I Never Realized

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(just some fluff of the boyfs)
TW: light swearing(s, d, and a)

Jeremy had stayed the night at Michael's and realized he didn't exactly have a place to sleep.

"Dude we can share a bed, we're best friends so it's not gay." Michael said and Jeremy nodded. He assumes that if Michael says it's not gay then it's not gay because Michael is the living definition of gay.

They both crawled into Michael's rather big bed and got comfy.

"Oh shit. Jere can you grab the bag on the table, it's my sleeping medicine." Michael said out of the blue

"Oh...umm...okay." Jeremy said, doing just as Michael asked.

"Thanks dude. Now I can finally get some damn sleep around here." Michael said, plopping the pill in his mouth, and quickly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get water.

When he came back he realized Jeremy was almost asleep. He gently got into the bed next to him, trying not to wake him and succeeding.

Eventually they were both asleep, the light of the noon shining on them as they slowly got closer without even realizing it.

Jeremy woke up in the middle of the night to quite the beautiful imagery in front of him. He had never realized it but Michael was gorgeous.

The way the moon light shone on him was stunning. Jeremy noted how Michael's eyelashes were longer than his own, and how they gently brushed his cheeks, the shadow under cast on them almost invisible.

Jeremy noted how Michael's lips curled into a gentle smile. The same smile Michael made after he'd comforted Jeremy multiple times before.

He also noted how Michael's beautiful face was framed by his short, messy, dark chocolate colored hair. It was quite a nice thing to see waking up in the middle of the night.

Jeremy couldn't stop himself when he realized he was gently leaning himself closer to Michael.

Jeremy brushed Michael's soft cheek and smiled.

"What did I do to deserve some one so beautiful in my life...oh my gosh Jeremy you sound gay stop it...well I mean can I really, he is quite beautiful... but he's your friend not your lover...oh but he could be...he'd probably say no...whatever uggh..." Jeremy was having an inner argument with himself and didn't even realize he was inches from Michael's face. So close he could kiss him. "No I really shouldn't but...but damn do I want to...

Jeremy stopped fighting himself and let his lips meet Michael's. Gosh it really was as good as he'd though it would have been. Luckily Michael had taken medicine so he wouldn't wake up.

Jeremy pushed himself back and felt his face burn up.

"I am so gay for this man" Jeremy thought, really wanting to cuddle with Michael. Lucky for him, Michael must have thought he was a teddy bear because he brought him in for a rather warm hug.

They stayed like that for the rest of the night, Jeremy enjoyed every second of it.


When Jeremy woke up he seen Michael sitting up contemplating...something...

"Hey Jeremy I..I woke up this morning and realized something." Michael said and Jeremy was freaking out inside.


"Well, one, we were cuddling, not that I mind but I don't remember us moving close to each other at all. Second, there was lipstick on my lips this morning and I only use makeup to make myself appear not dead. What happened?" Michael asked and Jeremy tensed.

"Umm...Well kind of but..but...umm...okay do you w-wanna know the truth?" Jeremy stuttered out.

"We promised no secrets."

"O-Okay." Jeremy sighed, he had promised no secrets since the Squip and so far it had stayed that way. "So I-I woke up and realized that you...looked really really pretty and I k-kinda got super close because I wanted to see your face up close and I dunno what happened b-but I k-k-kissed y-you...And r-really liked it, then y-you brought me into a h-hug...and I realized that...I like you...like...love...like you..." Jeremy said, and his face turned red.

Next thing he knew, Michael had wrapped his hoodie around him.

"Hey, I love like you too Jeremy." Michael said, wrapping his arms around Jeremy. Michael then kissed Jeremy, and Jeremy easily sunk into it.

When the pulled away Jeremy's face was as red as possible and Michael then proceeded to kiss his nose.

"You're blushing."

"S-Shut up!!" Jeremy said, pulling the hood over his head.

Michael smiled and unwrapped his hands from Jeremy's shoulders and moved them down to his stomach where he then proceeded to tickle him.

"M-MICHAEL WHY Y-YOU KNOW I'M T-TICKLISH!!" Jeremy said through his wheezing and laughing as Michael continued tickling him to death.

"Yes but your laugh is cute." Michael said and Jeremy had to forcefully stop his arms from flailing just to tickle Michael back.

"REVENGE!!" Jeremy said and Michael started laughing.

"THIS IS BLASPHEMY JEREMY! BLASPHEMY!!" Michael yelled and the two continued to tickle each other aggressively until they were both extremely sweaty teenagers giggling their asses off and trying to talk but failing miserably.

(Time skip)

"Michael why didn't you just tell me?" Jeremy asked. They were sitting on the bed now, cuddling and watching videos on Michael's tablet.

"I dunno I...I didn't want you to like...leave me again." Michael said, and Jeremy leaned his head on his shoulder.

"I would never...not after...it..." Jeremy muttered and Michael smiled gently, bringing Jeremy in closer.

"Thanks. Now, let's watch some videos shall we."

"Of course." Jeremy said, nuzzling his head under Michael's head and smiled.

They stayed like that all day.

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