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Author's Note:
Hola peeps! Very sorry for the long delay. Got stuck up with few works and can't escape. Have a happy reading now


Namjoon's Pov

I saw her all shocked on seeing us. Jin hyung and Hobi hyung were trying to hold in their laughter since we all could tell that she is an army. She came inside the hall swinging the army bomb and looked so cute. I know she is the same girl who called me a serial killer back in Korea and the same girl who bumped into me a few moments ago. 

"She is Kate, one of our female models", Mr. Andrew introduced as she was slowly brought in by Mr. Alex. We just introduced ourselves a moment ago and they are nice people. We came here for Jungkook's further treatment.

Jungkook had a severe accident that day and we were so afraid back then. Fortunately, he was fine but had to go through some treatments. The whole world doesn't know that the accident is too severe. They were only given a statement from the agency that he met with an accident and is fine now.

There were many gifts from the army to support and cheer him. But Jungkook wasn't actually the same from then. He is being given psychological treatment also for which Jin hyung didn't agree at first. After a lot of convincing that he needs it the most, he finally agreed to it. 

The doctor said that he must not try to remember the accident since it could make him more stressed. So, she is trying to make his mind clear and help him. She came along with us and is staying along with the makeup artists and the assistant managers.

"I am Kate, Nice to meet you all", she stuttered and introduced herself. She looked really embarrassed. And Jin hyung finally burst into laughter. I glared at him for making the situation awkward. And then Hobi hyung also joined him.

"So, are you an Army?", Jin hyung asked without beating around the bush and she nodded shyly. 

"We are happy that you are. Please don't mind them", I told her and she nodded, still feeling awkward. She was still holding the army bomb with a tight grip around it. I guess she is nervous. I mentally cursed at Jin hyung and Hobi hyung for making it more awkward.

"So, since you already know them, I don't think there is a need for introduction. Let me get straight to the point", Miss Stella started and we averted our eyes towards her.

"BTS is here for some interviews and will also model for Vogue and other fashion industries. Our agency is sponsoring their accommodation as well as our sets will be used for their photoshoots. We will be there with them for guidance and also help them with their work. The director's orders", Mr. Andrew stated and both Miss Kate and Mr. Alex nodded.

"Mr. Alex", I called and he shook his head vigorously.

"Please don't call me Mr. Alex. It makes me feel old and I don't really like to be called with such huge respect. And don't call her Miss Kate too though she looks old", he mouthed and we could see Miss Kate showing a displeasing expression to him.

"You can call me Kate", she spoke and we nodded.

"And you two, please don't behave like kids. At least now", Miss Stella told them and they didn't even look at her. Both Miss Stella and Mr. Andrew shook their heads, probably in disbelief. All the time, I could see Alex holding her hand.

"Could you both show them the sets and the building?", Andrew asked and they both nodded. They look really young, like my age or Jimin's. 

Miss Stella and Mr. Andrew left from there leaving us with the two people who are more bothered about talking to themselves forgetting our presence.

"Hey! Are you the one who got coffee spilled in the morning?", Jimin asked her and she looked at him, shocked.

"How do you know?", and then she widened her eyes, maybe realizing that she met us before outside the café. 

"So, Namjoon spilled the coffee on this girl?", Suga hyung asked and I scratched my neck in embarrassment. Why does he have to raise that topic now?

"So, Kim Namjoon spilled the coffee on me", she mouthed and immediately covered her mouth with a palm.

"I am so sorry. I mean did Mr. Kim Namjoon spill coffee on me?", she asked and everyone laughed except for Alex.

"I am sorry. I was clumsy then. And since we are calling you by your first names, we hope you do the same", I told them and Alex forwarded his hand.

"Let's hope we get together and become good friends then", he mouthed and I shook his hand.

"And please don't apologize for that. And hope we get along well", Kate forwarded her hand and Jin hyung shook hers. She blushed at that and Jin hyung patted her head. Alex looked at him in surprise.

"Omo, you look so pretty", he finally blurted and I was actually waiting when he will do that. Suga hyung facepalmed himself and the rest all giggled. She blushed at his words and they pulled out from handshake.

"So, who is your bias?", Hobi hyung asked and she smiled cheekily.

"I like all of you guys but Jin is my bias", she spoke Jin hyung grinned wide.

"Who wouldn't like worldwide handsome?", he stated and patted her head again. Alex smiled at that and held the blushing Kate's hand. 

"So, shall we go around", he asked and we nodded. The whole agency smiled seeing Kate and Alex. Most of them didn't recognize us. Perhaps two or three people widened their eyes upon seeing us. We are not surprised since this isn't Korea anyway. We will be conducting tours in America next year and hope it becomes a success.

It's rare for a modeling agency to sponsor us but we don't want people to know that we are in America. Firstly because people don't know Jungkook's accident is severe and is still taking treatment. Secondly, an entertainment agency could be risky since the news can be leaked. And thirdly, the companies chose the sets from this agency for the shoot. So all together, this became our final choice. Not that we are complaining though. We could get to see what happens in the modeling industry.

"Stella messaged me that your presence here is hidden from the world and also the staffs who have seen you will keep this undisclosed.", Alex mouthed and I nodded. I know that confidentiality is a must and our Manager must have spoken to Mr. Andrew and Miss Stella about that.

"What's your age?", Jungkook asked Kate who looked at him in surprise.

"I am older than you", she smiled and he nodded.

"I will call you noona then", he chimed and we smiled at that. We rarely see Jungkook talking these days. He got really affected by that accident and I think it will still take time for him to get over that.

"Really? That's good to hear", she mouthed in showing a cute smile. Her features are something that I could never forget since that day. Not that she comes to my mind all the time but every time I see that blue umbrella in the dorm, I remember her. 

"So, are these the sets?", Taehyung asked opening his mouth wide agape as we entered the enormous hall. They were a lot much bigger than the ones in Korea. No wonder New York is called the fashion city of America.

"They look empty now since there is no shoot going on here but once the shoot starts, this will be the most crowded place of the whole building", Kate mouthed and we nodded. I checked the dimensions and could tell that if the light was positioned in the right position, it would give the best shot. 

"So, this is it", Alex sighed as we toured around the company. They are really good people who tolerated Jin's terrible English dad jokes and Hoseok's noisy being and even answered Jimin's and Taehyung's stupid questions.

"Thank you", I told them and they smiled. To be honest, I could tell that Kate is still nervous. She didn't even leave the army bomb since then.

Later, our manager, Miss Stella, and Mr. Andrew came towards us and we smiled at them. Our manager spoke something with them and they just smiled.

"Are you saying they will be troublesome? Our Kate and Alex are the most troublesome out of all. If you keep a competition of crackheads, Kate and Alex will top without a doubt", Miss Stella told and Alex is stopping Kate from saying anything by covering her mouth.

"No, no. Our BTS will give a very tough competition and also win the championship", our manager mouthed and they chuckled. We looked at him, embarrassed. Of course, we are, they told us 100 times not to give any spoilers about the tour in America and I blurted it out in an interview.

"Stella, you know what I can do?", Kate spoke as Alex removed his hand.

"What? Like the last time? That was one stupid prank you know? Don't be a kid", Mr. Andrew spoke in a stern voice. What did she do? Did she pretend to be not well during the shoot? Or did she scare her with a horror prank?

"I think you guys are wondering what it must be. Don't even try to know. She does the most embarrassing things along with that guy beside her", Miss Stella stated and both Alex and Kate shot daggers through their eyes.

"One day they asked their makeup artists to leave telling that their shoot is over when three-fourth of the shoot is still left. That was a peak time and we had to wait for one hour for them to come back to set from home. And they did this all because they are angry at us and you know for what?", She asked and we looked at her curiously.

"Because we ate their share of ice-cream without their knowledge", she continued and we laughed at that.

"Stella", Kate was glaring at her, probably for embarrassing her in front of us. Alex just sighed hearing her.

"And the last prank was the most terrible one", Mr. Andrew stated and I wonder what it is. 

"Don't worry, after being with our guys, you will see even more terrible ones", the manager mouthed. Come on Sejin ssi, don't kill our reputation now. We know we are terrible, at least call us normal. It's funny how the managers are debating about which people are the craziest and irritating.

"Cool then, You can go into your hotel room and take a rest for now", Our manager said and we nodded. We bid bye to Kate and Alex and walked out of the building. As the car approached me, I told my members that I will join them later. They agreed and left without me.

I walked to Kate who was heading towards the same Starbucks Café. I put on my mask but this time on seeing me, she smiled. I guess she recognized me this time.

"Well! Are you here to buy a coffee?", I asked and she nodded.

"Please don't be shy. I know it might be awkward but still, I am nothing special. Be comfortable around us", I told her and she gave out a smile.

"Okay, Namjoon", she called me by my name and I smiled at that.

"Cool then, Kate"

We ordered coffees for us and got seated at one of our tables. I smiled at her sparkling eyes ass She adored her coffee cup with the whippee cream on the surface. She loves the whipped cream so much, I guess.

"I like your songs so much and you guys have cool talent.", she started and I blushed at that. It feels really nice when someone compliments my band.

"Thank you for those words. They mean a lot", I told her.

"There are many people who feel like that. And it's the universal truth though. I am sure you will ace as an artist even in the States", she stated.

"Do you know that we will be touring America soon?", I asked her and she chuckled.

"Aren't you the one who gave the spoiler and even now, you are asking me if I know? That implies that there's a tour confirmed", she told and I mentally smacked myself in embarrassment. Why am I like this?

And then she told me how Alex also loves our music and that they dance to all their rock beats. She even asked me about how is Jungkook as she knew about the accident and I told her that he is doing well. I am not yet ready to disclose the whole thing.

"Well! Did you come to Korea a few months ago?", I asked her and she looked at me in shock.

"How do you know?", she asked and I let out a chuckle.

"Mianhae, Mianhaeyo, Mianhamnida"



oday I serve you Namjoon's sexy wink

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