To a new town

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 In Metropolis we see a boy with brown hair as Two little girls as one was younger than the other as they were walking to a bus.

Piper: Dimitri are you sure this is a good idea?

Dimitri: Yeah this is what mom and dad would've wanted. *Sad sigh* if they were still around.

Rowan: I miss mommy and daddy.

Dimitri: I know you do, but we'll find a new home and start a new life.

Piper: But you do need a job when we get there right?

Dimitri: I know, but if we want to have a home, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do. When we get to our new home I'll Have to start school.

Piper: But who's going to watch us while you're gone?

Dimitri: Don't worry, I'll Have a baby sitter to watch you two while I'm gone.

Rowan: But you will be back after school right big brother?

Dimitri: *ruffles rowan's hair* I will, and after what happened to our family, deep down I blame myself because I couldn't save them all.

Piper: But you saved me and Rowan.

Dimitri: Yeah and you two are the only family I have left.

Then they got on the bus as it drove off.

Dimitri: New life here we come.

The next day we see Dimitri was on the phone as he was making eggs and bacon for his sister.

Dimitri: Hello? I'm just wondering if you could watch two girls I have for a little bit? *hears the person talking* Daughters? No, they're my little sisters. I just need to make sure they have someone to look after them while I'm gone. *hears the person talking* Thank you, bye. *hangs up the phone* good news, I found someone that will look after you two while I'm at school.

Piper: Oh that's good to hear.

Dimitri: *looks at the clock* Oh man, I'm gonna be late for my first day. I'm gonna head out the sitter will be here in a little while, you two be on your best behavior okay?

Piper and Rowan: we will.

Dimitri: Good I'll see you after school.

Then he left as he ran to school as dimitri was running as fast as he could to school when arriving to metropolis Dimitri managed to find a good house to buy for him and his sisters as he then arrived at the school as he looked at It.

Dimitri: Well let's hope Metropolis will be a good place for my sisters. 

Then he noticed a newspaper that had a photo of him on it.

Dimitri: I can't let them see that. *takes the newspaper and rips it up and throws it in the garbage can*  I want to have a new life and I'll do whatever it takes to have it.

He walked inside the school as he saw many students and noticed a girl with a green beanie and dress and had a ring on her finger.

Dimitri: *blushes* Keep it cool, keep it cool.*walks to the girl* Uh Hi. I'm Dimitri nice to meet you uh..

???(Jessica): Jessica.

DImitri: Nice to meet you.

Jessica: It's nice to meet you too, I take it your new here?

Dimitri: Yeah, I just moved here with two little ones Piper and Rowan.

Jessica: Are they your daughters?

Dimitri: Sisters actually my parents are well…

Jessica: Oh I'm so sorry for your loss.

Dimitri: It's ok, I thought that moving here would give my sisters a better life.

Jessica: Well I'm sure your parents Would be proud of you.

Dimitri: Thanks *Sees Jessica's green lantern ring on her finger* nice ring.

Jessica: Uh thanks. *Sees his blue lantern ring* And you have a nice ring too.

Dimitri: It was a gift from my mother before she and my dad well you know…

Jessica: Well at least you have something to remember them.

Dimitri: Thanks, I'll Be at class.  

Jessica: Okay see ya.

Dimitri: Later.

Then he walked off to his class but his face was blushing a deep red.

Dimitri: Am i falling for her? I just met her. 

Later we see him in the cafeteria. He was sitting by himself at a table with no one else with him.

Dimitri: I hope my sisters are behaving.

He looked to see Jessica as she was braiding a girl's hair as he then smiled at her.

Dimitri: To be honest, she does look cute.

Then he looked around to see that there were other girls around as he looked at Jess and noticed his ring was giving a slight glow like it was being powered up.

Jessica: *notices her ring giving out a slight glow* No not here, not now. *covers her ring*

Dimitri: *walks up to Jessica* hey Jess can i talk to you alone please?

Jessica: Um sure i guess.

Then they both walked out of the cafeteria as Jessica uncovered her ring finger showing her ring was glowing.

Dimitri: Your ring it's glowing like mine *shows out his ring*

Jessica: But I don't understand why mine is glowing? More than usual. 

Dimitri: I wonder *brings his ring closer to her ring as they both glowed bright* I think it's because of my ring.

Jessica: Your ring? But how can it be causing my ring to glow more.

Dimitri: I take it that you're part of a lantern corps are you?

Jessica: Yeah and I'm guessing you are too right?

Dimitri: Yeah, A blue lantern. This ring belonged to my mother when she was about to pass away she told me her ring was powered by hope. And when she did pass away her ring chose me. 

Jessica: Oh, I'm sure your mother was a great hero.

Dimitri: Yeah she was. But I don't understand how your ring is glowing so much.

???(Kilowog): I can explain that.

You turned to see an alien dressed as a green lantern.

Dimitri: Jess you know this guy?

Jessica: Yeah, He's my trainer.

Kilowog: Yes and for the ring glowing it's because blue lanterns can power a green lantern's ring twice it's normal power.

Jessica: Blue lanterns?

Kilowog: Yes, their rings are powered by hope, and how Is It that you have a blue lantern ring?

Dimitri: It was my mother's ring, it chose me when she passed away along with my father.

Kilowog: Oh geez I uh I'm sorry for your loss kid.I

Dimitri: It's ok I still have my sisters Piper and Rowan, their the only family I have left.

Kilowog: Sisters?

Jessica: Dimitri please tell me you didn't leave your sisters alone in your home.

Dimitri: Of course not, I have a sitter there watching them.

Jessica: Oh thank goodness.

Dimitri: So are there other lanterns out there? 

Jessica: Well there's Hal. He's a green lantern like me.

Dimitri: Oh, well i was wondering if you would like to come over to my house to meet my sisters.

Jessica: That'd be nice.

Dimitri: Thanks jess I'll be heading back to the cafeteria.

Then he went back to the cafeteria as Jessica smiled at him.

Jessica: He seems nice.

Kilowog: He does show interest to you Cruz.

Jessica: I guess he does.

After school we see Dimitri at his House as he was preparing some lunch.

Piper: How was school today?

Dimitri: It was good, I even met a girl named Jessica.

Rowan and Piper: Is she your girlfriend?

Dimitri: *blushes* No, She's not, I just met her.

Rowan and Piper: Are you sure she's not your girlfriend?

Dimitri: *blushes* yes maybe I don't know anymore. Anyway, were you two good for the sitter?

Piper: Yes, we were good.

Rowan: What is Jessica like?

Dimitri: She's a nice person and she even has a ring similar to mine.

Rowan: OH so she's a superhero like you Dimitri, the knight of the wind.

Dimitri: Yeah, I invited her over so you could get to meet her. *knocking was heard.* oh it must be her.

He went to the door and saw Jess as five other girls were with her too.

Dimitri: Hey Jess, who are your friends?

Jessica: Dimitri this is Babs, Kara, Zee, Karen, And Diana I thought they could also get to meet Piper and Rowan.

Kara: Well Jess told us that you have a ring like her's.

Dimitri: Yeah I'm a blue lantern and I take it you girls are supers too?

Babs: Yeah, we're superheroes. 

Dimitri: Cool, well this is Piper and Rowan. My little sisters.

Rowan: So you girls are superheroes like my brother The knight of the wind.

Kara: The knight of the what?

Dimitri: It's what they call me.

Rowan: Dimitri are you really Sure Jessica is not your girlfriend?

Dimitri: *blushes* Yes I'm really sure, I told you I just met her.

Zee: Soo are your Parents here?

Dimitri: No their In... A better place.

Zee: Oh I'm sorry about your loss.

Dimitri: It's okay.

Jessica: So what is it that you do at home.

Dimitri: Well I cook, make sure my sisters don't cause too much of a mess and try to provide them the things they need.

Zee: Sounds like you're a very responsible brother.

Dimitri: Yeah it's a tough job but somebody has to do it.

Babs: So what do you two do while your brother is gone?

Piper: We have a sitter to watch us.

Rowan: And we play with our toys and watch some TV.

Dimitri: Well I'm glad to see that you're both having fun.

???(Carol) off screen: JESSICA CRUZ! You can't take Hal from me!

Then you looked out from a window to see a girl in a pink princess outfit and a ring on her finger.

Dimitri: Uh why is there a floating princess outside?

Jessica: That's Carol, she thinks I'm dating Hal.

Dimitri: So she has beef with you? 

Jessica: Pretty much.

Dimitri: And take it she's a lantern too right?

Jessica: Yeah she's a violet lantern. You know how your ring uses hope and my ring uses willpower? Her's uses love.

Dimitri: Ok, can we at least tell Her that you and Hal are not together.

Jessica: You can give it a try.

Then Dimitri walked out and saw Carol.

Dimitri: Hey excuse me, can you please come down so we can talk? I think you have gone through a bit of confusion with Jess and Hal.

Then Carol Looked at Dimitri and Jessica.

Carol: Confusion?

Dimitri: Yeah, I think you should know that Jessica and Hal are not together. I mean didn't you ever ask Jess if she was dating Hal or not?

Carol:  I haven't.

Dimitri: And when you didn't ask if Jess was with Hal or not you ended up making an assumption that she was wIth Hal.

Carol: Oh, I guess I haven't actually thought of that.

Jessica: Dimitri is right, just because me and hal are green lanterns doesn't mean we're together. 

Dimitri: I mean there's gotta be other green lanterns out there right?

Jessica: Probably.

Dimitri: And i would be glad if you would please not destroy my home, I'm trying to make sure my sisters are okay and I'm the only one who's there to take care of them after my parents…

Carol: *floats to the ground* Oh, sorry I didn't know about your parents.

Dimitri: Yeah and I think it's time I told you girls how it happened. 


We see Dimitri with his family As there was A strange man wearing A black trench coat.

Dimitri: *narrating* When my family was still alive a man in a trench coat came to my home and Told us that he alone can protect our country and he alone can keep us safe if we chose to follow him.

Then we see your parents laughing at him as we cut to The girls as they were laughing.

Kara: Seriously? That is pretty dumb.

Dimitri: Yeah, I laughed at him too.

Then the flashback cut to The man walking away.

Dimitri: *narrating* Then the man left in anger saying "See how well you do without me!"

Then we see fires were made as The house they were in was set on fire.

flashback end.

Dimitri: The house was set on fire burning it to the ground, my sisters and I were the only ones that got out alive.

Then we see the girls with shocked looks on their faces.

Babs: So you left your parents there alone?

Dimitri: No we didn't they wanted us to go to stay safe.

Rowan: It's true mommy and daddy said to go somewhere safe.

Piper: Yeah we're telling the truth.

Babs: Hmm lasso of truth!

Babs then grabs Diana's lasso of truth and lassos Dimitri and his sisters as the rope glows.

Dimitri: Our parents wanted us to be safe.

Kara: But why leave them behind?

Dimitri: I didn't want to, I tried to save them. But I was too late to save them. If I ever find the guy that did this to my parents I'll get revenge on him. But my mother told me I can be a better person, and my hope was stronger than anything.

Jessica: So that's why your mom's ring chose you, because of your hope.

Dimitri: Yeah, and this ring is what i have left to remember them.

Jessica: *gets the lasso off of Dimitri and His sisters* Dimitri, I know you want to make that man pay for what he did but I don't think that's what your parents would want.

Dimitri: I know, but that incident taught me the hardest thing in life. I can't always save everyone

Then Dimitri felt something wrapped around his back to see that Jess was hugging him.

Jessica: Dimitri I know it's hard to forget what happened that day but you bave to keep your promise to look after your sisters.

Dimitri then smiled as he then hugged Jessica back as he found someone that cared for him.

Dimitri: Thank you Jessica.

Jessica: Anytime.

Dimitri: Well I'm glad that I made friends like you.

Diana: Then Dimitri what will you be known as?

Then Dimitri made his hero outfit as he had on a black and blue suit and had on a blue mask as his hair had blue streaks in it.

Dimitri: Blue Lantern, it sorta comes with the ring.

Babs: Your outfit is AmazIng it almost looks like Jessica's outfit.

Kara: So you're like Jess but blue?

Dimitri: Yeah but with some other abilities like can turn invisible, phase through solid objects, and regenerate lost limbs. And I can also power Jessica's ring twice it's charging rate. and I can also Make a bunch of stuff with my ring.

Then Dimitri created a ball and chain

Babs: Oh do a pogo stick.

Then Dimitri made a pogo stick

Babs: a burrito.

Dimitri then made a construct of a burrito.

Babs: A muncho mega Burrito with the works.

Jessica: Babs, let's not go crazy like last time.

Babs: Sorry.

Dimitri: It's cool. So what can you girls do?

Babs: Oh I have a bunch of gadgets and great detective skills.

Dimitri: Oh like Batman, you know I got a feeling you should be his sidekick than Robin he doesn't even fit the theme.

Babs: I know right.

Dimitri: Yeah. So Kara what can you do?

Kara: Well I can fly, super strong, Have heat and X-Ray vision and super breath.

Dimitri: So like Superman?

Kara: Yeah he's my cousin.

Dimitri: Well that must be pretty cool to be related to someone famous right?

Kara: Except when nobody even notices me as supergirl and calls supergirl a retread.

Dimitri: Retread?

Kara: Superman is the retread, back at krypton I was twelve when aunt Jara and uncle Jor-El had him. I used to babysit him. I could have been on earth first but no I ended up stuck in space stasis while he was on earth becoming a *air quotes* Man.

Dimitri: Well I'm sure people will notice you super girl.

Kara: You Think so?

Dimitri: Yeah and you don't have to do big things to be noticed just the right things. So Karen what can you do?

Karen: I was working on a growth tech so i can be big and people would see me but it backfired making me small.

Dimitri: Well size isn't everything Karen, even little guys can Do big things. Have you ever seen how construction sites were being held? The bolts were able To keep it together. The point is you can save the day big or small.

Karen: Thanks.

Dimitri: Your welcome. So Zee do you have anything good?

Zee: I do magic, I've been doing magic with my dad when I was little.

Dimitri: Oh wait you mean like real magic? 

Zee: Yeah, I do real magic.

Dimitri: Huh I thought it was all fake and stuff. Oh uh no offense.

Zee: None taken.

Dimitri: So are there any spells you know?

Zee: I learned every spell from a book my father has. So what was your mom like as a blue lantern?

Dimitri: My mom used to help people and told me that one day I will be like her, A hero. So I take it Diana is super athletic since she's the leader right?

Diana: Indeed, I am princess of the amazons, I alone survived the twenty one tests of Athena and Aphrodite.

Dimitri: Ok, well it's nice that I got to know you all and i think you all would Be great friends for my sisters

Piper: Especially Jessica even though she's the girl our brother likes.

Dimitri: I told you I just met her.

Rowan: Are you really sure she's not your girlfriend?

Dimitri: I'm really, really sure.

Babs: We'll see you tomorrow.

Then they all left as Dimitri sighed as he sat on the couch as his sisters were next to him.

Dimitri: Well I guess we have new friends.

Rowan: And a new girlfriend for you big brother.

Dimitri: She is not my girlfriend. Well not yet anyways, heck I'm not sure she even loves me.

Piper: Well ask her out then.

Dimitri: I don't know

Rowan: Come on big brother, ask her out if you like her.

Dimitri: Maybe but what if she says no?

Piper: There are other pretty girls out there.

Dimitri: True, but i don't think any would compare with Jess.

Rowan: So are you gonna ask her out?

Dimitri: Yeah I will and besides I can't be the only one to take care of you two.

Rowan: So would Jess be like our mommy?

Dimitri: Sort of, just think of her as a big sister you two never had.

Piper: Oh so Jess will help look after us?

Dimitri: Yes.

Rowan: But are you thinking of wanting to marry Jess in the future?

Dimitri: Maybe but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Piper: Sorry.

Dimitri: It's cool.

Rowan: So what are you gonna do tomorrow?

Dimitri: Well I'm gonna start with asking Jessica if she would like to go out with me this weekend.

Rowan: That's the spirit big bro.

Dimitri: Yeah plus i might need some extra help for the date it's been awhile.

Piper: Maybe I can help you.

Dimitri: That would be nice.

Rowan: Plus you and Jess would look cute together.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Piper: And maybe someday you and Jess would have your own little family.

Rowan: Yeah and that would also make me and Piper aunts.

Dimitri: And I think you two would make great aunts.

Piper: You think so?

Dimitri: I know so. *Looks at the clock* you two should head to bed, it's getting late. 

Rowan: Ok.

Then we see Dimitri tucking the two in their beds as he leaves the room and heads to his room.

Dimitri: Mom, Dad, I know you two are gone but I want you both to know that Piper and Rowan are doing fine and I'm doing my very best at taking good care of them.

Then the camera faded to black as his ring was seen glowing and Dimitri's voice could be heard.

Dimitri: And I'll get revenge on the guy who destroyed you two.

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