At the Wilson manor

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At night we see Dimitri asleep in his room as he then heard a strange noise as he woke up and changed to his blue lantern form and constructed a lantern as he then looked around to see what made that noise as he then went to the kitchen to see a window was open as he then walked unaware that a figure was seen in the shadow

Dimitri: Something's not right.

Then the figure in the shadows came out as he pulled out a sword ready to strike as Dimitri noticed him at a reflection as the figure swung the sword he made a shield to block it.

Dimiri: Okay then Mr.Stabby who are you and what are you doing in my home?

Death stroke: Call me Death stroke, and I'm here because to take down the blue lantern.

Dimitri: Well good luck with that.

He then made a sword construct as he then came at death stroke as he pulled out another sword and blocked it as then clashed swords as Dimitri then saw deathstroke was about to smash him he threw a sack of flour at him as it made a smoke screen as he then slashed at Deathstroke's arm as he then clutched at it.

Dimiri: Not so tough now are you?

Piper: *in her room* What was that?

Dimitri: Just... cleaning up a bit. *turns to see deathstroke was gone*

He then went out to see him outside on the roof of a house as he then came at him.

Dimitri: You're not gonna take me down, deathstroke.

Deathstroke: don't be so sure, I'll be back soon.

Then he jumped off the roof as he looked to see he was now gone.

Dimitri: Great.

The next day we see Dimitri heading to music class as he saw the class.

Dimitri: Am I late?

Teacher: No, just in time.

Then he went to the students as he was next to a girl with white hair.

Rose: Hi I'm rose, are you new here?

Dimitri: Yeah, just moved here with my sisters a while ago.

Rose: Oh, that's nice.

Dimiri: Yeah my parents are...not here anymore.

Rose: Oh, that must be tough to raise your sisters.

Dimitri: Yeah but I now have some help with that, and I'm just trying to get my mind off something from last night.

Rose: Oh, maybe you can come to my house

Dimiri: Uh yeah that'd be nice. Btw by any chance and this is just out of curiosity do you know a guy named deathstroke?

Rose: Yeah.

Dimitri: It's just last night he came to my house and tried to take me out.

Rose: Wait what? My dad tried to do that?

Dimitri: I'm sorry what? deathstroke is your father?

Rose: yes. But why is he after you

Dimitri: That's what I'm trying to figure out. Well I'll meet you at your house.

Rose: Ok, see you there.

Later through the day we see Dimitri coming to a mansion as he knocks on the door to see it open and sees a man with an eye patch, white hair and beard and in a suit.

Dimiri: Hi.

Mr. Wilson: Oh you must be Dimitri.

Dimiri: Yeah and you must be mr. Wilson or is it deathstroke? And in case your wondering, Your daughter told me.

Mr Wilson: I see.

Rose: Hi Dimitri.

Dimitri: I brought doughnuts. *holds a box*

Mr Wilson: Store bought, they'll certainly pair well with the chestnut soufflés I've been preparing.

Dimiri: Wow fancy.

We then see Dimitri and Rose in her room.

Dimitri: So why are you here with your dad?

Rose: I was being here to make up for lost time. He was mostly gone my whole life.

Dimitri: Oh, Well it kinda seems nice. It has been only 3 months since I lost my parents. I'm just trying to look after the only family I have left if anything happened to my sisters I would never forgive myself. One thing I don't understand is what's your dad's beef with me?

Rose: I wasn't sure. But for your sisters I think you're a great brother.

Dimitri: thanks.

Mr. Wilson: *in the kitchen*: Dinner is served.

We then see they are now at the table as Dimitri looked at the food.

Mr Wilson: Do you always wear shoes on other people's carpets?

Dimiri: Do you always try to kill someone in their own home?

Rose: Daddy your being rude.

Mr. Wilson: Am I? Very well tell me about yourself Dimitri.

Dimitri: Well I look after my sisters along with my girlfriend, Jessica, well since my parents have passed away.

Mr. Wilson: I see. *notices your ring* And I see you have a special ring.

Dimitri: It was my mom's she gave it to me when she passed away.

Mr. Wilson: Dimitri, *realizes* Of course Dimitri Chernov. Heather's son.

Dimitri: Yeah, that's me alright.

He then saw Slade giving him a sinister smile

Dimitri: *thinks for a minute * I need to use the bathroom.

We then see him in the bathroom thinking.

Dimitri: Why is he after me? I didn't do anything to him, maybe I can call Babs and see if she knows Deathstroke.

Dimiri then calls Babs on his phone.

Babs: *on her phone* Hello?

Dimiri: *on his phone* Hey Babs what's going on?

Babs: *on her phone* Oh nothing why do you ask?

Dimitri: *on his phone* Well I was just wondering if you know anything about a guy named deathstroke?

Babs: * on the phone* deathstroke? The mercenary assassin, you're in his house.

Dimiri: *on the phone* No rose invited me and let's just say that he doesn't really play nice considering he was trying to kill me.

Babs: *on the phone* wait he's after you?

Dimitri: *on the phone* Yeah and I'm gonna figure out why. But just to be on the safe side you and the girls get to my house and protect my sisters if he tries to get them.

Babs: *on the phone* Ok. Bye.

Dimitri: *on the phone* Bye. *hangs up*

We then see Dimitri walking as he noticed a door as it was locked as he then phased through it

Dimiri: Alright deathy what are you hiding?

We see him going through the rooms as he then found a hidden room as he saw a room with weapons and a computer as he was going through it to see a list of targets he had took down as he then noticed a wall of plans and saw a picture of a woman in a blue lantern suit.

Dimitri: What the? He was after my mom? I guess he found out that he was too late too soon by the looks of that newspaper.

???(Slade): Right you are.

He then turned to see Mr Wilson in his deathstroke suit.

Dimiri: Really? So you're gonna finish your little job now?

Slade: Don't take it personally Dimitri, your mother made a lot of enemies with a lot of money on her back.

Dimiri: Okay one, my mom was a hero and two, in case you haven't noticed someone else got to my mom but I don't know who it is. And don't take it personally, she was the woman who gave birth to me and my sisters.

He then dodged his sword as he was dodging the slashes.

Slade: I would of taken you out that night, knowing what you were before, I wish I would have.

Dimitri: And the snobby, supervillain, father is a really good role model? I mean what would Rose say if she were here right now.

Then as he dodged a punch he was then grabbed as he was thrown to the ground and held as Slade was about to pull his sword out.

???(Rose): Daddy?

They both looked to see it was rose as she was at the door.

Dimiri: Ooh busted.

Rose: Daddy, how many times have I told you. You promised not to assassinate my friends.

Dimiri: *in his head* I know I'm gonna regret this one day. Uh no no rose you see your dad was uh just sparing with me right Mr.Wilson

Slade: I was? *Gets elbowed by Dimitri* oh I mean yes, I was, yes that's right we we're just sparing no assassinating here.

Rose: Oh, I see sorry for the misunderstanding.

As she left he looked at you.

Slade: You... covered for me. Why?

Dimitri: Seeing you trying to reconnect with Rose reminded me about me reconnecting with my sisters after losing my parents, surely you must know what it's like to lose someone important right?

Slade: Yeah, I learned it the hard way.

Dimitri: I guess that makes two of us. And I can say you're doing a good job with looking after Rose.

Slade: Thank you. And a tip: always be aware of your surroundings.

Dimitri: Thanks and you think you can show me some moves like that?

Slade: * walks out the door but looks at you* Consider that fight your first lesson.

Dimitri: Ok.

We see him going out the room as he looks at a photo of a younger Slade with a woman that was holding Rose as a baby.

Dimitri: I know that guy's a villain but he's just an overprotective dad looking out for his daughter.

He then walked out the room. The next day we see Dimitri with the others at sweet justice.

Babs: So how did it go?

Dimitri: Well it turned out that Slade was after my mom but he didn't get his news up to date. And he figured that taking me down would be a way to finish what he started.

Babs: So I'm guessing he didn't succeed right?

Dimitri: yeah Ros did catch on but I covered for Slade.

Babs: Oh.

Dimitri: I asked him if he can show me any moves he knows and he said was to consider that fight my lesson. So I take it you're familiar with Slade wi- I mean deathstroke.

Babs: Yeah, I found out he was after my dad, but why did you cover for him?

Dimitri: Guess seeing him trying to reconnect with Rose reminded me of when I was reconnecting with my sisters after losing my parents. guess this is what it's like for batman if he had sisters.

Babs: Yeah probably.

Dimiri: Still though, the one mission I'm still at is finding the guy who... eliminated my parents. And for one I don't have any leads or clues on who this guy is.

Babs: Do you remember what he looked like?

Dimitri: Only that he was wearing a trench coat and that's about it. Unless maybe Slade knows anything about this guy.

We then see Dimitri at Rose's house as he knocks on the door as he sees rose at the door.

Rose: Dimitri, what brings you here?

Dimitri: Hey rose I'm here to ask your dad about something important is he here.

Slade: Yes?

Dimitri: Hey I'm here if *whispers* if you know anything else about my mom.

Next we then see Dimitri and Slade in Slade's secret room.

Dimitri: So is there anything else you knew about my mom you are an assassin after all.

Slade: Well I can say that your mother is like you, and why do you want to know about it?

Dimitri: To figure out who eliminated my parents and so far all I know it was a guy in a trench coat.

Slade: Wait you said he was wearing a trench coat?

Dimitri: Yeah why?

Slade: I think I might know him, he prefers to call himself Hex.

Dimitri: Who was he anyway? And also hex? Lame

Slade: he's a man trying to gain people to have as allies to use to protect our country.

Dimitri: Well he gave the same offer to me and my parents but we just laughed at him cause well we all thought he was crazy. And I'm guessing why he offered his protection to us was because of mom's blue lantern ring. And I'm guessing he doesn't take kindly to people that say no? Cause he left saying "See how well you do without me." And between you and me that guy was a fruitloop.

Slade: Well he sees anyone that refuses to help him as weak, for this it's all a game to him, don't underestimate him, he will come for you if he finds out who you are and that you're alive.

Dimiri: Good point, So did you know the guy or something? Cause well you know...your job.

Slade: I heard of him through news. Hex uses ways to gain followers and allies.

Dimiri: And how do I know which people are working for that nut.

Slade: His men have symbols on them in the form of a Cobra.

Dimiri: Any other distinctions?

Slade: They usually dress in black suits.

Dimiri: And have you ever encountered hex before?

Slade: Only his men, though I took them down easy but they told me that he doesn't take well to excuses and when they come empty handed.

Dimiri: What does he do to them?

Slade: ...he offs them.

Dimiri: Oh man guess he doesn't take well with empty hands.

Slade: He doesn't. But if I were you I would keep a low profile.

Dimitri: Ok, well thanks for telling me about him.

Then we see Dimitri leave Slade's house as you were seen at the park as the others then came and saw him.

Jessica: So where were you?

Dimitri: Well I was at Rose's house and her dad told me about the person who took my parents.

Jessica: Who was it?

Dimitri: A person named Hex.

Kara: Hex?

Dimitri: Yeah, he's a man that was trying to find people that will work for him.

Jessica: So that's why he came to your mom because of her lantern ring.

Dimitri: Yeah, but he doesn't take no for an answer that's why he... Eliminated my parents. Slade told me that Hex will be after me and my sisters if he finds out that we're still alive.

Babs: So what are you gonna do if Hex does find out?

Dimitri: If he does find out, I'll be sure that he doesn't get me or my sisters.

Jessica: And we'll be there to help.

Dimitri: Thanks Jess.

Meanwhile at an unknown place we see a man with a trench coat in the shadows as he sees an article with Dimitri's picture on it.

Hex: So... the boy is still alive? *to a group of men* Go, find him and bring him to me.

Men: Yes sir.

Then they left as Hex looked at the article.

Hex: There's another blue lantern and he's out there.

Then a man came to him.

Man: What will you do to him sir?

Hex: I will handle him personally.

Then the screen faded as hex's eyes were seen glowing as his voice was heard.

Hex: I will find you Blue Lantern.

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