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TW: suicidal intentions, umm...Squip being an abusive and manipulative jerk as usual...that's about it

Michael was hiding in his and Jeremy's room, locked in a closet, praying that his once boyfriend found him. He was shaking, hugging his knees and crying.

This wasn't the Jeremy he knew, he kept repeating that to himself but it did no good...he was found.

"Aww look at this, Michael's crying again. Did you have another panic attack over your boyfriend Michael?" He asked in a mocking tone and Michael stared in fear. "Go on loser, you might as well just kill yourself. It's not like Jeremy ever loved you anyways. It was all pity."

"Hey stop telling him that! Michael it's not true! That's not me! It's the Squip!!" Jeremy's actual voice was sounded out, and the voice Michael heard was getting to him. Hard.

He got up and walked to the kitchen slowly, Jeremy's body following suit. Michael began going through the drawers until he found a knife. He looked at it and sighed.

"That's right Michael. Just let it end. Knowing that I never loved you or even cared is probably breaking you...knowing I'll be happier without you probably makes this easy..." Michael felt a warm breath behind him as he began bringing the knife up to his neck.

"Michael no!! Don't listen to it please!!" Jeremy had been all but there. Michael couldn't hear him, and the Squip was in too much power for Jeremy to escape...

"Now watch Jeremy, as your precious boyfriend ends his own life. It's funny how much he needs you. Silly human could've just given him that Squip and he wouldn't be doing this..." It taunted Jeremy inside of his own head.

He looked back at Michael and forced his body to move. He felt the Squip shocking him but he. Didn't. Care. He wanted to save Michael and that's what he was going to do.

He grabbed Michael's hand and the taller male turned around, crying heavily.

"M-Michael....please don't....P-Please..." Jeremy whimpered before his body finally gave out. Michael put the knife down and got on to the floor.

"Jeremy? Jeremy was that....Is that you?" Michael shook his body frantically....nothing. "Jeremy??" Michael began crying harder when he didn't get a response.

That was when Jeremy coughed a bit. He coughed up a ton of obviously green Mountain Dew. Michael froze and lifted his boyfriend's head up gently.

"Jerm? You okay?" Michael asked and Jeremy nodded through coughs. Michael caressed his cheek with his free hand and smiled. "I...I can't believe I let that thing trick me like that..." Michael whispered and Jeremy gently moved close and kissed him.

"It's okay...I let it trick me into drinking the very thing to activate it...but it's's gone and it's not gonna hurt you. Or me..." Jeremy's voice was surprisingly hoarse. Then again he had been screaming at a super computer for a good twenty minutes that has to have something to do with that.

After they cleaned each other up, they sat on the couch, under a rainbow blanket Michael bought, cuddling, and watching movies, whispering I love you to the other the rest of the night.

Short little story I wrote this morning.

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