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In a town we see a boy was walking with two young girls

(This is piper)

(This is rowan)

as he was wearing a blue ring in his finger as he then shed a few tears as he and his sisters then stopped and laid by a tree as the boy looked at the blue ring.

Boy: I miss you mom, I'll do whatever I can to uphold your legacy as a blue lantern. *Brings the ring close to his chest*

???: Dimitri?

Then the boy turned to see a young man as he saw him.

Dimitri: Yeah, that's me. And you are?

Ashton: I'm Ashton, I knew your dad in college. I was his best friend.

Dimitri: Oh and why are you here?

Ashton: I'm here because your dad told me to take care of you and your sisters if anything happened to him and your mom. I guess you can call me your godfather.

Then dimitri began to cry as he looked at the ring he was wearing.

Dimitri: I guess so. My mom gave me the ring cause she said that it chose me. *Looks at Ashton* So where are we gonna go?

Ashton: You're in luck kiddo. We're going to my mansion.

Dimitri: Oh, that's cool.

Then Dimitri and his sisters followed Ashton as we later see them in his mansion as Dimitri looked at his ring as he remembered what his mother wanted him to do.

Heather's voice: You must say the oath of the blue Lanterns.

Ashton: What ya thinking of.

Dimitri: What my mom told me. Say the oath of the blue Lanterns.

Ashton: Do you remember it?

Dimitri: My mom told me it before so yeah I remember.

Ashton: So go ahead say the oath.

Dimitri: Ok *inhales and exhales* In fearful day, in Raging night, with strong Hearts full our souls ignite, when all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars for Hope burns bright.

Then the ring began to glow as Dimitri was engulfed in a blue light as it died down to show that he was now wearing a blue and black suit with the symbol of the blue lantern corp as he had on a mask as his eyes were once brown but now blue as his hair had blue streaks in them.

Dimitri: Woah.

Ashton: Dimitri, you're now a blue Lantern just like your mother.

Dimitri: *looks at the ring* Mom would be proud to see me as this.

Ashton: She sure would.

Dimitri: But what about Hex? If he finds out I'm alive he'll be after me.

Ashton: Then we need to go somewhere that he can't find you.

Dimitri: But where?

Ashton: A place called Metropolis, he'll never think to look for you there. We'll leave tomorrow, right now you need some rest.

Dimitri: Ok, but I might need some time alone right now.

Ashton: Ok, just let me know when you're ok.

Dimitri: Ok.

???: Ashton, where are you!?

Dimitri: Who is that?

We then see an absolutely beautiful woman standing at a tall 6'3" with extremely long blue hair

Ashton: Ready to meet your godmother kid?

Dimitri: Godmother?

Ashton: Dimitri Meet Esdeath.

Esdeath: Ashton, why are three kids in the house?

Ashton: Their family were all killed in a fire.

Esdeath: Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! *hugs Dimitri tightly*

Dimitri: It's ok, well my mom gave me her ring *shows her his ring*

Esdeath: My word! What a beautiful ring!

Dimitri: She told me that I'm now a member of the blue lantern corps.

Esdeath: That's like the green lanterns I've heard about right?

Ashton: Exactly! But that ring works a little differently than the green ones.

Dimitri: Exactly, my ring let's me turn invisible, heal wounds, phase through objects and regenerate limbs.

Esdeath: Amazing! I can control ice in all its forms, and Ashton can control fire, water, earth, air, lightning, metal, and wood.

Dimitri: Oh that's awesome.

Ashton: No kidding.

Dimitri: But what if I'm not a good lantern?

Ashton: Hey I remember when your mother got her ring. She said the same thing you did and she turned into one of the greatest heroes ever. You will be a hero too, you are her son after all. Now let's go get some lunch.

Dimitri: Ok.

Then they were at the kitchen having lunch as Dimitri looked at his ring and began to think as he then created a construct of a bird as it was on his hand.

Esdeath: That's amazing.

Dimitri: Yeah I was amazed at that too, my mom told me my ring can make anything that I can think of and it's limit is my imagination.

Ashton: Well it is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe for a reason but if it's in the wrong hands it can be very dangerous. *And I hope you're proud of your son Heather*

Dimitri: But what do I do if that guy finds me?

Ashton: Then you can't let him get your ring no matter what and you call either of us and we'll be there.

Dimitri: Ok.

Then as night came we see Dimitri looking at the window and at the many stars out in the sky as Ashton and Esdeath came and saw him.

Ashton: You miss her don't you dimitri?

Dimitri: I do, very much.

Ashton: Well one thing you should know is that she always loved you.

Dimitri then smiled as he then walked off to the bed and went to sleep.

Dimitri: *in his head* Mom, I promise I'll make you proud.

Then as the next day came we see Dimitri looking at the window as Esdeath walked up to him

Esdeath: Dimitri? Breakfast is ready. We don't want you to be late for your first day at school.

Dimitri: Ok.

Then as Dimitri Had breakfast he then walked to school as he then noticed a man in a suit talking to someone while holding a photo of Dimitri as he then noticed and put his hood on and walked off to school.

Dimitri: *in his head* That was close but why was that guy looking for me?

as he began to think he realized what it was.

Dimitri: that bad man's men are looking for me.

After going through school we see Dimitri going to the house as he then closed the door and locked it as he went to Ashton and Esdeath.

Dimitri: Esdeath, Ashton, we need to go now.

Ashton: Why?

Dimitri: that man I told you about, he's looking for me, I saw his men with a picture of me.

Then he looked to see more of Hex's men at the front yard.

Dimitri: Oh no they're here.

Ashton: Dimitri take your sisters and go to the bus station. *Hands him bus tickets* Esdeath and I will hold them back, if we both don't come back it probably means we're dead.

Esdeath: Or we were taken or late. But let's not think about that, it's hero time!

Ashton: Go to the back. And that's my line!

Then we see Dimitri taking his sisters out the back as Esdeath and Ashton came out and faced the many men out there

Ashton: *with his hands on fire* Ok who are you people and why do you want my godson? Tell me or else you'll be barbequed.

Man: who we are isn't your concern, Hex ordered us to find this boy and bring him to hex alive.

Esdeath: Never! You're not taking him!

With dimitri walking he then saw an explosion from the mansion as he saw it and then began to walk with his sisters.

Dimitri: I have to keep going, I can't turn back. *Looks at the tickets as it shows it leads to Metropolis.* Metropolis, hopefully me and my sisters will be safe there.

Then they began to walk off as we go to an unknown base as a man in a trench coat was seen as one of his men was seen.

???: Did you get the boy?

Man: No, he and his sisters escaped because of the king of the elements and the ice queen.

???: Very well, see if you and the rest of my men can find the boy, and be sure he lives, we need him alive.

But one of the stupider goons asked a question

Goon: But boss why do we need him alive? Wouldn't it be easier just to kill him?

???: You moron, that boy possesses the most powerful weapon in the universe and if we kill him we will lose it forever! So shut up and get me that boy!

Goon: Yes sir.

Then all his men went out as the man looked at the photo of Dimitri with the ring on his finger.

Hex: You can run but you can't hide from me son of the lantern. Your ring will belong to Hex!

Then the screen faded to black as his eyes were seen glowing a bright red. As it then changed to show the symbol of the blue lantern corps.

Dun dun duuuuun! Well hope you guys liked this cause there will be more coming as you will see what will happen for Dimitri and his sisters as he will soon meet a green lantern and her friends. As he will discover some feelings for her.

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