Truth about Sarah.

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At Dimitri's house we see them in bed as Dimitri had a strange dream.

In the Dream, we see Dimitri walking as he was in his hometown as he was walking he then bumped into someone.

Dimitri: Oh I'm so sorry.

???(Jessica): No it's my fault, I didn't see you

He looked to see it was Jessica as he helped her up.

Dimitri: I'm Dimitri and you are?

Jessica: Jessica cruz

Dimitri: Jessica? That's a pretty cute name.

Jessica: Oh thank you.

Dimitri: So what brings you here?

Jessica: I was just passing by, you seem nice.

Dimitri: You think I'm nice?

Jessica: Yeah.

Dimitri: So... you busy?

Jessica: No why?

Dimitri: I was wondering if you want to spend time with me.

Jessica: Sure.

Dimitri: Cool.

We then see them at a park as Dimitri looks at Jess.

Dimitri: So Jess, what's with the ring? It's kinda like my mom's ring but green.

Jessica: If I tell you can you promise not to tell anyone?

Dimitri: I promise not to tell anyone about it.

Jessica: I'm... A green lantern.

Dimitri: Green Lantern?

Jessica: Yes, my ring is powered by willpower.

Dimitri: Oh, like how my mom's ring uses hope.

Jessica: Yeah. No one knows I'm a green lantern, not even Dylan.

Dimitri: Dylan? Who's Dylan?

Jessica: My...boyfriend well soon to be ex-boyfriend

Dimitri: Why Are you gonna break up with him?

Jessica: Because he never loves me, and he's a complete jerk and a meathead.

Dimitri: Oh, maybe you wanna go out with me?

Jessica: Well you're much different than Dylan, you're nice.

Dimitri: Thanks, and I think you should be with someone who actually loves and cares for you.

Jessica: Thanks. So where do you live?

Dimitri: I live with my family, my house isn't far. You want to come to my house?

Jessica: I would love to.

We then see them at Dimitri's house as he saw no one was home.

Dimitri: My family must have gone somewhere. So uh tell me about yourself, what do you like to do.

Jessica: I like caring for the environment, I'm a pacifist and I do protests.

Dimitri: Oh, that's interesting it's nice to meet a person who fights that doesn't involve hitting people.

Jessica: Thanks.

Dimitri: Your welcome, so want something to eat?

Jessica: Well I am a bit hungry, sure what's there to eat?

Dimitri: We have some blts, pbjs, and some fried tofu.

Jessica: Well I am vegan so I'll go with the fried tofu.

After they ate they were seen on the couch as Jessica looked at Dimitri.

Jessica: You know Dimitri after today, I think I found a new love.

Dimitri: Who?

Jessica: You.

Dimitri: Me? But why?

Jessica: Well you're so much better than Dylan he never wants to do anything I want, and doesn't even consider my feelings.

Dimitri: Oh well I love you too.

Jessica: Aw thanks Dim I love you too.

Then the two looked at each other as they both kissed each other. Next we see in the real world we see Dimitri Wake up.

Dimitri: *wakes up* Woah that was... unexpected.

Jessica: Dimitri you okay?

Dimitri: Yeah I'm good I just had a weird dream.

Jessica: You mean the one where we meet each other for the first time?

Dimitri: How do you know that?

Jessica: Cause that's the same dream I had.

Dimiri: Woah we had the same that means you remember...

Jessica: Dylan yeah I do but he's nothing compared to you.

Dimiri: I'm guessing that dream was when we actually met for the first time.

Jessica: Yeah but why was that in our dream?

Dimitri: Maybe it wasn't a dream. *realizes* It was a memory.

Jessica: A memory? But how did we remember something that was...from a long time ago.

Dimitri: I don't know, but maybe Zee can help with this memory lapse.

It was the afternoon as we saw Dimiri, Jessica, Sarah, and the others.

Dimitri: Zee you know any spells that can get me and Jess our memories back.

Zee: Yeah but why?

Jessica: We both had the same dream that we actually met for the first time.

Zee: Wait that must mean you two are remembering.

Dimitri: Yeah but we only remember the day we met and...the day we became a couple and Jess dumped a person named... Dylan, do any of you girls know him?

Kara: Wasn't he Jessica's Ex-boyfriend?

Karen: Oh yeah I remember him.

Dimitri: What was

Kara: He was pretty much a selfish jerk that cared about himself.

Zee: And he never loved Jessica.

Jessica: Zee you mind using your spell to help us Remember.

Zee then used her spell as they saw a vision as we see Dimitri walking he heard crying and looked to see Jessica crying.

Dimitri: Jess what's wrong?

Jessica: Dylan...he..he cheated on me.

Dimitri: That's low, was that why you were crying?

Jessica: Yes.

Dimitri: Does he know about you being...?

Jessica: No, I haven't told him that I'm pregnant with your baby.

Dimitri: When will you do it?

Jessica: When the time is right..

Dimiri: Wait, is the baby a boy or a girl?

Jessica: I don't know. But what do we do? We're too young to be parents.

Dimitri: Jessica, this is our child we'll raise him or her together.

Jessica: You're so sweet.

Dimitri: And Jessica we'll be a great family. *places his hand on her stomach* together.

Back in the real world we see Dimitri and Jessica look at each other.

Jessica: That was when I was pregnant with Sarah.

Dimitri: And I helped you, Although I still don't get how Sarah ended up in the orphanage.

Kara: Maybe someone took her there.

Babs: But the only person that was with Jessica before Dimitri was...

All: Dylan.

Dimitri: That jerk he must have taken Sarah and wiped our memories of us meeting and having our daughter. But how did he wipe our memories?

Jessica: I..*gasp* I remember Dylan had a power that could erase a person's memory. The only person he ever told it to was me.

Zee: But why would he do that?

Babs: *gasps* Don't you get it? Dylan was jealous of Dimitri that he was better than him so he thought the best way to ruin their relationship was by making them forget each other.

Dimitri: In English Babs.

Babs: He's trying to break you guys up.

Kara: That jerk!

Diana: He is not fit for kind Jessica.

Karen: Yeah that jerk is no good for Jessica.

???(Pam): Who's not good for Jessica?

They looked to see it was Pam and her friends.

Jessica: Dylan, my ex-boyfriend.

Doris: Dylan? You dated that guy?

Dimitri: Wait you girls knew Dylan too?

Selina: Of course Jessica had the hots for that guy but he was more sour than expired cream.

Leslie: But why is Sarah with you?

Jessica: About that, Sarah is our biological daughter.

Pam: That would explain why she looks exactly like Jessica.

Dimitri: We found out that Jessica was pregnant with her a year ago.

Carol: Woah.

Dimitri: So anything else you knew about Dylan.

Carol: Well he was completely selfish, he only cared about himself and what he wanted to do. And that is not true love I should know.

Jessica: Ok. Now I remember why I broke up with him.

Dimitri: When I find him I'm gonna make him pay for taking our daughter.

Doris: Yeah and we'll help too, no pansy girl deserves that kind of treatment.

We then see them walking through town as he saw a boy with red hair. As he saw them he widened his eyes when he saw Dimitri and Jessica with angry looks.

Dylan: Uh guys what are you doing here?

Jessica: You can drop the act Dyl.

Doris: We know you tried to break them up.

Pam: but why?

Dylan: I was jealous... Jealous of him. *points at Dimitri* "Dimitri said this." "Dimitri said that." "Dimitri is so nice." "Dimitri is a good and supportive person." That's all I ever heard from Jessica non-stop, it was so annoying.

Babs: So you thought to break them up was to wipe their memories of meeting each other.

Dimitri: And you took our daughter no less.

Harleen: Wow and I thought I had a screw loose, but're a monster.

Jessica: That's the lowest thing you've ever done, and unlike Dylan he treated me like an unwanted animal and he never loved me. Dimitri gave me love, he cares about my feelings, you meat eating idiotic *censored*

Dimitri: *covers Sarah's ears* Oh snap.

Babs: Woah Jessica cruz.

Kara: Jess language.

Diana: I did not know Jessica had such a colorful vocabulary.

Karen: Jess you do realize that Sarah is here.

Zee: Dang girl.

Selina: I never hear her say that.

Jessica: Pardon my French, but it's true Dylan danials is an idiotic meat eating *censored*

Doris: Dude, you'll send a wrong message to Sarah.

Leslie: Man and here I thought you were a pansy.

Jessica: When Dylan messes with my daughter, he messes with me *to Sarah* and sorry sweetie for using such language please don't be mad at mommy.

Sarah then hugged Jessica as a way of saying "Apology accepted."

Dimitri: And you Dylan I'm gonna make you wish you never messed with me, my love, and my daughter.

Then he changed into his blue lantern suit and then changed into his knight form.

Babs: Did anyone know Dimitri can do that?

Everyone (Except for Jessica): Nope

Dimitri: You messed with the wrong lantern. *cracks his knuckles* Jess, cover Sarah's eyes, I don't want her to see this.

Jessica: Ok. * cover Sarah's eyes* Sorry sweetie, daddy doesn't want you to see this violence.

Dimitri: Thanks Jess.

But just as Dimitri was about to charge at Dylan a green construct fist hits Dylan in the nards.

Dimitri: What the?

Dimitri turned to see it was Sarah who did that.

Dimitri: Sarah, sweetie his fight is with me.

Sarah: *clears her throat* No dad... it's with me.

The others were surprised at hearing Sarah say that and talked in a full sentence.

Dimitri: Sarah you- you spoke in a full sentence.

Sarah: He's the reason our family was broken and now it's time to pay.

Sarah then grabbed Dylan and tossed him into a wall as she floated and her ring glowed even more until she was enveloped in a green light and was now wearing a green lantern suit similar to Jessica and what was even more surprising she was slightly older as she was now at least 6 years old

Sarah: In brightest day, in Blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil's might, beware my power...Green Lantern's Light!

Dimitri then floated next to her.

Dimitri: How about I join you, think of it as father and daughter time.

Sarah: Ok dad.

Then Sarah pulled Dylan to them as Dimitri made a gauntlet and punched Dylan in the face as Sarah then tossed him around.

Sarah: This is for my familia. *throws him to the ground* And this is for wiping my parents memories *punches him in the guts* and this is for putting me in an orphanage *kicks him in the nards hard* And this is for mistreating my mom.

Then we see him all bruised up on the ground.

Dimitri: Sarah... You made me proud.

Leslie: And I'm scared of her.

Sarah: *hugs Dimitri* Thanks dad. And your knight armor is cool.

As she was hugging Dimitri she saw dylan aiming at them as he fired a blast.

Sarah: oh no you don't.

Sarah then makes a construct of a mirror and reflects it back at Dylan hitting him and knocking him out.

Dimitri: Good reflection honey.

Sarah: Nobody messes with my mom and dad and my aunts.

Dimitri: But wait how did you get older all of a sudden.

Sarah: Guess the ring made me older.

Dimitri: Since when can they do that?

Sarah: *shrugs* I dunno.

Dylan: *wakes up* Where am i? *looks at the others* Who are you? Who am i?

Dimitri: Guess Dylan forgot Everything.

Jessica: *Runs to sarah and hugs her* Oh sweetie mommy is so proud of you.

Zee: *gasps* Wait when was Sarah born?

Jessica: I think it was june 12 2019.

Babs: But it's 2020.

Kara: And you two adopted her when she was a baby.

Zee: And that would mean Sarah would have been older this year which means it must have been a memory lapse.

Kara: Memory lapse?

Zee: When Sarah's memory was erased by Dylan he must have erased her aging process and she was still a baby.

Kara: In English Zee.

Zee: She must have been stuck as a baby for a year and couldn't age anymore until she...

Sarah: Until I got memories back aunt Zee.

Dimitri: And it must have doubled her age too.

Kara: Here's a question. How did Dimitri turn into a knight?

Dimitri: Don't know, but i bet someone else in the blue lantern corps does. *to Sarah* But we should also show your other aunts and uncles to you.

We then go to dimitri's house and see his brothers and sisters are here.

Everette: Why did you bring us here.

Dimitri: To see your niece. *to the hallway* Sarah come here please.

We see Sarah come in as she had on a green shirt and blue shorts and a beanie with blue and green stripes on it along with blue shoes.

Sarah: Hey Uncle Everette.

Everette: S-Sarah?! Is that you?

Sarah: Who else would it be?

Dimitri: That's Sarah, my biological daughter and your biological niece.

Piper: You mean she's our real niece?

Dimitri: Yup.

Elliotte: How is this even possible? Sarah was a baby, now she's like 6 years old.

Dimitri: Long story short, me and Jess had our memories erased by her ex boyfriend and he had Sarah in an orphanage.

Sarah: It's true.

Andruw: Why would he do that?

Dimitri: He was jealous of me and Jess. And I learned one thing from that.

Andruw: What's that

Dimitri: Jess has a...colorful vocabulary when she's ticked off.

Kara: Yeah, she was pretty mad.

Piper: What about Dylan?

Dimitri: My daughter gave him a taste of his own medicine.

Rowan: And what did you do after that?

Dimitri: Well we... wait what did we do with Dylan?

Kara: We took him somewhere he won't cause trouble.

Dimitri: And since he forgot his own power he won't be anymore trouble.

Sarah: Yep no more memory wipes.

Jessica: And sweetie we're sorry we didn't find you sooner.

Sarah: It's not your fault mom, it was Dylan's, he was trying to disown me.

Dimitri: And I'm glad that I can call you our daughter.

As Dimitri and Jessica hugged Sarah they both received one last memory vision as we see the vision show Dimitri Hugging Jess as she was Due to give birth any day.

Dimitri: I'm excited that our little baby is gonna be born soon.

Jessica: And I'm glad that I was blessed with your child. *looks at her stomach* Our child.

Dimitri: Yeah, and we will raise our child together.

As night came we saw the two asleep as Jessica woke up and felt something as she then woke Dimitri up.

Jessica: Dimitri it's time.

Dimitri: Time? *realizes* Time?! You mean-

Jessica: The baby's coming.

Dimitri: Okay let's go to the hospital quickly!

We then see Dimitri And Jessica come to the hospital as Dimitri comes to the counter.

DimitrI: Excuse me, can you help Jessica? She's in labor.

Jessica: Quick please!

We then see them in a room as Jessica sees Dimitri holding her hand.

Dimitri: Don't worry Jess, we'll get to see our child soon. But I'm worried if something bad happened I could lose you or the baby.

Jessica: Dimitri, don't say that. You won't lose me or our baby.

Dimitri: Your right.

After a while of pushing we heard Jessica scream as she gave one last push and crying was heard.

Doctor: Jessica you gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

they looked to see the doctor holding their baby as Jessica saw their daughter.

Jessica: She's beautiful.

Dimitri: Just like her mother.

As the baby was taken to be cleaned we see the doctor bring the baby wrapped in a green blanket as she was holding their daughter.

Doctor: Have you two thought of a name for your baby?

Dimitri: We have. Sarah Cruz.

Jessica: *sees Sarah opening her eyes* Hi sweetie, I'm your mommy. * shows Dimitri to Sarah* And that's your daddy.

Sarah then looked at them as she smiled.

Dimitri: We're gonna take good care of you.

In the real world we see the two hugging their daughter.

Dimitri: Sarah, when you were born we both promised to take care of you. We're sorry we broke our promise.

Jessica: Can you ever forgive us sweetie?

Sarah: I already have

Then we see the three hug each other

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