Vampire encounters

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At The house we see Dimitri with the others.

Everette: Hey bro can you tell us the time that you introduced us to Jessica and told us that you were having Sarah?

Dimitri: Dude i told you that several times.

Everette: But can you atleast tell us this one time?

Dimitri: Fine it started when you all came back home from your trip.


We see Dimitri's family come in as they saw Dimitri in the living room.

Dimitri: Hi guys.

Heather: Son, I hope you were ok while we were gone.

Dimitri: Yeah I was fine. And I even have someone you would like to meet. Everyone, I like you all to meet Jessica, my girlfriend.

Heather: Oh you found a girlfriend while we were gone.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Jessica: We both became a couple after I broke up with my ex boyfriend.

Andruw: Oh, well i say you made a good choice then.

Jessica: *rubs the back of her head* Yeah... I did.

Dimitri: And there is one thing we should also mention.

Elliotte: What's that?

Jessica: I'm... *breathes in and breathes out* I'm pregnant.

Andruw: She's what?!

Dimitri: Yeah...

Andruw: And you both are just telling us this now?

Dimitri: Better late than never but Jessica's parents already know about this we told them before you guys came.

Elliotte: But dude seriously?

Dimitri: Ok well that is our bad i'll admit.

Jessica: We may have got a little carried away.

Dimitri: But on the plus side you guy are gonna have a nephew or niece.

Piper: Wow. That is nice.

Dimitri then smiled at his sister while he looked at his family as his brothers gave him a "really?" look.

Flashback over.

Everette: Oh right now I remember.

Then we see Ashton going to the door in his ranger suit.

Ashton: I'm going to look around for any sign of the penguin.

Dimitri: I'll go too.

Andruw: Me too.

We then see the three along with Elliotte and Grayson going around the city.

Dimitri: *looks through a binocular construct* No sign of Penguin anywhere.

Elliotte: Guys I got a mugging.

they looked to see a man stealing a woman's purse but out of nowhere the night guard come out and the would be thief ran into him

Grayson: Anyone else think there's something off with that guard?

Dimitri: Like the pale skin?

Ashton: And those... claws?

The guard then grabbed the thief and bites his neck as he then threw him to the ground as the woman saw the guard.

Woman: Thank you so much. Did you get my purse?

She then saw the guard's fanged teeth and glowing eyes as she then screamed in terror as the guard then bit on the woman's neck

Ashton: Show time boys. Let's get down there.

then they came down as Dimitri made a bat construct to hit the guard with as the guard caught the construct with his teeth and then broke the bat as dimitri held the remains of the construct

Elliotte: Did he just break a construct? WITH HIS TEETH!?

Ashton: Guys I think we're in trouble.

Grayson: Why?

Ashton: I think our guard has just made more like him. Fangs and all!

we then see the thief and woman get up as she looked at them as she saw their veins and hearts through vampire vision as they charged at them.

Dimitri: Guys get to higher grounds! Move!

We then see Dimitri, Grayson, and Elliotte fly to the top as Ashton and Andruw both jumped up to the roof as the vampires followed them as they jumped to the roof.

Ashton: We are in serious trouble. *pulls out a white sword*

Dimitri: *makes gauntlet constructs* Ok but try not to hurt them too much, they may be vampires but they're still people.

Elliotte: *gets soul harvester* That will be hard. IF WE DON'T GET KILLED FIRST!

Andruw: *bears out his claws* Fight now, argue later!

Grayson: and remember it's five against three!

The vampires then came at them as Dimitri punched one away as Ashton dodged some slashes as Elliotte was dusting his scythe to keep them in a distance as Andruw leaped at one and kicked him knocking him down but got up as they came at them and pinned them down.

Elliotte: We're pinned down!

Dimitri: *Sees a train* Guys hold on, we have a train to catch.

He then made a grappling hook construct and aimed it at the train as it got the train and they were pulled to it as the three vampires saw a train coming to them as the others went to the train heading to them as it stopped and they looked to see they were gone.

Dimitri: They disappeared.

We go to the graveyard as we see the three vampires now in Dracula's lair as Dracula was starting to look more human like and is now wearing a red cloak

Dracula: A reaper, a were creature,a man in armor that looks like a bat and a man that creates weapons made from energy? Intriguing.

Penguin: Oh pshaw, these heroes may look the look. But they've got none of your mojo.

Dracula: I am none the less interested. it appears my legacy has been quite influential to one of them.

We then see the heroes as they were at the house.

Jessica: Vampires?

Kara: You guys are joking right?

Dimitri: No we're not!

Ashton: We know what we saw!

Elliotte: Fangs, Glowing eyes, Claws! Tell tell signs of vampires!

Kara: Oh please, you can buy those things in any halloween store.

Dimitro: It wasn't just that, the way they moved, they weren't human.

Esdeath: Ok well before you guys go obsessing over some legend you guys are going crazy.

Sarah: Dad, what are vampires?

Dimitri: they're creatures that come out at night and they suck on people's blood to live.

Ashton: And they have strength and speed equal to you Kara!

Sarah: But why do they come out at night?

Dimitri: Vampires can't be in the sun, it kills them.

Ashton: Garlic also kills them.

Esdeath: Ok but may i remind you guys that you will be hosting a technology expo tonight?

Ashton: That's right!

Esdeath: And you and the boys will be with each of us

Dimitri: We know.

Later we see the graveyard as Penguin saw the sun setting.

Penguin: Time for my master to rise and shine.

He then heads to Dracula's lair.

Penguin: Wakey wakey it's nighty night! You've got places to be people to bite!

We then see the coffin open as Dracula was seen coming out of it as he was now human looking.

Penguin: All those blood shakes work wonders for your complexion.

Dracula: Arise my children of the night, we shall take Metropolis, human by human until our blood flows through its canals, transfiguring it into the city of the undead, as you execute my dark purpose, I shall stake my claim among Metropolis' elite.

Penguin: Well if you're looking to be numero uno of the rich and famous there are a few birdies you'll have to knock off their perch. *evil smile*

we go to metropolis as we see a party taking place in a manor as we see the guest coming in as a shadow went inside and was revealed to be Dracula as he walked to the crowd as we see many people were around as music was played as we see Grayson walking to some waiters and waitresses.

Grayson: *to a waiter* You there get to the buffet! *to a waitress* You there attend to a spill in the study! *to a waiter* And you stimps i know this priority isn't as important as catching you next wave but tuck in your shirt.

Stimps: Dude, come on chill. *tucks in his shirt*

Grayson: Caviar chills, Grayson Curry does not.

we then see dracula in the crowd as he walks around and spots Dimitri and Ashton as they were with Jessica and Esdeath as he saw a necklace on Esdeath's neck as esdeath was wearing a dress

Dracula: Truly magnificent

Esdeath: Oh this? It's a family heirloom.

Dimitri: And you are sir?

Dracula: Alucard, Dr Alucard.

Dimitri: Dimitri Chernov, *to Ashton* And that's Ashton Millman. I don't believe we met.

Dracula: I am new to Metropolis, a recent transfer from Eastern Europe.

Dimitri: Oh, what line of work are you in?

Dracula: Cultural anthropology, I am here to study the city's white ranger and the blue lantern.

Jessica: Oh so you're saying that Budapest has a white ranger and blue lantern?

Dracula: Studies have shown that two men, one who assumes the likeness of a bat and the other that possesses a ring that creates anything the wearer imagines with blue energy with the same symbol in the shape of a lantern, i believe that even in certain circumstances these people cloak themselves in regalia depicting these legends.

Dimitri: Fascinating theory.

Dracula: Bats are fascinating creatures.

Ashton: We unfortunately need to circulate around the room. Have a pleasant evening Doctor.

we then see them walk away from Dracula.

Esdeath: you see that he's my type.

Ashton: Tall, dark and weird.

We then see them run into dracula as they saw him.

Dracula: We spoke of my work. What of yours?

Dimitri: We do research and development for a fellow genius by the name of Bruce Wayne.

Ashton: For example the waynetech sl5, it's the first ever machine to collect solar energy and stores it as true sunlight.

Dracula: It's about time science did something positive with the sun.

Then a waiter came with a player with meat.

Waiter: *holds the platter* hors d'oeuvres?

Dracula: Beef steak tartare. Exquisite.

We then see him take a piece as the others saw him eat it.

Ashton: We prefer our meat cooked.

Jessica: And I'm a vegan.

Then a waitress came with a platter with Shrimp on it.

Waitress: Some garlic shrimp?

Dracula: *hiss*

Dimitri: You should try it.

Ashton: Yeah packs quite a punch.

Then dracula looked at the two as his eyes became red as Dimitri and Ashton's eyes then became red for a moment and then went back to their original color.

Dracula: Excuse me. But I must find something to wash this down.

he then walked away.

Jessica: That was odd? *sees Dimitri and Ashton* Are you two ok?

Dimitri: Pardon us but there is somewhere we must attend to.

Then he and Ashton walked outside as we see Dracula about to walk to them as he then saw Grayson and Sarah.

Grayson: Guys there you are.

Sarah: Dad, what are you doing out here?

Ashton: *clutching his head* What?

Dimitri: *clutching his head* How did we get here?

Ashton: Alucard.

They walked back inside as we see one of the waiters filling a bottle of wine as he then heard a noise and turned to see nothing was there as he looked around then saw Dracula.

Waiter: *screams in shock* Oh. Dude you spooked me. *grabs a tray of food* Care for some munchies?

Dracula then narrowed his eyes and then came at the waiter and fed on his blood as a wine bottle was seen falling and broke on the ground; we then went to the party as Grayson headed to waiter and then saw stiles walking to a window

Grayson: You there. Stipes! Mr. Stipes!

he then walked to Stipes as he stopped where he was.

Grayson: Now what is wrong with this picture? Correct, no cheese platter. Which means you're heading the wrong way. And look at yourself, wasn't i not clear the first- *Notice Stipes has no reflection* Oh dear.

Then stipes turned and growled at Grayson surprising him as he then ran off as we then saw Dracula come as he was wiping his face with a napkin as Esdeath and Jessica saw him.

Esdeath: Leaving so soon Doctor?

Dracula: I have had my fill. Though not of you. When do I see you again?

Esdeath: Tomorrow morning, on the metropolis news.

Dracula then bowed as he then walked away.

Esdeath: Phew, dodged that bullet.

Ashton: Esdeath, where's the doctor?

Esdeath: He went to the exit.

Dimitro: Come on, let's get to him.

we then see Dracula at the door as he then saw them coming as he went outside as the others followed and saw he was gone and then saw a bat fly off

Ashton: It can't be.

Grayson then came to them.

Grayson: Guys, Stipes, the mirror, he had no reflection.

Dimitri: Hmm.

Dimitri then walked to a woman with lipstick.

Dimitri: Excuse me, may i borrow this? *takes the lipstick* Thank you

Ashton then grabbed a serving tray and the lipstick and writes Alucard on the tray

Sarah: Dad what are you and Ashton doing?

Dimitri: Writing his name. Alucard.

Dimitri then took the tray as he held it to a mirror as the letters were rearranged as the tray now read as Dracula

Jessica: Whoa.

We then see everyone at the base as the superhero boys were there.

Barry: Whoa so metropolis isn't just visited by vampires.

Ashton: But the king of all vampires.Mus

Dimitri: Count Dracula.

We go back to the graveyard as Penguin was walking out of Dracula's tomb

Penguin: Mustn't wake master too early. Doesn't like the sun in his eyes. Mustn't Wake him too late he'll be hungry and cranky. *sees someone familiar* You!

We now see Joker apparently still alive

Joker: Everybody is saying that a lot these days. You, the fisherman who found me caught in his net. And by the way, who knew electro shocks could be so invigorating! *looks behind Penguin and sees the tomb door is still open* What are you hiding in there Pengy? Maybe buried treasure?

Penguin: No! Nothing there!

He then ran to the tomb door and closed it as Joker ran after him deeper into the tomb

Joker: Some hideout you got here Pengy!

Penguin: I'm warning you joker! There's nothing here for you!

He then aimed his umbrella at Joker and fired a spring loaded boxing glove at Penguin and hit him in the face and he saw Dracula's coffin

Joker: That is a phat looking vault. *he opens it to find Dracula sleeping* That's one good looking corpse.

Then Dracula woke up And grabbed Joker and pulled him into his coffin and started feeding on his blood

Penguin: Breakfast in bed. Fresh squeezed.

We later go to the local blood bank as Joker walks into it as a woman was seen working on a computer as she sees Joker come in

Clerk: You want to give blood?

Joker only smiled showing his fangs as he feeds on the clerk

We go back to the heroes as an alarm goes off

Ashton: Looks like we've got a robbery.

Esdeath: With everything going on shouldn't you leave that for the police?

Ashton: It's a blood bank.

Everyone gasps in shock

Ashton: Dimitri and I will ranger up and investigate while the rest of you look up any helpful vampire info we may need.

Dimitri: We'll be right back.

Ashton and Dimitri: Dino Thunder power up! / White Ranger Dino power!

Then the two were seen in ranger suits as they went out to the blood bank as we see Joker as he grabbed vials of blood and then drank the blood.

Joker: Mmmm. A bold finish of wild cherries and a hint of oak. *burps*

Then the door opened as we see Dimitri and Ashton walk in

Ashton: Keep your eyes open. We need to be ready for anything.

Dimitri: Alright but who are we up against this time?

Joker: Me.

Joker kicks them in the back

Ashton: Joker?

Joker: Undead and kicking!

Dimitri: Great if a crazy clown is bad enough now we have a crazy vampire clown!

Joker: You guys are two dead ducks!I

We then see him come at then as Dimitri threw a smoke bomb as it exploded Joker jumped to a wall.

Joker: *smells the air* Garlic? Eww.

Dimitri: Get down here Joker!

Joker: Funny. The guy in the white armor is my second Batman tonight! And they're both pains in the neck! *laughs*

Ashton: Dimitri I have an idea. Lure him under one of the shelves.

Dimitri: Ok.

He then ran after Joker as he saw he was gone and looked around.

Dimitri: Better armor up for safety.

He then was engulfed in blue light and was in his knight armor as joker was behind a shelf ready to strike

Ashton: And now! *kicks the shelf against a wall as the vials break showering Joker and the walls in blood.

Joker then started to drink the blood around the area as Dimitri had garlic bombs in his knuckles.

Dimitri: Knighty knight!

He then punched joker as the bombs went off knocking joker out.

Ashton: Guys we have our test subject.

Dimitri then saw a shadow as he looked at the window and it flew away.

Dimitri: Let's get him back to hq and lock him up.

And done! keep in touch cause next time will be the encounter with dracula.

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