Odyssey Rewrite 6

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(Welp it's back to our quadrant of heroes. I've been waiting for this chapter for so long)

Michael was looking out the window yet again, boredom starting to kick in. That was until he seen a flash of downstrike lightning and realized they'd arrived at the city. And it was a disaster.

"What happened?" Christine asked and Rich shrugged, landing gently(for once) on top of a building.

When they got out, they seen some residents of the city staring at a skyscraper...and Michael knew that the thing around the skyscraper had to be Squip's doing.

He and Christine looked around the building to see if there was anything to do to stop the thing from there, and realized that wouldn't end well.

"Hey maybe we should ask what's going on. Wouldn't that be simpler?" Christine asked and Michael nodded, ignoring the rain on his outfit and walking over to the group of people.

"Excuse me, what happened?" Michael asked, and the tallest member of the group, a young looking female with brown hair(tinted at the bottom) and a fancy purple suit turned around to see him.

"Some rogue with a flying ship came by and launched some sort of large, robotic bug at City Hall. It's eating up all the power in the city. Not to mention said rogue put up posters of a royal wedding up all over my city."

"Your city?" Christine asked and the woman nodded.

"I'm the mayor here. My name's Chloe."

"Oh, well I'm Michael, this is Christine, and we're actually looking for that rogue you talked about."

"Are you working with him?" Chloe was quick to jump to conclusions.

"No Ma'am, we're trying to rescue our Prince from him. He kidnapped him and we're on this wild goose chase trying to get him back." Christine explained quickly and Chloe's expression quickly softened.

"Okay. Then that means you'll stop that bug right?"

"We can try. I don't know how we're going to though." Michael mumbled the last part as he and Christine waved goodbye(for now) to Chloe and began balancing on girders.


When they reached the actual city, they froze at how destroyed it was.

"Okay, we gotta figure out how to stop that...thing from hurting anybody else." Christine nodded in agreement at Michael's obvious comment and the two made their trek towards City Hall.


"Wow it's a lot bigger in person isn't it?" Christine muttered as the bug climbed down the building and it's eyes opened up.

Inside were cockpits, and piloting those cockpits were Sal and Keira.

"Well that explains that." Christine muttered under her breath, and surprisingly, nobody heard.

"Let me guess. You're here because you're still looking for the prince?" Keira teased and neither Michael nor Christine answered.

"Well too bad for both of you, Jeremy's still with the boss, and if you really think you can stop him then you're out of your league. Just give up while you still have the chance." Sal laughed at them and Michael looked around for any way to destroy the bug.

He spotted some kind of tank, probably left by Squip to kill him, and ran over to it, jumping inside and realizing how far its range was.

"Michael what are you doing!?" Christine yelled and Michael aimed the cannon up and launched it at the bug, cracking one of its round body parts.

"I found a way to stop the robot. I'm sure there's another tank here you could use." Michael smiled as he aimed again, shooting another portion of the body.

Christine, meanwhile, was looking for her own tank, and managed to find one that seemed to be powered off.

She turned it on and began aiming alongside Michael, destroying most of the bug's body.

"Sis, we gotta go, or they're gonna kill us!!" Sal yelled at Keira, but she wasn't listening. She pressed something, and the bug's takl created a large ball of electricity and began aiming wires of it at the duo. "Sis c'mon let's just go!!!"

"No! I'm not failing the boss. You can fail all you want but that isn't my business!!"

"Well it's not my fault you want the boss to praise you because you love him!

"I do not love him!!"

"That's a lie!!"

"Is it?" The twins started fighting and Michael took the change to destroy the tail. "...yeah Sal you're right we should probably leave." The twins pressed buttons in their cockpits, and the bug's eyes turned into little cockpit controlled pods and flew off, causing the mechanical monstrosity to crash to the ground and explode.

Michael got out of his tank and stared at the broken parts in concern. They'd have to clean this up wouldn't they?


(Now to the walnut, well where he is)

"And you're sure this will control him completely?" Squip asked his oldest brother, fiddling with two green gemstones in his hands."

"Yes and- stop playing with them, they'll break." Winston pulled the gems out of Squip's hands and the younger male got annoyed. "As I was saying, it'll become permanent at a key word, which will be when you and the prince both say I Do at the wedding. That way nothing can convince him to leave you."

"But how are we going to get him to wear the gemstone exactly, Mister Genius?"

"Simple. I measured the size of the gemstone in the tiara you stole and realized it would work perfectly for this gemstone." Winston put the tiara on the table and sat the gemstone inside. "See?"

"What about my gemstone then?"

"We can affix it to your bow tie."

"Hmm...alright. You're dismissed now Winston." Winston left the room and Squip smiled at the tiara in front of him. He should probably see if it really works though...

(Now to Jeremy)

"Miah, I brought you something." Jeremy looked up from his prison to see Squip smiling down at him.

"What do you want?"

"Here." Squip handed Jeremy the tiara, and the prince was very confused. "Well. Put it on."

"Okay?" Jeremy muttered, sitting the tiara on his head, not realizing the gemsonte embedded in it was the exact same thing in Squip's fist.

At first, nothing happened, but when Squip snapped, Jeremy stopped moving completely, eyes glowing a bright green color, illuminating the cell.

"Now, Miah, do you love me?" Squip asked, getting to his knees and caressing the prince's cheek softly.

"Yes." Jeremy was smiling, but it was obviously a fake smile, but Squip didn't seem to care.

"Do you love anybody else?"


"And you wish to marry me?"


"Good." Squip smiled evilly as he opened the cell door and unclamped the chain link ball from Jeremy's ankle, allowing the prince free range to move, but all he did was start cuddling into Squip, who began stroking his brown hair softly. "You'll be all mine soon...you'll have no memory of that pathetic welp that you used to love anymore....because you love me, right?"

"Yes. I love you."

"I knew you did..." Even if it was fake, Squip was enjoying this treatment from Jeremy, unbeknowest to the pain going on in the brunette's mind.

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