page 9

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Nyx was going to unbutton his shirt when the doorbell rang. Hunter slowly pulled back lips swollen a bit from the heated session and groaned. "This better be important" he muttered as he stormed to the door.
"What" he growled as he swings the door open without looking through the peephole.

There stood in a red sundress and a black sunflower hat and black high heels stood a woman. Nyx trotted over to hunter and drunk in this woman's rich features. She was absolutely stunning "who's this?" Nyx asked...


Hunter stared at the woman with a grim expression on his face, an unsettling feeling rested in the bottom of Nyx's stomach. "My sister," Hunter said firmly. Nyx lips formed a perfect 'o' as she looked at the woman once more. Her sharp features included a petite body with a sharply pointed jawline her eyes were an icy green and catlike all in all she was beautiful and it shook Nyx. 

Nyx reflectively let go of Hunter but he held onto her tightly, "What do you want" Hunter spoke his voice edgy with discontent and dislike. The woman smiled at Hunter sickeningly sweet "aw baby brother is that how you treat your dearest sister?" Hunter just glared at her, "What.Do.You.Want" He asked again pronouncing each syllable to further indicate his agitation. The woman rolled her eye's "I have a message, it's from Mother".

Hunters face paled into a ghost white and his hand began to tremble slightly before he abruptly let Nyx's hand go and wiped it on his pants. He swallowed as he held his hand out and she slowly placed the snow white letter into his hand, he was at a lost for words. Hunters sister turned and walked away but not before saying "See you next Saturday baby bro".

Hunter almost slammed the door in anger after she left, Nyx felt helpless, she barely knew the guy and here he was clearly freaking out and she had no Idea how to calm him. Hunter put the letter on the counter and paced the kitchen with his hands in his hair. Nyx stared at him helplessly, she wondered what he was so upset about clearly something was up with him and his mother she just didn't know him well enough to ask.

Nyx watched him pace for five more minutes before she decided to do something about it, "Hunter" she called his name softly but that didn't stray him from his path of pace. "Hunter" she called him a bit louder, he didn't even bother to look up at her. Nyx huffed and walked into his pace pathway and blocked it off so that he would have to look at her. "Hunter," she said firmly as he stopped in front of her, his face was still ghosted white but it was regaining some color as he looked at her silently.

"Calm down" her voice came out slow and steady, it spoke to him in volumes as he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He dropped to his knee's and pulled Nyx to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, he breathed her in with his eye's closed and let her divine sent calm his nerves. 

Minutes passed as they stayed in the same position, "Thank you" he spoke gruffly before releasing her and standing up brushing off the imaginary dust off of his pants. Nyx smiled softly her heart swelling a bit. Hunter silently leaned down and scooped her up and off her feet tossing her over his shoulder, "We have unfinished business" he tossed her onto the couch and slowly advanced down onto her.


Hunters rough lips crashed against hers as her body rolled up and against his, his feverish kiss made Nyx hot in anticipation as he kissed and licked on her neck, she bit her lips to keep herself from making noses as he kissed down her body.

Hunters rough hands slipped under her shirt and firmly gripped her breasts in his hands, Nyx opened her mouth in a protest but got quieted as his mouth latched onto hers and his tongue was plunged into her mouth exploring the salty taste of the pizza and the sweetness of the ice cream. His fingers snaked its way into her bra as he started to rub her nipples a foreign sensation to Nyx. Her plump lips parted in a perfect 'o' as she experienced this new form of pleasure. Hunter pulled back to watch her and marvel at her body in amazement as she made small little whimpers of pleasure that he was sure she didn't know she was making.

Her pale face was contorted in ecstasy as he pulled and teased her nipples. The sight alone was enough to raise his own. "Have you ever came Nyx" he whispered huskily in her ear,  "No" she whispered short of breath. Hunter groaned at her innocence, she was so pure it turned him on in new ways.

"I am going to show you what you've been missing" and with that hunter stopped teasing her nipples and ran his hands down the curve of her body kissing down her body until his face was at her vagina. He looked up at her for permission, she gave a short nod and he placed a gentle kiss on the heated core.

Like an expert, hunter smoothly slid down her shorts and took them off purring softly as he saw that she had worn lace panties. "What a naughty naughty girl you are" Hunter licked up her thighs. Nyx gave a light moan when as he then inched closer to her heat. Hunters tongue thrust into her at once and she cried out loudly in pleasure, she tried to raise her hips up but hunter kept a firm hand on her. Slowly hunter began to move his tongue in a circular motion, Nyx threw her head back as pleasure completely took over her. "Hunter!" she cried out in ecstasy. Hunter smirked, "You taste divine". Hunter licked and sucked on her clit hungrily, Nyx was almost at the edge when he inserted a finger and gently began to thrust it in and out curving it to hit her cervix. "Nyx cum for me" he roughly whispered in her ear as he inserted another finger, Nyx gasped as she felt a tight ball in the pit of her stomach clench harder, she frantically pushed hunter. "No, I want to see you come for me". Hunter drew her core against his mouth again and she moaned loudly as she climaxed.

"What a good girl" Nyx body shivered as her legs trembled, she had never experienced something like this, she was almost at a loss for words. Hunter, however, felt guilty happy to see her in this state, all because of him. Kissing her deeply he rubbed her aching thighs, "How was it baby girl?" Nyx looked up at him her doe eye's hazy with sleepiness. "It felt.. really great" she mewled softly. A tiny yawn stirred up from Nyx, Hunter scooped her up "let us go to bed" he carried her to the bed and placed her on his right side. She was instantly sleeping and for the first time in three years, Hunter fell into a deep slumber with her.

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