Odyssey Rewrite 7

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This is gonna end up being so many parts, I swear...oh yeah I am skipping over some kingdoms(Luncheon Kingdom, Snow Kingdom, Seaside Kingdom, Ruined Kingdom, and Bowser's Kingdom)due to how Chloe plays into all this.

For those who like Mario Galaxy, you're gonna love what I've done.

(To the quartet)

"I don't know how to thank you two enough for stopping that...thing..." Chloe had made her way down to the bulk of her city and was currently addressing Michael and Christine about their feat of heroism.

"Well it's sort of our job to help people." Michael mumbled awkwardly as he looked around to see the entirety of the city cleaning up the mess that the twins' robot bug had left.

"C'mon Michael, be a little optimistic about this." Christine punched Michael's shoulder and he tried to smile but it was clear that wasn't happening. "You're thinking about him again aren't you?" She asked and he nodded.

"Who's he thinking about?" Chloe asked them and Christine put a hand on her best friend's shoulder.

"Our...well my friend, his boyfriend. Who also so happens that he's our prince. The one we mentioned earlier." Christine explained, knowing how much Michael was probably hurting right now. Especially considering his initial reaction to the entire situation.

"Oh...well I'm sorry about that. Is there something I can do to help you get back to him? If you know where he's at I might be able to get you a fast ride there."

"He's on the moon. Well he's going to be on the moon. He's being forced into marrying probably the biggest threat to our kingdom." Michael's hands were clenched by his sides and Christine could tell he was getting mad just thinking about it.

"So he's in space?"


"I think I can help with that." Michael cocked his head at Chloe's proposal, and then looked at Christine, who was just as confused.

"How can you get us to space?" She asked and Chloe pulled out a small flyer and handed it to them. "A festival?"

"Not just any festival. Do you two know what the Star Festival is?"

"Oh yeah that's my anniversary!" Michael seemed estatic at the mention of his favorite day of every year and Christine was glad he was smiling.

"Well, my girlfriend stops by the planet every year during the festival, and she comes by the city every time. I'm sure she wouldn't mind giving you two a lift to space."

"There's four of us actually." Christine pointed up at where Rich and Jake were still on top of a building and Chloe giggled a bit.

"No problem. She's really sweet so I'm positive she'd lend you a hand. I'd go with you but I do have to fix up my city."

"We can help. Well our friends can. They've fixed up our ship at least three times in these two days alone, I'm sure they'd be able to help fix the town up." Christine herself was now smiling wide and Chloe nodded at the idea.

"That's perfect. Then we can hold the festival. It's tonight so we have a lot of work to get done."


(To Jeremy and the Squips. Who are now on the moon. The Squip has probably the fastest airship ever I swear)

"I can't believe we're finally here. Our wedding castle. Can you Miah?" Squip asked, softly combing his hands through Jeremy's hair as they landed on to the moon's surface.

"Yeah, I can believe it...."

"I should've known better than to ask." Squip was interrupted by footsteps and turned to see a panicked Winston. "What's wrong with you?"

"Do you remember that princess who helped Michael back when you tried to take over the universe?"

"The space one?"


"What about her?"

"She's heading to Earth. Probably because tonight's the Star Festival and she seems to show up every time it happens." Jeremy heard this and he felt a tinge of pain in his head, holding it tightly, which cause concern from Squip.

"Miah what's wrong?"

"My head just started hurting for some reason." Jeremy muttered, and Squip kissed his forehead and picked him up.

"You probably need rest. I'll let you sleep in my room for now while I discuss things with my brother. How does that sound?"

"Okay..." Jeremy yawned a bit, and Squip carried him to the largest room on the ship and laid him on the bed, making sure the tiara was still on his head.

He closed the door than dragged his brother back to the deck.

"What just happened Winston? You told me he'd eventually forget Michael!"

"Well I assume the mention of the Star Festival probably triggered memories since it is his and Michael's anniversary. Of course his rest should stop the memory from coming back."

"It better, cause if it doesn't, you're gonna have another scar to add to your collection." Winston nodded as Squip grabbed his collar and stared at him with the deadliest expression ever. "Now. You need to go make sure the castle is perfect for this wedding."

"Of course sir." Winston walked away, pulling up his sleeve and looking at the countless shock scars left on his arm. He pulled it back down and headed towards the castle, which he was surprised survived since the last time they'd been in space.

He looked down at his hand and smiled evilly at what he'd managed to create. If his brother was getting Jeremy, he was going to get Michael. He didn't care at this point under what means this happened, it was going to happen.


(Timeskip to that night.)

"And that's everything." Christine sat the microphone up on the stage and wiped her sweat away. "And we still managed to find fancy clothes to wear for the festival."

"Yep. I still can't believe we pulled this off." Michael was smiling now, readjusting the new hat he had bought for the festival, it was quiet dapper for his taste, but he liked it.

"I can, I mean you two DID save the universe twice." Jake pointed out and both Christine and Michael shrugged at the thought that exactly a year ago they'd been in space.

Michael's smile died down a bit as he seen the first starbit plunk on the ground. Purple. Of course it was purple. His anniversary had been ruined, but he'd get Jeremy back, he knew he would.

The four of them went to the concession stand so they wouldn't be completely starved for the rest of the trip, when they heard loud claps from majority of the citizens and they looked up to see Chloe in front of the microphone in a very shiny dress that reflected the spotlight.

The platform she was standing on began to rise and the clapping got louder.

"Citizens of New Pink, let's get this festival started!!"

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