God Parents return

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In Dimitri and Jessica's house we see Dimitri and Jessica with the others as we see Sarah with them as Azure was in his room sleeping.

Dimitro: I really miss them.

Jessica: Who?

Dimitri: My godparents.

Kara: Godparents.

Dimitri: Yeah my dad had a friend called Ashton and his girlfriend Esdeath, they didn't come if they were killed.

Then knocking was heard as he went to the door to see was what surprised him was his godparents Ashton and Esdeath.

Dimitri: Ashton? Esdeath? You're alive? Unless.

He made a hand construct and slapped Ashton in the face.

Ashton: Ow! Dude what was that for!?

Dimitri: Checking if you're a zombie.

Esdeath: If we were zombies we'd be munching on your brains right now.

Dimitri: Good point.

Sarah: Dad who is it?

Ashton and Esdeath looked to see Sarah coming to Dimitri.

Dimitri: Right, Ashton, Esdeath this is Sarah, my... daughter.

Ashton: Daughter?

Esdeath: You mean I'm a... grandmother?

Dimitri: Yeah.

Ashton: how long were we gone?

Esdeath: 2 weeks.

Dimitri: You guys should come inside.

We then see the two come in as they saw the rest of Dimitri's siblings and the girls too.

Piper: Ashton?

Rowan: Esdeath?

Esdeath: Girls you're both ok.

Piper: Yeah, we were with mommy and daddy while Dimitri was living in this house with his girlfriend.

Dimitri: Yeah. Ashton, meet Jessica.

He looked to see Jessica.

Ashton: Ooh she's pretty! Good choice!

Dimitri: thanks. *notice a metal bracelet on Ashton's wrist* hey what's that?

Ashton: Remember when i used to be able to control the elements?

Dimitri: Yeah why?

Ashton: Hex experimented on me and my powers changed and became dangerous. Watch this. *bracelet turns into a dinosaur head* Follow me to the backyard.

They were at the backyard as we see Ashton as he then turned to face the group

Ashton: This thing on my wrist controls my powers and transforms me into this. WHITE RANGER DINO POWER!

He was then engulfed in light as he was now in a suit with of an unknown black and white material with an overshield with black spikes on it and a helmet with a red visor

Ashton: This my white ranger suit.

Dimitri: Oh. That is pretty cool. And sorry to hear what hex has done to ya.

Ashton: Oh that's nothing watch this! SUPER DINO MODE!

The suit then changed as the spikes on his suit grew as his suit's hands grew serrated blades

Dimitri: oh that's cool while you were gone my brothers Everette and Grayson learned this.

The three were engulfed in light and were now in their suits of armor with their lantern symbols on the armor.

Ashton: That's impressive.

Dimitri: Thanks. There was a lot that you have missed while I was here.

Piper: Yeah like Dimitri and Jessica stayed up all night kissing at the lake house.

Esdeath: Kissing?

Dimitri: Yeah about that, well me and Jessica... *whispers in Ashton's ear*

Ashton: *eyes widened* YOU DID WHAT!?

Dimitri: Uh... surprised? *nervously smiles*


Dimitri: Hey don't be angry about that. *Points at Grayson, Elliotte and Andruw* They were doing that too.

Andruw: Dude!

Elliotte: Hey!

Grayson: He's not wrong. Me and Kara only did that sometimes.

Ashton: *Looks at Dimitri Grayson, Elliotte and Andruw* Inside. NOW!

We see the four inside as they look at Ashton.

Ashton: I'm very disappointed in you boys. What were you thinking?

Dimitri: Well to be honest we kinda got carried away.

Andruw: Yeah, cut us some slack.

Elliotte: yeah. We're sorry ok?

Ashton: Sorry isn't good enough. *holds out his hand* Give me your rings. All of you are grounded.

Dimitri handed his blue ring to Ashton as Grayson did the same as Elliotte handed out his scythe soul harvester to him

Ashton: I will give these back once you earn them back in two months.

Dimitri: Two months but we can't protect Metropolis without them.

Ashton: I will protect the city until then. And if I hear a word of any of you trying to get these back the grounding is extended to a year. Do I make myself clear?

Dimitri: Yes sir.

Ashton: Now Andruw, elliotte and Grayson tell me who it was that you three were doing this thing with?

Grayson: Kara.

Andruw: Zee.

Elliotte: Karen.

Dimitri: Alright Ashton we're sorry about what we did and we promise not to do it again.

Ashton: Good and does anyone else have anything to say.

Grayson: Yeah, the three of us might become dads soon.

Dimitri: But what me and jess did wasn't what led to us having Sarah.

Ashton: I will let you boys off with a warning but if I hear or find out you boys do this kind of thing again you boys will be in big trouble. Understand?

Boys: Yes sir.

Ashton: Good. *hears crying* I think someone is awake.

Dimitri: That's azure.

Ashton: Azure? *looks at his phone's calendar* I could have sworn Esdeath said it was two weeks.

Dimitri: I think your phone is a bit outdated.

We see Dimitri going to a room as he heads to the crib and picks up Azure from the crib as Ashton sees him.

Dimitri: Meet your grandson, Azure.

Ashton: Grandson?

Dimitri: Yeah. Well anyway I'm gonna get him fed.

We see the boys go out of the room as Esdeath looks at Ashton.

Esdeath: What was it that it had you lecturing the boys?

Ashton: Dimitri, Andruw, Elliotte and Grayson wanted to become parents way too early.

Esdeath: Oh my.

Grayson: Hey, It wasn't our idea. It was Kara, Karen and Zee's idea.

Dimitri: Plus I was already a father, it happened last year.

Ashton: Care to explain about it?

Dimitri: Ok. Before me and Jessica were dating she was with a guy named Dylan who apparently didn't care about her and it led us to date each other.

Ashton: Hmm, alright continue.

Dimitri: Well we started dating for a while and may have... done other things, and when Jess learned Dylan cheated on her she broke up with him and told him that she was... pregnant.

Ashton: Ok Dimitri, one I am disappointed about what you did and two, you did a right thing with being with Jess.

Dimitri: Thank you.

We see the boys with Kara, Jessica, Karen, and Zee.

Jessica: What happened.

Dimitri: Ashton, found out that we were doing things when he was gone and now me and my brothers are grounded with no powers for two months.

Kara: Harsh.

Dimitri: True but he is our godfather.

Kara: Come on, we were only doing it for a few times. *ashton was near* What's he gonna do?

Dimitri: Dude.

Kara: Tell our parents?

Dimitri: It's Ashton.

Kara: I know it's Ashton, he doesn't tell our parents and we're ok. It's a win-win.

Ashton: Actually, it's a lose-lose cause you girls are also in trouble.

Kara: Ashton, I was just joking.

Jessica: Look can't we just calm down and talk this out.

Ashton: No, you girls are actually in trouble

Dimitri: Great.

We then see the others at sweet justice as Dimitri looks at the others.

Dimitri: Great, now we have to wait two months to be ungrounded.

Sarah: Wait moms and dads can get grounded?

Dimitri: if they're younger than their parents, yeah.

Sarah: Oh.

Jessica: Yes so now your father and I are both grounded.

Dimitri: So we won't be doing hero work until we're ungrounded for two months.

Sarah: Oh.

Dimitri: Yeah, so we have to wait till we get the things back.

Ashton: maybe now you all will think twice before trying to do the parenting thing before you were ready.

Dimitri: Ok just to point out, me and Jess were playing it safe when doing that.

Ashton: And you're telling me this now?

Dimitri: Ever try explaining the rest of your side of the story while someone gives you the dad look?

Ashton: Yeah. Because I was ready.

Dimitri: Point taken

Esdeath: then why didn't you tell us that before.

Dimitri: I was going to tell you but I didn't go for the account of Ashton yelling at me. No offense.

Ashton: None taken. The reason I yelled at you was because I was surprised and I got a little upset.

Dimitri: Ok and I'm sorry I didn't tell you me and Jess were safe when doing that.

Ashton: I'll accept the apology just don't do something like that again. But you're still grounded.

Dimitri: Ok and I understand.

Elliotte: Can't believe you guys took our sisters and brother in when our parents were killed.

Dimitri: Yeah Ashton is our dad's friend from college. And speaking of mom and dad Ashton while you were gone our parents were brought back by black lantern rings.

Esdeath: Black lantern?

Jessica: Yeah, you know like how me and Everette's rings use willpower and Dimitri, Piper and Rowan's use hope?

Dimitri: Our parents' rings use death.

Ashton: If that's the case shouldn't they be evil and trying to kill everyone?

Dimitri: No they were able to control them and use them for good.

Sarah: I'm a teal lantern.

Ashton: Teal lantern?

Dimitri: Sarah's ring uses both hope and willpower since me and Jessica are her parents.

Elliotte: But what are we supposed to do if we can't do hero stuff.

Everette: Viral videos?

Grayson: But what kind?

Everette: Any kind I guess.

Dimitri: I don't know some videos online are pretty clear about not doing them at home.

Elliotte: Loosen up, have some fun for a while.

Dimitri: *Sighs* Fine.

We then see them at Dimitri's house as Everette was in a shopping cart as Kara was holding it as Dimitri was rolling as Ashton came and saw them.

Ashton: *Sees Everette on the roof* What are you doing?! Get down from there!

Everette: Calm down we're making a video.

Elliotte: Is the camera filming.

Dimitri: We're rolling.

Everette: Hi I'm Everette, and this is... shopping cart roof- roof- roof shopping cart... guys. Ok go!

Kara then let go of the cart as it went down the roof and got the ground as Everette was on the ground.

Everette: Ow... ow... ow...

He got up as it showed that his his head was upside down with his spine being seen


Dimitri: Oh my god Everette are you ok?!

Everette: I don't know. What does it look like? What do I do? What do *touches his spine* Ahh! What is that?! What is it? I feel something

Esdeath: What is it? What is it!? It's your spine!

Dimitri: It got like yanked up a bunch of notches.

Everette: I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm *throws up as it hits Elliotte*

Elliotte: Hey!

Everette: Does this get fixed with ice or heat?

Dimitri: Ice now, heat later.

We then see them in the backyard as the video camera was on Hal.

Hal: I'm hal Jordan, and this is Bee vest.

Dimitri: What did you do to yourself?

Hal: Just covered my chest with honey, now just waiting for the bees.

Andruw: On here they come.

He opened a beehive as bees then came out as they went to Hal and were on his chest.

Hal: Ok they're on there. Just... nobody move. Nobody does anything we don't want them to be mad.

Then elliotte came as he blew an air horn at the bees as everyone laughed at him.

Hal: Stop it! Knock it off.

Dimitri: Yeah we don't want the bees to get mad.

Ashton: OOGA BOOGA!!!!!

Hal: Guys stop it!

Dimitri: Ok... I hate you bees! I hate you bees! I hate you bees!

Hal: I'm serious, stop it! Just get them off, put them back in the hive please.

Dimitri: Yeah enough's enough. Andruw open the hive.

Andruw: Hal bring them here.

Then Hal began to move slowly not wanting the bees to get angry as he was taking small steps to Andruw as he was almost there he was then pushed.

Ashton: I didn't do it.

Elliotte: It was me.

We then see Hal crash into the hives breaking them as all the bees were out as he was then screaming as everyone laughed at him as he was trying to swat them.

Grayson: Oh my.

Then we see a camera as Dimitri was walking behind holding an electric shaver as he was walking behind Oliver as he then shaved the back of his head.

Oliver: Aaah! Dimitri?! Why would you do that?!

Everyone then laughed at him as we see Hal as Dimitri was behind him walking slowly as he then used the razor on him as he then screamed as the others laughed at him.

Piper: Oh can we go to the mall, there's a place that's giving away free necklaces.

Ashton: Sure come on guys.

We later see them going to the mall as Ashton looks at Dimitri.

Ashton: So has Hex shown his face to you.

Dimitri: Yeah he did, and he was gonna try to get me but Sarah beat him.

Ashton: She did?

Dimitri: Yeah and she was a baby when she beat him.

Ashton: *chuckles* Hex got beat by a baby.

Dimitri: It was funny.

We see them head to a part in the mall as a man hands them each a necklace as they see them and they take the necklaces home as Dimitri had the necklace on and looked at it.

Dimitri: It does look nice.

He then went to the living room to see Ashton and Esdeath were arguing with each other.

Dimitri: Guys stop, what's going on here?

Ashton and Esdeath: STAY OUT OF THIS!

Dimitri: Whoa! What's gotten into you two? Just try to be cool.

Ashton: Cool? Oh I'll show you cool!

He then threw a punch as Dimitri then ducked as he then saw his ring at the shelf as he then went to it and ran to it but had his feet frozen by Esdeath.

Esdeath: You're not going anywhere.

Dimitri then saw he was close to the shelf as he started to reach out to the shelf to grab his ring as he saw his godparents coming to him as Ashton cracked his knuckles

Ashton: You're dead meat kid!

Dimitri: No I am not.

He then grabbed the ring and then changed to his lantern suit and broke free.

Dimitri: Sorry, this is gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you.

He then made a blast sending the two to a wall as Ashton then came at dimitro as he made a shield and blocked the punches as he then saw Esdeath and Ashton coming at him as he then saw the necklaces glowing as he then grabbed the necklaces and pulled them off as he made gauntlets and crushed them to pieces.

Ashton: HEY!!!

Esdeath: YOU BRAT!

Then the two began to shake their heads as if they both felt like they had headaches as they looked at Dimitri and Esdeath realized what she said to her godson.

Ashton: Anyone get the number on that truck?

Esdeath: Oh my goodness, Dimitri I am so sorry.

Dimitri: It's ok, Esdeath.

Ashton: Why were we so grouchy?

Dimitri: I think it's the necklaces.

Ashton: Esdeath, freeze them.

She froze the pieces of the necklaces and saw the ice revealing red energy in them.

Dimitri: Those necklaces have red lantern energy.

Ashton: So that's why we were both so angry.

Esdeath: Dimitri how come it didn't affect you?

Dimitri: I'm a blue lantern. It helps me control my temper.

Esdeath: I can't believe I said that to my own godson.

Ashton: Sweetie, it's ok. It wasn't your fault.

Dimitri: Wait if the necklaces made you two angry then that must mean...

They went outside to see everyone in town was arguing and some were fighting each other.

Ashton: Oh my.

Dimitri: We need to stop this. Ashton, Esdeath, see if you two can stop everyone from destroying Metropolis and each other. I'll find our friends.

Ashton: Go.

Dimitri then flew off as he then looked to see the others as they were all fighting each other and destroying things as Dimitri then came and saw Grayson as he was trying to stop them as Fimitri then made constructs and took the necklaces and smashed them as they all shook their heads and looked around.

Jessica: Ohh, what happened?

Dimitri: Those necklaces were making you guys angry at each other.

Dimitri then took the necklace he had off as he looked at the back as he saw it was actually a device.

Dimitri: So their machines. Guys let's head back to my house. We need a meeting.

We then see everyone at the house as Ashton looked at the device.

Ashton: This thing activates if anyone wears it. So what do we do?

Dimitri: Looks like the necklaces are being activated by something so we need to shut off the source.

Ashton: But how, we need a virus to do that.

Dimitri then looked at Ashton as he began to think a bit.

Dimitri: I might know someone.

We then see them flying in space as Dimitri made a bubble construct as the others were in it.

Andruw: Where are we going?

Dimitri: To a place I know. Someone there can help us.

Ashton: How?

Dimitri: You said we need a virus, Double Dan, the guy we're gonna meet is a virus making machine.

Kara: How do you know him?

Dimitri: Well I haven't met him in real life we always did business over the phone. If anyone has a virus it's double Dan.

We then see them head to a space station as Dimitri was at the entrance of a shop as the others were there.

Dimitri: Ok before we head in whatever you all do, do not look at his little brother.

Esdeath: He has a brother?

They all went inside as Dimitri walked in to see a creature as he had a small face on his neck as he saw the others

Double Dan: Who are you people?

Hal: We'll we're just here to get something from you and... *looks at the face on his neck.*

Double Dan: *Sees Hal looking at his brother* Oi, what are you looking at?

Hal: Uh nothing.

Double Dan: You looking at my brother?

Hal: No I wasn't I-

Double Dan: Don't you look at my little brother, *grabs Hal* he's very self conscious!

He then threw Hal as he saw Ashton.

Double Dan: What are you doing here?

Elliotte: The readier came to your neck of a face. I mean there's a face in your neck. I means woods, neck of the woods that's it.

Ashton: We heard a tumor. Rumor! I mean, we heard a rumor that you have a virus that can help us.

Double Dan: Oh yeah, my best customer Dimitri told me you needed one.

Dimitri: Yeah so what do you got?

Double Dan then went to the counter and had a case and opened it to reveal a leech like creature.

Ashton: What is that?!

Double Dan: Gladys is what I call a forceshut virus. Means she forces her way into machines and shuts them down. Once you get her into one she'll force her way into the system and shut it down permanently.

Hal: So is it safe?

Double Dan: Are you stupid? The only way anything bad happens is if your stupid.

Dimitri: No we'll make sure that Gladys doesn't cause any harm. And when we get a machine shut down I'll return her to you.

Double Dan: That sounds reasonable. Now go.

We see them all leave as Ashton looked at Dimitri.

Dimitri: What?

Ashton: since when did you need to get viruses from him?

Dimitri: Hey he has the best viruses I had to use some to stop any machines that do damage.

Ashton: Look I'll let it slide. But make sure you don't let Gladys loose.

Dimitri: I won't.

We then saw them head to earth as they headed to the mall and then saw Hex in the store as you saw he had his yellow lantern ring and a machine as well as he saw you all.

Dimitri: Wait but how do you have your ring? We took it from you.

Hex: I thought you all would take my ring so I made a copy of my ring before coming to that planet you were in.

Dimitri: Well we're gonna put that machine of yours down.

Hex: I thought you would say that so I got a special toy just for you.

He pressed a button as then a giant robot was seen as a glowing yellow orb was seen on it.

The red lights are yellow.

Dimitri: Let's try to take out this tin can

We see them running to it as the robot slammed its fist to the ground as it sent them back as Dimitri got up and fired blue blasts at it as the other went at it as the robot swatted them away as it fired at Dimitri as he was sent flying as he fired at it and it hit the orb as a part of the robots head lit up.

Dimitri: Guys did everyone see what I think I saw?

Kara: Us getting our butts kicked?

Dimitri: Besides that, something on that robot's head just lit up like a Christmas tree.

Ashton: Hey Hex!

We then see Ashton coming at hex as hex then made a shield construct and pushed him back as Dimitri looked at Ashton.

Dimitri: Hey ash what did hex do when he had you and Esdeath prisoners?

Ashton: You don't want to know now as for you Hex. Get away from me godson!

Dimitri: Ashton did you remember hex talking about something cause the robot had something on it lit up when I hit it.

Ashton: Lit up? *gasps* The energy bank!

Jessica: Energy bank

Ashton: When Hex took me and Esdeath prisoners he analyzed our abilities to store energy and created a version of his own. That bank stores yellow energy.

Dimitri: It must be how it powers the robot.

Kara then looked at the robot.

Kara: I don't see anything lighting up and that robot.

Dimitri: It lit up when I hit the yellow energy coming from its chest. So hit the chest, expose energy, destroy the bank.

Elliotte: I Like the sound of your video game logic.

Dimitri: but we still need to get that virus plugged into that machine.

We then see them charge at the robot as Dimitri came at the robot as he dodged a blast and they all came at it as Kara punched the robot as Elliotte came at the robot and pulled out two pistols and fired at the robot as Andruw charged at it and slashed off its arm as Dimitri got his sword and threw it at the chest as it stabbed the energy core as the robot began to spark as a orb came out from it.

Dimitri: Everette, Grayson, now!

They all fired at the orb as then began to break as the robot then shut down and fell. With Ashton we see him coming at Hex as he tried to hit Hex as he kept dodging his punches as he then fired at Ashton.

Hex: Pathetic.

Ashton got up and kept throwing punches at him as he then got tired as Hex then punched him to the ground.

Hex: It's futile, you can't defeat a yellow lantern.

Ashton: *panting* I didn't need... to defeat you.... I just needed to distract you... Dimitri now!

Hex then looked to see Dimitri was at the machine.

Dimitri: Hey.

Ashton: Surprise!

He then opened the case he had released the virus into the machine as the virus made the machine spark up as it then shut down at the town we see the lights on the necklaces shut off as everyone got back to their senses.

Dimitri: Your plan was over before it began.

Hex: You got lucky, but you won't be able to keep yourself safe forever.

We then saw him make a bright yellow light as everyone covered their eyes as Dimitri looked to see he was now gone.

Dimitri: he's gone. But we'll be ready next time.

We then see everyone at Dimitri's house as Dimitri comes in.

Dimitri: I just sent the virus back to Double Dan. Well now that machine is done everyone is back to their old selves again.

Ashton: Yeah and sorry me and Esdeath almost tried to hurt you.

Dimitri: It's cool, so I'm guessing me and my brothers are still grounded?

Ashton: Well Esdeath and I talked about that and I decided to give you your powers back and give you a little something extra *pulls out a suitcase* Inside this case is a variety of morphers like the one on my wrist you may choose one of them.

Dimitri: WOW that's amazing.

Elliotte: But for giving our stuff back, what changed your mind?

Ashton: What you boys did back there, you saved the world!

Dimitri: Thanks, we help people. It's what we do.

We then see Dimitri look through the case as he saw a wrist morpher like Ashton's but it had a blue triceratops head on it. Elliotte grabbed a morpher shaped like a wolf's head, Andruw found a pair of red sunglasses, and Grayson pulled out a golden staff like morpher

Dimitri: These will definitely help us in our fights.

Grayson: Yeah they will.

Ashton: And you three make sure you take care of your girls since they are pregnant.

Elliotte: We will.

Dimitri: Well when you were gone Jess was thinking that me and her could get married since she told me that we're already parents.

Ashton: Wait until summer break ok?

Dimitri: Seems fair enough.

Ashton: Since it's the weekend tomorrow I'll teach you guys to use those morphers how does that sound?

Dimitri: Hmm deal.

And that's where this chapter shall end. Hope you guys enjoyed it and we'll see ya next time.

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