Prank war and the birth of Azure

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At the house we see Grayson come in as a bucket of water was dropped on his head.

Grayson: What the?!

Dimitri: Gotcha!

Grayson: What the heck man!

Dimitri: Dude calm down it was only a prank.

Grayson: Well then put it there pal.

He held up his hand as he then shook it only to get electrocuted as Dimitri saw Grayson holding a joy buzzer.

Grayson: Gotcha.

Dimitri: Well played little brother.

We later see Dimitri reading a paper as Everette came to him.

Everette: Hey Bro.

Dimitri: Hey.

Everette: Why don't you try on these lovely new shoes. *holds up a pair of shoes*

Dimitri: *looks at Everette* This is a prank isn't it?

Everette: What? Prank? No why would you say that I- hmph Sheesh.

We then see him at the shoe store.

Everette: I would like to return these shoes please.

Store clerk: Unfortunately sir you seem to have filled them with baked beans.

Everette: I did not.

Store Clerk: Well I'm sure you wouldn't mind putting them on and taking a walk to prove it, huh?

Everette: I'm sure I would mind either.

He then put the shoes as he then began to shudder.

Everette: On second thought I think I'll keep them. I happened to have grown quite attached to them.

He then walked off as baked berms were seen coming out of the shoes.

We then see Dimitri on a Hammock sleeping as Elliotte saw him.

Elliotte: Bro you are too easy.

He then came to him and must shaving cream on his hand and stickler his nose as he then moved his hand to his face and hit his face with the cream as Elliotte came to him.

Elliotte: You must be a pirate Dimitri cause you just walked the prank. *gasps*

He saw that it was only a dummy.

Elliotte: It's a trap!

He then began to runaway as we see Dimitri on a tree as he began to chew gum and then spat it at Elliotte as he was running and then got hit. We then see him come inside as he had gum in his hair as the others saw it.

Elliotte: Not. One. Word.

We then Andruw as he had a big water balloon and holding it above his head.

Andruw: Come out wherever you are brother, I am the prank master.

Dimitri: Nope.

Andruw then turned to see Dimitri as a sewing needle construct was at the balloon and piped it soaking Andruw in it as Dimitri smirked at that.

Dimitri: Your gonna have to do better than that.

Andruw: Well played.

We then see Elliotte as he was making a burger and had a drink as a bottle of ketchup was near it as a blue hand then grabbed it and put hot sauce with a ketchup label on it as some hot sauce was poured in the drink as well as it left as Elliotte then turned and put the hot sauce on the burger thinking it was ketchup as he put the bun on the burger and at it as he then felt the hot sauce burning his mouth.


He then grabbed his drink and started drinking it as he then sighed in relief but then screamed again as he ran trying to find a drink as Dimitri watched him as he was outing his head in the sink trying to make the pain stop as Dimitri laughed at that. At night we see the Dimitro and Jessica going through some paperwork.

Jessica: Dimitri I think you and your brothers need to stop prancing each other.

Dimitri: Why?

Jessica: I think it's going to get out of hand and sooner or later the others are gonna get involved in it.

Dimitri: Ok tomorrow I'll talk to them and see if we can stop.

Jessica: Thanks honey. *kisses his cheek* let's try to finish up these papers

As the night past, the morning came as we we see Dimitri and Jessica at a table asleep with many papers on the table as the others came and saw them.

Kara: Dude, those two were up all night doing paperwork.

Karen: *checks their pulse* They're out cold.

Then Kara began to smile as we then saw the others have Dimitri and Jessica on a raft as they were on it and still sleeping as they then put it in the river.

Kara: I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they wake up.

They all then began to laugh as they watched the two float down the river as they then saw they were still sleeping.

Elliotte: Guys I don't think they're waking up.

Zee: Kara, where does this river go to?

Kara: *Smiles nervously* Uh... I think it goes out to sea.

Then they watched the sleeping couple float off to sea.

Babs: Do you think they'll be mad guys?

Kara: I'm sure they'll understand that it's a small... harmless... prank.

Meanwhile with Dimitri and Jessica we see Dimitri open his eyes to see that they are on a beach as he looked to see that they were both now on an island.

Dimitri: Um how did we end up on an island?

Jessica: *still sleeping* Can you keep it down honey? I'm trying to sleep

Dimitri: Jess, wake up.

Jessica then opened her eyes and looked to see the island they were on

Jessica: How did we end up here?

Dimitri: *sees pieces of a raft* I think somebody must have put us on a raft and sent us to sea while we were sleeping.

Jessica: But who could've done this.

Dimitri: No idea but we should find a way back

Then a flash card was seen

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We then see the their house we see Dimitri and Jess at the door as they saw it open and saw Sarah.

Sarah: Mom, Dad, your back.

Dimitri: Yup and Sarah tell me you weren't part of what happened.

Sarah: Wait what are you talking about?

Jessica: We mean like how we were sent off to sea on a raft.

Sarah: Oh, well I wasn't part of it that's for sure.

Jessica: Good but if we find out it was you, you will be grounded Missy.

Sarah: Okay, though I don't know why aunt Kara did that.

Dimitri and Jessica: Kara did it?

Kara then comes to the house and then sees the two with an angry look on their faces.

Kara: Oh... hey guys.

Jessica: Kara Zor-El Danvers you've got a lot of explaining to do

Dimitri: Why did you put us on a raft and send us out to sea?

Kara: I never meant for that to happen, it was supposed to be a harmless prank.

Jessica: It didn't seem harmless to us.

Kara: Look I'm sorry, ok, I didn't mean it.

Jessica: You're lucky the both of us are pregnant, otherwise I would have you on that raft and float off to sea.

Dimitri: Kara you could have gotten us killed or worse doing that.

Kara: Oh I uh didn't think that prank through too well, when you put it that way it's obvious it was a bad idea.

Jessica: It's ok we'll forgive you, but if you pull a prank like that again, then I'll put you on that raft.

Kara: Ok, I won't. *realizes* Wait you guys have your rings right, so why didn't you both just fly back here.

Jessica: We didn't know how far Metropolis was and we didn't want to risk using up any energy our rings had. And plus *points to her belly* We didn't want to risk having our baby get hurt.

Kara: Oh, good point. so Jess when do you think you'll be due?

Jessica: I'm not so sure these things take time maybe weeks or months. And I sorta lost track on how long I've been pregnant.

Sarah: Hey mommy what's that water on the floor.

She looked down to see clear fluid on the floor as Jessica's eyes widened.

Jessica: Or now.

We then see Jessica and the others in the hospital as Jessica was with Dimitri holding his hand as he looked at her while Sarah was with the others outside the room.

Dimitri: I say we've been through all the months for the baby to grow and be born.

Jessica: Yeah, guess Sarah is gonna be a big sister. *Feels a contraction* Ooh! What's taking them so long?

Dimitri: Let's be patient Jess, we did just get here after all.

He then felt his shirt being grabbed and was brought to Jess as he saw Jess had an angry look on her face.

Jessica: I will make you pay for getting me pregnant!

Dimitri: What did I do? *sees Jess giving a "Really?" look and realizes* oh yeah.

Jessica: When this is over you will be in for it.

Dimitri: Just calm down sweetie.

Jessica then looked at him and then began to calm down as she let go of his shirt as the nurse came in the room.

Jessica: Finally.

Dimitri: And we'll get to see the new member of the family.

We then see Jessica as she was pushing as she was screaming as she held Dimitri's hand almost crushing it as she gave one last push and screamed she then heard a baby crying as they both looked to see the nurse was holding a baby in her hands.

Nurse: Jessica you gave birth to a baby boy.

They looked to see the baby getting cleaned off and wrapped in a blue blanket as it was brought to them as they saw he had brown hair and they saw the baby's skin was the same color as his mom and he had his dad's eyes

Jessica: Sweetie, he looks like you.

Dimitri: And he has your skin color.

Jessica: He does. *looks at Dimitri* Honey about what I said earlier.

Dimitri: Don't worry I get it that was just from the contractions and being pregnant.

Jessica: Yeah, I didn't mean any of that stuff. *looks at her son* Hi sweetie, I'm your mommy. *Shows Dimitri* And that's your daddy.

We then see the others come in the room as Sarah comes to them.

Jessica: Sarah, you want to see your baby brother?

Sarah: Sure please

Sarah then looked to see Jessica holding her new brother as he was sleeping as she saw him.

Sarah: Wow, he's so... small.

Jessica: You were like that when you were a baby.

Babs: So what's his name?

Dimitri: Jessica and I were thinking.

Jessica: And we have the perfect name for him.

Sarah: What's my brother's name?

Jessica: It was an idea from your dad. Azure.

Sarah: Azure?

Jessica: That's right, your brother looks just like your dad and azure means blue.

Sarah: Oh.

Then Azure opened his eyes as he saw Sarah as she looked at him.

Sarah: Hi Azure, I'm your big sister.

Azure then smiled as he saw his sister and made baby noises as Jess saw it.

Sarah: What's he saying?

Jessica: It means he likes you.

Then the baby sneezes and gets snot on Sarah.

Sarah: Ew, what does that mean?

Jessica: It means he just had a sneeze, but you shouldn't get mad at him.

Sarah: I know but did he really have to use me as a tissue.

Jessica: Sarah, Azure is only a baby, he didn't mean to sneeze on you.

Sarah: *Wipes her face off* Ok.

Karen: That's right Azure just needs to learn is all.

Jessica: Yeah he's just trying to know his surroundings and know you all.

Sarah: But I'm not new, you and dad know me.

Jessica: True but you're new to Azure.

Sarah: Ok, mom I'll be a good sister to Azure.

Dimitri: You will.

After a few days in the hospital we see the two and the children on their way home along with Karen and Kara with Karen carrying azure.

Karen: *sees Azure* Hi Azure, I'm your auntie Karen.

Azure then saw Karen's hair as he grabbed it and pulled it.

Karen: Ow! Um Azure that's my hair.

Azure just looked at Karen as he still had her hair in his hand.

Karen: You need to let go of it.

Azure: *Coos and babbles*

He then let go of Karen's hair as he looked at the others and then reached out to Jessica.

Karen: Oh Jess, I think he wants to see you.

Jessica: Let me see him. *Karen then handed her Azure* Hi sweetie.

Azure: *babbles and coos*

Jessica: Oh you want something? What do you want?

Azure: *Reaches out to Jessica's chest*

Karen: I think Azure's hungry.

Jessica: *holds Azure to her face* Is that true? Is my baby hungry?

Kara: He sure is and he looks eager for milk.

Jessica: Not to worry Azure, momma's gonna feed you.

Jessica then sat down and she started to feed Azure as we see Azure is latched onto Jessica's chest and was being fed

Jessica: *Sees Azure* That's it sweetie. In a few minutes we'll be done.

After a few minutes we see Azure let go as Jessica wipes his mouth.

Jessica: Better?

She then placed him on her shoulder and pat his back as azure then burped.

Jessica: All done.

We then see them head home as Azure looked around the house and looked a bit shy.

Jessica: It's ok sweetie. This is our home.

Dimitri: Yeah.

We then see them head to a room as Azure saw the door looked like it was meant for him.

Jessica: This is your room sweetie

Dimitri: That's right it's where you will be staying. *sees his brothers* Hey guys about the pranks, truce?

Andruw: Truce.

Dimitri: Yeah we can put that behind us.

We then see them looking at Azure as they all smiled at him:

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