Vampire in Metropolis

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In Metropolis we see Dimitri and his brothers as they were with their girls and they had the babies with them as Sarah was with Jessica as they were at the front door to a house as Dimitri knocked on it and Esdeath opened the door and saw them.

Dimitri: Hey Esdeath.

Esdeath: Dimitri! How are you? come in!

they went inside as they saw Ashton.

Dimitri: Hey Ashton.

Ashton: Dimitri what brings you here?

Andruw: To introduce you and Esdeath to the newest members of our little family.

Ashton: Bring on the babies! Let me see the squirts!

Zee: *walks to Ashton and Esdeath while holding Elizabeth* Here's our daughter Elizabeth.

Esdeath: She's cute.

Andruw: But be careful cause...

When esdeath brought her finger to Elizabeth she reached out to Esdeath but her arm then became a purple jaguar's arm and she swiped at her

Ashton: Whoa!

Andruw: She has my powers. *sees Elizabeth sneeze and a dove appears out of thin air* And Zee's magic.

Esdeath: I have a jaguar magician granddaughter?

Ashton: AWESOME!!

Karen: *walks to them while holding Keaton and Karry* These are the twins Keaton and Karry

Ashton: Need I ask if they have powers?

Elliotte: They have their mother's intellect. *gets hit by a bottle thrown by Keaton* Ow! and my habit of throwing things.

Esdeath: Guess we need to duck next time.

Grayson: *while holding Alura* This little sweetie is Alura.

Esdeath: Aw did you pick out that name Grayson?

Grayson: Actually Kara picked it out.

Kara: Alura was my mom's name.

Ashton: So you named her after your mother? How sweet.

Diana: Indeed a noble name for Metropolis' future hero.

While that was going on a portal opened near the metropolis docks as two men came out of it as one was dressed in a fancy suit with a big hat and the other looked like a clown with dreadlocks

Clown: Pengy what did you do? Where's batsy?

Pengy: I have no idea Joker! I would've gotten away if you hadn't messed around with that machine!

Joker: Well who cares at least we got away from batsy. Now let's see what this place has to offer.

Pengy: Joker I don't think we're in Gotham anymore.

Joker: Oh, then perhaps this place can use a bit of comedic relief! HAHAHAHAHA!

Back at Ashton and Esdeath's house an alarm goes off on Ashton's phone in the shape of a giant beaked dinosaur

Ashton: Uh oh. Kids you stay here. The White ranger is needed. White Ranger Dino Power! *white ranger suit forms around him*

Dimitri: Wait! What if you need help!?

Ashton: Then some of you will be back up. Now stay put!

Dimitri: Ok.

We then see Ashton as he was riding an atv through town until he came across the two men from the portal

Ashton: Penguin and Joker? What are they doing in Metropolis?

???:I don't think that would be the ones we would know.

He turned to see was a blue being made of energy.

Ashton: What the?

Dimitri: Hey Ashton.

Ashton: Didn't i tell you to stay put?

Dimitri: Yes but this is my energy twin from my ring it allows me to use it to go to places and send messages to others so technically i am in the house.

Ashton: Whatever. Anyway looks like we have Joker and Penguin causing mischief.

Dimitri: They look like they're from an early 2000's cartoon.

Ashton: Guessing alternate universe.

Penguin: Joker I heard something.

then the two hid as they heard footsteps coming.

Dimitri: *whispers* Think now would be a good time for backup?

Ashton: No we got this. *pops out* Hi mr crazy faces!

Joker: I like the look. Very stylish.

Ashton: Oh well thanks. *realizes* Hey don't change the subject!

We then see Dimitri come as his twin vanished as Penguin and Joker ran off in separate directions as Ashton and Dimitri ran after Joker.

Dimitri: Let's cut off his path.

He then made a wall construct as Joker only jumped over it

Ashton: Oh this is the acrobatic Joker.

Dimitri: Well let's stop him before he gets away.

We then see Joker jump up to the roof as he then saw Dimitri floating there

Joker: Oh no.

Ashton: Dead end Joker.

Dimitri: And there's nowhere left to run now.

Joker: Then I'll just have to deal with you two the old fashioned way.

Ashton: And that would be fighting us.

Joker: Exactly.

He then came at Ashton and tried to kick him as he dodged it as Dimitri then came at Joker with a bat construct as Joker dodged it.

Joker: You two may not be Batsy. *pulls out razor sharp playing cards* But I'm out for blood tonight.

he then threw the cards at them as he lost his balance and fell off the edge of the dam

Joker: Uh guys? You wouldn't leave me hanging would you?

Ashton: Hang on Joker!

Dimitri: We're coming!

then as they came to the edge and reached their hands to him to grab him, then rain began to pour as it made Joker's hand buzzer spark as the two pulled their hands back as they saw it.

Ashton: Whoa.

Joker: Almost had you. Bye bye new guys! HAHAHAHAHA!

Joker then let go of the edge.

Dimitri: Hey buddy i hate to break it to you, but water and electricity don't mix.

Joker: HAHAHAHAHAHA! *realizes his hand buzzer is going off* OH NO!

He then hits the harbor and gets electrocuted as the two watched.

Dimitri: Yeesh and just to point out that was his fault not ours.

Ashton: Too bad we couldn't find Penguin.

Dimitri: We'll find that dude eventually. So where do you think he ran off to?

Ashton: Probably somewhere dark.

Speaking of which we now see Penguin in Metropolis Cemetery as he ran into a random tomb as he saw its occupant's coffin was in the air held up by rusted chains in the shape of a cross

Penguin: Let's see what's in that box.

he then used a blade come out of his umbrella as he cut the chains causing the coffin to fall on the ground as he then used the umbrella to open the top as he got it open while he got his hand cut causing it to bleed

Penguin: Ow! I'm bleeding!

he then looked in the coffin as he saw it was only a body in it as he saw it.

Penguin: This isn't pay dirt. It's just dirt! RAAAH! *drop of blood drips from his hand and lands on the body and to the heart.*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Play from 1:00 to 1:32)

He then heads to the exit as we see the body as the heart then starts to regenerate and started beating again as it rises from its coffin.

Penguin: Huh? What was that? *turns around and gasps in horror*

He then saw the body that was out of it's coffin.

Body: *growls*

Penguin then screamed in horror as he then ran out of the tomb as the body started following him while Penguin was running for his life away from the body as more drops of blood land on the ground as the body smelled them

Body: *raspy voice* Blood.

we see penguin hiding behind a gravestone while his hand was still bleeding and a night guard came and saw the body.

Guard: Hey the cemetery is closed.

the body then turned and saw the guard as the guard saw it in horror as it then jumped at him pinning him to the ground as the guard tried to get it off but the body then bit the guard in the neck as the guard then screamed as Penguin then looked to see what happened as the guard's eyes closed as the body got up.

Body: That'll do.

Penguin then got up and ran as the body then saw him as Penguin continued to run the body then jumped in front of him as penguin backed up in fear and then saw the guard.

Penguin: Looks like i'm the main course.

the guard's eyes opened as they were blue and then got up as Penguin saw it.


Penguin then turned to see the body as it ripped the collar that was on it's neck off with his bare hands.

Body: Not dead. Undead.

Penguin: I think i need to un-wet my pants.

the guard then ran at penguin as the body then raised his hand stopping the guard.

Body: I will need a human servant. a sentinel to guard my coffin during the day while I sleep. You.

Penguin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'll have you know sir, I am a Cobblepot. And Cobblepots do not serve!

Then the body's eyes turned red as he looked at the penguin as his eyes turned red for a moment and became normal again.

Penguin: I'm penguin and I'll be your server.

Then the body smiled as we went to see Dimitri and Ashton returning to the house.

Sarah: Dad, what happened?

Dimitri: Believe it or not but we had to face two criminals from another universe.

Ashton: And they were Joker and Penguin

Esdeath: Did you get them though?

Dimitri: Penguin got away and Joker fell in water while his buzzer was sparking and it electrocuted him.

Kara: Ouch.

Ashton: Exactly.

Jessica: But we will find the penguin right?

Dimitri: I hope so, I don't want him to get in the way of us raising our families.

Ashton: But I was wondering, what kind of powers do Alura have?

He then turned to see Alura as she was holding a shelf.

Grayson: Alura has her mother's powers. She's half kryptonian.

Esdeath: Alura sweetie, please put that down.

Alura then picks up Ashton by holding onto one of his fingers

Ashton: Whoa. She's strong just like her mom.

Grayson: Alura put Ashton down sweetie. *holds up a bunny plushie* Look what I got for you.

Alura then saw the plushie as she then dropped Ashton on his face

Ashton: Ow.

Grayson came to Alura as he gave her the bunny as she was seen hugging it.

Esdeath: Aw, Alura really likes bunnies.

Grayson: She's just like her mommy.

Ashton: *gets up* Wait, Kara likes bunnies? *evil smile*

Dimitri: What's that evil smile for?

Ashton: Oh, no reason.

Then we see Karry fly by on a rocking horse as it was hovering above the ground as Karen followed her.

Karen: Karry, please slow down.

Esdeath: Is that rocking horse floating?

Elliotte: Yeah, Karry just put a hover drive in her horse.

Ashton: Wow.

Elliotte: I wasn't joking when I said that the twins have their mother's intellect.

We go back to the cemetery as the body revealed himself as the king of the vampires; Count Dracula

Dracula: Transylvania has changed.

Penguin: Oh, oh dark one you're not in Transylvania anymore. This is Metropolis.

Dracula then looked at the city as he then got a flashback of when he was in Transylvania as a mob came to his castle.

Dracula: Then if I am no longer in Transylvania near my castle. It is due to events that happened following my death.

We then see a man as he had a hammer and wooden stake as he had it at Dracula's heart and stabbed him as Dracula's eyes opened. as the tomb was seen being taken to a ship and sailed off to sea.

flashback end.

Dracula: It seems that my remains were relocated far from transylvania. Very well take me on a tour of this "Metropolis" native guide.

And done! hope you guys enjoyed this special it is based on the batman vs Dracula movie and it is one of my personal favorites. tune in next time for more action, drama, and... VAMPIRES!!! See y'all later hot potatoes!

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