Page 10

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Nyx stirred in her sleep as the smell of bacon wafted airly into her nostrils. Opening her eye's it took her a moment to realize where she was, then the memories from last night came flooding back into her mind. Groaning she covered her face with her hands as she remembered the soft groans he made as he pleasured her. 

A gentle knock made her look up from the covers, in a millisecond she flung the covers back over her head and pretended that she was sleeping. The door softly swung open and a deep chuckle erupted from Hunter's chest as he watched the covers sink back into the bed. He knew that she was awake. Clearing his throat he set the plate of food on the nightstand beside her, "Well since shes still sleeping I guess I'll just leave" hunter made his voice obviously louder and walked to the door and closed it.

Nyx let out a tiny breath of air and inched her hand out from out the cover determined to reach the bacon.

Meanwhile, hunter stood leaned up against the door amused. "So I take it you like bacon" Nyx froze her hand successfully on the bacon. Slowly she retreated her hand back under the covers. She threw the covers off of her, her eye's still closed. "mmm Bacon mmm sleepwalking" Nyx pretended that she was sleep. 

Hunter generally laughed and it sounded like music to Nyx's ears, she opened her eye's and saw him laughing. Nyx found herself smiling as she ate the bacon. Hunter walked to her, "How you feeling?" she could him fighting his smirk. Nyx rolled her eye's."I'm fine" she pushed off the bed and stood up in front of him. "Well how was it?" this time he was openly smirking as he watched her face heated up a light pink. "I er.. OH IS THE SHOWER CALLING ME?" Nyx dashed past him and into the bathroom locking the door behind her. Hunter chuckled and followed after her leaning against the bathroom door. "I didn't know that showers can talk" Nyx didn't respond just turned the shower on.

Hunter stalked off to the kitchen and took the letter into his hands, the anxiety was almost overbearing. He tore the letter open and gazed at his mother's perfect cursive letters. Taking a deep breath he read.

" Dear son I have missed you, How are you? you never write to me anymore, that makes me sad. However, me and your father's anniversary is upcoming. This Saturday. I expect to see you there. You should wear that suit of yours I bought you, I do hope you can fit it otherwise I might have to retake your measurements. Anywho don't disappoint, and how about you bring a date for once! I know I know I'm a comedian.

Sincerely Your Loving Mother"

Hunters palms were sweating when he finished the letter, He bawled it up and threw it in the garbage running his fingers through his hand. He closed his eye's tightly as he willed the flashbacks to stay out of his brain. A soft hand touching his back pulled him out of his dark memories, Nyx was looking at him worriedly. "You alright" Hunter focused on her eye's and nodded his head as he took deep breaths to calm his erratic heart. Nyx's eye's flicked down to her watch and then back to him, "I have to go now, I need to open up the shop" Hunter just stood perfectly still as he watched her gentle eye's home in on his. "Hunter" she called him when he didn't answer her. "Yeah, okay I'll go get my keys" Hunter reluctantly looked away from her and stalked off into the living room and grabbed his keys off the coffee table. 

When he came back he studied her outfit, she wore a pastel yellow bodysuit paired with a blinding white skirt that flowed elegantly. Her white hair was thrown in a messy bun with tablets of her hair framing her face, it amazed hunter how someone could be so beautiful so easily.

Clearing his throat to pretend that he wasn't staring at her he walked to the door and grabbed her back swiftly, "Let's go". Nyx nodded as they made the same pathway as they did the night before. The elevator ride down was silent although they kept secretly glancing at each other when they entered the main lobby the receptionist watched them silently throwing nasty glares at Nyx. Nyx blinked back at her innocently but kept walking. 

When Hunter and Nyx reached outside the suns rays hit on Nyx, "Oh" she moaned lightly "This sun feels so good" She chirped happily. Hunter just gave a little groan in agreeance. They reached the car and hunter held the door while Nyx slid inside, Hunter closed it behind her then mounted the driver's seat. 

Nyx let her head fall back and her eye's close, "Time to go back to work" she sighed and laid her head back. Hunter looked over at her, her bare neck was exposed and hunter licked his lips before biting his lip a bit Pulling out the lot hunter drove the car to her bakery already having memorized the routine.

Nyx touched the radio and turned to a station that played mellow music, she grinned ear to ear as she started to sing. "When's the last time that you called me just to say hi?"Hunter was amazed she had a beautiful voice.

Damn is there anything she can't do? Hunter shook his head as he stole a glance at her, her hair was framing her face and her plump pink lips were open as she sang, she looked like a dove to him.

They pulled up to her bakery thirty minutes later, Nyx hopped out the car before he could get to her. Nyx smiled at him "Thanks for everything, text me and I'll see you on her birthday". Hunters phone started buzzing in his pocket looking down at it, it showed the caller I.D, Mother.

Hunters face paled and he just nodded at Nyx and sped off, tossing his phone into the armrest. He sped off towards his dad building.

Nyx stood there for a moment wonder who was calling him, she shook her head and decided it was none of her business. Turning around she was met with ginger hair and a cute dimpled smile with green eye's looking back at him. "Valentino" Nyx smiled softly, "Hello doll face, I'm ready for training"


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Question of the chapter, "Why do you guys think happened between Hunter and his mom?"

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