Rise of the knight of hope

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In Dimitri's house we see him and Jess in bed as Dimitri gets up as he sees Jessica sleeping as he kisses her cheek then he hears cooing as he gets up and heads to another room to see Sarah was awake as he walks to the crib.

Dimitri: Hey there kiddo how's it going?

Sarah: *babbles and reaches out to Dimitri*

Dimitri: Okay upsy daisy kid *picks up Sarah* So Jess, what do you want for breakfast?

Jessica: Pancakes.

Dimitri: Ok.

Jessica: And let's get you something to eat too Sarah.

Dimitri: Yeah the little one is probably pretty hungry.

We see them in the kitchen as Sarah was in a highchair as Jessica was next to her.

Jessica: Okay what will it be Sarah.

Sarah: *coos and babbles*

Dimitri: Let's see what we got for Sarah.

Jessica: You know I think we made the right choice adopting little Sarah.

Dimitri: Yeah it's nice having a baby. Hmm hey Jess what kind of baby food does sarah wanna eat?

Jessica: Let's see. *holds out two jars of baby food to sarah* which one sweetie? Apple or banana?

Sarah: *babbles and points at the banana*

Jessica: Banana it is then.

Dimitri: Hey Jess what do you wanna do after breakfast?

Jessica: Hmmm maybe take Sarah to school after all we don't have a sitter for her.

Dimitri: Good point. I did ask the principal if it was ok to take Sarah with us to school.

Jessica: Yeah and what kind of parent would leave their kid alone at home.

Dimitri: A very irresponsible one.

Jessica: And I don't want to leave my little baby alone. Plus she does have a lantern ring.

Dimitri: We better get Sarah's power in control well once she's a bit older.

Jessica: Yeah and I think everyone is gonna like Sarah when they see her in action.

We then see Dimitri and Jessica at school along with Sarah in school. We see Jessica as she had Sarah in a baby carrier.

Dimitri: Sarah you're gonna love our friends, some of them have powers like your mommy and daddy.

Sarah: *giggles and hugs a stuffed teddy bear*

As they were walking we saw Garth come by as he saw Dimitri and Jessica.

Garth: Oh hey guys what's up?

Jessica: Just showing Sarah around the school.

Garth: Sarah?

Jessica: Our adopted baby. Sarah, say hi to your new friend Garth.

Sarah: *coos and waves at garth*

Garth: Isn't it against school rules to bring a baby here.

Jessica: Oh no worries the principal gave us permission to have Sarah here.

Sarah: Mama.

Garth: So how did you get Sarah?

Dimitri: Well she was originally our school project but after finding out she's an orphan we adopted her.

Jessica: And when we were taking care of her it felt like she was a part of our family.

Garth: Oh. *sees Sarah* She looks just like you Jess.

Dimitri: Yup, she's as beautiful as her mother.

Jessica: Aw thanks sweetie.

Carol: Jessica Cruz.

They looked to see Carol as she was walking to them and saw Sarah in her baby carrier.

Carol: And who's this little girl?

Jessica: Carol, meet Sarah, our little Lantern.

Sarah: *makes a rattle construct and shakes it*

Carol: Aw, Jess she looks just like you. Where did you get her?

Jessica: Oh she was our school project and after we found out she was an orphan we adopted her and now she's our daughter.

Carol: Oh, you two did the right thing.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Jessica: We need to head to class. We'll see you later. Ok Sarah say bye-bye.

Sarah: *Babbles and coos* Bye-bye pink girl.

Carol: Bye-bye Sarah.

Then we see them in the classroom as Lessile saw them.

Leslie: Hey there guys how's it-*sees Sarah* and who's this?

Dimitri: that's Sarah, our daughter.

Leslie: Daughter? You two have a baby?

Jessica: Yeah we have a baby and before you ask we adopted her after finding out she was an orphan.

Dimitri: Yeah, and you must be Leslie Willis.

Leslie: Yeah and you are?

Jessica: This is Dimitri, he's my boyfriend.

Leslie: Oh. And when did you two become a couple?

Dimitri: A while back, you know there's something familiar about you *realizes and gasp* Your livewire right?

Leslie: Yeah. And the one who humiliated the superhero girls.

She then showed dimitri photos to him as one showed Kara defeated in the trash, Babs being chased by her own scooter, Zee's hair all frizzled up, Karen's suit being controlled making her dance and Jessica on the ground with her butt in the air

Dimitri: Woah those are just mean.

Sarah: *blows raspberries at Leslie* Meanie.

Leslie: I guess I deserve that.

Jessica: Yeah you kinda do after considering what you did.

Leslie: Yeah your right.

Jessica: And you know that kick really hurts. I still have that mark on my butt.

Dimitri: So that's where that came from all this time I thought it was a birthmark.

Leslie: So what is it that you're dating him?

Jessica: He treats me well and plus he's a Blue Lantern.

Leslie: A blue what?

Jessica: Blue lantern, you know like how a green lantern uses willpower, Dimitri uses hope.

Leslie: Oh, okay.

Sarah: *Coos and babbles*

Dimitri: Well class is about to start.

Jessica: We'll see you later.

Leslie: okay see ya.

We see the two going through class as Dimitri looked at Jessica.

Dimitri: You know Jess, after school i could heal that mark for ya.

Jessica: You can do that?

Dimitri: Yeah not only can I heal myself but I can also heal others too.

Jessica: Awesome.

Dimitri: It's the least i can do, I want to make sure that my girlfriend is ok.

Jessica: Thank you. You always give me attention.

Dimitri: I sure do.

Sarah: * Coos and Babbles*

Jessica: And you are the best thing that we can have.

Dimitri: You are mommy and daddy's little Angel. *ruffles her hair.

Sarah: *giggles and makes a construct of a smiley face*

Jessica: And you'll be in for a treat when we head to sweet justice.

After going through school we see Jessica Dimitri and Sarah at Sweet Justice as they were sitting at their usual table.

Dimitri: Sarah this is where mommy and her friends come to have snacks.

Jessica: Well Babs did say she had something to show us at the hideout.

Then we see them going to the secret base as they looked and saw a nursery was in the hideout.

Dimitri: Hey look, a nursery.

Jessica: Guess Babs decided to have a place for Sarah in the hideout. *holds Sarah* Hey Sarah, look there's a place for you.

Dimitri: Yeah kiddo you have your own little lair.

Jessica then put Sarah in the nursery as Sarah looked around as she was happy

Jessica: Now we can bring her here. *sees sarah* And we don't want you to be in an accident. *smells her* And speaking of accidents. Jess your turn on diaper duty.

We see Jessica as she was changing Sarah's diaper as we see them in a bubble construct as she then tossed it into the garbage can. We then see Jessica holding Sarah as she had on a fresh diaper.

Jessica: Alright Sarah, we changed your diaper now let's go for a walk.

We see them in a park as Sarah was in a baby carrier.

Jessica: One day Sarah, you'll be a green lantern just like your mommy.

Dimitri: And be awesome at it too.

As Dimitri looked at Sarah he then felt like they were being watched.

Dimitri: Jess.

Jessica: What is it?

Dimitri: I don't think we're alone.

Jessica: Are you saying we're being watched?

???(Saber): That's correct.

Then Dimitri Looked to see a man with a sword come out from the bushes as he was about to strike Dimitri Sarah then made a construct of a cage and trapped the man inside.

Dimitri: That's my girl.

Jessica: Good job sweetie you captured you first bad guy.

Sarah: *giggles*

Dimitri: Ok who are you and why are you after me?

Saber: My name is Saber and I was paid to capture you and escort you to Hex.

Jessica: Wait, Hex paid you?

Dimitri: What did Hex tell you?

Saber: To capture you and bring you to him alive.

Dimitri: Well I guess you didn't know that hex nearly killed my family.

Saber: what you are saying is true.

Jessica: Yeah, Hex wants to finish what he started.

Saber: Then he has no honor.

Dimitri: Yeah not very smart working for him.

Saber: I must request that you and I battle.

Dimitri: Why?

Saber: To test your might.

Dimitri: Well since you asked, I'll fight you.

Then we see Sarah releasing Saber from the cage as Dimitri walked to him and bowed as he backed up he closed his eyes and saw a memory of meeting Jessica.

Dimitri: In Fearful day...

Then he saw a memory of meeting her friends.

Dimitri: In, raging night...

Then a memory of him and jess at their date was seen.

Dimitri: With strong hearts full our souls ignite...

Then a memory of him and his siblings was seen as his ring began to glow.

Dimitri: When all seems lost in the war of light...

Then a memory of him with Jess was seen as they were holding Sarah.

Dimitri: Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!

Then Dimitri was engulfed in blue light as he then turned into a knight with blue armor as the chestplate had his Lantern symbol on it as he had on a blue cape as his eyes were also glowing blue.

Dimitri: Well this is new.

then he sees that he is now holding a sword.

Dimitri: Time to give this a go.

Then he charged at Saber as they both clashed swords as Dimitri's sword glowed and pushed Saber back.

Saber: Impressive, you seem to be full of surprises.

Dimitri: Thanks.

Then he came at saber and slashed at him as saber countered every one as dimitri then saw he was about to strike as his hand then summoned a blue shield and blocked it as he then kicked him in the gut. We then see him on the ground as Dimitri looks at him.

Dimitri: Do you yield?

Then saber tried to get up but couldn't.

Saber: I... Yield.

Then Dimitri helped him up as he healed Saber's injuries.

Saber: You show great swordsmanship. I honor that.

???(Hex): Bravo.

We see Hex come out as he saw Dimitri.

Hex: I see you have a change of armor.

Dimitri: Hex, I was hoping that I would see you show up.

Hex: And I hear your family is still alive no matter if my workers can't I'll end you my-

Just as he was about to finish his sentence a green construct of a flower pot hits Hex's head then an anvil, then a piano, and then a hay cart knocking him out as it revealed to be Sarah who made those constructs.

Sarah: *blows a raspberry* meanie.

Jessica: Good job sweetie.

Then we see Hex get up and sees Jess and Sarah.

Hex: I see you found someone to love and a child no less I'll take them just I took your-

Just as he was about to finish his sentence he then gets hit with a construct of the Titanic by Sarah knocking him out.

Dimitri: You forget they're green lanterns.

Then as he got up he was then kicked by Saber sending him out of The area.

Saber: Consider that my resignation to your service Hex.

Sarah: *blows a Raspberry and makes a construct of a face blowing a raspberry*

Dimitri: Thanks for the save Saber.

Saber: I understand now that you defend for the ones you love.

Dimitri: Thanks and I hope that we'll meet again.

Saber: I hope so too.

Dimitri: If you want you can be a hero here.

Saber: That would be nice.

Jessica: And I am so proud of you sweetie you took down your first bad guy. Even If you were a bit violent.

Sarah: *giggles and coos*

Dimitri: well i know Hex will be after you and Sarah now. Although I gotta ask if Sarah gets older and looks like you she'll be like you but a little more assertive.

Jessica: Yeah but we will protect her.

Dimitri: Yeah and i won't let Hex take you two away.

We see them hug each other, In Hex's lair we see Hex walk in as his men saw him

Man: Did you capture the blue lantern?

Hex: No, I was defeated, and I was beaten by a baby. You all will get me Dimitri and bring me his love and child.

We then see him sit down in his chair.

Hex: I will get you Dimitri, and i wIll take the ones you love once more. Starting with your love and child.

Back home we see Dimitri in his house watching Sarah as she was sleeping in her crib in her room.

Dimitri: I won't let Hex take you away from me.

Then we see Dimitri walk in his room as Jessica was seen wearing a robe.

Jessica: You ok?

Dimitri: I'm fine.

Jessica: You're worried, I can tell.

Dimitri: *sighs* You're right, I'm worried about Sarah. What if Hex takes her and you away from me, what if he takes your rings, what if he kills everyone i love, what if-

But before he could finish his sentence Jessica cut him off by kissing him on the lips and looked at him with hope.

Jessica: don't worry if Hex tries anything to our family we'll be ready for him.

Dimitri: Your right, thanks Jess.

Jessica: Your welcome, since Sarah is asleep wanna have some fun.

Dimitri: If it'll get Hex off my mind then sure.

Then Jessica took her robe off as he saw her in a green bra and blue thong.

Dimitri: Woah.

Jessica: Like what you see?

Dimitri: Yeah, you look beautiful Jessica.

Jessica: *giggles* Thank you sweetie.

Sarah: *babbles and coos*

Jessica: And I spoke too soon.

Dimitri: Looks like someone woke from her sleep.

Jessica: We're coming sweetie.

Jessica and Dimitri then came into Sarah's room and saw her awake.

Dimitri: Hi Sarah.

Jessica: What is it sweetie?

Sarah: *coos and reaches out to Jess*

Jessica: Oh you want ups.

She then picked up Sarah as she looked at her.

Jessica: Hey sweetie what are you doing up?

Sarah: *babbles and coos*

Dimitri: What do you need Sarah?

Sarah: *coos and babbles*

Dimitri: Well her diaper is clean so what else could she want? Hmm maybe she needs milk.

Jessica: Is that true Sarah? You want milk?

Sarah: *reaches to Jessica chest*

Dimitri: Something tells me she doesn't want the formula.

Jessica: Are you saying she...

Dimitri: That she wants the real stuff yeah I think so.

Jessica: But I can't...you know...give milk.

Dimitri: Well maybe there's someone who can give milk or and this might be a bit dumb *whispers* make a construct of a you know what and Sarah might think it's real.

Jessica: Your kidding right?

Dimitri: Well it's either the construct or the real deal we don't have many options here, sorry Jess.

Jessica: Well if I'm gonna do it, can you turn around please.

Dimitri: Oh sure *turns around* But forgive me for asking but I see you in the buff in bed all the time and you're cool with it, how is this time different?

Jessica: There's a child present and well you know... I don't wanna give her the wrong message.

Dimitri: Oh yeah fair point, you do your thing I'm gonna give you some privacy.

Dimiri then went to their room as Jessica saw Sarah with waiting anticipation.

Jessica: ok.

We see Dimitri waiting outside the room and begin to wonder about his knight form.

Dimitri: What was that form? And how did I do that. Ah whatever, I'll figure it out tomorrow.

Jessica off-screen: Ah, Sarah sweetie no so hard.

Dimitri: Uh Jess you okay in there?

Jessica Off-screen: I'm fine Sarah is just biting. I think her teeth are coming in.

Dimitri: Oh, well uh how's it going so far?

Jessica: So far so good but uh I think there's nothing coming out.

Dimitri: Okay this might be a problem, and it might be a bit awkward to ask someone else to feed Sarah.

Jessica: easier said than done but I don't Think Sarah will uh drink from anyone else. *Gasp* Oh my moms.

Dimitri: Moms? *Gasps* did something happen to your dad cause if something happened I'm sorry for your loss.

Jessica: Oh, no no it's just I have two moms, they swing the other way.

Dimitri: You mean there...*realizes* oh okay I get it now.

Jessica: Wait you don't have a problem with that do you sweetie?

Dimitri: no no of course not love goes beyond anything what other people say even if it is between two people who are the same gender.

Jessica: Oh phew that's a relief. Well I guess it's time you met my Moms.

Dimitri: But you think Sarah is willing to...you know...drink from someone else.

Jessica: We Could ask them if they can send us some milk.

Dimitri: That could work.

Jessica: Plus i can't deny my little Lantern her milk. Besides I think she's starting to get sick of the formula version.

Sarah: *makes a construct of a formula box with a no sign on it and blows a raspberry*.

Dimitri: Yup sounds like she is.

We then see Dimtiri, Jessica and Sarah at Jessica's house as Dimitri and Jess were in their clothes.

Jessica: Okay no pressure just ask them for their milk and it'll be quick.

Sarah: *coos and babbles* milk.

Jessica: I know sweetie and you are going to meet your aunts.

Dimiri: It's okay Jess I'll be there with you every step of the way, except when they give you the milk I'll be outside giving them privacy. And I think you mean grandmas since they're your moms.

Jessica: Oh yeah, your right.

We then see Jessica opening the door as the three of them went inside as Dimitri saw the animals in the living room.

Dimitri: Your moms run a pet shop?

Jessica: Oh no they don't we just have a lot of strays here after all they do need a home.

Dimitri: Oh, you ok Jess.

Jessica: I'm just a bit worried that my moms won't like you.

Dimtri: Don't worry Jess I'm sure your parents will like me.

Jessica: Okay, Moms you here? It's me Jessica.

Then two women came to the room.

Maria: Jessica is that you?

Wilhelmina: What brings you here?

Jessica: I have two people I want you two to meet.

Dimitri: Hi Mrs and Mrs Cruz I'm Dimtri.

Maria: Is he a friend of yours Jess?

Jessica: He's my boyfriend actually.

Dimitri: And this bundle of joy is your granddaughter Sarah.

Sarah: *coos and babbles*

Wilhelmina: You two decided to have children at a young age?

Jessica: She's our adopted daughter, she was our school project but we found out that she was an orphan so we adopted her.

Dimitri: Yeah and we kinda got attached to her.

Maria: Well it looks like you two are parents and you and Dimitri both look like a married couple.

Wilhelmina: And your boyfriend does look like an excellent husband.

Dimitri: Aw thanks.

Jessica: Thank you moms, and we kinda need a small favor.

Maria: What is it? *Jessica whispers to her ear* Oh my.

Wilhelmina: What is it? *Sophia whispers what jessica told her to Kelsey* Oh my.

Dimitri: Yeah Sarah here is getting tired of the formula and well...wants the real deal.

Sarah: *makes a construct of a box of baby formula* Yucky.

Wilhelmina: She does look like she doesn't want it anymore.

Jessica: And I can't give her milk cause well... I'm not really developed so... could you know.

Maria: Well since it's for our granddaughter.

Dimitri: I'll wait out here and give you some privacy. Oh and word of advice Sarah is a bit of a biter.

Jessica: your telling me.

Dimitri: I'll be able to make the injuries better with my powers.

Kelsey: Powers?

Jessica: Oh Dimitri here is a Blue Lantern. Like how I use willpower, he uses hope.

Wilhelmina: Oh, and thank you for the info.

Jessica: And you think you can also send us the milk to our house.

Maria: Of course for our grandbaby.

Dimitri: Thanks.

After a while we see them outside as Dimitri was waiting until he heard something.

Maria off-screen: Ah, sweetie don't bite your grandma.

Dimitri: Told you she's a biter.

Wilhelmina off screen: here Kelsey let me try

Maria: But remember what Dimitri said Sarah is a biter

Wilhelmina: It's okay Maria, I've fed Jessica before and I can do it again.

Jessica: Mom please not in front of my boyfriend.

Wilhelmina: But it is true sweetie you were a biter too *feels Sarah's bite* ah, and now I see where she gets it.

Maria: Jessica are you sure you and Dimitri said she's an orphan?

Jessica: Yeah, why?

Maria: Cause she almost looks like Jessica when she was a baby.

Wilhelmina: Do you think you and Dimitri could get a DNA test, I'm just saying.

Dimitri: Oh uh sure.

Maria: Cause there could be a possible chance that you two might be Sarah's biological parents.

Jessica: That could be possible but I don't remember giving birth. I was on birth control.

Dimitri: And I wore protection.

After a while of feeding we see the two outside as Jess was holding Sarah.

Dimitri: So how did it go?

Wilhelmina: Good and it was like with Jessica.

Jessica: Mom.

Maria: And we even took the liberty of making some bottles for our granddaughter.

Sarah: *babbles and coos* Gama.

Jessica: Bye and thanks for the milk.

As we see them leave we then see Dimitri in Sarah's room as Sarah was in Her crib having her bottle.

Dimitri: Sweet dreams sarah.

Then we see Dimitri walk into his room to see Jessica in a robe.

Dimitri: Okay Sarah is fed and is sleeping.

Jessica: Good.

Dimitri: And I'm guessing we're picking up what we left behind?

Jessica: Yes, now come on.

She grabbed Dimitri and headed to bed. The next day we see Jessica was in the living room as Dimitri came to the house with Sarah in his arms after getting the results from the DNA test.

Dimitri: How was your day?

Jessica: Good. How was yours?

Dimitri: Good and I have the results from the dna test.

Jessica: *gasps* What do they say? Please don't keep in suspense.

Dimitri: It says here...*reads the test that...*reads the results* We are the parents.

Jessica: Yes! That's amazing!

Dimitri: You seem happy.

Jessica: Well why wouldn't I be? Our little Lantern is our girl.

Dimitri: But there's one thing I'm wondering.  How did you even have Sarah in the first place?

Jessica: I don't know and how did she end up in the orphanage if she is our daughter.

Dimitri: Guess she was taken and someone left her at the orphanage.  

Jessica: Probably, and tomorrow we will have to tell the others about this.  

Dimitri: Yeah, plus I was surprised to find out we were the parents.

Jessica: Yeah but I'm actually glad that we are her real parents.

Dimitri: Yeah, let's get some sleep.

Jessica: Yeah.

We then see the two go to bed as the next Day comes as we see Dimitri holding Sarah as Sarah had an outfit that looked like Jessica's outfit as they were at sweet justice.

Kara: Why are we here?

Jessica: We have something to tell you all.

Zee: What is it?

Dimitri: Remember we adopted Sarah?

Kara: Yeah why?

Jessica: It turns out that Sarah is... our biological daughter.

Girls: WHAAT?!

Jessica: Yeah we were shocked too but we were happy that she is our daughter although we don't know how she ended up in the orphanage if she is our daughter.

Dimitri: Yeah Jess was on birth control and I was wearing protection and everything. Unless Zee do you know a spell that can scan a person and see what timeline are they from?

Zee: *uses her spell on sarah* Hmm she's not from the future but the spell is saying that Sarah was born a year ago.

Jessica: A year ago? But I don't remember giving birth a year ago.

Dimitri: Unless someone must have removed that memory.

Kara: But who could have done that?

Jessica: Don't know but I'm glad that we are parents.

Babs: I can't believe you both are Sarah's real parents.

Dimitri: It does explain why Sarah looks like Jessica.

Jessica:  She's definitely mommy's little girl.

Kara: Are you two sure that you're her parents?

Dimitri: *shows them the results* That's what these tests say.

Karen: *reads the results* He's right, Sarah is their biological daughter.

Sarah: *hugs Jessica* mommy.

Dimitri: Jessica it's a cute idea getting Sarah that outfit.

Babs: Sarah you're so cute.

Sarah: *coos and babbles* babgirl.

Babs: Oh you almost said batgirl. *realizes* wait how did she know I'm Batgirl?

Jessica: I may have told Sarah about our secret identities.

Kara: Why would you tell a baby that?

Dimitri: Come on  Kara you realize Sarah is still a baby besides she won't tell anyone else.

Jessica: *holds Sarah* That's right, but if you do tell anyone you will be in big trouble.

Sarah: *boops Jessica's nose and coos and bables*

Jessica: But I can't stay mad at my baby girl.

Sarah: *giggles*

Dimitri: Do you think there might be some traits she might Have got from me?

Jessica: Probably I can't say that our daughter will be like me.

Dimtiri: That is true

We see the two kids as Sarah's ring was seen glowing.

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