Page 7

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Nyx was thrown onto the bed as hunter stared down at her hungrily, her doe eye's widening as he stalked to her like a predator and she was the prey. Hunter crashed onto her and flames erupted between them his body melting to her's like chocolate melting onto a strawberry. 

Hunter was intoxicating to Nyx. His soft lips was the only thing she could think about as she moved her lips against his. She knew she did not have the willpower to stop, he was like a drug that she couldn't get enough of. 

Hunters body expertly rolled against her's his hands gripping at her waist as he poured himself into the passionate kiss. Nyx moaned lightly as he nibbled on her bottom lip, her hands tugging in his brown locks wrapping her legs around her torso. Hunter groaned as he kissed down her neck and sucked leaving a hickey. 

His hands rubbed up her thighs and back down, he knew he had to take things slow but he just couldn't help himself as he slipped into her enchantment. Nyx hands roamed down his hard body as she began to lift up his shirt her mind hazy with sexual desire.

No, Hunter reminded himself as he adruptly pulled off of her. Nyx looked at him wide eye'd and panting. To say she was aroused would be an understatement, but she understood why he pulled away. Although her body was saying yes her mind was telling her no, well only a little part of it.

Nyx fumbled as she pulled down her shirt,"I-I'm uh s-sorry" Nyx mumbled nervously as she straightened her hair and clothes. Hunter just stared at her his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to eliminate the erection he had grown. His eye's were dilated and fixated on the hickey that was visible on the right of her delicate slim neck.

The feel of her was like velvet against his lips, an rare delicate that he'd been able to taste. Nyx was his intoxication and that was very bad on his side. 

"go shower I'll - I'll go prepare dinner" Hunter told her his voice hoarse with want and need. Nyx nodded as she left the room quickly, Hunter stared at the place where she just previously sat, moaning in his ear and tugging in his hair. 

Getting even more aroused hunter paced the room and counted to two-thousand. He heard the shower turn on and he left the room. Down the hall he saw the master bathroom door was closed and walked to the kitchen.

for fucks sake you don't even know what food she likes, he thought to himself angrily how could he be so stupid.

The whole point of him bringing her here was to get to know her and here he was jumping on her like a cat attracted to catnip. 

She's a laid back girl I think, he thought again as he ran his hands through his hair a habit he had when he was fustrated. 

Fuck it, I'm ordering pizza and ice cream, you never can go wrong with pizza right? Hunter dialed his favorite pizza company and ordered two pepperoni pizza's he just hoped she wasn't a veggitaran, although with her slim physique he wouldn't be all that shocked if she was.

Meanwhile Nyx was in the shower playing the scene over and over in her mind. Hunter's minty breath fanning over her neck as he grinded into her, his hands squeezing onto her waist.

Nyx dropped her head back and the hot steamy water engulfed her body and hair, she imagined hunter behind her carassing her body with his strong rough hands.

what the hell am I thinking, Nyx snapped at herself. She barley knew this man and she was already invisioning having sex with him. 

I wonder how he will react when he finds out I'm a virgin, Nyx thought as she continued to wash up with this fancy smelling soap. 

Pushing all thoughts of Hunter out of her mind,for now, she washed her hair and took an extra 5 minutes just to relax in the steaming water. Nyx adored taking steaming hot showers the kind that steam rolled off her body even when she turned the water off, she liked to pretend that she was a super-hero and that the steam was just something her body produced.

Stepping out the shower she looked into the elegant mirror and looked at her cadaverous skin and her bleached hair. With a sigh she wrapped the fluffy towel around her body and dried off. She tossed on a pair of short shorts and a spaghetti strapped tank top with knee high socks. She looked adorable.

Tossing her hair into an effortless bun that also looked remarkable. Nyx was brushing her teeth when the smell of pepperoni pizza wafted through and under thee bathroom door. 

Oh gods yes. 

Nyx spit out the toothbrush and snatched up her clothes her stomach rumbling for her to hurry up. She tossed her clothes into her dirty clothes bag and quickly opened the door and left the bathroom

quietly creeping into the bedroom where she was previous to the shower Nyx set her bag aside and crept to the kitchen.

Two boxes of glorious heaven lay on the counter opened ready to be devoured at the flick of her tongue. Nyx almost melted at the sight as Hunter had two giant tubs of vanilla and caramel ice cream in his hands. His back was facing her so she was free to admire and stare at the god before her freely.

Hunter turned around a few seconds later and Nyx saw him gulp visably and she held back her laughter, this man would be the death of her.

Nyx silently walked to were he was her scent wafting all around her as if she sprayed perfume, "How did you know I love pizza?" she asked not taking her eyes off of him. Hunter daringly stared back at her a small smirk plastered onto his handsome face, " wild guess" he explained 

Hunter leaned down to were she was standing at and eye'd her up and down shamelessly smirking when he saw her cheeks flame up." You look yummy" he told her honestly and Nyx  was at a loss for words.

Hunter pulled back smiling and grabbed a slice of pizza and Nyx followed suit, Hunter silently stalked to the couch "follow me we have some things to discuss"


( A/N- wooo Im updating more frequent now ;) how do you guy's like it so far? , comment vote and follow me the next chapter we will cool things down a bit and learn a bit more about Nyx and hunter so stay tuned)

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