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Hunter leaned down to were she was standing at and eye'd her up and down shamelessly smirking when he saw her cheeks flame up." You look yummy" he told her honestly and Nyx  was at a loss for words.

Hunter pulled back smiling and grabbed a slice of pizza and Nyx followed suit, Hunter silently stalked to the couch "follow me we have some things to discuss".


Nyx followed him to the couch and sat down next to him. He tucked in a stray piece of hair behind her ear and nyx melted.
"So"he said his eyes not leaving off of hers,"I want to get to know you better" he cut straight to the point not wasting time.

"Well what do you want to know?" Nyx looked away from him taking a bite out of her pizza. Hunter watched the way how her mouth chewed and watched her fragile neck swallow, he was growing angsty again in-visioning she was swallowing something else.

"Let's start with your favorite color" hunter took a bite out of the greasy food and restrained himself from gagging as he forced himself to chew it. Nyx licked her lips catching the bit of sauce that was on the side of her lips.

"My favorite color is neon green" she smiled and he felt a shiver go up his body. "What's yours?"she asked him her voice gentle as if it would break any moment . "I like black" he cleared his throat and Nyx hid a chuckle."what's so funny" he playfully glared at her, she looked at him faking a fearful expression, "it's just typical don't you think, the bad boy who loved the color black and probably has a motorcycle somewhere" Nyx eyes bubbled with giddiness.

"Hey now motorcycles are cool not because I'm some super dangerous bad boy but because they just are" hunter pouted. Nyx let out a laugh and he was unraveled. "Okay my turn to ask you a question, " Nyx tapped her chin "what's your job?" She asked him curiously .

Nyx watched as hunter smiled softly "I'm a model"he put it shortly and Nyx just nodded her head and took another bite of her pizza.

Hunter set his plate aside and settled for the tub of ice cream instead "what's with that scar under your elbow" hunter asked his voice getting lower, he noticed the slight jump when he asked her this and immediately regretted it as her posture became stiff.

"Me and my brother" she spoke quietly and her eyes glistened "we were playing with toys and his LEGO statue came crashing down on me when I was like 3" hunter was shocked she had a brother .

"You have a brother?" She looked down into her lap "had" she spoke barley audible.

Hunter felt shock course his body "what happened?" He dared to ask. Some might say he was pushing the button with her but he generally wanted to know

"He was kidnapped" she bawled her fists up " a man came out of nowhere one day while he was walking me home from school" her voice trembled and she fought to fight back her tears. It made hunter feel horrible watching her relive this terrible memory.

"He -He was trying to grab me and I screamed for jay" she continued "jay tackles the guy into the van he was tryin to put me in and the van sped off and I haven't seen jay since , it's been twelve years" tears now silently coursed Down her cheeks and her hands where shaking .

Hunter took her trembling hands in his own and pulled her to his chest, "hey I'm so sorry it'll be okay" he wiped the tears off her cheek and looked her in the eyes .

He kissed her forehead and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. He was being oddly compassionate with her it was scary for him he had never needed to do something like this and he never experienced showing this much compassion or being so gentle with someone.
Hunter lifted her face and rubbed his thumbs across her pale cheeks "I'm so sorry for bringin it up" he whispered sincerely.

Nyx shook her head still gracing him a small smile "your fine I'm just a crybaby" he laughed at that and kissed her nose and snuggled her under his arm feeding her ice cream " what's your inspiration in life"

Nyx had to think for a second,"to become the happiest me I can ever be and reach that point of happiness everyday in my life at some point" hunter gazed down at her as the words sunk in he found himself smiling in which he rarely ever did .

"That's a great inspiration " he commented

"What's yours?"

"Hmm mine is to keep trucking until my feet give out"
"How sloppy"
"Sloppy! Are you ludicrous woman that's a damn good inspiration "
"Is not ! It's half assed"
Hunter and Nyx glares at each other until both fell into a fits of laughter .
Hunters deep rumbling laughter sounded so sweet to little Nyx she loved the rumbling sound and the carelessness he was displaying tonight .

Hunter touched Nyx cheek and pulled her to him before kissing her deeply. Nyx was at a loss for words as she kissed him back with desire.
They're lips dancing together like a melody and there bodies pushed together like glue on paper .

The fire between them could never be easily put out , that much she knew when she was kissing him. His lips trailing kisses down her neck until she moaned out as he kissed and bit her. She was turning hot with want and need.

Nyx was going to unbutton his shirt when the doorbell rang. Hunter slowly pulled back lips swollen a bit from the heated session and groaned. "This better be important" he muttered as he stormed to the door.
"What" he growled as he swing the door open without looking through the peephole.

There stood in an red sundress and a black sunflower hat and black high heels stood a woman. Nyx trotted over to hunter and drunk in this woman's rich features . She was absolutely stunning "who's this?" Nyx asked


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