Is He Hurting You?

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TW: abuse, swearing, offensive remarks

Jeremy closed the door tightly, breathing heavily. He pulled his sleeves up and put his arms in the sink, watching the blood drain.

"Jeremy." He darted around to see Michael in the bathtub wearing a black and green sweatshirt that read "CREEPS", and quickly pulled his sleeves down.

"M-Michael!" Jeremy was crying as he ran over to Michael and hugged him.

"Jeremy is Eric hurting you?"

"W-What? No...No I'm f-fine..." Jeremy whispered and Michael's eyes narrowed.

"Is. Eric. Abusing. You?" Jeremy looked away from Michael before sobbing gently. "Jeremy?"

"Y-Y-Yeah....Yeah he i-is...he's been abusing m-me." He mumbled into Michael's chest and the taller male held him close and began running his hands through the sweaty brown mop that was Jeremy's hair.

"Where?" Michael asked calmly and Jeremy pulled his sleeves up. There were cuts and bruises all up his pale arms and Michael eyed them in horror.

He quickly realized Jeremy's hair was in his face and moved it to see that one of his eyes was bruised. And bloody. It looked fresh.

"Jeremy...when did this happen?"

"I...It happened today...I told him I w-wanted to...invite you to the p-party but he got m-mad...and well...p-punched my eye...and slammed me into a w-wall...he made me wear this and...I'm just...glad to see you..." Jeremy was very quiet as he spoke, vision blurring as he looked up at Michael.

He closed his eyes and felt something warm above his black eye...something warm and soft. Like a gentle kiss...he opened his eyes and realized it was a gentle kiss.

"M-Michael?" Jeremy looked up and Michael pulled back. "N-No...I...I liked it...please don't let go..." Jeremy whimpered and Michael calmly held him closer...

There was a pause before they were inches apart from each other, and then their lips softly connected and they kissed. Jeremy fell into it quickly. It was much nicer than anything Eric had even done.

"You. Little. Shit." Jeremy quickly pulled away from Michael as he heard the voice.

"E-Eric I...I'm sorry! I..I just..." Eric grabbed Jeremy's arm and began dragging him out of the bathroom. Michael quickly pulled Jeremy away from him, making sure not to hurt Jeremy.

"You were off making out with this gay piece of shit loser!?" Eric yelled and Jeremy covered his ears and hid behind Michael.

"No. He was running away from you." Michael's eyes were deadset on Eric, as if he could kill him by staring at him.

"Well he isn't going to. C'mon Jeremiah. We're leaving. Now." Eric glared at Jeremy, and the younger male walked away from Michael while shaking. He didn't want to leave...but he had no choice.

"Jeremy no. He's gonna hurt you and you know it."

"I-If I don't g-go I'll get hurt...and you'll get hurt."

"Jeremy I've been beat up before. My dad remember?" Michael pulled Jeremy behind him and took a step towards Eric.

"You think you scare me ya little fa-"

"DON'T CALL HIM THAT! Y-You can hurt me but leave Michael alone." Jeremy's outburst seemed to make the entire room freeze. That's when Michael landed a punch to Eric's face.

They began beating each other senseless, Jeremy watching in horror before Michael kicked Eric in the stomach and sent him out the door.

"Let's get outta here." Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand and the two ran outside. Michael took Jeremy to his Other Cruiser and they got inside. "You...You alright?"

"N-No...Yes...K-Kinda...I dunno..." There was a long pause as Michael started the car and began driving. "I...I enjoyed the kiss..."

"I...I've wanted to do that for a while..." Michael mumbled and Jeremy smiled gently. The first smile he'd had in a while.

"I...I missed you...ya know that?"

"Yeah you never looked happy with Eric so I knew something was up."

"Michael...I not think...know...I love you..." Jeremy whispered and Michael stopped the car for a second but quickly started it again.

"I love you too Jeremy...Since...Seventh grade..."

"Wow...I'm sorry I...I never noticed."

"It's okay. Now let's get you to my house so I can take care of you."


When they got to Michael's, he grabbed a first aid and began wrapping up Jeremy's scars and bruises, gently kissing them before putting the medicine on.

Jeremy was glad Michael had came to the party to save him...or else he'd still be being abused by Eric.

When Michael finished, Jeremy quickly fell asleep on him.

"Let's get you to bed Jerm." Michael whispered as he picked Jeremy up and tucked him into bed. He kissed his forehead and smiled. "G'night Jerm...I love you."

That put a smile on the sleeping Jeremy's face..which put a smile on Michael's face.

Michael called the cops the next day and reported how Eric had been an abusive boyfriend...the two haven't heard from him since he was put in jail.

Now Michael and Jeremy have been dating for a year...Their anniversary was Halloween. Personally their favorite holiday at this point.

The author doesn't know how to properly end a story, so the boyfs live their lives in love for as long as they live...and they are fictional characters so technically as long as they're remembered.


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