Blue lantern meets the superhero boys.

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At Metropolis high we see Dimitri at the field as he was holding a book and was writing in it as it was shown a drawing was seen in it as it was a drawing of what appeared to be a bird.

As he was drawing Hal along with four boys as they came to him.

Hal: What ya doing?

Dimitri: Drawing.

Hal: Oh that's cool.

Oliver: That is very impressive.

Dimitri: Thanks, I do good a drawing.

Hal: Oh right, That's Oliver and that's Carter, Barry, and Garth.

Dimitri: Barry? Oh Barry Allen from sweet justice.

Barry: Yeah that's totally me.

Dimitri: So why are you guys here?

Hal: Just came to see what your doing.

Dimitri: Ok. Well I'm gonna be heading to class see ya later.

He got up and walked to the school.  After school we see Dimitri as blue lantern as he was flying through town as he looked to see fires at the town as he landed and looked to see lava on the ground.

Dimitri: Lava? Where did it come from?

He then heard a noise as he then head to a warehouse as he entered inside as he looked around as a figure ran by as he turned to see nothing but then saw five figures.

Dimitri: Guess I have to get you guys huh? So be it.

Then he came at them as he fired blue blasts at them as one uses his mace to block them as the other ran at Dimitri spinning him around as Dimitri then saw arrows coming at him as he ducked them.

Dimitri: lets try this.

Then he made a construct of chains and then wrapped them in them as they were tied up as he smiled at that and then saw a green construct of clippers as they clipped the chains off as Dimitri saw it.

Dimitri: Wait a minute.

He opened a door and saw were five boys in hero outfits as you saw Hal was one of them.

Dimitri: Green lantern?

Hal: Blue Lantern?

Dimitri: What are you doing here?

Garth: Why do you have a similar name like him? *points at Hal*

Dimitri: It's sorta complicated. And I can't believe that your in a gang of vandals.

Hal: We're not a gang of vandals, we're a gang... of heroes!

He made a basketball construct and spun it on his finger.

Hal: Green Lantern.

Then he threw the ball as he constructed a basketball score. Then we see a blur as it zoomed around as we see Barry.

Barry: The flash.

Then we see the other as he shot arrows in the air as the exploded into confetti.

Oliver: Green Arrow.

Then we see Carter as he flew up in the air and Squaked.

Carter: Hawkman!

Then he struck the ground as we see Hal, Barry, Carter, and Oliver together.

Hal: Blue lantern meet the-

Then we see the last one go in front of the others.

Garth: And Aqualad.

Then he squirted a bottle of water as he made it float in the air.

Barry: Oh hey uh Aqualad, maybe a couple beats next time ok?

Oliver: This is why rehearsal matters.

Then garth got upset as the water fell on him.

Hal: Blue lantern meet Da invincibros!

Invincibros: Yo bros!

Dimitri just gave them a "Really?" look on his face as he looked at them.

Dimitri: So basically your the superhero boys?

Hal: No. Da Invincibros!

Invincibros: Yo bros!

Hal: And we just caught you redhanded.

Dimitri: What you were the ones who made the fire!

Hal: Us? We didn't make those fires, we're investigating the fires. Sheesh what's up with you Dimitri?

Dimitri: Dude! Don't call me that!

Garth: Wait a minute. Dimitri... Chernov? From school?

Dimitri: Yup. That was a nice secret identity while it lasted way to go Hal.

Garth: You know him?

Dimitri: Yeah and the girls told me about you guys so I know who you all are. *To Barry* Flash is Barry Allan, *To Oliver* Green arrow is Oliver Queen, *To Carter* Hawkman is Carter Hall, Emo guy that spends all his time in shop.

Carter: *Grumbles*

Dimitri: And lastly Aqualad is the water boy for the football team Garth Bernstein.

Garth: How could you tell?

Dimitri: Like I said the girls told me about you and your mom writes your name on the inside of your clothes.

Garth: *Looks at his clothes* Aw mom.

Dimitri: Wait, if you guys didn't make those fires.

Hal: And if you didn't then-

Dimitri: Someone else made them. Look!

He pointed outside as they saw more fires outside.

Barry: Woah.

Oliver: Oh irony! You cunning mistress.

Dimitri: Yeah I also know you because your overdramatic. Look I'm gonna look for the culprit, you guys stay put.

Hal: Not if we find him first.

Dimitri: Dude this ain't a contest, I'm going there to see what is causing the fires.

Hal: Well I respect that but we have a leader that can help with that.

Dimitri: Oh really? Is he some making of master detective or something?

Hal: Well he actually goes to a military academy so something like that.

Dimitri: Military academy?

Steve: Hello?

He turned to see a blonde boy with blue eyes.

Steve: Sorry I'm late. I tried taking the rapid bus, but I guess it can only go fast as traffic right?

Dimitri: And you are?

Steve: I'm Steve.

Dimitri: Oh ok. Well I'm going to find the fire starter so. Stay out of my way.

He then flew off as he looked around for the culprit as he then saw the Invincibros coming as Barry ran fast as Hal was flying.

Hal: Give it up dude, we got the Flash.

Then you saw Flash by a hotdog stand.

Dimitri: And his metabolism too. Just go back green lantern and by the way Jess is green lantern.

Hal: No way I'm green lantern she's green lantern girl? Green lantern-ette? Oh I know green lantern babe.

Dimitri: Hey! That's my girlfriend your talking about!

He then made a spring and bounced Hal away as he flew down and saw many fires were made as he then saw was a cat in a red and black suit as a ring was on his tail.

Dimitri: Wait. *looks at his ring and then the cat's* Is that a... power ring?

Then he flew to the cat as the Invincibros came.

Hal: Dexter?

Dimitri: You know this cat?

Hal: That's Jessica's cat.

Dimitri: Dexter?

Dex-Starr: I'm afraid not I am known as... Dex-Starr of the red lantern corps!

Dimitri: Red Lantern Corps?

Dex-Starr: Indeed, our members are chosen by the angriest brings in the galaxy, and our rings are fueled by the red light of rage!

Dimitri: Oh. *sees Dex-Starr coming to him* Um nice kitty.

Dex-Starr: I am not a nice kitty!

We then Dex-Starr hocking up something.

Hal: Is he gonna cough out a hair all?

Dimitri: Worse.

Then Dex-Starr spat lava at them as they dodged it as Dimitri looked at Dex-Starr.

Dimitri: So your the one making the fires but why?

Dex-Starr: I had spent eating kibble, wearing collars and forced into a forever home! My forever home is suffering! My forever home is pain! And soon YOURS WILL BE TOO!!!

Then he spat another lava blast at Dimitri as he then held his ring and sent a blue blast as it hits the lava it was somehow neutralized as Dimitri saw it.

Dimitri: Woah.

Dex-Starr: What?!?!

Dimitri then looked at his ring and then smiled.

Dimitri: Looks like the tables have turned Sylvester.

Then he fired more blue blasts at Dex-Starr making him dodged them as the blasts hit the fires putting them out as Dimitri saw the Invincibros.

Dimitri: Guys, get everyone out of here. I'll take care of Dex-Starr.

He then came at Dex-Starr as he looked at Dimitri in rage.

Dex-Starr: How did you put out my flames!?

Dimitri: Oh you didn't hear, I'm a blue lantern and my ring can put out your fires. Not so tough now are you kitten?

Dexter: I am not a kitten!

He then charged at Dimitri as he then dodged it making him crash into a wall as he got out he looked around and then sees a construct of a kitty toy and started to look at it with big eyes as he started to play with it as Dimitri was seen using it as Dex-Starr was playing with it as he then got back to his senses as he then got angry.

Dex-Starr: Enough of this foolishness!

He then destroyed the construct as Dimitri saw his tail and saw the ring.

Dimitri: I gotta get that ring.

He then went to the ring as he got to it and started to get the ring off a bit as Dex-Starr saw him and tried to scratch him but a construct of a knight was made as it caught the claws as Dimitri then got the ring off as Dex-Starr was now on the ground.

Dimitri: That is that.

Hal: That was awesome, especially that knight you made.

Dimitri: I didn't made that, I wasn't even thinking about that.

Garth: You weren't?

Dimitri: Yeah.

Oliver: Then how did you make it then?

Dimitri: I have no idea. Anyway I have two things to return.

He then flew off as he then heads to Jessica's house as he changes back in his normal clothes and knocked on the door as Jessica came out and saw him.

Jessica: Dimitri, why are you here?

Dimitri: Cause these might belong to you. *holds up Dexter and the red ring*

Jessica: Dexter, how did you get your paws on your ring?

Dimitri: A note of advice, keep it somewhere he can't find or reach to.

Jessica: Thanks Dimitri. *Kisses his cheek* What would I do without you?

Dimitri: Anytime Jess. I was wondering if you and the others wanna come to my parents lake house this weekend.

Jessica: You have a lake house?

Dimitri: Yeah, I used to go there with my parents at the summer and on camping trips.

Jessica: That would be nice. I'll see you there.

Dimitri: Ok, see you there.

Jessica: One more thing.

She then grabbed him and kissed him on the lips as he then kissed back as they both separated as he looked at Jess.

Dimitri: What was that?

Jessica: Consider it your reward.

Dimitri: Oh ok. See ya later.

Jessica: Bye.

He then started to walk off as he saw Hal.

Dimitri: Hey.

Hal: Hey.

Dimitri: You mind if you and the guys come with me and the girls to my parents lake house this weekend.

Hal: That sounds like a cool idea, I'm in.

Dimitri: Ok. See you there.

Hal: Later.

We then see Dimitri heading to the house as he sees his sisters playing with dolls as he walked to the kitchen and looked at the paper reading an article saying "Blue lantern stops a raging kitty." As he smiles at it.

Dimitri: Not bad.

Then he walked to the couch as he began to think about the others and his sisters.

Dimitri: Mom I promise to take care of my family.

He then looked at his sisters.

Dimitri: Girls, make sure you two pack up for the weekend.

Piper: Why?

Dimitri: We're going to the lake house with our friends this weekend.

Rowan: Oh ok.

Dimitri: Good cause we need to be sure we get ready for this weekend.

He then walked off to his room as he pulled out a gold locket as it opened up to reveal him with his mother as they both were smiling in the photo as Dimitri smiled at it as a tear fell off his face.

Dimitri: Mom I miss you.

He then put the locket up as he heads to the bed.

Dimitri: I will be a great hero, just like mom.

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