The birth of a purple jaguar magician

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At Andruw's house we see Dimitri and Jessica there as they saw Zee as she was about due any day.

Andruw: I'm glad that you two will come with us to the hospital tomorrow.

Dimitri: Of course we are happy to come with you.

Jessica: And it will be nice to see our new nephew or niece.

Dimitri: It sure will, bro quick question what has Zee been like during the pregnancy.

Andruw: Well she always picked weird food combos, cries over one sad thing and then gets angry over the smallest things.

Jessica: Like what?

Andruw: Like when something of her's is moved out of place. Or if someone assumed she was gaining weight.

Zee: I told that guy I wasn't fat.

Dimitri: Well we'll be able to come to the hospital since it is a weekend after all.

Andruw: Thanks.

Jessica: Anytime, so what kind of weird food combos has she eaten?

Andruw: Well...


We see Zee at the table as she had French fries on the table as she was putting ranch dressing on them along with chocolate sauce as Andruw looked at her.

Andruw: You ok Zee?

Zee: Just hungry is all.

Andruw: You're putting ranch dressing and chocolate sauce on French fries.

Zee: Yeah and what's wrong with that?

Andruw: People don't put those on fries.

Zee: You know I'm having cravings right now.

Andruw: Fair enough.

Flashback end.

Dimitri: Ok ranch dressing and chocolate covered fries, that is weird.

Andruw: Tell me about it. I'll see you both tomorrow.

Dimitri: Ok.

At Dimitri's house as it was now night time we see Dimitri and Jessica coming to bed as Jessica was looking very tired

Dimitri: You ok Jess?

Jessica: Just tired that's all.

Dimitri: Ok. We'll sleep together.

Jessica: That will be nice.

We then see the two head to bed as they both were together as they both drifted to sleep.  The morning came as they both got up and get dressed.

Jessica: Well let's hurry and meet up with Andruw and Zee at the hospital.

Dimitri: Got it.

The two were seen dressed and got Sarah and Azure to the car as they headed to the hospital where they met up with Andruw and Zee.

Dimitri: We're here guys.

Jessica: Did we miss anything?

Andruw: Nope your both are just on time.

Dimitri: Phew that's a relief.

Jessica: Because last time we missed Karen and Elliotte's kids birth, I feel terrible.

Dimitri: Sweetie don't beat yourself up.

Jessica: I know but I'm glad we got to see Keaton and Karry.

Zee: *off screen* Andruw! You will pay for having me pregnant!!

Dimitri: I'm not gonna say it cause that'll just make her more angry.

Jessica: She's more angrier than me when I was in labor.

We see Dimitri and Jessica waiting outside with Sarah as they heard Zee screaming.

Sarah: Is auntie Zee okay?

Jessica: Oh yeah sweetie she's just fine she's just uh going number two.

Zee: *off screen* Andruw!!!

Sarah: She sounds mad.

Dimitri: We'll explain it when you and your brother when you two are older.

Sarah: Ok.

As we hear Zee screaming we then hear the sound of a baby crying as Andruw came out and saw the others.

Dimitri: So is the baby a boy or a girl?

Andruw: Take a look.

They both came in and saw that Zee was holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket

Zee: meet our daughter Elizabeth.

Dimitri: A niece that's nice.

Jessica: So is she gonna have magic like Zee

Zee: Well I got my magic, it was when I was a kid so Elizabeth's magic may come when she's older.

Jessica: Ok. *shows Azure* Look Azure, it's your cousin.

Andruw: Hi sweetie I'm your daddy.

Elizabeth then sneezed making a bunny appear out of nowhere.

Dimitri: Or maybe she got her magic early.

Zee: Sweetie, that was amazing. Mommy's so proud of you.

Dimitri: Elizabeth is definitely like her mom.

Elizabeth then spat out a dove from her mouth which landed on Zee's head.

Jessica: She's definitely going to be a magician like Zee.

Zee: That's my little girl.

Elizabeth then held out her hand as it then became a jaguar paw.

Dimitri: Bro, Elizabeth has your powers.

Jessica: That is amazing.

At the house we see the others there as Zee was holding Elizabeth as the other's had their babies with them.

Zee: Andruw I have to let you know, I called daddy to meet Elizabeth.

Andruw: You called your dad?

Zee: Yeah we can't deny Elizabeth of knowing her grandfather.

We then see the door open as we see Zee's father come into the house.

Zee: Daddy.

Geovani: Zee

Zee: Daddy I like you to meet your granddaughter Elizabeth. *shows Elizabeth* Sweetie say hi.

In response Elizabeth sneezed  and a bunny appeared out of thin air.

Andruw: Yeah she has magic.

Then they saw Elizabeth's hand become a jaguar paw.

Dimitri: And my brother's powers.

Elizabeth then coughed out a deck of playing cards.

Zee: She is going to be a magician.

Elizabeth then coughed out another bunny which landed on Dimitri's face.

Dimitri: You think that you and Zee can both teach Elizabeth to control her powers. Cause they might go out of hand *picks up the bunny* And I believe this belongs to you.

He handed the bunny to Geovani.

Geovani: I can see that.

Andruw: She's a little new to magic.

Zee: It will be like when daddy taught me to control my magic. *sees Elizabeth's jaguar paw* And teaching her how to control her beast powers.

Andruw: I can help with that, I am her dad so I know how to help her. After all we are the same *Shows his jaguar arm* look sweetie it's like your paw.

Then Elizabeth reached out with her jaguar paw and grabbed Andruw's paw finger.

Andruw: it means that you and I are the same.

We then see the screen fade as we see Elizabeth's eyes turn into purple jaguar eyes. Then the screen showed a stage as Dimitri was seen there.

Dimitri: Hello fellow readers, I'm here to tell you that there is going to be a question and answer after this chapter so if you have any questions for the Author of this story comment down below your questions and me and my friends and family will answer them for you. See you next time.

We see Dimitri leave the stage as the screen turned black.

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