Drink This

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(ok this is based on a small typo from the script where it said Michael got turned into one of the Squiped zombies... which he didn't since he was able to move just fine at the hospital and was totally okay, at least from my memory. Enjoy)


Jeremy rushed as fast as possible to catch the bottle, holding it tightly in his hands.

He looked back at where it came from to see the other students holding Michael down and forcing the beaker of Mountain Dew into him.

Jeremy looked down at the bottle then back to Michael.

"Oh screw it." Jeremy whispered, running and sliding next to his best friend who was now passed out on the floor.

It didn't take a second for him to jolt up in pain, and after a few minutes of freaking out just as Jeremy had, the two looked at each other.

Jeremy helped Michael to stay up and realized his eyes were beginning to glow. "Crap it's tryna sync with him...Crap...Crap Crap Crap." Jeremy thought, unscrewing the bottle's lid and handing it to Michael.

"J-Jeremy what are you-"

"Michael, drink it. Now." Jeremy said, surprised none of the other students had attacked them.

"What about-"

"Don't worry about me. Please just drink it before my Squip tries to sync with yours." Jeremy said, forcing the bottle into Michael's hands.

"But everybody else...you...you'll all be..."

"Zombies. Figures, I deserve this don't I? But seriously drink it, there's enough for you." Jeremy said and Michael hesitated before taking a big chug of the small amount if Mountain Dew Red left and within two seconds he was screaming.

After he passed out, Jeremy realized all the students were staring at him, at least the zombie students.

"You think you're really clever, saving one person. It's not like he can go get help, he won't wake up for a good two days." Jeremy's Squip said, grinning at him in a vengeful manner. "You thought that was a smart move, didn't you?" He poked Jeremy's forehead and the teenager didn't reply. "You know, this would've worked out had he not intervened during the party. If he'd stayed out of this whole thing like we planned-"

"Like you planned...I didn't plan anything." Jeremy said, eyes narrowing on the blue, glitchy figure in front of him. "If anything, I did what you told me so you'd quit abusing me. The only reason I snapped at him at the party was because I was in a crap mood. Chloe assaulted me, Jake tried to KILL me, and the night was sour anyways! I would have snapped at anybody." Jeremy said and the Squip went to talk but Jeremy cut him off. "And now you've gone and taken over the school, everybody I've known...whether they liked me or not...and honestly, I don't really care at all, to be honest...It's not like I don't deserve revenge for how much of a jerk I was. So if ya wanna do to me what you did to them," Jeremy said, motioning towards the other students, "...go ahead, I won't mind. You can cut me loose from my body and I won't care..."

Jeremy paused, looking down at Michael, who was still out as he could get.
"And that's because I don't need to care. They were never my friends and probably never will be. Only one here I have to care about is Michael and he's safe from you now...so I don't need to worry..." Jeremy said, not even realizing he was holding Michael's hand now. "As...As long as Michael's safe... I don't care what... happens to me...because these last few weeks made me realize something, and you KNOW what that something is." Jeremy said, more a statement than a question.

"...Yes I do. It seems you've fallen for Michael, which means that your goal in life has changed and that means my programming has changed...Which means I can deactivate." The Squip was very monotone about it and Jeremy smiled.

"That's right so suck it Squip, you can just deactivate and leave me alone." Jeremy said, and the Squip seemed to lose his insanity and desperate demeanor.

"Of course." With that the voice shut off and Jeremy looked around, everybody froze and fell to the floor.

They woke up a few seconds later, well, all except Michael, who was still unconscious in Jeremy's noodle arms.

Christine walked over to Jeremy and looked around, confused.

"Jeremy what...happened?" She asked, scratching her head before realizing he was crying. "Jeremy?"

"I...I can't believe I didn't s-see it before..." Jeremy said, gently running his hand through Michael's soft, dark hair. "And I dunno if you'll w-wake up..."

"Jeremy what's wrong?" There was concern in Christine's voice but it never seemed to reach his ears.

"God how am I just not seeing...H-How much I love you...M-Michael I'm sorry...I am so sorry for hurting you like I did...I...I don't deserve y-you..." Jeremy whispered, his face now only inches away from Michael's as he examined it.

Michael's face was paler than normal not that he could be pale he wasn't even white. But it was cold, and dead, and there were streaks from where he seemed to be crying from earlier.

"Michael I...I love you...and I was dumb to n-not see it until n-now...." Jeremy said before he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Jeremy, I've been asking what's wrong for a minute or so now." Christine said, getting on her knees and Jeremy turned to look at her, his eyes stained with tears unlike she'd ever seen, not that she'd seen him cry but she had seen a lot of people cry and this was the most amount of tears she'd seen anybody cry.

"Oh H-Hi Christine I'm...sorry about earlier...t-tryna get you to take that pill, please tell me you didn't take it." Jeremy said and she stared confused at him.

"I didn't...oh I wanted to ask, who is that you're holding?"

"O-Oh this is...um...Michael...kind of my best friend of like...twelve years... that I might like...no...love now..." Jeremy said and Christine was speechless.

"Is he okay?"

"Not exactly...I mean the students kinda forced that same pill into him, and he...he kinda started freaking out a bit, so I had him drink the...that." Jeremy pointed to the bottle to show Christine what he meant. "Then he p-passed out and I...I dunno...Like, I have no clue if he'll wake up..." Jeremy said before he heard yelling.

"Ow ow OW, why the heck are my casts broken!?"

It was Jake.

"Hey Christine, watch Michael for me I....I need to explain this to...them"

"Okay Jeremy." Christine said and Jeremy ran to the students who were just waking up.

"Jeremy!? What happened!?" Brooke asked and Jeremy sighed, no hiding the truth.

"Umm...okay I may have taken this pill with a s-supercomputer in it and it umm...kinda made me a total jerk which i-is why I didn't leave when Chloe tried to...ya know."

"Honestly I'm over that." Chloe said, wrapping one arm around Brooke's waist.

"And...and I gave one to Jenna and she put them ALL in 'Puck's Pansy Syrum' which was really just Mountain Dew and that activated them when you all drunk it and...and Jake lost feeling in his leg and almost screwed me over from saving you all and...and this is all my fault...I'm sorry." Jeremy mumbled and they all stared wide eyes before they looked behind him to where Christine was trying to wake Michael up and back at Jeremy.

"Wait, why the HECK did you vore a super computer!?" Jake asked and the wording made Jeremy uncomfortable.

"To umm...really I wanted Christine to like me but I also wanted to be c-cool...." Jeremy sighed, it didn't work.

"Why didn't you just try to like...ask her our yourself." Brooke said and Jeremy looked back at her.

"I...I dunno...I don't even care anymore...I kinda like somebody else anyways..." Jeremy said and they all looked at him curiously, then glanced back at Michael, then to Jeremy, then to Michael, rinse and repeat.

They all figured it out.


About three days passed, Jeremy visiting the hospital every day.

That caused him to see Rich and the two started getting along and Rich realized he had a giant crush on Jake, who had to go by the hospital because of his legs which were even more broken than before.

Then there was Michael. He was alive but he still wasn't awake, and Jeremy was starting to worry.

That was until he felt something grab his hand.

"J-Jeremy?" Michael asked before receiving a tight hug from a teary eyes Jeremy.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything. For getting the Squip. For ignoring you. For the optic nerve blocking. For dating Brooke. For leaving you and calling you a loser. For not answering your calls after the fire...for everything..." Jeremy said quickly, trying to stop his breath from quickening but it failed.



"Why did you give ME the Mountain Dew Red...you could've saved everybody else but you... you saved me...why?"

"Because I realized...I love you Michael, and I need you...you came to save me after the CRAP I pulled..." Jeremy said and Michael's eyes widened.

"Wait...Jeremy you... love me?"

"Y-Yeah... that's weird. Is that weird? It is isn't it?"

"No Jeremy... I've felt that way since like...I dunno, seventh grade. I just...I've waited for those words so long..." Michael said and Jeremy dug himself into Michael's chest and smiled.

"Ok good..because my goodness I love you Michael..."

"I love you too Jeremy..."

"Aww." Turns out one of the nurses along with her son had been watching them.


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