Odyssey Rewrite 8

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Chloe waited for the audience to calm down a bit before she began a little speech.

"Before she festival starts, I'd like to thank four very special guests for helping save city hall and this festival." The spotlight moved to Michael and his friends, who were all frozen with the most awkward faces. "Send your thanks to Michael Mell and his friends all the way from the Walnut Kingdom. They're the real Superstars here." The crowd applauded the quartet and Michael actually caught himself blushing at the praise. "Now, put your hands together for the Star Festival!!" Music began playing and when Chloe started singing, the quartet was absolutely amazed.

She was really good. Not just good, flawless. And the song got good enough to where Rich and Jake started dancing together as it played.

Michael watched them enjoy themselves and felt his heart starting to tug a little. He had gotten to thinking about Jeremy yet again, something he couldn't stop himself from doing. And Christine noticed.

"Hey, I know it's your anniversary and everything and that we're both in pretty dedicated relationships, but you look lonely Michael. And I don't like seeing you lonely...so maybe we could dance together. Get our minds off the stress for a bit." She suggested, grabbing his cup and sitting it down. "As friends."

"As family." He smiled as she dragged him out to an empty space of the dance floor and they began dancing. Michael even caught her singing multiple times, and he was blessed to have probably the most loyal and understanding friend in the world.

While they were dancing, they heard some kind of noise and looked up to see a white light that turned into...no way.

Michael immediatley recognized the ship. It was the Comet Observatory that he'd rode on back when he travelled through space with a certain Intergalactic Guardian Princess named Brooke.

"Why would Brooke be here?" He asked as she emerged from the ship and began floating down as Chloe finished her song. She landed next to the mayor, a smile on her face as Chloe wrapped arms around her waists.

"Your voice gets prettier every time I hear it." She spoke softly and Chloe kissed her gently, causing Michael's jaw to drop.

Brooke was Chloe's girlfriend.


(To le moon...and u take the moon and u take the moon and u take the moon and u take the moon and u take the moon and u take the-)

Squip was currently in his room of the airship, waiting for the prince to wake up so that he could commence his wedding. But that was taking longer than it should have. 

And if he didn't wake soon, Squip would probably lose any chance of marriage because Michael would find some way to screw up this wedding.

Luckily for Squip, Jeremy began stirring a bit before sitting up and wiping his eyes slowly. Still glowing bright green...that was exactly Squip color needed them to stay.

"How are you feeling Miah?" He asked and Jeremy smiled that, once again, fake smile he'd had on his face for the last few hours before sleeping, presumably.

"I'm feeling much better now. I don't even remember what happened before I passed out."

"Well that's good, because Winston's setting up the castle and I was hoping we could go see his designing skills, make sure it's as perfect as it can be."

"Okay." Squip held his hand out and Jeremy took it, slowly following him to the moon castle's interior.

It was typical wedding decorations, except everything from the food to the rings had been stolen. Of course, Squip didn't care.

"You did good Winston. Now, you and the others need to get ready so go tell them to stop slacking and change."

"Of course." Winston left and Squip looked over at Jeremy, who was looking around aimlessly at the interior.

"Is something wrong Miah?"

"No." That was clearly a lie. Squip noticed Jeremy's eyes were not nearly as bright as they had been, and he clenched his hand into fist as he grabbed Jeremy's hand with the other hand.

"You sure?"




(The festival is at the after stages where Chloe's off stage now"

"You're...You're dating???" Michael was freaking out currently at the relevation that these two were a couple.

"Yep. I'm surprised you're here of all places and not the Walnut Kingdom. Today's your anniversary. Or am I remembering wrong?" Brooke hadn't been told the circumstances yet so she was very oblivious. "Actually...where is Jeremy?"

"He's... he's been kidnapped again." Michael muttered and Brooke's expression changed in mere seconds. "And this time, Squip wants to marry him."

"Where's the wedding at?"

"Space. The moon specifically."

"And I told them you could help them get to the moon." Chloe explained and Brooke happily obliged.

"Of course. I've helped them before so I'll help them again. C'mon you four. Get your bags and let's get heading to the moon."


(We're heading to Winston again)

"So bro, how's you newest plan gonna work out?" Shane asked, trying to fix the bow on his top hat, and he noticed that his brother wasn't listening. "Yo Winston. How's the whole brainwashing Michael gemstone thing coming along?"

"It'll work. I know Eric's gemstones were weakened when I extracted some of their powers but it'll last long enough for Jeremy to marry him. And then, once Michael is vulnerable, I'll make him mine..."

"You really are gonna go through with this aren't you?"


"Even if it's not really him?"

"I don't care how I do this anymore. He'll never show me affection if he isn't brainwashed."

"Okay...I hope you'll be happy afterwards." Shane adjusted the white under skirt to his black suit and smiled. "Now I'ma go ahead and get to that wedding."

"Alright." Winston looked at himself in the mirror with a devillish grin. "You will love me Michael...I don't care what happens, I'm going to make you love me."

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