oh.

Jessica: Yeah after that he's been trying his best to raise his little sisters.

Dimitri: Yeah, it was a tough job but someone had to do it.

Jessica: And you did a great job at it. *kisses his cheek*

Piper: I still think you both will have a baby when you both are older.

Jessica: Yep

Pam: What is she talking about?

Piper: I mean when my big brother and Jessica get older and married they'll both have a baby.

Dimitri: Only when we graduate we're still in high school.

Jessica: And when we're older.

Piper: Ok.

Dimitri: Well anyway the forest is my favorite part it's where I go to relax and think.

Kara: Oh great, what else, are you gonna pull out a guitar and sing a song about how misunderstood you were?

Jessica: Kara!

Kara: Sorry, sorry, didn't mean it.

Babs: what did you do here for fun?

Dimitri: I used to go fishing with my dad and walk in the woods with my mom and I liked to climb up the trees. It was my favorite thing to do as a child.

Hal: But didn't you get bored from all that?

Dimitri: Not exactly, I had a lot of fun doing all that. But my favorite was telling spooky stories at the campfire.

Piper: Could we hear a spooky story?

Dimitri: I'm not sure if you two can handle a scary story.

Piper: Come on, we're big girls we can handle it.

Rowan: Yeah, please.

Dimitri: Ok but if you do get scared just remember it's not real it's just made up.

Piper: Ok.

Dimitri: Alright I'm gonna see if I can find some wood. Pam wanna help?

Pam: I guess.

Then they both walked to the woods as Dimitri looked at Pam.

Dimitri: Pam, your poison ivy aren't you?

Pam: How did you know?

Dimitri: A person that cares about plants and a villain with plant powers makes it pretty obvious.

Pam: Oh, but why are you being nice if you know who I am?

Dimitri: Because, I believe that there's a bit of good in everyone. Although I gotta ask are you scared of camping?

Pam: Yes, Jess took me camping and I saw all the plants around in pain and I... Attacked them.

Dimitri: So not only can you control plants you can hear them?

Pam: Yes, I made zombie plants to attack them. But what are you?

Dimitri: A blue lantern *shows Pam his ring* my ring is powered by hope, like how Jessica's ring is powered by willpower. And Jess says that your her friend but you really aren't her friend are you?

Pam: No.

Dimitri: Oh, if you want I can be your friend along with Jess.

Pam: You... want to be my friend? Even after what I told you what I did.

Dimitri: Of course I would although you should probably tell Jessica about your whole situation but it's your choice, no one is forcing you.

Pam: I'll give it some thought and Dimitri. Thank you, for being my friend.

Dimitri: Your welcome.

Then they both head back to see the others as they got the things they need for the fire as he saw Pam looking a bit scared at that.

Dimitri: Oh geez, Pam control yourself and stay calm, think of something peaceful like a field of Daisies.

Pam: Ok. *closes her eyes and breathes a bit*

Dimitri: Better?

Pam: Yes.

Dimitri: I can talk to them if you like.

Pam: Ok.

Then Dimitri walked to the others as he looked at Jess.

Dimitri: Hey honey do you think we can use something else for the fire, you know so we don't destroy this beautiful environment.

Jessica: Hmm, I guess you have a point there, you have anything we can use for the fire instead?

Dimitri: Well I think I have some thermal packs in my bag there like a campfire but minus the wood.

Jessica: ok.

Then he went to his bag and got out the thermal packs as he placed them in the area and made the fire.

Kara: So did you have any other siblings other than your sisters?

Dimitri: Well I used to have four brothers but I'm not sure if they got out or not.

Jessica: Come on, I'm sure they're out there somewhere.

Dimiri: Maybe. So what are we having for eats.

Jessica: Well we each packed something for us to eat so I say let's eat.

Then we see them eating as they were at the fire as Dimitri had something in his mind as he then went to the woods.

Kara: Where are you going?

Dimitri: Oh uh, I'm just... Taking a stroll in the woods. And Jess, Pam you two can join if you want.

Jessica: I guess I can come with you.

Pam: I may have a minute.

Then they went to the woods as Dimitri looked at Jess as he then looked at Pam.

Dimitri: Jessica, Pam has something that you should know about her.

Jessica: What is it?

Pam: *inhales and exhales* I'm poison ivy.

Jessica: What?

Dimitri: And I actually knew she was Poison Ivy.

Jessica: How?

Dimitri: A Villainess that can use plants and a girl that cares about plants is a bit obvious. Also remember the last time you and Pam went camping.

Jessica: Yeah, we were attacked by zombie plants.

Pam: I'm the one who made them, I was just...

Jessica: Just what?

Pam: I was angry, I could hear the plants cry out in pain.

Dimitri: She can hear plants.

Jessica: Oh, I didn't know that, I'm sorry that I brought you along on that trip.

Pam: It's ok. You just wanted to be nice and be my friend *sighs* and I let my dumb powers get the best of me.

Dimitri: Actually come to think of it, how did you get your powers?

Pam: A lab accident.

Dimitri: Oh, well that's tough to hear.

Pam: And Jess, I know that I acted like I didn't want you as a friend but in truth I never had friends. And I know that I never said this but... I want you as my friend along with Dimitri.

Jessica: Really. But what made you think of him as a friend.

Pam: as poison ivy I saw people as a threat to plants but he showed me that not all people are bad. And I'm sorry I tried to attack you.

Jessica: It's ok.

Dimitri: Well Pam you can go on, we'll catch up.

Pam: Ok.

Then she left as Dimitri led Jess to a part of the woods.

Jessica: Where are we going?

Dimitri: To a place that I keep secret.

Then they arrived at a place that had a hot spring as Jess saw it.

Jessica: What is this?

Dimitri: A hot spring, I found it the first time I came here and for that I kept it a secret ever since.

Jessica: But why did you show me this?

Dimitri: Cause you're my girlfriend and I trust you. So can you promise not to tell anyone about this?

Jessica: I promise.

Dimitri: Thank you and I was wondering if you want to join me on this?

Jessica: I love to, but I didn't bring a swimsuit with me.

Dimitri: no worries, I thought of everything. *holds out a swimsuit for jess and swim trunks for himself * I brought these with me for this occasion.

Then we see them in the hot spring as Jessica looks at Dimitri.

Jessica: Why did you keep this a secret?

Dimitri: I wanted to have time to myself when I found this place.

Jessica: Oh, so what was your mother like?

Dimitri: she was a kind person, always helped others and protected the innocent, she felt like I would make her proud when I would become a blue lantern. If only she was still around.

Jessica: not to sound rude but what was your mom's first name?

Dimitri: Heather.

Jessica: Oh, well for one thing I think your mom would be very proud to see you.

Dimitri: Yeah *sees small stars floating in the air* oh cool stars.

Jessica: It's amazing.

Dimitri: You know I feel glad that I met you.

Jessica: And I'm glad I met you.

Meanwhile we see those stars again only they were not stars they were Lantern rings as we see them went in the graveyard as they went to two gravestones as they went to the ground as we then see two people come out as we see a woman with long brown hair.

Heather: I'm alive

Carl: I'm alive too.

Then she looked to see a man with black hair.

Heather: What happened?

Carl: I don't know.

Then Heather looked to see a picture of Dimitri, Piper and Rowan as Blue lanterns.

Heather: Our kids are alive, we need to find them.

Then they both went off to find them as we then went back to the others inside the lake house as they then saw Dimitri and Jessica come back.

Kara: What took you both so long?

Dimiri: We were....looking at the stars although they were weird stars.

Jessica: Yeah, they were floating around.

Dimitri: Yeah, but what did that mean?

???(Heather): Son?

Then he turned to see what it was and what shocked him was his mother.

Dimiri: M-mom?

Then he walked up to her as he then hugged her as he then felt her mother hug back.

Dimitri: I can't believe it, your... alive.

Heather: And I see you made many friends.

Piper and Rowan: Mommy!

Then she looked to see Piper and Rowan coming to them as they hugged her.

Dimitri: Mom, there is a lot you have missed.

Piper: Yeah Dimitri has a girlfriend.

Rowan: And we're both superheroes now.

Heather: Oh my girls are blue lanterns, this is amazing.

Dimitri: *sees the black lantern ring* Huh never saw a ring like that.

Hal: *sees the black Lantern ring and gasps* Uh dude you said you saw weird stars right?

Dimiri: Yeah why?

Hal: Well I think those stars were lantern rings.

Jessica: But how did Lantern rings bring back the dead?

Hal: There black Lantern rings, you know how our rings use willpower and Dimitri and his sisters use hope, his mom's ring uses death.

Dimitri: Well I'm surprised that these rings brought back mom.

Jessica: You must be Heather, your son told me about you.

Heather: Yes, and you are?

Dimitri: Mom, this is Jessica, my girlfriend.

Piper: And they're both planning on having a baby when they get older and married.

Dimitri: Piper I told you that it will only happen after me and Jess graduate.

Heather: Well it would be nice to have grandkids.

Dimitri: *blushes* Mom, I just said that it'll only happen after me and Jess graduate.

Kara: That's your mom?

Carl: Heather.

Then they looked to see Carl came as well as dimitri saw him.

Dimitri: Dad?

Carl: Yeah it's me. *sees the others* friends of yours?

Dimiri: Yeah, everyone and Hal, This is my dad Carl.

Carl: Hello.

Dimitri: *points to Kara* That's Kara Danvers. *points at Diana* That's Diana Prince. *to karen and Zee* That's Karen and next to her is Zee. *points at Babs* That's Babs *points to jessica* and lastly there's Jessica, my girlfriend.

Jessica: It's nice to meet you.

Kara: And over there is Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, Carter Hall, Barry Alan, Garth Bernstein and there's Pam Isley.

They went inside and

Carl: Guess we missed a lot since we weren't around.

Hal: And anyway the lamp in the lake house broke but I didn't do it.

They went in and saw a broken lamp on the floor.

Dimitri: Hey if anyone else talks about that, we'll just blame it on the evil Lake house gnome.

Hal: The what?

Then Dimitri pointed at a gnome on a counter as they saw it.

Piper: But Gnomie is our friend.

Rowan: Yeah Gnomie isn't evil. He's our friend.

Dimitri: Oh, Gnomie is anything but a friend, they say that the gnome comes to life and pitter patters through the lake house and he devours the souls of mortals!

Jessica: *giggles* Quit trying to scare everyone.

Then they see Karen, Garth and Hal shaking in fear.

Hal: *shaky voice* It's totally not.. *clears his throat as it was normal* Working.

Dimitri: Really well then, when the lights go out, the evil gnome comes to life!

Then he turned off the light as the lights were on as the gnome was on Hal's back as the light went off again and on again as he then noticed it as the light went off and on again and Hal screamed as the lights went off again and went on as he was on the ground with the gnome on his back.

Hal: He's eating my soul!!!

Dimitri: *laughs* I love scary stories. *takes the gnome off Hal's back*

Jessica: *giggles* Ok, that is pretty funny.

Dimitri: *looks at the clock* It's getting pretty late, we should hit the sack.

Jessica: Well I'll sleep with Dimitri *hugs his arm*

Kara: Well don't do anything we wouldn't

Dimiri: What would you do?

Jessica: Nevermind that, we wouldn't think of doing anything like that.

Dimitri: Yeah, well good night.

Then they went to their rooms as we see Dimitri and Jess in their room as they were in their pjs.

Dimitri: I still can't believe my parents are back.

Jessica: We're all surprised at that.

Dimitri: Well after that it's gonna be a bit hard to get over.

Jessica: Yeah.

He turned to see Jessica was wearing a short green tank top and a matching green thong which made him blush as he saw Jessica's tushy.

Dimiri: Woah.

Jessica: *giggles* Like what you see?

Dimitri: uh yeah, for a vegan pacifist you sure have a nice butt honey

Jessica: Thank you. *Spanks her bottom making it jiggle a little* you know we might have a bit of time to ourselves so we could make the most of it.

Dimitri: Hmm sounds like a good idea sweetie

Then Jess came to him and kissed him as they both went to the bed as the light went off.

Hoped you guys liked it cause the next one will be coming and to let you know that the next one and any chapters that will be posted my friend helped me out with them just to let ya know. Anyway, hope you guys liked it and be sure to tell others about this.

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