The parenting project,

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In Dimitri's house we see the others in the living room as they look around a bit.

Kara: I still don't get how you two found this place.

Zee: Look Kara, they both just want to at least find a place to settle down.

Dimitri: Yeah, living with my family was nice and all but it can be a bit rowdy.

Elliotte: I still think it's an awesome place.

Dimitri: True, but can you please stop finding me and Jessica after school.

Jessica: Yeah it's a violation of privacy.


We see Dimitri and Jessica at the kitchen as Dimitri was cooking.

Dimitri: Honey, can you get me the butter?

Jessica: Sure, sweetie.

She went to the fridge only for an arm to hand her the butter.

Elliotte: Spoiler alert: the butter's spoiled.

Jessica: *giggles*

Dimitri: What's so funny sweetie.

Then he looked to see Elliotte was in the fridge.

Elliotte: Really impressive word play.

Dimitri: What the?! Why are you in our fridge!?

Then we see dimitri and Jessica sleeping in bed as dimitri turned a bit and then heard a whoosh as he opened his eyes to see Elliotte in the form of a shadow of the grim reaper floating above him.

Elliotte: What ya dreaming about?

Dimitri: Uh... Nothing. So can I please go back to sleep?

Then we see dimitri and Jessica in the living room as dimitri was playing a guitar as he finished they reached out to kiss and Dimitri heard a beep and looked at the window.


We looked to see Elliotte at a window as he was holding a video camera as he was filming them.

Flashback ends.

Dimitri: Just stop doing that.

Elliotte: I don't see what the issue is. Is there something you two don't want me seeing?

Dimitri and Jessica: Yes, our private lives!

Dimitri: Dude, you have a girlfriend.

Elliotte: Look I don't judge the couple stuff you two do in your home, *crosses his arms* so don't judge me.

Dimitri: Oh we do judge you, quite a lot actually.

Jessica: So please, leave us be.

Elliotte: Fine.

Then we see Dimitri and Jessica lookin through some things.

Dimitri: So Jess, was there anything crazy that you went through?

Jessica: Yeah, me and Karen had to babysit five kids that turned out to be superheroes.

Dimitri: Lemme guess one of them was Robin.

Jessica: Yeah the others were beast boy, starfire, Cyborg and Raven, and I can say that your sisters are more behaved than them.

Dimitri: Oh, well I have to agree Piper and Rowan do behave well.

Jessica: Yeah those tween Titans were a pain.

Dimitri: I would agree they sound like a real pain in the-

Piper: Dimitri!

Then he looked to see Piper was there.

Dimitri: What? I was going to say "neck"

Piper: Oh, okay.

Jessica: Well, Dimitri when we do have a child of our own when we get married Piper is going to want to spend time with them.

Piper: Of course I do, I want to be the best aunt to your baby.

Jessica: Well you would definitely make a good aunt.

Dimitri: Well I'm gonna go see how my brothers are doing.

Then he walked into another room as Jessica was with Zee, Kara, and Karen.

Zee: So how is it living with Dimitri?

Jessica: It's been pretty good.

Kara: You really like being with him.

Jessica: Yeah, well I want to be sure I'm a good girlfriend to him and in the future a good wife to him.

Karen: Oh. Well I think you make a great wife.

Jessica: Thanks Karen, and I just love Dimitri. He always gives me attention and makes sure I'm glad.

Kara: You two are perfect for each other.

Jessica: So girls, how is it with your boyfriends?

Karen: Elliotte is good, he's always so nice.

Zee: Andruw is great, he loves me for my personality and not for my looks or popular.

Kara: Grayson's good, for an indigo lantern he sure is caring for me.

Jessica: That good to hear so have any of you girls done anything with your boyfriends?

Zee: Well me and Andruw have gone to the Japanese restaurant.

Kara: I thought you weren't allowed in there?

Zee: I was but me and Andruw told them that we promise to pay for the repairs.

Kara: Well me and Grayson have been at a rock concert

Karen: And me and Elliotte went to the movie.

Zee: So Jess what did you and Dimitri do?

Jessica: Well we pretty much did what most couples do.

Dimitri: Yeah go out, have a bite to eat that kinda stuff.

Kara: Anything else?

Jessica: well other things but that's a story for another time.

Dimitri: So does Diana have any other relatives? you did tell me you girls saved her from her mom.

Jessica: Well she does have an aunt named Antiope.

Dimitri: Antiope? As in the Greek monster Slayer?

Kara: You heard of her?

Dimitri: I've only read about in Greek mythology but I didn't think she was real.

Jessica: She is real.

Dimitri: Oh, so what's she like?

Jessica: She's basically a good person, fun to be with and she drives a motorcycle.

Dimitri: Wait what? I thought Amazons didn't know how to drive.

Jessica: Yeah but apparently Antiope has been around for a while so she knows how to drive

Dimitri: Oh yeah Amazons live for a long time. So you think there's a chance I would get to meet her?

Jessica: Yeah probably.

Then knocking was heard.

Dimitri: I'll get it.

As he went to the door and opened it he saw that there was a woman with blonde hair wearing a leather jacket and jeans.

Dimitri: Hello? Can I help you?

Antiope: Yes I came here to see if my niece Diana is here?

Dimitri: Niece? Wait, your Antiope?

Antiope: Yes, I'm assuming either my niece or her friends told you about me.

Dimitri: Yeah, well my girlfriend Jess told me.

Antiope: Oh so your dating Diana's friend?

Dimitri: Yeah. *To the living room* Hey Diana your aunt is here.

Then the others came as they saw Antiope.

Piper: Diana has an aunt?

Dimitri: Yup and Antiope I'm Dimitri and you just met my sister Piper.

Piper: Hi.

Jessica: Why are you here?

Antiope: I have come to see Diana, is she here?

Dimitri: Oh yeah she's in the living room.

Diana then came and saw her aunt.

Diana: Antiope? Why have you come here?

Antiope: I came to see you and I see that you made some new friends and your friend Jessica has met someone that she loves.

Piper: And they're both planning on having a baby.

Jessica: Once we graduate from high school.

Dimitri: Yeah cause now is not a good time.

Antiope: Your sister seems eager for you two to have a child.

Jessica: Yeah, she really wants to be an aunt like you.

Dimitri: So if you're Diana's aunt then that means that hippolyta is your sister right?

Antiope: Yes. And you seem to know about my sister.

Dimitri: Jessica told me that they rescued Diana from her when Diana ran away from them. And I'm also a hero too.

Antiope: A hero? What kind?

Dimitri: I'm a member of the blue lantern corps.

Antiope: Blue Lantern Corps?

Dimitri: Yeah I'm kinda like Jessica, only with other abilities and... I'm Blue.

Diana: It is true, Dimitri is a blue lantern.

Jessica: Yeah like how I use willpower, Dimitri uses hope.

Dimitri: It's true. So Antiope how long have you been in... the world of man.

Antiope: I've been around here longer than Diana has.

Dimitri: oh.

Piper: Well Antiope Dimitri and Jess spent all night kissing each other.

Jessica: *blushes* Piper You shouldn't be telling her that.

Antiope: What did she mean by you both spent all night kissing?

Dimitri: Um Piper, Rowan cover your ears. *he sees the two made constructs of earmuffs as they put them on* See Antiope, we went camping and me and Jess may have slept together.

Jessica: As in... We... slept... together.

Antiope: Oh you have both slept in the same bed.

Dimitri: *blushes* Yeah that.

Jessica: But we only been doing it twice. *Sees the others giving them a "Really?" Look." Ok maybe more than that.

Dimitri: Well we had done that at some times but sometimes others come in at a wrong time.

Elliotte: Like when we found you and Jessica tickling each other in bed?

Jessica: Yeah that but to be fair...*Points to Dimitri* Dimitri started it.

Dimitri: No I didn't. Well maybe a little.

Jessica: But for sleeping together I just love it when dimitri is with me it makes me feel safe when I'm with him and I like it when he gives me attention.

Zee: But Jess, aren't you a bit worried that you would get...

Jessica: Don't worry Zee, I'm on birth control pills.

Dimitri: And I wore protection so we're good.

Kara: Ok, but don't you two think you're kinda moving a bit too fast?

Jessica: Come on, we're just having some safe fun.

Dimitri: Yeah, plus Zee, Kara and Karen haven't you girls ever had that kind of fun with your boyfriends?

They both saw Kara, Zee and Karen were blushing at the thought of it.

Zee: Oh please, I'm not ready for that.

Karen: Well, Me neither.

Kara: Same here.

Dimitri: Look, me and Jess don't judge any kind of stuff you would do, so don't judge us.

Jessica: Yeah, and we would appreciate it if Elliotte would at least stop spying on us.

Elliotte: Alright, alright, I'll stop.

Dimitri: Good. And besides for what me and Jess do Jessica just wanted to be sure what we do was safe and to be honest. *Points at Jessica* Jessica was the one who started all this.

Jessica: It's true. I just wanted to have a little fun with my boo.

Dimitri: So Jess, are there any other friends that I would like to know about?

Jessica: Well there's Tatsu.

Dimitri: Tatsu?

Kara: She's Diana's training partner.

Dimitri: Oh so is there a chance that I would get to meet her.

???(Tatsu): If that is what you Desire.

Then he looked to see a girl was behind him as he saw that she appeared to be from Japan.

Dimitri: Were you standing there this whole time?

Tatsu: Yes.

Dimitri: And you heard our conversation?

Tatsu: Yes. So you are like Jessica.

Dimitri: Yeah, I'm a Blue Lantern. So Tatsu I'm guessing you're a hero too?

Tatsu: Yes, but before I met Diana and her friends I had a mission.

Dimitri: What was it?

Tatsu: My mission was to find Villains and punish them for their deeds by taking their souls.

Dimitri: What?! But why would you do that? Heroes don't punish, they protect the innocent.

Tatsu: *sighs* I believed what I was doing was right, but I was wrong

Dimitri: Well at least you changed your ways.

Tatsu: Yes, Dimitri, Diana had done a deed that inspired me, I tried to take a man's soul but Diana protected him having her soul taken and I released all the souls I had taken including the souls of Diana's friends.

Dimitri: Woah, so where did you get that kind of sword.

Tatsu: Soul taker, the sword that allowed me to take souls. But when I freed the souls of hundreds of criminals I swore to recapture them. But I will do it the right way, not as an executioner, but as a hero.

Elliotte: I know how you feel Tatsu. I did the same thing you did. But my family enlightened me to the true meaning of being a hero. And Piper there was another way of releasing those souls than just breaking Soul harvester there was a chance that you would have destroyed the souls that were in it.

Piper: Oh, I didn't think of that. I didn't know breaking your scythe would be a bad idea.

Elliotte: It's ok but you did free the souls I took that's all that matters.

Dimitri: Yeah, so Jess, any other kind of things you all did before I came here?

Jessica: There was that egg care project but we all ended up having all the eggs smashed.

Kara: And Pam ended up eating the last egg.

Dimitri: Ok that project is just pointless, and besides it felt a bit awkward, like having a real child.

Jessica: Yeah. Well the teacher said it was outdated and decided to just let it slide.

Dimitri: oh, so you all went through a whole egg project for nothing?

Jessica: Yeah.

Dimitri: I think it's safe to say that Chapin needs to get with the times.

Kara: Yeah.

Dimitri: Well, it was nice seeing you guys and it's nice to meet you two Tatsu and Antiope, we need to get ready for tomorrow.

Kara: Ok see you two tomorrow.

Jessica: Bye.

Then we see everyone leave as it was just Dimitri and Jessica.

Jessica: Well it was nice having company.

Dimitri: Yeah. *sees the clock* Ready for bed?

Jessica: You know it.

We then see Dimitri and Jessica go to bed as Dimitri sees Jessica.

Dimitri: You know, I think we would make good parents one day

Jessica: Thanks honey, I'm gonna get ready for bed.

We see Dimitri waiting in the bed in his pajamas as he sees Jessica come out as she was wearing a blue and green thong and a short shirt.

Dimitri: Cute PJs Jess.

Jessica: *giggles* thanks boo, you know I could sleep in the bed without these bad boys if ya know what I mean.*has a hand on the waistband of her thong*

Dimitri: Oh I see what you're going with.

Jessica: You know me so well.

Then Jessica climbed into the bed and looked at Dimitri.

Jessica: Ready for tomorrow? Because we were told we have a project to do.

Dimitri: Yeah well for tonight let's make the most of our time.

Jessica: Awesome.

Dimitri: I hope it's not that out-dated egg project.

Jessica: Maybe we'll find out tomorrow. Goodnight my blue love.

Dimitri: Night my green beauty.

Then we see them fall asleep in the bed as the next day comes and we see them in the classroom.

Dimitri: ok let's see what project we have today? *looks at the board and his eyes widen* You gotta be kidding.

Jessica: Is it the egg project?

Dimitri: Worse than that.

Jessica: *gasp* Fake baby?

Dimitri: Even worse than that.

Jessica: *her eyes widened and gasps* You don't mean...

Dimitri: We have to take care of... A real baby.

Jessica: What?! Are they crazy, I mean where did they get a real baby?!

Dimitri: No idea, but this has gone a direction I don't like.

Jessica: Maybe it's not that bad.

We then see the two in Metropolis as Jessica was seen with a baby who almost looked exactly like her in her arms..

Dimitri: You know I just realized something.

Jessica: What is it?

Dimitri: Our baby looks almost like you, smart and beautiful.

Jessica: Your right, it's almost like looking at our child the only thing it's missing is a lantern ring.

Dimitri: Well I think if we actually have a child, she or he would be like us.

Jessica: Yeah.

Then as if on cue we see a green lantern ring fly over to Dimitri and Jessica as it attached itself to the baby's ring finger.

Jessica: And I think I just ended up jinxing us.

Dimitri: Well at least she doesn't know how to use it.

Then we see the baby make a construct of a rattle and shake it.

Dimitri: And I spoke too soon.

Jessica: Let's just go through the day *realizes* Hey wait. We didn't come up with a name for our baby.

Dimitri: Oh yeah your right well what should we name her.

Jessica: Hmmm, how about...

Dimitri and Jessica: Sarah.

Then we see Sarah smiling as a way of saying she likes it.

Dimitri: I think she likes it.

Jessica: Your right.

Then as they were walking they saw Kara walking by as she saw them.

Kara: Did you two already have a baby?

Jessica: Uh no, she's our *sighs* school project.

Kara: School project?

Dimitri: She means that me and Jess were assigned to take care of a real baby right Sarah?

Sarah: *babbles and makes baby noises*

Dimitri: Kara, meet Sarah.

Kara: Sarah?

Jessica: We had to give the baby a name.

Then Kara saw that Sarah was hugging Jessica.

Kara: Hey Jess, I think she imprinted on you.

Dimitri: Wait what?

Kara: Sarah totally thinks Jessica is her mom.

Jessica: Well I don't wanna make her cry, so I think I will be her mom.

Dimitri: And I guess I'll be Sarah's dad too.

Kara: Man you guys look like parents already.

Jessica: I know, it feels weird *sees Sarah hugging her* but it does make me happy.

Kara: Sarah seems to like you two.

Dimitri: Yeah, she does and look, she even has a lantern ring.

Kara: Does she even know how to use it?

Dimitro: She made a rattle so I think she does but other than that I'm not sure.

Then Jessica looked at Sarah as she yawned as she started to get tired.

Jessica: Aw, is someone sleepy?

Then Sarah made a pacifier construct and began to suck on it as she then fell asleep.

Dimitri: You know Jess, this parent project might not be so bad after all.

Next we then see Dimitri and Jessica along with Sarah after her nap as she was seen sitting on Jessica's lap watching TV.

Jessica: It feels like Sarah is our own child.

Dimitri: Yeah this project is pretty amazing.

Then we see the door open as Piper then came in and saw Sarah.

Piper: You two have a baby?

Dimitri: Yeah but Sarah is not only our baby she's also our project.

Jessica: See me and Dimitri have to take care of Sarah here and it feels pretty nice.

Then she sees Sarah's lantern ring.

Piper: Where did she get that ring?

Jessica: That ring came and chose Sarah, and it was kinda my fault.

Dimitri: Yeah plus she might know how to use her ring.

Piper: Oh. *walks to Sarah and looks at her* Aw she looks like Jessica.

Dimitri: Yeah she does.

Sarah: *babbles and reaches out to Dimitri.*

Jessica: Oh Dimitri, I think she wants you to hold her.

Dimitri: Oh, ok *takes Sarah* Hey there little one, I'm your daddy.

Sarah: D...Dada.

Jessica: *gasps* Dimitri she called you dada.

Piper: Her first word!

Sarah: *looks at Jessica* Mama.

Jessica: Her second word! *Hugs Sarah* Mommy's so proud of you my little lantern.

Dimitri: We're so proud of you Sarah.

Sarah: *giggles and hugs you* Dada.

Jessica: You know maybe we can show Sarah to the others.

Dimitri: Yeah we can. *Sees piper* you wanna hold her little sis?

Piper: Yes please.

Dimitri: Here you go.

Jessica: be careful of our child.

Piper: *holds Sarah* hi there Sarah I'm Piper your aunt.

Sarah then hugged Piper as they saw it.

Jessica: I think she likes you.

Dimitri: You'll definitely be a great aunt to Sarah.

Sarah: Auntie.

Dimitri: Her third word! Wow she really knows how to speak.

Jessica: And I think Sarah is gonna like some new friends.

We later see Dimitri head to the door as he saw the others.

Dimitri: Hey guys remember when me and Jess said we were gonna have kids after high school?

Babs: Yeah?

Jessica: Well say hi to the newest member of our family *walks in while holding Sarah* Sarah Cruz.

Sarah: * babbles*

Babs: You two have a baby?!

Dimitri: Yes, but she's our daughter I-I mean school project.

Jessica: Yeah she's our kid i-I mean project yeah school project.

Zee: You two seem to be getting attached to her.

Kara: Sarah imprinted on them.

Jessica: Yep and look she even has a ring like me.

Babs: Your right and she even looks like you Jessica.

Sarah: *hugs jessica* Mama.

Babs: *Gasps* She said her first word.

Jessica: Second word actually, her first word is dada.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Then Sarah began to cry as Jess took notice of this and comforted her.

Jessica: Shhh. Shhh. It's ok baby, mommy's right here. You don't need to cry.

Dimitri: I think someone's hungry.

Babs: Ooh let's give her a burrito.

Jessica: Barbara Gordan are you crazy? That's no food for a young baby like Sarah.

Babs: *gasps* your right, what was I thinking? What she needs is a tiny burrito.

She holds out a tiny burrito as Sarah looks at it.

Sarah: Yucky!

Babs: No one ever turned down on those before *eats the tiny burrito*

Everette: Let's try a donut *holds a donut*

Sarah: Bleh.

Elliotte: *holds French fries* French fries?

Sarah: *shakes her head* Mhn mhn!

Everette: *eating the donut* A donut?

Sarah: *blows raspberries*

Dimitri: I think we know what she wants.

We then see them in the kitchen as Jessica is holding Sarah.

Dimitri: *holding a jar of baby food* This should do the trick. *Holds a spoon to Sarah* here you go sweetie.

Then she looks at the spoon as she then gives the food a try and then likes it as she giggles.

Babs: She likes it.

Dimitri: She does *feeds Sarah* there you go Sarah.

After feeding Sarah Jessica then patted Sarah on the back as Sarah then burped.

Jessica: All better. You're such a big girl Sarah. *Tickles Sarah's tummy* Who's mommy's big girl? Who's mommy's big girl? You are.

Sarah: *giggles*

Dimitri: Well I'm glad we got to introduce Sarah to you guys we're gonna have to get her to bed.

Kara: Ok see ya.

Then we see the others leave as Dimitri and Jessica were in a room that appeared to be Sarah's room as she was seen in the crib asleep.

Dimitri: Sweet dreams.

Then we see the two leave the room as they headed to their room.

Jessica: You know Dimitri, after we finish this project I'm... Gonna miss Sarah.

Dimitri: Me too.

Jessica: Well since the baby is asleep, ready for bed Mr. Dad?

Dimitri: Yup.

We see them in the bed as Dimitri looks at Jessica.

Dimitri: Jess, I thought this project was gonna be bad, but being a parent is actually fun.

Jessica: Yeah. Goodnight honey.

They both went to sleep and after a few days we then saw the two spending much time with Sarah, and as they were at the class we now see them with the teacher.

Teacher: How did it go?

Dimitri: Uh Pretty good, Sarah here, was really well behaved.

Jessica: Well there is one question. Does she have a family?

Teacher: I'm afraid not, Sarah here is an orphan, she has no family.

Dimitri Oh.

Jessica: She's an orphan?

Teacher: Yes. We'll try to find her a good family.

Jessica: *looks at Sarah and gasp* I got it. We'll be her family.

Teacher: are you sure? It is a big responsibility.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Jessica: and we do have a confession, we both have grown attached to her, she's like our own daughter.

Dimitri: Yeah. So we were wondering if we could adopt her.

Teacher: Hmm, you two did take good care of her. So you both can adopt her.

Jessica: Thank you.

Dimitri: *Sees Sarah* Guess we are gonna be parents after all.

After going through school and filling out the adoption papers we see Dimitri and Jessica walking with Sarah in Jessica's arms. As they walked through town they saw the others as they saw Sarah.

Kara: I thought you guys had to give Sarah back.

Dimitri: We did, but we found out that Sarah is an orphan.

Jessica: So we adopted her and now she's our daughter.

Babs: Oh so now you both are parents.

Dimitri: Yup and you all are her aunt's and uncles now

Rowan: *looks at Sarah* Wow she looks just like Jessica.

Dimitri: Guess Sarah has her mom's beauty.

Jessica: She sure does.

Elliotte: Dimitri was that a dad joke?

Diana: I do not believe Dimitri had made a joke about his father.

Andruw: No, a dad joke is a bad joke that only dads tell.

Dimitri: I was only pointing the obvious

Jessica: Me and Dimitri are gonna be good parents to Sarah.

Sarah: *babbles and shakes a rattle*

Dimitri: You know, Sarah was our project but now she's our daughter.

Jessica: Yup our little daughter Sarah Cruz.

Then Dimitri and Jessica hugged Sarah as she smiled and hugged back as the others saw them.

Zee: They actually do make great parents.

Babs: They sure do.

Karen: I think Sarah will be happy with them.

Then we see Sarah as she was hugging Jessica and Dimitri as the screen fades to black as their rings are seen glowing.

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