The sisters first fight

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In space we see two blue blurs and a green blur flying through space as we take a closer look to see it was Piper and Rowan as they were facing Hal

Dimiri: Remember this is about fighting your opponent strategically. So you two need to think of a way to beat your opponent.

Piper: Ok.

Dimitri: And Hal, please go easy on them, they're still young and new to this.

Hal: Ok, got it.

Jessica: Just don't do anything stupid.

We then see Hal made a construct of a staff and came at them then Piper made a construct of a squirrel as it latched itself on Hal's face.

Dimitri: *laughs* They're beating you with a squirrel.

Hal: Get it off! get it off!!

Then as Hal got it off he looked to see he was heading to a blue brick wall as he crashed into it as Rowan was the one who made the wall.

Rowan: Is that strategic?

Dimitri: Yup, you manage to blind Hal and lead him straight to a wall.

Jessica: And it was pretty funny. Plus it reminded me when I blind kilowog with a construct of an octopus.

Dimiri: Oh. Well Piper and Rowan did do pretty good at beating Hal.

Piper: Is Hal gonna be ok?

Dimitri: I'm sure he's fine.

Then we see Hal coming to them on the asteroid they were on.

Hal: That was not funny.

Dimitri: It's a little funny besides it's not like you got hit by a meteor.

And as if on cue we then see Hal get hit by a meteor.

Dimitri: And I stand corrected.

Rowan: Is it ok if we go to the mall?

Dimitri: *smiles at Rowan and ruffles her hair* Sure, that was pretty impressive making a brick wall.

Then we see them going to earth and changing into their regular clothes as they are walking through town.

Hal: Could you atleast give them a different lesson in combat?

Dimitri: Hal there's other ways of beating enemies than hitting them.

Jessica: Yeah like the way I defeated Carol when Hal broke up with her via text.

Dimitri: Dude, why would you do that?

Hal: Hey, I put a smiley face in it. I'm not the joker.

Dimirii: Still that's low, even for you, everyone knows it's best to end something in person never on the phone.

Jessica: Dimitri does have a point.

Dimitri: And besides life isn't like a sports match Hal, you can get touchdowns by evading rather than tackling.

Hal: Eh whatever I stopped listening after "Hal".

Dimitri: Why do I even bother? Jess I gotta ask is Hal always like this or dropped on his head.

Jessica: He's more focused on his ego, and his real name is Harold.

Hal: My name is Hal!

Dimiri: I see what you mean there.

Piper: Soo when do we get to fight a bad guy?

Dimitri: it'll take some time but you need one villain that isn't powerful to fight.

Rowan: Oh, are there any villains that don't have powers?

Dimitri: Probably Jess, you know any villians that don't have any powers?

Jessica: Well there's two I know, Catwoman and Harley Quinn.

Dimitri: And I'm guessing one of them wears a red and black suit and has makeup on that kinda makes her look like a clown?

Jessica: Yeah, why?

Dimitri: I had a hunch when I saw the girl in red and black that just came here.

He pointed at a direction to see Harley Quinn as she was seen holding a big mallet.

Piper: There's a villain that's a clown?

Rowan: Jess who's the clown?

Jessica: Harley Quinn and she's trouble.

Dimiri: Well what's she doing out here?

Jessica: Well if I know anything about her where she goes trouble always follow.

Piper: So we're gonna fight a clown?

Dimitri: Well as Kilowog would say Let's stop this bruiser.

Then we see Dimitri and his sisters together.

Dimitri: In fearful day, in raging night...

Piper: With strong hearts full our souls ignite...

Rowan: When all seems lost in the war of light...

Dimitri: Look to the stars...

Dimitri, Piper and Rowan: For hope burns bright!

Then we see the three in their blue lantern outfits as they saw Harley

Dimitri: Ok, we need to think of a good strategy to beat her. Let's see what we know, she looks crazy, and her main weapon is a mallet.

Piper: So we just need to do it strategically.

Rowan: So let's fight that clown.

Then we see her and Piper go out as they stand in front of Harley Quinn.

Harley: I think it's a little early for you both to dress up for Halloween.

Piper: We're blue lanterns lady.

Rowan: Yeah and we're stopping you from ruining the day, lady clown.

Harley: The name's Harley. And what are you two gonna do, cute me to death? *gets lassoed by a blue rope* WOAH!

Harley was then lassoed into a locker room where she then saw dimitri.

Dimiri: Hey Harley was it?

Harley: Ya got that right and who are you?

Dimiri: Blue lantern er... another blue Lantern listen I know you're a villian and all but could you go easy on those two there new to this and a bit young and I don't want them to get hurt too much got it?

Harleen: Kids of yours?

Dimitri: Little sisters actually someone uh how should I put this a way you'd understand uh oh someone kicked my parents buckets and well...there not around anymore.

Harley: Oh, sorry to hear about that.

Dimitri: Yeah so could you go easy on them please?

Harley: Well, since you told me about your parents I'll go easy on the two blue berries.

Dimitri: Thanks, it's just they're the only family I have left.

Harley: Ok.

Then we see her come out as she saw Piper and Rowan as they saw her

Rowan: There you are

Piper: Let's get her!

Then they came at her as they then laso her in a construct of a rope and bow on top of her.

Harleen: You both got me, guess it's jail for me.

Piper: We actually got a villain.

Rowan: And we did it together.

Harleen: But you're forgetting one thing, always watch the hands.

She was then untied as she then ran off laughing as the two saw her as Dimitri came to them.

Dimitri: So how did it go?

Piper: We caught her but then she got away.

Rowan: Should we go after her?

Dimitri: No, she's not worth it, but we'll see her next time.

Jessica: That was amazing you two.

Piper: Thanks Jessica.

Dimiri: So Jess, are there any other villains we should know about?

Jessica: There's Star Sapphire which you already know about, Livewire, Giganta and Poison Ivy. Oh and catwoman.

Piper: Ooh how do we find catwoman, with fish?

Dimitri: She's not a real cat, she's probably a villain that has a costume that looks like a cat. *Whispers to Jessica* Right?

Jessica: Yeah she's not a real cat

Dimitri: Oh ok.

Later in the day we see them at sweet justice as Piper and Rowan were talking to the girls about how they got Harley.

Piper: And then me and Rowan made a lasso and tied Harley up in it.

Rowan: But she got herself free and ran away.

Zee: Well at least you both managed to get her.

Piper: Thanks Zee.

Rowan: But we still manage to beat our first villain.

Babs: you two did a good job.

Dimitri: Well I'm proud of my little sisters.

Diana: And I know that your sisters will gain new friends as well.

???(Harleen): Did someone say new friend?

Dimitri looked to see a girl wearing red and blue clothes as she had blonde hair with red and blue highlights in them.

Dimitri: No, she said "friends", as in plural. And you are?

Babs: Oh right this is Harleen, she's my GBFF.

Dimiri: Uh zee translation please?

Zee: Gotham Best Friend Forever.

Dimiri: Gotcha. Wait Harleen, Harley. *realizes* Wait your Harley Quinn?

Harleen: What gave you a hunch.

Dimitri: The names were similar to each other which makes it pretty obvious.

Babs: So you were the one that Piper and Rowan fought?

Harleen: so those two were those little blue heroes.

Dimitri: Yeah they got they're rings yesterday, for me my ring was originally my mom's ring.

Harleen: So your mom was a hero too?

Dimiri: Yeah after she and my dad... Passed away my mom's ring chose me and two more rings chose my sisters.

Jessica: Well he told us that a man was responsible for causing a fire in his family's home and his sisters and him were the only ones that got out alive.

Harleen: *gasps* You just left your parents there?

Dimitri: No I didn't want to leave them.

Jessica: He's right he's telling the truth he wanted to save them but his mom wanted him and his sisters to have a good life.

Dimitri: but before she passed away she gave me her blue lantern ring making me the next blue lantern.

Harleen: Oh, so you had no choice but to get out alive.

Dimitri: Yeah, after that I tried my best to make enough money so we could move to a new home and I used my ring to help others.

Harleen: Oh, so what did you do when you came here?

Dimitri: I just did what I could to provide things my sisters needed but it was pretty tough when I had to do it on my own.

Jessica: But you're not alone to raise them anymore. *kisses you*

Harleen: Whaaa?!

Dimitri: Oh right well me and Jess are boyfriend and girlfriend.

Piper: And they're gonna have a baby.

Dimiri: We're not married yet Piper.

Piper: I know, I mean when you both get older and get married I mean.

Jessica: Well okay that makes sense. Anyway when I started to date Dimitri I decided to help him look after his sisters.

Harleen: So you're being like Piper and Rowan's mom?

Jessica: Well I wouldn't say mom more like an older sister they never had.

Dimitri: Yeah,for what Piper was saying she's a bit eager to be an aunt.

Harleen: That explains her saying that you both are having a baby. But what's a blue lantern?

Dimitri: You know how Jessica's ring uses willpower? Well Me and My sisters rings use hope.

Harleen: Oh.

Dimitri: Yeah and about me and my sisters we're technically half siblings.

Kara: Half siblings?

Rowan: We had the same mom.

Dimitri: Yeah, well half siblings or not I still see them as my family.

Piper: Yeah, we always stay together.

Babs: Wow, so what other plans you have for a career other than being a musician.

Dimitri: There are a lot of thoughts, I've been doing some soul searching.

Diana: Why were you trying to search for the souls of others?

Jessica: No Diana he didn't mean it literally. soul searching means that he was trying to find what is important to him.

Diana: Oh

Dimitri: Guessing Diana isn't used to the world of man sayings huh?

Jessica: Yeah, sometimes she takes them literally or says it wrong.

Kara: Like the time she told a guy that she would kill him for a burrito.

Dimiri: Wait so when she heard that did she...

Jessica: No she ended up chasing that man and we had to go after her.

Dimiri: Oh thank goodness, cause for a minute there I thought she actually did that.

Kara: there were many things she did she chased spa employees, and tore up a movie screen.

Diana: I only thought Aiden was about to attack caitlyn.

Karen: Diana, he was trying to kiss her not hurt her.

Zee: Well you told us that one of your hobbies is cooking, so what do you cook?

Dimitri: Well I cook bacon, corn, and make tacos.

Karen: Oh I love tacos.

Zee: well you seem to do good of a pallet unlike Kara.

Dimitri: What happened?

Zee: I took her to a Japanese restaurant but she didn't like the food.

Dimiri: I'm guessing she doesn't like raw fish right?

Zee: They served grilled fish and I thought Kara would like it.

Kara: I kinda prefer my fish in stick form and no eyes thank you very much.

Zee: You couldn't just try the octopus.

Kara: You could have just taken me to a place with burgers. Plus the octopus didn't taste bad when it's cooked, but it still needed ketchup.

Dimitri: I'm guessing Kara isn't really used to exotic food huh?

Zee: Yeah but when she couldn't try any of it I tried to use my magic to make her a hamburger but I used chopsticks by mistake.

Dimiri: And it made the food alive?

Zee: the octopus yes and when it wrecked the restaurant they wouldn't let me in there again.

Kara: I said I was sorry.

Dimitri: Note to you Kara, next time at least try something new once in a while.

Kara: Have you seen the grilled fish, when I poked at it, it looked at me!

Dimitri: Looked at you?

Then we saw Piper as she was looking at Kara when she heard that Kara didn't try any of the food from the Japanese restaurant.

Piper: Baby.

Kara: I'm not a baby.

Piper: Have you even tried any of the foods?

Kara: Well no but-

Piper: Then that means you're a baby.

The others started to snicker a bit at what Piper said as Kara looked at everyone.

Kara: It's not funny.

Babs: It's a little funny.

Kara: But she called me a baby.

Dimiri: Don't worry Kara just because you don't try new food doesn't mean you're a baby.

Piper: But I still think you're a baby.

Kara: Not a baby.

Dimitri: Well anyway I am thinking that maybe you girls could help out with watching my sisters.

Jessica: He's right Dimitri could use some extra help.

Zee: I guess I can help but I'll help watch them in case Kara is watching them.

Kara: What? What's wrong with me watching them?

Zee: Remember when you watched my magic rabbits? You let them out and almost flooded the town with magic rabbits.

Kara: How was I supposed to know Harry Houdini was a girl?

Zee: I told you before they are not to be mentioned in the same breath as Merlin and Harry Houdini.

Dimiri: Wait, those guys are real?

Kara: I still think my names are way better than yours.

Karen: I guess I can help watch Piper and Rowan.

Babs: I can help out with watching them as long as my dad doesn't mind them being in my house.

Diana: I too will watch the little ones.

Dimitri: Thanks guys.

Jessica: It's like I said you're not alone anymore, you have us, and you have me.

Dimiri: Thanks Jess.

Jessica: Anytime.

Piper: You both act like a married couple.

Kara: Couple? yes. Married? Not yet.

Dimiri: Well Piper, me and Jess are planning on getting married but that's when we graduate high school.

Piper: And then you two will have a baby?

Dimiri: Uh maybe, having a baby takes a lot of...time and some other things but you're too young to know.

Jessica: We'll explain when you're both older.

Rowan: Ok. And I think Jess will make a great mommy.

Jessica: Aw thanks Rowan.

Dimitri: Well, is there anything I need to know about the villains you girls fight? I fight strategically.

Kara: Giganta is pretty much big and really strong.

Dimitri: Big and strong? Then I'll just use her own size and strength against her, bigger isn't always better.

Jessica: Well poison ivy can control plants.

Dimitri: Guess that's why she's called poison ivy.

Piper: What does poison ivy look like?

Babs: Well she has red hair, pale skin, elf ears, and an villian outfit made of, well, poison ivy.

Dimitri: Ok. And I guess she isn't fond of people messing with plants is she?

Jessica: Yeah.

Rowan: Do you think we'll fight those villains soon?

Jessica: Maybe, but you two are still new to being heroes so you both need to practice on using your powers.

Dimitri: When you two get better at your powers then you'll get to fight them.

Piper: Ok.

Dimitri then smiled knowing that his sisters will be great heroes and that he will be there to help them along with his friends.

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